Pro-abortion? Why?

I have debated the abortion issue for so long, I can easily argue just about every side of the issue. Usually, even better than my opponents can.

There are several reason for why pro-aborts demand and defend legal abortions the way they do.

1. They are fully invested in the belief / denial of the fact that an abortion kills a child.
2. Some percentage has either had an abortion or has been a participant in some way. (they do not want to be convinced that they have blood on their hands)
3. Convenience and responsibility (and / or the lack there of) - They are so convinced that Legalized Abortion (whether it denies and kills children or not) is a net benefit to society. . . . they are deaf to anything and everything that challenges that belief.
4. They know that changing sides and fighting abortion would cost them friends, relationships, etc.and their escape is to just make BS claims like they PERSONALLY don't like abortion but they would never tell another what to do. . . . (again, oblivious about the child involved)
5. They have a hatred of religion and (idiotically) they associate all who oppose abortion with a religious agenda.

I can think of others but those are the reasons I see most.
Your strange beliefs remind me of the “Quiverfull” Movement.

Psalm 127 states: “Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court.” A quiver, in the old English sense of the word, is a case for holding arrows.

My Family Was On A TLC Reality Show. Here's The Dark Secret That Never Aired

I have nothing to say about your intellectual shortcomings.

Except, THANKS for proving me at least partially right. (#5)

I just don't want women using coat hangers and dying in back alleys - like the old days before Roe v. Wade. Do you?
The anti-choice people have a tendency to ignore a couple of major issues. First, women have never been punished by the law for getting an abortion. It is the doctor who performs it, who is doing something illegal, which means that reversing Roe. Vs. Wade would serve only to put doctors in prison. One does not have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that society is not helped by this. Second, women have always gotten abortions, whether it was legal or not. Before Roe Vs. Wade, doctors did not perform illegal abortions. They performed perfectly legal D & C's, with exactly the same result.

In short, the ant-choice folks are merely blowing against the wind, while maintaining that government control of our wives and daughters' bodies is a GOOD thing.
The question of when someone becomes a human being with associated rights is one that the pro-abortion crowd simply cannot answer. When this is asked, they scurry back into the woodwork.
We've covered this. You become a person when a birth certificate is issued. That's when you become a person.
That's the standard the Census bureau uses.
This is a total fabrication, the Census Bureau has absolutely involvement or jurisdiction. Here's the Federal law concerning homicide and many other crimes, on these occasions any embryo or fetus is considered human:

The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212) is a United States law which recognizes an embryo or fetus in utero as a legal victim, if they are injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb."

Twenty states have either introduced or passed Fetal Heartbeat Bills stating that "a human heartbeat is enough to indicate a person".

You act as if Roe vs Wade settled the matter entirely; if you believe this you are totally mistaken. There is MUCH more dissent over abortion than you acknowledge, and the battle is far from over.

But all this legal talk skirts the real issue: When do YOU think a pregnancy becomes a human being? I'm betting you cannot answer this from a personal point of view.

The question of when someone becomes a human being with associated rights is Ione that the pro-abortion crowd simply cannot answer. When this is asked, they scurry back into the woodwork.


No one is "pro abortion."

You've been given the answer several times.

And again, if you neither like nor understand the question, that's on you.
If you feel strongly that abortion should be available to all women at all times
Let's get the terms straight, to avoid further quackery by you:

That's not "pro-abortion". It's "pro-choice".

Just as wanting to ban abortion is not, "pro-life", it's 'anti-choice". Pro-life is your standard for making your own decisions. "anti-choice" is you opposing others being able to make their own choice.

So, someone can be "anti-abortion", yet still, "pro-choice".
Nice try. The subject is abortion and abortion is the death of a human being. It's not about choice. You're either for abortion or against abortion.

It's very much about choice, the right to privacy, and limiting the authority of the state.
Any abortion endorsers care to tell me when you think life begins? That's the real elephant in the room...

I'm guessing you can't, at least in a manner that stands the slightest scrutiny.
At least you're consistent at being wrong.

That's a question each individual is at liberty to decide for himself, without having to answer to the state - or you.
The question of when someone becomes a human being with associated rights is one that the pro-abortion crowd simply cannot answer. When this is asked, they scurry back into the woodwork.
We've covered this. You become a person when a birth certificate is issued. That's when you become a person.
That's the standard the Census bureau uses.
This is a total fabrication, the Census Bureau has absolutely involvement or jurisdiction. Here's the Federal law concerning homicide and many other crimes, on these occasions any embryo or fetus is considered human:

The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212) is a United States law which recognizes an embryo or fetus in utero as a legal victim, if they are injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb."

Twenty states have either introduced or passed Fetal Heartbeat Bills stating that "a human heartbeat is enough to indicate a person".

You act as if Roe vs Wade settled the matter entirely; if you believe this you are totally mistaken. There is MUCH more dissent over abortion than you acknowledge, and the battle is far from over.

But all this legal talk skirts the real issue: When do YOU think a pregnancy becomes a human being? I'm betting you cannot answer this from a personal point of view.

If the state recognizes an unborn child as a “person,” how come my wife couldn’t drive alone in the HOV lane while she was pregnant without risking being ticketed?
Another C_Clayton_Jones multi-post drive-by. I imagine he has to "fire 'em off quick" so mom can have her phone back. Thanks for your pro-abortion views!

Oops, almost forgot the rebuke. You don't stay in a thread long enough to get owned, so this one's for the rules:
That's a question each individual is at liberty to decide for himself, without having to answer to the state - or you.
Actually, NO. Though you may be an anarchist, you'll find you are still required to follow the law or face the consequences. Translated for your benefit, that's "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time". You're welcome.
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If you feel strongly that abortion should be available to all women at all times, I'd like to know why you think this is important.

I am NOT interested in whether you think abortion is "moral" or "immoral", only in why you feel access to abortion as a health service is necessary.

This is not a "trick question", I want honest answers.

Flamers will be reported and ignored.
The fact remains abortion should be none of the federal governments business It’s a states issue, that being said there are three parties involved in an abortion... The most innocent of the three pays the ultimate price. And that is a shame

It is NOT a "state's issue". It is a private matter between a woman and her doctor. There is no need for the state to be involved at all.
The 10th amendment should be strengthened… Live in the state that suits your morals.

That's one of the stupidest things you've ever posted. The laws white confirm our rights to privacy should be the same throughout the country. Having different laws for different states made sense two hundred years ago when people didn't move much, but to have something legal in one state that is illegal in another is makes no logical sense in the 21st Century.
Another C_Clayton_Jones multi-post drive-by. I imagine he has to "fire 'em off quick" so mom can have her phone back. Thanks for your pro-abortion views!

Oops, almost forgot the rebuke. You don't stay in a thread long enough to get owned, so this one's for the rules:
That's a question each individual is at liberty to decide for himself, without having to answer to the state - or you.
Actually, NO. Though you may be an anarchist, you'll find you are still required to follow the law or face the consequences. Translated for your benefit, that's "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time". You're welcome.

So, in other words, you don't want a reasoned discussion, you just want to fling shit at liberals. Got it.

Unless you are a pregnant woman, abortion is none of your business. Unless you have a biological stake in this conception, it's between her and her doctor, and her religion. You have no stake in this, no role to play here, and it's none of your business.
Any abortion endorsers care to tell me when you think life begins? That's the real elephant in the room...

I'm guessing you can't, at least in a manner that stands the slightest scrutiny.

Life began 4 billion years ago and it is an ongoing process. That doesn't make any one fetus all that important in the cosmic scheme of things.
This is a total fabrication, the Census Bureau has absolutely involvement or jurisdiction. Here's the Federal law concerning homicide and many other crimes, on these occasions any embryo or fetus is considered human:

Yes, that law is pretty fucked up, and it's been used to persecute women who've have miscarriages...

Twenty states have either introduced or passed Fetal Heartbeat Bills stating that "a human heartbeat is enough to indicate a person".

And those laws are fucked up, too.

You act as if Roe vs Wade settled the matter entirely; if you believe this you are totally mistaken. There is MUCH more dissent over abortion than you acknowledge, and the battle is far from over.

Roe just recognized an essential reality.. if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she WILL FIND A WAY TO NOT BE PREGNANT. Women were getting just as many abortions before Roe as after it. the doctors performed the procedures and wrote something else down on the chart, if they were keeping a chart at all.

Maybe you should read up on the history of prohibition if you want to get an idea of how futile what you are trying to accomplish is.

But all this legal talk skirts the real issue: When do YOU think a pregnancy becomes a human being? I'm betting you cannot answer this from a personal point of view.

The minute the umbilial cord is cut.. that's when it legally becomes a human being.
I've always felt like the question of abortion was, essentially, the same debate over whether suicide should be legal or not.
Nice try. The subject is abortion and abortion is the death of a human being. It's not about choice. You're either for abortion or against abortion.

Nope. I'm for reality. REality- if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way not to be pregnant, legal or not, safe or not.
True reality is that women CAN PREVENT pregnancy. Without abortion as birth control, that's what they would be doing. Before Roe v. Wade abortion was rare and so was unwanted pregnancy.
Your clumsy back-pedaling belies a glimmer of conscience, and your stated desire to "piss the religious assholes off" leaves little doubt as to your character.

Keep preaching as you do, and you likely will succeed in killing both.

Oh, are you still talking? SOrry, man, I live in the real world...

So let's say you get your happy world where abortion is banned. Great. How do you enforce it?
Close abortion clinics.
Nice try. The subject is abortion and abortion is the death of a human being. It's not about choice. You're either for abortion or against abortion.

Nope. I'm for reality. REality- if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way not to be pregnant, legal or not, safe or not.
True reality is that women CAN PREVENT pregnancy. Without abortion as birth control, that's what they would be doing. Before Roe v. Wade abortion was rare and so was unwanted pregnancy.

Mansplaining to me how EASY it is to prevent pregnancy ain't gonna cut it asshole. You assume that everyone can take the pill or that it's always effective. No on both scores. If you have a history of heart disease or blood clotting, you should not take the Pill, and if there is history of pelvic or breast cancer in your family.

Pregnancy is NOT easy to prevent, even with the Pill. We are built to reproduce. It's part of the functioning. The "failure" rates for birth control.are much higher than advertized, and the published rates are based on optimal useage. You take the pill every day at the exact same time, and in the exact same manner (with food, or without), every single day. Sounds easy until you get the flu and can't keep anything down for three days, or other things happen to disrupt that "every 24 hours in the same manner without fail". And those are just the issues for people who can take the pill.

Fully half of the women who have abortions in any given month are using birth control when they got pregnant. 25% of American women will have had at least one abortion before age 40. I have yet to meet a woman who has said "I shouldn't have done it". I have many friends who have said that it was awful and they'd never do it again, but it was the right decision at the time, and they wouldn't do anything differently even if they could.
Nice try. The subject is abortion and abortion is the death of a human being. It's not about choice. You're either for abortion or against abortion.

Nope. I'm for reality. REality- if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way not to be pregnant, legal or not, safe or not.
True reality is that women CAN PREVENT pregnancy. Without abortion as birth control, that's what they would be doing. Before Roe v. Wade abortion was rare and so was unwanted pregnancy.

Mansplaining to me how EASY it is to prevent pregnancy ain't gonna cut it asshole. You assume that everyone can take the pill or that it's always effective. No on both scores. If you have a history of heart disease or blood clotting, you should not take the Pill, and if there is history of pelvic or breast cancer in your family.

Pregnancy is NOT easy to prevent, even with the Pill. We are built to reproduce. It's part of the functioning. The "failure" rates for birth control.are much higher than advertized, and the published rates are based on optimal useage. You take the pill every day at the exact same time, and in the exact same manner (with food, or without), every single day. Sounds easy until you get the flu and can't keep anything down for three days, or other things happen to disrupt that "every 24 hours in the same manner without fail". And those are just the issues for people who can take the pill.

Fully half of the women who have abortions in any given month are using birth control when they got pregnant. 25% of American women will have had at least one abortion before age 40. I have yet to meet a woman who has said "I shouldn't have done it". I have many friends who have said that it was awful and they'd never do it again, but it was the right decision at the time, and they wouldn't do anything differently even if they could.
Birth control pills in the hands of a responsible woman are 99.9% effective. Miss a pill? Try "I've got a headache." There are methods of birth control that don't even require you to be responsible on a daily basis. Why do so many women get pregnant on the pill....because they're stupid and irresponsible. Why do so many women kill their unborn children? Because men want them to.

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