The big lie, the gospel of democracy


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
We see those in media, the government, and academia, continually refer to the United States as a democracy. Trouble is, it is not a democracy, it is a Republic. But when you point this out to people, they continue to refer to the US as a democracy anyway despite agreeing with your assertion, saying there are democratic aspects to the Republic, so who cares about saying the US is a democracy? Why are such inaccurate mythical truths important?

It is important because the Founding Fathers were horrified of a pure democracy, but why? It is because they were horrified of mob rule, but even if you disagree, you then have to answer the question, why did they set up a Republic instead? You had a Senate that was not directly elected by the people as states legislatures decided who would sit on the Senate to help defend state rights. You had an Electoral college the prevented the most populace states from deciding who won every Presidential election, you had the states running pretty much everything as the Federal government served as a referee between the states, etc.

But all this has changed or is changing. Thanks to the Left, those on the Senate are now elected directly by the people after the Constitution was amended by them, and now the Federal government runs everything from health care to education and pretty much everything else instead of the states, and the Electoral college is attacked daily as the last standout against a purer direct democracy.

So, what is so bad about democracy and mob rule? Is it not power to the people, and does the Left always champion democracy? Read on to better understand.

When democrats were trying to pass Obamacare, they barely had enough votes to pass it. But then Senator Kennedy revealed he had brain cancer and needed his vote. So, the democrats scrambled to change the laws so that there would not be a runoff election to replace him, fearing the replacement would nix the Obamacare vote. However, for whatever reason, they failed to change the laws in time, and the people of Massachusetts elected a Republican for the first time in decades who ran on stopping Obamacare.

You would think that the Blue state of Massachusetts would be all for Obamacare, but they had Romneycare and liked it and did not want the inferior Obamacare as they elected Scott Brown to stop it. However, the scheming democrats were not done thwarting democracy as they used Reconciliation to pass it which bypassed the vote from Scott Brown, and the rest is history.

And today, as we see poll numbers showing Biden will lose, Blue states are beginning to try and take Trump off the ballot, once again showing their disdain for democracy which they purport to be the sole defends of.

In reality, the reason democrats lean toward a pure democracy is because they control the media and academia, and thus can steer support through propaganda. Look at any academic study and you will see that the Left dominates both the media and academia, the only two sources people get their information from. But that is never enough on some issues, such as the public not supporting such things as partial birth abortion. If you put to a vote partial birth abortion, democrats lose in almost every case in every state. So, what did the Left do? They let Roe vs Wade disappear that did restrict such things as partial birth abortion. That then led to states deciding laws on abortion. The Left then entered Red States like Ohio where they proposed constitutional amendments to allow abortion once again, only unrestricted by the government, allowing the patient and doctor to decide what is best. Again, if left to a direct vote, partial birth abortion never passes, but if obscured in legal wording with the premise of letting women have access to abortion again, it passes.

This is why in Red states you will never see a state constitutional amendment get voted on regarding parental rights, or stopping partial birth abortions, or supporting gun ownership. Virtually every Constitutional amendment proposed people can vote on that will pass, is a Left-wing agenda.

In short, democrats are experts in using democracy as a tool for their tyranny, and any democracy that dare stand in their way will get crushed.
Do you feel represented?
Politicians and the two parties have RIGGED the entire thing. Almost none of our representatives actually represent us. Of the few that are not bought and paid for party shills, once they arrive in Washington all the power is concentrated into the hands of a few so they are told how to vote or ignored.
We see those in media, the government, and academia, continually refer to the United States as a democracy. Trouble is, it is not a democracy, it is a Republic. But when you point this out to people, they continue to refer to the US as a democracy anyway despite agreeing with your assertion, saying there are democratic aspects to the Republic, so who cares about saying the US is a democracy? Why are such inaccurate mythical truths important?

It is important because the Founding Fathers were horrified of a pure democracy, but why? It is because they were horrified of mob rule, but even if you disagree, you then have to answer the question, why did they set up a Republic instead? You had a Senate that was not directly elected by the people as states legislatures decided who would sit on the Senate to help defend state rights. You had an Electoral college the prevented the most populace states from deciding who won every Presidential election, you had the states running pretty much everything as the Federal government served as a referee between the states, etc.

But all this has changed or is changing. Thanks to the Left, those on the Senate are now elected directly by the people after the Constitution was amended by them, and now the Federal government runs everything from health care to education and pretty much everything else instead of the states, and the Electoral college is attacked daily as the last standout against a purer direct democracy.

So, what is so bad about democracy and mob rule? Is it not power to the people, and does the Left always champion democracy? Read on to better understand.

When democrats were trying to pass Obamacare, they barely had enough votes to pass it. But then Senator Kennedy revealed he had brain cancer and needed his vote. So, the democrats scrambled to change the laws so that there would not be a runoff election to replace him, fearing the replacement would nix the Obamacare vote. However, for whatever reason, they failed to change the laws in time, and the people of Massachusetts elected a Republican for the first time in decades who ran on stopping Obamacare.

You would think that the Blue state of Massachusetts would be all for Obamacare, but they had Romneycare and liked it and did not want the inferior Obamacare as they elected Scott Brown to stop it. However, the scheming democrats were not done thwarting democracy as they used Reconciliation to pass it which bypassed the vote from Scott Brown, and the rest is history.

And today, as we see poll numbers showing Biden will lose, Blue states are beginning to try and take Trump off the ballot, once again showing their disdain for democracy which they purport to be the sole defends of.

In reality, the reason democrats lean toward a pure democracy is because they control the media and academia, and thus can steer support through propaganda. Look at any academic study and you will see that the Left dominates both the media and academia, the only two sources people get their information from. But that is never enough on some issues, such as the public not supporting such things as partial birth abortion. If you put to a vote partial birth abortion, democrats lose in almost every case in every state. So, what did the Left do? They let Roe vs Wade disappear that did restrict such things as partial birth abortion. That then led to states deciding laws on abortion. The Left then entered Red States like Ohio where they proposed constitutional amendments to allow abortion once again, only unrestricted by the government, allowing the patient and doctor to decide what is best. Again, if left to a direct vote, partial birth abortion never passes, but if obscured in legal wording with the premise of letting women have access to abortion again, it passes.

This is why in Red states you will never see a state constitutional amendment get voted on regarding parental rights, or stopping partial birth abortions, or supporting gun ownership. Virtually every Constitutional amendment proposed people can vote on that will pass, is a Left-wing agenda.

In short, democrats are experts in using democracy as a tool for their tyranny, and any democracy that dare stand in their way will get crushed.
Brilliant synopsis of what has transpired through the years.
Our forefathers were correct, while there were those at the start that were against the Republic. As early as 1826 there were states prepared to elect Senators. That is why the Democrat Party was mainly in the South.

"Following the Civil War, disputes among state legislators over Senate elections resulted in numerous deadlocks, leaving some Senate seats vacant for long periods of time. The Delaware legislature reached a stalemate in 1895, taking 217 ballots over a period of 114 days. Delaware remained without representation in the U.S. Senate for two years. In light of such problems, reformers in many states began calling for a change to the system of electing senators. In Oregon, for example, a number of measures were enacted in the early 20th century allowing voters to express their choice for senator. Other states followed this “Oregon Plan” and instituted their own version of election reform."
Politicians and the two parties have RIGGED the entire thing. Almost none of our representatives actually represent us.
And yet you still can't see how dysfunctional are your political systems and the founding documents to which you cling, which have given you the best government money can buy.
We see those in media, the government, and academia, continually refer to the United States as a democracy. Trouble is, it is not a democracy, it is a Republic. But when you point this out to people, they continue to refer to the US as a democracy anyway despite agreeing with your assertion, saying there are democratic aspects to the Republic, so who cares about saying the US is a democracy? Why are such inaccurate mythical truths important?

It is important because the Founding Fathers were horrified of a pure democracy, but why? It is because they were horrified of mob rule, but even if you disagree, you then have to answer the question, why did they set up a Republic instead? You had a Senate that was not directly elected by the people as states legislatures decided who would sit on the Senate to help defend state rights. You had an Electoral college the prevented the most populace states from deciding who won every Presidential election, you had the states running pretty much everything as the Federal government served as a referee between the states, etc.

But all this has changed or is changing. Thanks to the Left, those on the Senate are now elected directly by the people after the Constitution was amended by them, and now the Federal government runs everything from health care to education and pretty much everything else instead of the states, and the Electoral college is attacked daily as the last standout against a purer direct democracy.

So, what is so bad about democracy and mob rule? Is it not power to the people, and does the Left always champion democracy? Read on to better understand.

When democrats were trying to pass Obamacare, they barely had enough votes to pass it. But then Senator Kennedy revealed he had brain cancer and needed his vote. So, the democrats scrambled to change the laws so that there would not be a runoff election to replace him, fearing the replacement would nix the Obamacare vote. However, for whatever reason, they failed to change the laws in time, and the people of Massachusetts elected a Republican for the first time in decades who ran on stopping Obamacare.

You would think that the Blue state of Massachusetts would be all for Obamacare, but they had Romneycare and liked it and did not want the inferior Obamacare as they elected Scott Brown to stop it. However, the scheming democrats were not done thwarting democracy as they used Reconciliation to pass it which bypassed the vote from Scott Brown, and the rest is history.

And today, as we see poll numbers showing Biden will lose, Blue states are beginning to try and take Trump off the ballot, once again showing their disdain for democracy which they purport to be the sole defends of.

In reality, the reason democrats lean toward a pure democracy is because they control the media and academia, and thus can steer support through propaganda. Look at any academic study and you will see that the Left dominates both the media and academia, the only two sources people get their information from. But that is never enough on some issues, such as the public not supporting such things as partial birth abortion. If you put to a vote partial birth abortion, democrats lose in almost every case in every state. So, what did the Left do? They let Roe vs Wade disappear that did restrict such things as partial birth abortion. That then led to states deciding laws on abortion. The Left then entered Red States like Ohio where they proposed constitutional amendments to allow abortion once again, only unrestricted by the government, allowing the patient and doctor to decide what is best. Again, if left to a direct vote, partial birth abortion never passes, but if obscured in legal wording with the premise of letting women have access to abortion again, it passes.

This is why in Red states you will never see a state constitutional amendment get voted on regarding parental rights, or stopping partial birth abortions, or supporting gun ownership. Virtually every Constitutional amendment proposed people can vote on that will pass, is a Left-wing agenda.

In short, democrats are experts in using democracy as a tool for their tyranny, and any democracy that dare stand in their way will get crushed.

Trying to say the US isn't a Democracy low key fascism.

tRump and Benito would be proud.
After we divorce the Democrats and go our separate ways those corrupt gutter trash can do whatever they like.

After you divorce the Democrats, you can move to another country more suitable to your proclivities, like Russia or North Korea. Murder of the opposition is encouraged in those countries. You'll like it there. People obey the leader or else.
Data from Oxford Languages

Look it up


  1. a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.
      a group with a certain equality between its members:
      "the community of scholars and the republic of learning"
And yet you still can't see how dysfunctional are your political systems and the founding documents to which you cling, which have given you the best government money can buy.
We defeated the British twice and we'll destroy Democrats eventually.
After you divorce the Democrats, you can move to another country more suitable to your proclivities, like Russia or North Korea. Murder of the opposition is encouraged in those countries. You'll like it there. People obey the leader or else.
Lib please we will herd the Dem gutter trash into Canada and you can care for them and their illegals.
We actually have a Democracy and Republic. What you mention is a DIRECT DEMOCRACY which means the majority can strip the minority of any power. The USA is an INDIRECT DEMOCRACY because we have the electoral college to vote for us.

Trying to say the US isn't a Democracy low key fascism.

tRump and Benito would be proud.
Nobody argues that the US is not a Republic dimwit, it is not a pure democracy.

Try again.
We actually have a Democracy and Republic. What you mention is a DIRECT DEMOCRACY which means the majority can strip the minority of any power. The USA is an INDIRECT DEMOCRACY because we have the electoral college to vote for us.
There are elements of democracy in the Republc.

For example, the House was elected directly by the people in the Constitution, but the Senate was appointed by the states.

The Founding Fathers placed much more stock in the Senate with their powers than they did those in the House, because they valued the input of educated people elected in the states over the common man.

For example, the House only served 2 years, as where those in the Senate served 6 years. There are only 2 Senators per state which gave them increased voting power than those in the House with many more voting representatives. The Senate also approved those who sat on SCOTUS, etc., so they clearly believed states should have more input than the common man.

But all that vanished once the Senate was elected directly by the people. Why even have two chambers of Congress now?

Makes no sense.
We actually have a Democracy and Republic. What you mention is a DIRECT DEMOCRACY which means the majority can strip the minority of any power. The USA is an INDIRECT DEMOCRACY because we have the electoral college to vote for us.
Thus giving States the power over government. Yet Democrats continue to call for more Federal power.
We see those in media, the government, and academia, continually refer to the United States as a democracy. Trouble is, it is not a democracy, it is a Republic. But when you point this out to people, they continue to refer to the US as a democracy anyway despite agreeing with your assertion, saying there are democratic aspects to the Republic, so who cares about saying the US is a democracy? Why are such inaccurate mythical truths important?

It is important because the Founding Fathers were horrified of a pure democracy, but why? It is because they were horrified of mob rule, but even if you disagree, you then have to answer the question, why did they set up a Republic instead? You had a Senate that was not directly elected by the people as states legislatures decided who would sit on the Senate to help defend state rights. You had an Electoral college the prevented the most populace states from deciding who won every Presidential election, you had the states running pretty much everything as the Federal government served as a referee between the states, etc.

But all this has changed or is changing. Thanks to the Left, those on the Senate are now elected directly by the people after the Constitution was amended by them, and now the Federal government runs everything from health care to education and pretty much everything else instead of the states, and the Electoral college is attacked daily as the last standout against a purer direct democracy.

So, what is so bad about democracy and mob rule? Is it not power to the people, and does the Left always champion democracy? Read on to better understand.

When democrats were trying to pass Obamacare, they barely had enough votes to pass it. But then Senator Kennedy revealed he had brain cancer and needed his vote. So, the democrats scrambled to change the laws so that there would not be a runoff election to replace him, fearing the replacement would nix the Obamacare vote. However, for whatever reason, they failed to change the laws in time, and the people of Massachusetts elected a Republican for the first time in decades who ran on stopping Obamacare.

You would think that the Blue state of Massachusetts would be all for Obamacare, but they had Romneycare and liked it and did not want the inferior Obamacare as they elected Scott Brown to stop it. However, the scheming democrats were not done thwarting democracy as they used Reconciliation to pass it which bypassed the vote from Scott Brown, and the rest is history.

And today, as we see poll numbers showing Biden will lose, Blue states are beginning to try and take Trump off the ballot, once again showing their disdain for democracy which they purport to be the sole defends of.

In reality, the reason democrats lean toward a pure democracy is because they control the media and academia, and thus can steer support through propaganda. Look at any academic study and you will see that the Left dominates both the media and academia, the only two sources people get their information from. But that is never enough on some issues, such as the public not supporting such things as partial birth abortion. If you put to a vote partial birth abortion, democrats lose in almost every case in every state. So, what did the Left do? They let Roe vs Wade disappear that did restrict such things as partial birth abortion. That then led to states deciding laws on abortion. The Left then entered Red States like Ohio where they proposed constitutional amendments to allow abortion once again, only unrestricted by the government, allowing the patient and doctor to decide what is best. Again, if left to a direct vote, partial birth abortion never passes, but if obscured in legal wording with the premise of letting women have access to abortion again, it passes.

This is why in Red states you will never see a state constitutional amendment get voted on regarding parental rights, or stopping partial birth abortions, or supporting gun ownership. Virtually every Constitutional amendment proposed people can vote on that will pass, is a Left-wing agenda.

In short, democrats are experts in using democracy as a tool for their tyranny, and any democracy that dare stand in their way will get crushed.
Then why, when one of the constituents of the republic, Maine, follows its own laws, conservatives howl?

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