People Who Should Be Kicked


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
1. People who place their cart on one side of the grocery store aisle while they look at items on the opposite side of the aisle, thus blocking the whole aisle.

2. People who write checks in the grocery store express lane.

Add your own.

Kick Worthy:
Mental midgets who drive slowly in the fast lane causing traffic backups behind them because they don't pull over and allow others to pass.
People that don't use their turn signal when they turn.

People that leave their turn signal on without turning
Asstardian school officials that send emails that say: YOU are receiving this email because your child did not complete coursework on the online school day to one of our 56 school websites that we continuously get rid of. If your child failed to show this work to the teacher today then YOUR child will face the consequences of DETENTION and be marked absent.
However, there are so many kids that we don't know when that disciplinary action will occur.

So, you don't really know if I have been selected as a winner. You don't really know if the homework has been done and you don't know what contact, if any, has occurred between the teacher and my child. And there will be punishment maybe someday.
Got it.

Kick 'em.
When I'm in my car with the windows up and listening to something on the radio and can hear some jerk's music blaring out of their nearby car. Those idiots deserve a good kick from a hefty boot. As for the a-holes who don't turn their loud music off when they go into a store or somewhere, they should be repeatedly kicked with a hefty steel toed boot.
People who count 20 cans of cat food in the express lane as "1 item"

People who don't know how to properly use the self check out who insist on using the self check out.

People who send their stuff to mix with your stuff in the self check out lane instead of waiting 2 freaking minutes (I used to work stock, I'm a fast bagger)
Sorry ladies but this has never happened to me except with other female customers.

Waiting in line to order something at a Starbucks, fast food place, etc. Ahead of me in the slow moving line are two or more females who are chatting nonstop, right up until it's their turn to order, whereupon they stop the nonsense talk and only then start to peruse the display menu and discuss the pros/cons of various items before finally making decisions and ordering. Why can't they make those decisions while they're waiting rather than further slowing down the line for everyone else?
People that don't use their turn signal when they turn.

People that leave their turn signal on without turning
People who hit their brakes BEFORE turning on their turn signal.

Morons who swing over to the right in order to make a left turn thus obstructing anyone from being able to go around them.

Oblivious morons who see you waiting to turn but who never indicate that they are turning thus not allowing you to pull out.
People who park so badly, they infringe on a second parking space.

It's usually SUVs. If you are too stupid to learn how to park it, get a smaller car.
People who sit and wait for someone else's parking space, blocking the parking lot driving lane the whole damned time.

If you park farther away, you will still be inside the store sooner than you would by waiting for the closer space, retard.

A few extra steps will kill you, you fat fuck?
Charity runners and their support vans.

Someone has to say it.

These people are assholes, choking up major thoroughfares during rush hour.

Just tell me you ran five miles, I'll give you a few bucks. Don't actually do it and piss off ten thousand commuters.

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