part of my platform for 2016...

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for supper
I am onto something big.
Could be what we need to fix the country. aren't to the level to understanding of my proposal.
Stick to management.
It suits you best.
I am onto something big.
Could be what we need to fix the country. aren't to the level to understanding of my proposal.
Stick to management.
It suits you best.


So, I'm not "up to understanding" your ridiculous plan for mob rule and tyranny of the majority?

There's a pretty good reason why the founders outright rejected any sort of direct democracy when writing the Constitution.
Its because they held a selfish variable of control extracted and replicated from the British parliamentary government that independence was gained from and that variable needs to change and be back into the hands of the us citizen for direct leadership.
That is how we fix things.
Its a matter of choice vs. chosen for.
I personally prefer choice.
Especially when it comes to direction.
Its not mobrule.
Obviously YOU DON'T GET IT.
understand your vernacular better.
"Tyranny"is an adverb description of under a MONARCH,RULER,ETC...
so,you say that you would rather live in a socialist nanny state?
No checks or balances...continue to be robbed...taken advantage of by leaders servitude their own interests?
the LAW would be by the people,of the people,and for the people...
I like what he's doing here. I like this challenge. I like his bare honesty.

Not sure what I can do with it as a promoter. But I like the very rawness of his statements and his truth.
Is constitution + direct democracy =liberty and a free nation,leader of the free world.
Right now,in our current system,at the FEDERAL LEVEL,when a line item and bill is presented to Congress for vote,depending on whether it HB or SB(Senate bill)or (house bill)
The representatives in the house,or Senate, attempt to originate a bill and vote on their own accord to either pass for ratification vote through either house or senate and then to the executive office for signature to law or veto by the executive office of the president.
Regardless of party affiliation of any house Rep or Senator..
The "YEA"or "NAY"is determined by simple majority collective vote of the us citizens in each house district.
Once the collective vote is determined if the simple majority collective citizen vote says "YEA"the representative says "YEA".If it is "NAY",then the Rep reports "NAY".
Then the simple majority vote of each district is tabulated,and based on simple majority of yea or nay,the bill moves on to the Senate based on the direct simple majority vote of the us citizens in each district.

Next step us citizens ratify their majority voice in the Senate vote,and the us citizen can either ratify their own vote through their collective majority in each senatorial district,or kill it.again,the simple majority vote of each senatorial district determines "YEA"or"NAY"based on the simple majority collective citizen vote.

Then...once simple majority is achieved for ratification,under direct democracy,THR PRESIDENT MUST SIGN INTO LAW BASED ON THE COLLECTIVE AND VERIFIED MAJORITY VOTE OF THE US CITIZEN.

Where does lying about your military record fit ino that, you sack of shit?
TD,it's the next step of evolution of our great new experiment called America.
Just like a human grows and evolves.
Juust like a family grows and evolves.
As a nation we need to think outside the accustomed box to evolve and solidify what we are all about.
The greatest nation on the planet,and leader of the free world.
I never lied about anything.
Stick to the op,you traitor.
Lets see you do better than me....
then criticize.

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