Perverts, aka Satanists, want to be considered a valid religion. DeSantis says No

It isn't up to government to "pick and choose," when rights are natural rights!

The government doesn't have that option. .. . .

This cult? Does not believe in natural rights. . . they admit this, thus? They get no protection.

You have a fundamental misunderstanding of the Constitution of the United States of America.

If you want to live life under say, the British constitutional monarchy, or any other nation which practices Napoleonic codes? Sure. But this cult that is under discussion, from what I have researched? Does not believe in Natural law. If they don't believe in it, they don't get it. Simple.

IMO? It does not even deserve tax exempt status, as its only purpose is to mock spirituality and subvert the nation.

What Are Natural Rights?​

"Natural rights are rights granted to all people by nature or God that cannot be denied or restricted by any government or individual. Natural rights are often said to be granted to people by “natural law.”


". . . Some of Jefferson’s fellow enslaver separatists justified the obvious contradiction by explaining that only “civilized” people had natural rights, thus excluding enslaved people from eligibility.

As for Jefferson, history shows that he had long believed the slave trade was morally wrong and attempted to denounce it in the Declaration of Independence.

“He (King George) has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither,” he wrote in a draft of the document.

However, Jefferson’s anti-enslavement statement was removed from the final draft of the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson later blamed the removal of his statement on influential delegates who represented merchants who were at the time dependent on the Transatlantic slave trade for their livelihoods. Other delegates may have feared the possible loss of their financial support for the expected Revolutionary War. . . "


First Amendment and Natural Rights​

". . . While it was third on the list of original proposals in the Bill of Rights that Congress submitted to the states for approval, the First Amendment was the first amendment to deal with natural individual rights. Almost without exception, the rights in the First Amendment are thought to be natural rights because they deal with matters of conscience, thought, and expression.

The two clauses on religion—“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” are designed to allow individuals to follow their conscience in matters of faith and worship.

Clauses relating to speech, press, peaceable assembly, and petition are designed to promote discussion and debate concerning the kind of governmental policies that suit a representative form of government, and arguably to promote the development of the individual’s personality.. . . "

Now. . I have studied comparative religion, and philosophy. Without natural law, ethics and ANY & ALL civic and all morality becomes subjective. Hell, look at post-modern philosophy and any school of critical theory? It justifies the subversion of any societal norm you wish to lay claim to.

At that point? You can justify anything you wish. Might makes right. And this was already debunked in Plato's Republic, BUT ONLY, if there was, "THE GOOD, i.e. a creator;" which our nation is based on. . .

. . . but without such? Slavery? Sure. Totalitarianism? Why not. Pedophilia? If it benefits those who are in power?? . . . you bet. ANYTHING GOES! Why? Because there is no justification not to allow anything, other than do unto others, etc. . . . but again, that's flimsy Humanistic sophomoric garbage? Go back and read your Republic. :rolleyes:

And as we saw with both the publishing of our nation's two most popular books, Tom Pain's Common Sense, and Harriet Beecher Stowe's, Uncle Tom's Cabin, both? They BOTH rely on Natural Rights and a creator. It is essential to the understanding of our nation!

This cult? Is anti-American, they are not a religion, and they are working to destroy the nation. . so I ask, why should we, as a nation, protect entity that is trying to destroy and enslave us?

I respectfully disagree. It doesn’t matter what they believe. What matters is what they DO. When you say “what next”…you are talking about actions that violate rights of others. Those are not even under religion. A religion can believe that eating flesh and drinking blood is part of a sacrament, but if they sacrifice a virgin to do so that is breaking laws and obviously violating rights. If just talk about it or do symbolicly, no rights are violated or laws broken. Even the issue of “cults” is problematic because how exactly do you differentiate cults from a religion, particularly given that many began as “cults”. Better to keep a broad umbrella when it comes to freedom of religion and limit to not infringing on the rights of others.

Just an observation, but totalitarianism is already an acceptable outcome in a number of protected religions, they are prohibited in installing that vision by the Constitution, right?
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Buddhism is a religion. There is no God or Gods in Buddhism.
Oh NOW you've done it! :eek:

It's actually a philosophy AND/OR a religion depending on the adherent.

I've been lectured by more than one Buddhist on this...
Look at all of the irresponsibility of people and the costs associated with it that the taxpayer is on the hook for without religion.
Look at all those tax breaks for places of worship that enable ACTUAL (not imaginary) pedophiles/predators.

THAT should make your blood boil.
I guess you don't care that Satanists believe in murdering people?

just like those religious folks called Jihasists.

But you never cared about murder. You're a leftist
Most popular sayings by religious Repubs this site.
HIPOCRITE, its you that would like to murder.
The Founding Fathers created the concept of freedom of religion but it's doubtful if they ever envisioned satanism. The strange thing is that the crazy left gets away with depictions of anti-Christian images while relying on the ACLU to sue local governments into bankruptcy if they dare put up a Manger scene on public property. The hypocrisy is stunning but democrats ignore it.
well said

Yes, it is... LOL .. hard to imagine the Foundes of the US envisioned Satanism.

We have come so far!

The Left has subborned the intent of the clear language of our Constitution. The "establishment clause" says:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
The Left has mauled this clear instruction into a war against all things Christian. They are evil and while they may prevail in taking America down, they will also pay a heavy price for their actions when they leave this world.
which can't happen soon enough for some of us

Why God tolerates all this hideousness for SO long is a real mystery

but I guess part of the reason is that WE tolerate it... (big part o the reason)
Despite my previous post I agree. Satanists should not be recognized as a valid religion in America.

To be honest I think only Catholic and Christian, Jewish, and Buddhists should be recognized as valid religions in America.

Others can exist, but are not recognized.

That's a big problem with America. We started our as catholic and Christian but over time started letting every wackadoo religion come in here and instead of just ignoring them and letting them do their thing, we acknowledged and validated them and allowed their religion to influence America.

We let all these groups and sub groups come in here and they don't want to conform to America, they expect us to conform to them and sadly, we do.
Despite my previous post I agree. Satanists should not be recognized as a valid religion in America.

To be honest I think only Catholic and Christian, Jewish, and Buddhists should be recognized as valid religions in America.

Others can exist, but are not recognized.

That's a big problem with America. We started our as catholic and Christian but over time started letting every wackadoo religion come in here and instead of just ignoring them and letting them do their thing, we acknowledged and validated them and allowed their religion to influence America.

We let all these groups and sub groups come in here and they don't want to conform to America, they expect us to conform to them and sadly, we do.
You reckon the Iroquois were Christians?
We have to accept every damn perverse thing one can think to do, including worshipping Satan!
Satan is one of the supernatural beings that is believed by Christians isn't it? So anyone worshipping that creature is a closet Christian. OTOH........
congress shall pass no law ....

many well established religions handle snakes or practice male genital mutilation. if the flying spagetti monster brings comfort to a few pathetic humans, it is no business of any government. `
That's Federal. Until the 14th Amendment, many States had Official Religions.

It's still a murky issue on that but SCOTUS seems to think the 14th prevents it.

But I do believe States can still control who does what with Religion. To a point. Not a topic I want to be involved in.
Please. One shouldn't have to. Anyone over the age of, say 35, knows....

maybe the dimwits who watch cnn are clueless... don't know... nevr been one of those
I will accept that as a concession that you are lying

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