Pew Poll Stacked With Democrats


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Pew Poll Stacked with Democrats Backing Impeachment

"A new Pew Research poll that claims 54 percent of registered voters support the impeachment of President Donald Trump is stacked with Democrat respondents, according to a review of its methodology by Newsmax."

"Buried in the survey results is the fact that of the 3,487 respondents, 1,942 are Democrats or are Democratic leaning while 1,453 are Republicans or Republican leaning. That means 56 percent of those polled were Democrats compared to 42 percent who identified as Republicans — a 14 percent margin favoring Democrats."

"Frank Luntz, a veteran American political consultant and pollster, questioned the validity of the poll."

“Self-identified Democrats outnumber self-identified Republicans by about 6 percent nationally. The sample for this poll leans a bit too Democratic to accept these numbers as gospel,” Luntz told Newsmax. “When the questions are about impeachment, you have a responsibility to ensure an accurately balanced sample.”

"Further, Pew told Newsmax, "The survey is intended to reflect the views of all Americans, and so groups are sized to reflect their actual share in the population. Among the general public, a larger share of adults identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party than identify with or lean toward the Republican Party."

Pew Poll Stacked with Democrats Backing Impeachment

That last bit there is why polls are nothing but propaganda.
Last edited:
Democrats need to sway public opinion so they rig polls .. won’t matter you democrats can’t win
Pew Poll Stacked with Democrats Backing Impeachment

"A new Pew Research poll that claims 54 percent of registered voters support the impeachment of President Donald Trump is stacked with Democrat respondents, according to a review of its methodology by Newsmax."

"Buried in the survey results is the fact that of the 3,487 respondents, 1,942 are Democrats or are Democratic leaning while 1,453 are Republicans or Republican leaning. That means 56 percent of those polled were Democrats compared to 42 percent who identified as Republicans — a 14 percent margin favoring Democrats."

"Frank Luntz, a veteran American political consultant and pollster, questioned the validity of the poll."

“Self-identified Democrats outnumber self-identified Republicans by about 6 percent nationally. The sample for this poll leans a bit too Democratic to accept these numbers as gospel,” Luntz told Newsmax. “When the questions are about impeachment, you have a responsibility to ensure an accurately balanced sample.”

"Further, Pew told Newsmax, "The survey is intended to reflect the views of all Americans, and so groups are sized to reflect their actual share in the population. Among the general public, a larger share of adults identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party than identify with or lean toward the Republican Party."

That last bit there is why polls are nothing but propaganda.
And the incredible thing is the Dim Dems and Loony Libs CONTINUE to believe these "polls" after what happened in the 2016 presidential election. ALL polls had Killery with a substantial lead going into the day of the election.
Pew Poll Stacked with Democrats Backing Impeachment
"A new Pew Research poll that claims 54 percent of registered voters support the impeachment of President Donald Trump is stacked with Democrat respondents, according to a review of its methodology by Newsmax."
"Buried in the survey results is the fact that of the 3,487 respondents, 1,942 are Democrats or are Democratic leaning while 1,453 are Republicans or Republican leaning. That means 56 percent of those polled were Democrats compared to 42 percent who identified as Republicans — a 14 percent margin favoring Democrats."
"Frank Luntz, a veteran American political consultant and pollster, questioned the validity of the poll."
“Self-identified Democrats outnumber self-identified Republicans by about 6 percent nationally. The sample for this poll leans a bit too Democratic to accept these numbers as gospel,” Luntz told Newsmax. “When the questions are about impeachment, you have a responsibility to ensure an accurately balanced sample.”
"Further, Pew told Newsmax, "The survey is intended to reflect the views of all Americans, and so groups are sized to reflect their actual share in the population. Among the general public, a larger share of adults identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party than identify with or lean toward the Republican Party."
That last bit there is why polls are nothing but propaganda.

Democrats are caught lying, cheating and distorting the truth in almost every case.

If they really had half the good hand they claim, they wouldn't need to make things up.
Pew Poll Stacked with Democrats Backing Impeachment

"A new Pew Research poll that claims 54 percent of registered voters support the impeachment of President Donald Trump is stacked with Democrat respondents, according to a review of its methodology by Newsmax."

"Buried in the survey results is the fact that of the 3,487 respondents, 1,942 are Democrats or are Democratic leaning while 1,453 are Republicans or Republican leaning. That means 56 percent of those polled were Democrats compared to 42 percent who identified as Republicans — a 14 percent margin favoring Democrats."

"Frank Luntz, a veteran American political consultant and pollster, questioned the validity of the poll."

“Self-identified Democrats outnumber self-identified Republicans by about 6 percent nationally. The sample for this poll leans a bit too Democratic to accept these numbers as gospel,” Luntz told Newsmax. “When the questions are about impeachment, you have a responsibility to ensure an accurately balanced sample.”

"Further, Pew told Newsmax, "The survey is intended to reflect the views of all Americans, and so groups are sized to reflect their actual share in the population. Among the general public, a larger share of adults identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party than identify with or lean toward the Republican Party."

Pew Poll Stacked with Democrats Backing Impeachment

That last bit there is why polls are nothing but propaganda.

Your article is nothing but propaganda.

if you go to the actual Pew poll they explain their weighting process to account for the fact their poll has more Dems than Repubs. The numbers give by your far right-wing rag are the unweighted numbers.
Pew Poll Stacked with Democrats Backing Impeachment
"A new Pew Research poll that claims 54 percent of registered voters support the impeachment of President Donald Trump is stacked with Democrat respondents, according to a review of its methodology by Newsmax."
"Buried in the survey results is the fact that of the 3,487 respondents, 1,942 are Democrats or are Democratic leaning while 1,453 are Republicans or Republican leaning. That means 56 percent of those polled were Democrats compared to 42 percent who identified as Republicans — a 14 percent margin favoring Democrats."
"Frank Luntz, a veteran American political consultant and pollster, questioned the validity of the poll."
“Self-identified Democrats outnumber self-identified Republicans by about 6 percent nationally. The sample for this poll leans a bit too Democratic to accept these numbers as gospel,” Luntz told Newsmax. “When the questions are about impeachment, you have a responsibility to ensure an accurately balanced sample.”
"Further, Pew told Newsmax, "The survey is intended to reflect the views of all Americans, and so groups are sized to reflect their actual share in the population. Among the general public, a larger share of adults identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party than identify with or lean toward the Republican Party."
That last bit there is why polls are nothing but propaganda.

Democrats are caught lying, cheating and distorting the truth in almost every case.

If they really had half the good hand they claim, they wouldn't need to make things up.

Using that same logic, why do you think Trump lies so often?
Pew Poll Stacked with Democrats Backing Impeachment

"A new Pew Research poll that claims 54 percent of registered voters support the impeachment of President Donald Trump is stacked with Democrat respondents, according to a review of its methodology by Newsmax."

"Buried in the survey results is the fact that of the 3,487 respondents, 1,942 are Democrats or are Democratic leaning while 1,453 are Republicans or Republican leaning. That means 56 percent of those polled were Democrats compared to 42 percent who identified as Republicans — a 14 percent margin favoring Democrats."

"Frank Luntz, a veteran American political consultant and pollster, questioned the validity of the poll."

“Self-identified Democrats outnumber self-identified Republicans by about 6 percent nationally. The sample for this poll leans a bit too Democratic to accept these numbers as gospel,” Luntz told Newsmax. “When the questions are about impeachment, you have a responsibility to ensure an accurately balanced sample.”

"Further, Pew told Newsmax, "The survey is intended to reflect the views of all Americans, and so groups are sized to reflect their actual share in the population. Among the general public, a larger share of adults identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party than identify with or lean toward the Republican Party."

Pew Poll Stacked with Democrats Backing Impeachment

That last bit there is why polls are nothing but propaganda.

Your article is nothing but propaganda.

if you go to the actual Pew poll they explain their weighting process to account for the fact their poll has more Dems than Repubs. The numbers give by your far right-wing rag are the unweighted numbers.
All political polls have but one purpose and that is to sway voters. Stop lying.
Pew Poll Stacked with Democrats Backing Impeachment
"A new Pew Research poll that claims 54 percent of registered voters support the impeachment of President Donald Trump is stacked with Democrat respondents, according to a review of its methodology by Newsmax."
"Buried in the survey results is the fact that of the 3,487 respondents, 1,942 are Democrats or are Democratic leaning while 1,453 are Republicans or Republican leaning. That means 56 percent of those polled were Democrats compared to 42 percent who identified as Republicans — a 14 percent margin favoring Democrats."
"Frank Luntz, a veteran American political consultant and pollster, questioned the validity of the poll."
“Self-identified Democrats outnumber self-identified Republicans by about 6 percent nationally. The sample for this poll leans a bit too Democratic to accept these numbers as gospel,” Luntz told Newsmax. “When the questions are about impeachment, you have a responsibility to ensure an accurately balanced sample.”
"Further, Pew told Newsmax, "The survey is intended to reflect the views of all Americans, and so groups are sized to reflect their actual share in the population. Among the general public, a larger share of adults identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party than identify with or lean toward the Republican Party."
That last bit there is why polls are nothing but propaganda.

Democrats are caught lying, cheating and distorting the truth in almost every case.

If they really had half the good hand they claim, they wouldn't need to make things up.

Using that same logic, why do you think Trump lies so often?

Confidence. Bravado. Salesmanship. The way he sees things. He's a businessman selling a product: America. But so far, I still have not heard him say a single untruth that raised my health insurance by $2500, killed four American diplomats or caused us to leak 10,000 secrets to our enemies through an unsecured email server.
Pew Poll Stacked with Democrats Backing Impeachment

"A new Pew Research poll that claims 54 percent of registered voters support the impeachment of President Donald Trump is stacked with Democrat respondents, according to a review of its methodology by Newsmax."

"Buried in the survey results is the fact that of the 3,487 respondents, 1,942 are Democrats or are Democratic leaning while 1,453 are Republicans or Republican leaning. That means 56 percent of those polled were Democrats compared to 42 percent who identified as Republicans — a 14 percent margin favoring Democrats."

"Frank Luntz, a veteran American political consultant and pollster, questioned the validity of the poll."

“Self-identified Democrats outnumber self-identified Republicans by about 6 percent nationally. The sample for this poll leans a bit too Democratic to accept these numbers as gospel,” Luntz told Newsmax. “When the questions are about impeachment, you have a responsibility to ensure an accurately balanced sample.”

"Further, Pew told Newsmax, "The survey is intended to reflect the views of all Americans, and so groups are sized to reflect their actual share in the population. Among the general public, a larger share of adults identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party than identify with or lean toward the Republican Party."

Pew Poll Stacked with Democrats Backing Impeachment

That last bit there is why polls are nothing but propaganda.

Your article is nothing but propaganda.

if you go to the actual Pew poll they explain their weighting process to account for the fact their poll has more Dems than Repubs. The numbers give by your far right-wing rag are the unweighted numbers.


Numerous sources have called Pew out on this BS poll.

I read it last week.

ANY poll can manipulated to achieve a desired result. First year political science student is taught this. In fact our HS daughters have been taught this...not a public school though.
McClatchy/Marist Poll: Clinton Up By 15

Another day, another disastrous poll for Donald Trump. A new McClatchy/Marist poll conducted on Monday, August 1, found Clinton with a staggering 15-point lead, 48% to 33%.

New Hampshire poll: Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by 15 points - CNNPolitics

Washington (CNN)Hillary Clinton holds a double digit lead -- 15 points -- on Donald Trump in New Hampshire, according to a new poll released Wednesday.

Hillary Clinton Leads Donald Trump by 14 Points Nationally in New Poll

Hillary Clinton has widened her lead over Donald Trump, polling 14 percentage points ahead nationally, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll, which comes 12 days before the presidential election.

Hillary Clinton Leads by 7 Points in Pennsylvania Poll

Hillary Clinton leads him by seven percentage points, 46 percent to 39 percent, in a four-way race. And in a contest that could decide control of the Senate, the Republican senator Pat Toomey trails the Democratic challenger Katie McGinty by three points.

Clinton Holds 11-Point National Lead Over Trump: NBC/WSJ Poll

Hillary Clinton is ahead of Donald Trump by double digits with just over three weeks until Election Day, according to a new national NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll conducted entirely after the second presidential debate.

Clinton leads Trump by 15 points among early voters

With 11 days to go before the U.S. presidential election, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton leads Republican Donald Trump by 15 percentage points among early voters surveyed in the past two weeks, according to the Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project.

Election Update: Clinton’s Big Lead Means A Steadier Forecast

A friend asked me the other day whether there’s anything preventing Hillary Clinton from rising further in our forecast, beyond what have generally been very good polls for her. Clinton’s chances are up a bit — she’s hit 88 percent in our polls-only forecast, up slightly from 86 percent on Friday and 83 percent a week ago. In the polls-plus forecast, Clinton’s chances are 85 percent, up from 80 percent a week earlier

Wason Poll: Clinton Up 15 Points in Virginia – Bearing Drift

Democrat Hillary Clinton now holds a 15-point advantage over Republican Donald Trump in Virginia, according to a tracking survey released Sunday by the Wason Center for Public Policy at Christopher Newport University. Clinton leads Trump among likely voters in Virginia, 44-29 percent.

“It’s crystal clear why the Trump campaign pulled staff out of Virginia this week,” said Dr. Quentin Kidd, Director of the Wason Center.

Clinton Leads by 7 Points in North Carolina Poll

A New York Times Upshot/Siena College survey released on Tuesday confirms that Mr. Trump’s standing has deteriorated considerably. Hillary Clinton has a seven-point lead over Mr. Trump in North Carolina, 46 percent to 39 percent, among likely voters in a three-way race including the Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson.

Poll: Hillary Clinton Leads Donald Trump in Texas

Texas may be a battleground state this election, according to a new poll of all 50 states by the Washington Post, which shows Hillary Clinton with a narrow edge over Donald Trump in Texas 46 to 45 percent among registered voters.

Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump in Wisconsin - CNNPolitics

Clinton leads Trump by 15 percentage points, 52% to 37%, among likely voters -- with 10% supporting neither candidate. That's a huge jump from the same poll's findings in July, when it had Clinton at 45% to Trump's 41%.

Clinton has big lead over Trump in Michigan, MSU survey shows

EAST LANSING, MI -- A survey from Michigan State University's Institute for Public Policy and Social Research suggests Democrat Hillary Clinton has a wide lead over Republican Donald Trump among Michigan's likely voters.

The quarterly State of the State Survey conducted by the institute tracked voters from Sept. 1 to Oct. 30 and found that among likely voters in Michigan, 52 percent said they would vote for Clinton and 32 percent said they would vote for Trump.

Arizona presidential poll: Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by 5 points - CNNPolitics

(CNN)A new poll shows Democrat Hillary Clinton with a lead in the traditional Republican stronghold of Arizona, yet another sign of Donald Trump's shrinking path to the nomination.
Pew and most other polls are run by Leftist with a Leftist bias to get the outcome they want. That's why all the polls said that Hillary would win in a Landslide.
Pew Poll Stacked with Democrats Backing Impeachment
"A new Pew Research poll that claims 54 percent of registered voters support the impeachment of President Donald Trump is stacked with Democrat respondents, according to a review of its methodology by Newsmax."
"Buried in the survey results is the fact that of the 3,487 respondents, 1,942 are Democrats or are Democratic leaning while 1,453 are Republicans or Republican leaning. That means 56 percent of those polled were Democrats compared to 42 percent who identified as Republicans — a 14 percent margin favoring Democrats."
"Frank Luntz, a veteran American political consultant and pollster, questioned the validity of the poll."
“Self-identified Democrats outnumber self-identified Republicans by about 6 percent nationally. The sample for this poll leans a bit too Democratic to accept these numbers as gospel,” Luntz told Newsmax. “When the questions are about impeachment, you have a responsibility to ensure an accurately balanced sample.”
"Further, Pew told Newsmax, "The survey is intended to reflect the views of all Americans, and so groups are sized to reflect their actual share in the population. Among the general public, a larger share of adults identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party than identify with or lean toward the Republican Party."
That last bit there is why polls are nothing but propaganda.

Democrats are caught lying, cheating and distorting the truth in almost every case.

If they really had half the good hand they claim, they wouldn't need to make things up.

Using that same logic, why do you think Trump lies so often?

Confidence. Bravado. Salesmanship. The way he sees things. He's a businessman selling a product: America. But so far, I still have not heard him say a single untruth that raised my health insurance by $2500, killed four American diplomats or caused us to leak 10,000 secrets to our enemies through an unsecured email server.

His lies have cost our farmers billions, and completely destroyed any influence we had in the Mideast. To paraphrase you, " If he really had half the good hand he claims, he wouldn't have to make things up"
Only polls that buttress my bias are legit. The rest are fake news and shit.
Pew Poll Stacked with Democrats Backing Impeachment

"A new Pew Research poll that claims 54 percent of registered voters support the impeachment of President Donald Trump is stacked with Democrat respondents, according to a review of its methodology by Newsmax."

"Buried in the survey results is the fact that of the 3,487 respondents, 1,942 are Democrats or are Democratic leaning while 1,453 are Republicans or Republican leaning. That means 56 percent of those polled were Democrats compared to 42 percent who identified as Republicans — a 14 percent margin favoring Democrats."

"Frank Luntz, a veteran American political consultant and pollster, questioned the validity of the poll."

“Self-identified Democrats outnumber self-identified Republicans by about 6 percent nationally. The sample for this poll leans a bit too Democratic to accept these numbers as gospel,” Luntz told Newsmax. “When the questions are about impeachment, you have a responsibility to ensure an accurately balanced sample.”

"Further, Pew told Newsmax, "The survey is intended to reflect the views of all Americans, and so groups are sized to reflect their actual share in the population. Among the general public, a larger share of adults identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party than identify with or lean toward the Republican Party."

Pew Poll Stacked with Democrats Backing Impeachment

That last bit there is why polls are nothing but propaganda.

Polls are for sheep.
Pew Poll Stacked with Democrats Backing Impeachment

"A new Pew Research poll that claims 54 percent of registered voters support the impeachment of President Donald Trump is stacked with Democrat respondents, according to a review of its methodology by Newsmax."

"Buried in the survey results is the fact that of the 3,487 respondents, 1,942 are Democrats or are Democratic leaning while 1,453 are Republicans or Republican leaning. That means 56 percent of those polled were Democrats compared to 42 percent who identified as Republicans — a 14 percent margin favoring Democrats."

"Frank Luntz, a veteran American political consultant and pollster, questioned the validity of the poll."

“Self-identified Democrats outnumber self-identified Republicans by about 6 percent nationally. The sample for this poll leans a bit too Democratic to accept these numbers as gospel,” Luntz told Newsmax. “When the questions are about impeachment, you have a responsibility to ensure an accurately balanced sample.”

"Further, Pew told Newsmax, "The survey is intended to reflect the views of all Americans, and so groups are sized to reflect their actual share in the population. Among the general public, a larger share of adults identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party than identify with or lean toward the Republican Party."

Pew Poll Stacked with Democrats Backing Impeachment

That last bit there is why polls are nothing but propaganda.
This will convince Dems to impeach over riding Pelosi. It fails in senate and sputters till G7 gate

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