President-Elect Biden's Personal Staff Suck!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
President Elect Joe Biden has done a great job at selecting candidates to fill his cabinet but he hasn't shown that acumen in selecting his own personal staff. His staff that put together this speech that the President Elect gave tonight did an atrocious job Joe was all over the place in that speech he is going to get his clocked cleaned if he acts like that in the White House. First off the speech tonight was supposed to be about the next pandemic relief bill to address this Covid 19 crisis that has the country on its knees. The American people did not need to hear about Joe's Build-Back-Better program he can outline that in his State of the Union speech in February and his staff needs to make sure he is not acting clueless about how he delivers on that program he needs to understand that this program isn't going anywhere it is completely worthless to the American people until after the summer where he can force the titanic size program into law through the budget reconciliation mechanism where he can pass it into law with only fifty Senate votes. President elect Biden acting like he is going to get significant bipartisan support for a trillion dollar infrastructure package that doesn't cut any federal spending and repeal a huge chunk of the 2017 tax cut legislation which Republicans think is their greatest political achievement since the "contract with America program " in the 1990's is living in fantasy world. Further on this issue is he should be publicly cautioning Congress that the money that is freed up when these tax cuts are repealed has to be spent prudently it needs to be spent on child care, public housing, college education assistance, et al. it cannot be squandered away because no other big pay day is on the horizon for the foreseeable future. President Biden going on and on in his speech about a $15/hour minimum wage piece of legislation as if Republicans in the Senate just have to do it they have no choice makes one wonder will he accomplish much as President! Republicans rightly don't think that the minimum wage needs to be the livable wage it should support a national pay scale which provides a livable wage because first off this minimum wage has to be paid by all businesses including very small businesses that cannot afford that pay rate and part time work and work for high school and college age workers does not need to be $15.00 hour Joe probably with his skill set could get something meaningful on minimum wage legislation but he can't be an idealogue he has to meet moderate Republicans in the middle.

Even in President elect BIden's speech on the next pandemic relief bill his staff let him act like he was in La La land. Joe said for the provisions on improving the vaccine distribution and getting schools up and running from the Covid 19 lockdown he wants the legislation to spend $400 billion dollars does he really expect a Republican in Congress to vote for such a bill. Is it really necessary for the next pandemic relief bill to shower America's schools with money the only pressing federal help I see is providing testing capacity for the schools so they can identify the infected so schools don't become big virus spread entities. A lot of the assistance the President elect mentioned with the next bill are good provisions this crisis has left so many Americans food insecure why not guarantee the program for those on it through September, the rollout of the vacine is such a struggling effort why not extend unemploymennt compensation through May there probably won't be robust demand for jobs until that time. Tonight Joe's staff let him seem like he doesn't understand the challenge before him with this bill he needs to shape it so ten Republican Senators will sign on it so he can get it through the Senate. Good idea to support the $2000 per person direct aid help bad idea not appealing to Republican concerns that in a significant number of cases it is going to the wealthy that don't need the help why not cap the program at $60k for individuals and $80K for families, Joe even one of you own Senator Manchin tends to balk at the $400 billion dollar price tag for this program. Hey President-Elect Joseph Biden remember you're going to be President your head of the Democrat Party it is your job to lead on the compromise negotiations on this legislation with the Republicans otherwise it could be another six plus months before the American people see another pandemic relief bill enacted!

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