Presidents speech tonight


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Here are the points Obama made tonight

1. He restated his view of the war on terror, climate needs fixed
2. He listed measures the US has already been taking against ISIS, let Russia deal with them
3. Obama said Congress should toughen gun laws, Americans need vetted, not incoming refugees from Syria
4. US should avoid another "long and costly ground war," Like the one he has been involved with in Afghanistan since in office which he escalated?
5. Americans shouldn't retaliate against Muslims. Really this is the reason for the press conference. The trouble is, there has been NO violent retaliation towards Muslims in the US, which makes it that much more puzzling why he would come out and say this.

Visionless, spineless, clueless, and bigoted toward Average Americans whom he thinks are violent bigots.

Here are the points Obama made tonight

1. He restated his view of the war on terror, climate needs fixed
2. He listed measures the US has already been taking against ISIS, let Russia deal with them
3. Obama said Congress should toughen gun laws, Americans need vetted, not incoming refugees from Syria
4. US should avoid another "long and costly ground war," Like the one he has been involved with in Afghanistan since in office which he escalated?
5. Americans shouldn't retaliate against Muslims. Really this is the reason for the press conference. The trouble is, there has been NO violent retaliation towards Muslims in the US, which makes it that much more puzzling why he would come out and say this.

Visionless, spineless, clueless, and bigoted toward Average Americans whom he thinks are violent bigots.

Just more proof that all Right-wingers are worthless lying scum.
What Obama said was not even close to what you posted. There are so many lies it is not worth my time to go through every one, but just to show how the lying scum Right hear what they want to hear no matter what was actually said, I'll use number 1 as a perfect example.

Nowhere in Obama's entire address did he ever mention anything about climate.

See for yourselves, here is the transcript:

Transcript: President Obama's address to the nation on the San Bernardino terror attack and the war on ISIS -
Here are the points Obama made tonight

1. He restated his view of the war on terror, climate needs fixed
2. He listed measures the US has already been taking against ISIS, let Russia deal with them
3. Obama said Congress should toughen gun laws, Americans need vetted, not incoming refugees from Syria
4. US should avoid another "long and costly ground war," Like the one he has been involved with in Afghanistan since in office which he escalated?
5. Americans shouldn't retaliate against Muslims. Really this is the reason for the press conference. The trouble is, there has been NO violent retaliation towards Muslims in the US, which makes it that much more puzzling why he would come out and say this.

Visionless, spineless, clueless, and bigoted toward Average Americans whom he thinks are violent bigots.

Just more proof that all Right-wingers are worthless lying scum.
What Obama said was not even close to what you posted. There are so many lies it is not worth my time to go through every one, but just to show how the lying scum Right hear what they want to hear no matter what was actually said, I'll use number 1 as a perfect example.

Nowhere in Obama's entire address did he ever mention anything about climate.

See for yourselves, here is the transcript:

Transcript: President Obama's address to the nation on the San Bernardino terror attack and the war on ISIS -

He did restate he position on terror, and he has in the past said that climate change Is responsible.
Here are the points Obama made tonight

1. He restated his view of the war on terror, climate needs fixed
2. He listed measures the US has already been taking against ISIS, let Russia deal with them
3. Obama said Congress should toughen gun laws, Americans need vetted, not incoming refugees from Syria
4. US should avoid another "long and costly ground war," Like the one he has been involved with in Afghanistan since in office which he escalated?
5. Americans shouldn't retaliate against Muslims. Really this is the reason for the press conference. The trouble is, there has been NO violent retaliation towards Muslims in the US, which makes it that much more puzzling why he would come out and say this.

Visionless, spineless, clueless, and bigoted toward Average Americans whom he thinks are violent bigots.

Just more proof that all Right-wingers are worthless lying scum.
What Obama said was not even close to what you posted. There are so many lies it is not worth my time to go through every one, but just to show how the lying scum Right hear what they want to hear no matter what was actually said, I'll use number 1 as a perfect example.

Nowhere in Obama's entire address did he ever mention anything about climate.

See for yourselves, here is the transcript:

Transcript: President Obama's address to the nation on the San Bernardino terror attack and the war on ISIS -

He did restate he position on terror, and he has in the past said that climate change Is responsible.

So no, it's not a lie at all.
Here are the points Obama made tonight

1. He restated his view of the war on terror, climate needs fixed
2. He listed measures the US has already been taking against ISIS, let Russia deal with them
3. Obama said Congress should toughen gun laws, Americans need vetted, not incoming refugees from Syria
4. US should avoid another "long and costly ground war," Like the one he has been involved with in Afghanistan since in office which he escalated?
5. Americans shouldn't retaliate against Muslims. Really this is the reason for the press conference. The trouble is, there has been NO violent retaliation towards Muslims in the US, which makes it that much more puzzling why he would come out and say this.

Visionless, spineless, clueless, and bigoted toward Average Americans whom he thinks are violent bigots.


The only thing I rejected from President Obama speech was his request to Congress to pass a law to prevent people on a No-Fly list not to be able to obtain a firearm because their name is on a government list that is faulty.

A list created by the government that does not prove that the person is a convicted criminal should not be used to deny someone Constitutional Right, and again the list is faulty and has been shown to be incorrect in the past.
Here are the points Obama made tonight

1. He restated his view of the war on terror, climate needs fixed
2. He listed measures the US has already been taking against ISIS, let Russia deal with them
3. Obama said Congress should toughen gun laws, Americans need vetted, not incoming refugees from Syria
4. US should avoid another "long and costly ground war," Like the one he has been involved with in Afghanistan since in office which he escalated?
5. Americans shouldn't retaliate against Muslims. Really this is the reason for the press conference. The trouble is, there has been NO violent retaliation towards Muslims in the US, which makes it that much more puzzling why he would come out and say this.

Visionless, spineless, clueless, and bigoted toward Average Americans whom he thinks are violent bigots.

Just more proof that all Right-wingers are worthless lying scum.
What Obama said was not even close to what you posted. There are so many lies it is not worth my time to go through every one, but just to show how the lying scum Right hear what they want to hear no matter what was actually said, I'll use number 1 as a perfect example.

Nowhere in Obama's entire address did he ever mention anything about climate.

See for yourselves, here is the transcript:

Transcript: President Obama's address to the nation on the San Bernardino terror attack and the war on ISIS -

He did restate he position on terror, and he has in the past said that climate change Is responsible.

So no, it's not a lie at all.
And of course worthless lying scum never admit they were caught lying, which is why they are worthless scum as well as liars.
Here are the points Obama made tonight

1. He restated his view of the war on terror, climate needs fixed
2. He listed measures the US has already been taking against ISIS, let Russia deal with them
3. Obama said Congress should toughen gun laws, Americans need vetted, not incoming refugees from Syria
4. US should avoid another "long and costly ground war," Like the one he has been involved with in Afghanistan since in office which he escalated?
5. Americans shouldn't retaliate against Muslims. Really this is the reason for the press conference. The trouble is, there has been NO violent retaliation towards Muslims in the US, which makes it that much more puzzling why he would come out and say this.

Visionless, spineless, clueless, and bigoted toward Average Americans whom he thinks are violent bigots.

Just more proof that all Right-wingers are worthless lying scum.
What Obama said was not even close to what you posted. There are so many lies it is not worth my time to go through every one, but just to show how the lying scum Right hear what they want to hear no matter what was actually said, I'll use number 1 as a perfect example.

Nowhere in Obama's entire address did he ever mention anything about climate.

See for yourselves, here is the transcript:

Transcript: President Obama's address to the nation on the San Bernardino terror attack and the war on ISIS -

He did restate he position on terror, and he has in the past said that climate change Is responsible.

So no, it's not a lie at all.
And of course worthless lying scum never admit they were caught lying, which is why they are worthless scum as well as liars.

Do you deny that Obama has said climate change is responsible for terrorism?
In his speech, Obama once again asked the Republican Congress to approve an AUMF against ISIS. The ostriches have refused to do so for over a year.

Finally, if Congress believes, as I do, that we are at war with ISIL, it should go ahead and vote to authorize the continued use of military force against these terrorists. For over a year, I have ordered our military to take thousands of airstrikes against ISIL targets. I think it's time for Congress to vote to demonstrate that the American people are united, and committed, to this fight.
The only thing I rejected from President Obama speech was his request to Congress to pass a law to prevent people on a No-Fly list not to be able to obtain a firearm because their name is on a government list that is faulty.

A list created by the government that does not prove that the person is a convicted criminal should not be used to deny someone Constitutional Right, and again the list is faulty and has been shown to be incorrect in the past.
That is a very weak argument because there is a simple mechanism already in place to get your name removed from the list if you are on it in error.
Here are the points Obama made tonight

2. He listed measures the US has already been taking against ISIS, let Russia deal with them.

The US has done more against ISIS than all other countries combined. I don't know why this doesn't give you orgasms since you get wet between the legs if Putin drops half a dozen bombs.
The only thing I rejected from President Obama speech was his request to Congress to pass a law to prevent people on a No-Fly list not to be able to obtain a firearm because their name is on a government list that is faulty.

A list created by the government that does not prove that the person is a convicted criminal should not be used to deny someone Constitutional Right, and again the list is faulty and has been shown to be incorrect in the past.
That is a very weak argument because there is a simple mechanism already in place to get your name removed from the list if you are on it in error.

Why was the list even brought up?

The terrorist in question had no record and was on no list.

How would that have stopped anything?

Again, Obama is politicizing an event even though it has no relation to the topic. He is doing this in a shameless fashion as families grieve for their loved ones.
4. US should avoid another "long and costly ground war," Like the one he has been involved with in Afghanistan since in office which he escalated?

Oh, were you against the surge?
1. He restated his view of the war on terror, climate needs fixed
No wiggle room. You lied. "Here are the points Obama made tonight."

A lie. He did not say anything about the climate.

Oh dear, more climate deniers.
No. You lied. Flat out lied. Manufactured bullshit.

You're busted.

So Obama never said that climate change in influencing terrorism?
"Here are the points Obama made tonight."
Here are the points Obama made tonight

1. He restated his view of the war on terror, climate needs fixed
2. He listed measures the US has already been taking against ISIS, let Russia deal with them
3. Obama said Congress should toughen gun laws, Americans need vetted, not incoming refugees from Syria
4. US should avoid another "long and costly ground war," Like the one he has been involved with in Afghanistan since in office which he escalated?
5. Americans shouldn't retaliate against Muslims. Really this is the reason for the press conference. The trouble is, there has been NO violent retaliation towards Muslims in the US, which makes it that much more puzzling why he would come out and say this.

Visionless, spineless, clueless, and bigoted toward Average Americans whom he thinks are violent bigots.

Just more proof that all Right-wingers are worthless lying scum.
What Obama said was not even close to what you posted. There are so many lies it is not worth my time to go through every one, but just to show how the lying scum Right hear what they want to hear no matter what was actually said, I'll use number 1 as a perfect example.

Nowhere in Obama's entire address did he ever mention anything about climate.

See for yourselves, here is the transcript:

Transcript: President Obama's address to the nation on the San Bernardino terror attack and the war on ISIS -

He did restate he position on terror, and he has in the past said that climate change Is responsible.

So no, it's not a lie at all.
And of course worthless lying scum never admit they were caught lying, which is why they are worthless scum as well as liars.

Do you deny that Obama has said climate change is responsible for terrorism?
He said no such thing in his address as you lied in your OP.

You do know the CIA and the DOD have both said Climate Change contributes to the kind of instability that produces terrorism, but the fact still remains that you lied when you said Obama brought up the climate in his address, which makes you worthless lying scum too dishonest to admit you lied.
1. He restated his view of the war on terror, climate needs fixed
No wiggle room. You lied. "Here are the points Obama made tonight."

A lie. He did not say anything about the climate.

Oh dear, more climate deniers.
No. You lied. Flat out lied. Manufactured bullshit.

You're busted.

So Obama never said that climate change in influencing terrorism?
"Here are the points Obama made tonight."

And he restated his views on terrorism.

Did he specifically leave out climate change? For the first time in his life he did, but everyone knows his position. He need not talk about it every day.
The only thing I rejected from President Obama speech was his request to Congress to pass a law to prevent people on a No-Fly list not to be able to obtain a firearm because their name is on a government list that is faulty.

A list created by the government that does not prove that the person is a convicted criminal should not be used to deny someone Constitutional Right, and again the list is faulty and has been shown to be incorrect in the past.
That is a very weak argument because there is a simple mechanism already in place to get your name removed from the list if you are on it in error.

It is a weak argument to use a list like that to deny someone their Constitutional Right. I should not have to worry some Government Bureaucrat put my name on a list mistakenly which lead to the government denying me my constitutional right.

Also it is not a easy task to remove your name from the list, and the list is flawed as can be.

So as you write it is a weak argument not to support such laws the fact remains a list like that can become a political tool to prevent individuals from their Constitutional Rights, and I am not signing on such nonsense.

Also most mass shooters if not all of them were not on the No-Fly list, so how would have a law prevent them from obtaining a firearm?

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