Perverts, aka Satanists, want to be considered a valid religion. DeSantis says No

Look at all of the irresponsibility of people and the costs associated with it that the taxpayer is on the hook for without religion.
Look at all of the irresponsibility of people and the costs associated with it that the taxpayer is on the hook for without religion.
How would religion help since it add to cost just on child birth or not.


Again, I have not finished this, but will soon. I thought others here would be interested.

Yeh, those wacky religions... All of them should be equally respected along with the ones that respect human life!


We have to accept every damn perverse thing one can think to do, including worshipping Satan! Where's that in the US Constitution?

Our nation was founded on CHRISTIAN (Judeo-Christian) principles.

I say to the Satanists: Go somewhere else... although I really want them to just go... uh... where they ultimately belong

from the site:

"Satan has no place in our society [LOL] and should not be recognized as a ‘religion’ by the federal government," DeSantis tweeted. "I'll chip in to contribute to this veteran's legal defense fund."


Good for him! It's about time politicians stood up to this insanity!

well, actually, it is past time... :(

The government has no business defining what constitutes valid religions.
Is DeSantis being Captain Obvious now?

Of course he is saying it how it is...

C'mon now DeSantis.....we know that....

satanists are shit.
It kind of has to as religious institutions are tax exempt. If there wasnt some sort of criteria then no taxes would ever get paid.

Yes, religious institutions are tax exempt. But religious institutions are not exempted based on the government deciding that the religion is worth while.
Satanists don't believe in God(s) in the same sense Christians do. But they are their own God and it is part of their religion.
Not according to their website or the Satanic Bible (which I have read). They do not believe in a god or gods. They worship the self.
Right. They see their own nature as God, in the same way Buddhists have Gods.
No they litterally dont believe that there is any type of superior/supreme being. They are atheists.

  • No, nor do we believe in the existence of Satan or the supernatural. The Satanic Temple believes that religion can, and should, be divorced from superstition. As such, we do not promote a belief in a personal Satan. To embrace the name Satan is to embrace rational inquiry removed from supernaturalism and archaic tradition-based superstitions. Satanists should actively work to hone critical thinking and exercise reasonable agnosticism in all things. Our beliefs must be malleable to the best current scientific understandings of the material world — never the reverse.

Dont believe me believe them.
That's my point. The government does not pick and choose what is a valid religion. Nor should it.
Except that it does. It doesnt grant every group that applies for tax exempt status as a religious institution that status. Thus it's picking and choosing. The only way it could stop doing that is to eliminate that status.

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