What a blasphemy.

The God who created the universe and the beings therein without any help, without any partner, the God who sustains the universe, the God who creates at every moment, that God is not someone who has a wife and a son, and goes about in the markets.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) was sent as the last of the 124 000 prophets, among whom were Adam, Abraham, Moses and Jesus, peace on them. Muhammad is the Seal of the prophets, and the best of them.
Why do you presume God has no partner. He said it is not good for man to be alone and one of His names is Man of Holiness.

you seriously think that the God of the universe who created all things cannot have children?? Who are you to tell God what He can't do??

neither prophets nor the gift of prophecy has ceased. God still calls men and teaches them the plan of happiness and commands them to preach repentance to the people.

there is one "god" who has no children. The one called the devil who the scriptures say is the "god of this world" but the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob is not limited. And He has promised redemption for man through His Son since the beginning
If someone tells you God is changing and evolving with the times, tell Satan to get behind you and close your ears to everything that person says. He is a liar.

Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and forever.

Malachi 3
“For I am the Lord, I do not change.”

His consistency can be counted on.

It sounds like Islam rejects Jesus Christ's role as redeemer of the world, and places a false prophet above him in prestige.

I speak as a Muslim.

Anyone who knows a little about Islam knows the holiness and the heavenliness of Muhammad (peace be upon him and this family), him who did the Night Journey. Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Ishmael, David, John, Zachary, Lot, Jacob, Jesus were all prophets out of the 124 000 prophets of God. And prophets are kings, honoured ones. Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is the last prophet, the Seal of the prophets, the last of them and the best of them.

Also, we Muslims feel we have a much greater right to Jesus than you Christians who make him say what he never said.

Who are you to tell God what He can't do??

It's not that He can't. It's that He is too great to have a son. Exalted is He above the things Christians ascribe to Him.

neither prophets nor the gift of prophecy has ceased. God still calls men and teaches them the plan of happiness and commands them to preach repentance to the people.

Again, up to this day in 2014, the saints of Islam have been guided their disciplined followers to God, to His presence, to His absolute intimacy, in this life; let alone in the next. But a prophet and a saint are not the same thing. A saint inherits from a prophet. Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) was sent as the last prophet. But after him, up to this day in 2014, there are saints of Islam; and they are not in anything like the ones considered saints by the Christians.

there is one "god" who has no children. The one called the devil who the scriptures say is the "god of this world" but the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob is not limited. And He has promised redemption for man through His Son since the beginning

The proof you can possibly have is the Bible. But I already explained to you why you can not rely on the Bible, to say the least. The devil is not the God of the world. His plot is intense indeed, but his plot is very weak.

If someone tells you God is changing and evolving with the times, tell Satan to get behind you and close your ears to everything that person says. He is a liar.

Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and forever.

Malachi 3
“For I am the Lord, I do not change.”

His consistency can be counted on.

I never said God changes with time. God existed before eternity. Before eternity, so there is no such things as changing with time. But every time and every age has its specific needs.

Do you know who Satan is ? He is a most dangerous enemy, filled with animosity against the human being. We Muslims are trained to fight Satan day and night, just as he fights human beings day and night without never tiring. We Muslims fight him, with the help of God Almighty. Without it, you stand no chance.
I fear this Pope is indeed the Pope that Malachy predicted would be anti-Christ. He doesn't have to denounce Christ, to be a false prophet, he just has to promote those who do denounce Him, all under the guise of peace.

Muslim, before Mohammad there was Matthew, Mark, John, and others that lived with and followed Christ. They told us what Christ said. They were there. I chose to believe eyewitnesses:

Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?" And they said, "Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets." He said to them, "But who do you say that I am?" Simon Peter replied, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." And Jesus answered him, "Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven.

Mohammad never heard a word Christ said. And indeed turned Christ into a liar.
If Christ wasn't the Son of the living God in Heaven, the one whom Christ called Father, He would have corrected Peter. Instead He considered Peter blessed for receiving the truth from whom? Christ's Father......

Twice eyewitnesses heard God say this about Christ, "This is my beloved Son." Islam turns God into a liar too, and removes the very gift of salvation that the Son of God came here to offer us.
The proof I have is the spirit of prophesy which is the testimony of Jesus Christ. I have the witness of the Bible and the Book of Mormon which testify that redemption comes only through the Son of God. I have the words of all the Holy Prophets from Adam until now which testify of the same.

but the beauty of the gospel is you don't need to take my word for it. You can ask God for yourself and He will reveal His Son. And when the Spirit reveals it to you personally what greater witness can there be?
I don't see Muslims fighting Satan, I really don't.

Isis, Al Qaeda, AQIM, Boko Haram, etc are not fighting Satan. They are seeking recognition. That is one of the things Satan makes you do.

Not only them, but most Muslims don't know what Islam is. But Islam is pretty much about fighting Satan ceaselessly, day and night, until the last breath. This fight against Satan must be done with the help of God Almighty. Without it, one stands no chance.

Muslim, before Mohammad there was Matthew, Mark, John, and others that lived with and followed Christ. They told us what Christ said. They were there. I chose to believe eyewitnesses

Jesus had with him helpers. They were good ones and honoured ones. But there was also one who was with Jesus, stayed by his side, but ended up betraying him, so that Jesus was almost going to be crucified. That one who was with him lied about him. So of course those who came after him will easily claim Jesus said this and that, when he never did. So don't rely on the Bible for anything. That's the minimum.

Mohammad never heard a word Christ said. And indeed turned Christ into a liar.
Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) included Mary among the perfect women. The Qur'an mentions the first words of Jesus as they came clearing the offense made to his mother. All Muslims, even Al Qaeda consider Jesus as one of the five greatest prophets, out of the 124 000 prophets. And prophets are kings. So Islam shows much more respect to Jesus than Christianity, which actually claims that Jesus said the Almighty God had a son.

Jesus the prophet and Mary his mother, and John his cousin and Zachary his uncle read what you say as I read it. And they don't like it in the least. Fear them, they do take action against those do evil.

but the beauty of the gospel is you don't need to take my word for it. You can ask God for yourself and He will reveal His Son. And when the Spirit reveals it to you personally what greater witness can there be?

I think you know well that I am never going to read the Bible. I don't participate in spreading lies about Jesus, or hearing lies about Jesus, this most noble prophet.

Here are two examples of how Jesus fought Satan, according to traditional Islamic knowledge:

One day, as he lied on the ground resting his blessed head on a rock, he suddenly threw the rock away saying : "it is of this world."

One day, he asked John his cousin (who is also a prophet) to go talk to the people, but John had "hesitations" let's say. So Jesus told him, "either you go talk to the people or I will". At that time John went to talk to the people.
Should really move this from R&E to general Discussion since the article's a satirical site and not legitimately religious.
If someone tells you God is changing and evolving with the times, tell Satan to get behind you and close your ears to everything that person says. He is a liar.

Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and forever.

Malachi 3
“For I am the Lord, I do not change.”

His consistency can be counted on.

God changed in the OT and you say he can't or wont change. Views of God changed all the time, go from a God of war to a God of Peace.
That's a misquote, the pope actually said "All religions are the Jews' fault". :D
If someone tells you God is changing and evolving with the times, tell Satan to get behind you and close your ears to everything that person says. He is a liar.

Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and forever.

Malachi 3
“For I am the Lord, I do not change.”

His consistency can be counted on.

God changed in the OT and you say he can't or wont change. Views of God changed all the time, go from a God of war to a God of Peace.
That needs correcting. The inventors of the gawds have changed.

Christianity co-opted the gawds of the OT and made them a bit less nasty and capricious, but just a bit.
I hope I didn't break a rule by posting the thread title in all caps. It was a cut and paste. Please fix it if you think it's necessary.

This is America, Bro. It's perfectly legal to be lazy, ass-u-me-ing you can make a living.

The staff however appreciates the care you'll take going forward with regards to copyright compliance.

If someone tells you God is changing and evolving with the times, tell Satan to get behind you and close your ears to everything that person says. He is a liar.

Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and forever.

Malachi 3
“For I am the Lord, I do not change.”

His consistency can be counted on.

God changed in the OT and you say he can't or wont change. Views of God changed all the time, go from a God of war to a God of Peace.
Views may change. God is the same, yesterday, today,and tomorrow.
Muslim, Mary wasn't perfect. Exceptional, but not perfect. And you have degraded Christ. He is the Savior of the world, and you turned Him into a run of the mill prophet. That is quite a demotion. He was much more than a man who listened to God. He had the ability to forgive sin. He had the ability to remove the condemnation attached to sin from the world once and for all. And, He had the ability to take His life right back up again. That is not the description of a prophet, but of God Himself.

I could take a notable person from the past, say Abraham Lincoln, and tell you some truisms about him, and then tell you Lincoln was a doctor. Just because I provided you with a name and some relevant information about Lincoln, does not mean you know the real man, or his occupation, or mission.
Irish Ram,

In Islam, Mary was perfect, sinless and a knower of God Almighty. One of the 114 chapters of the Qur'an is named after her. Her birth and her growing up are considered part of her perfection. From her being born as a girl, it is understood that piety and sainthood does not depend on gender.

A prophet is a greatly honored one. Prophets are kings. As beloveds of God Almighty, nothing can be possibly kept away from them. So when I say Prophet Jesus, I mean to show him consideration, peace on him.

Mere belief in God can not save one. If all works can not save one, like Christianity teaches, then belief also can not save one because belief is also a work. The only difference is that it is a work of the heart. In Islam, that which is important is the heart. We do good deeds in order to purify the heart. When the heart becomes purified, we are saved. When the heart becomes purified, we reach God Almighty and His prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). This can only be with the help of God because without it we can not do the simplest possible good deed. And when God does good deeds through us, then we can count on those good deeds and also thank Him for them. Consider that you work hard 5,6, or 7 days a week to earn a living. This is for this short life. For sure, you have to work much harder for the other life, which is eternal.
If someone tells you God is changing and evolving with the times, tell Satan to get behind you and close your ears to everything that person says. He is a liar.

Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and forever.

Malachi 3
“For I am the Lord, I do not change.”

His consistency can be counted on.

God changed in the OT and you say he can't or wont change. Views of God changed all the time, go from a God of war to a God of Peace.
Views may change. God is the same, yesterday, today,and tomorrow.

Your invention of gawds,(a particular, partisan invention), is in competition with thousands of other inventions of gawds, all of them just as "true" and as extant as yours.
The religionist in the red corner opined: Muslim, Mary wasn't perfect. Exceptional, but not perfect. And you have degraded Christ.

The religionist in the blue corner opined: In Islam, Mary was perfect, sinless and a knower of God Almighty.

Can we have security pat down both religionists before there's gunfire?
Hello. I am Muslim.

Not all religion can be true. Ultimately only one religion can be true. That is how Pope Francis can say this. Christianity today has nothing to do with the message Jesus brought from his Lord. Islam is the true religion. The Qur'an has been protected and preserved and the life of Muhammad was very well recorded (peace be upon him and his family), much better than any other prophet; precisely because he was sent as the last of all 124 000 prophets (peace be upon him and his family).

so we are just supposed to trust the dead to have communication with God? When did the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob cease to be a God of the living? When did He cease to speak with man?

and why should we ignore the prophecies concerning the two prophets who will defend Jerusalem before Christ returns?

If you can believe Joseph Smith looked inside a magic hat and was able to translate reformed Egyptian hieroglyphics, that were chiseled onto gold plates, and buried in New York, I don't see any problem with believing the dead have communication with God. :p

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