Obama v Romney


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
An interesting read:

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Print Article

Obama Targets a Party as Romney Zeroes In on a President

By Erin McPike - May 4, 2012
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President Obama and Mitt Romney are talking around each other these days, and it's easy to see why: The former's message is rooted in party ideology while the latter's is based on his opponent's leadership style.

The difference demonstrates how crystallized opinions have become as the election season begins in earnest. What's more, it shows how badly the Romney campaign wants the election to be a referendum on the president, thus making the incumbent’s management style a focal point of the race. Team Obama, however, wants the sharpest contrast before voters to be the wide gulf between the parties’ core beliefs, in part to stoke fears that a Republican-run White House would roll back the clock on ingrained social reforms.

And so the president targets congressional Republicans to underscore how extreme he believes the GOP has become, while Romney drills down on Obama’s relative lack of executive experience and leaves the rest of the Democratic Party alone. In part, the strategies make sense for both sides, as one is trying to oust an embattled incumbent, but it also is a reminder of the Democratic Party’s broader reach right now compared to the GOP’s smaller tent.

“The sourcing for some of [the Obama campaign’s] biggest hits on Romney is the Paul Ryan budget, not necessarily policies that Romney himself has put forward,” veteran Republican strategist Todd Harris said. “And let’s not forget that Congress itself has a 9 percent approval rating.” (Actually, 14 percent in the RCP Average.)

Harris added, “It’s much harder [for Romney] to saddle the White House with every crazy thing some congressional Democrat might do because the president obviously has his own unique standing and identity.”

Longtime Democratic strategist C.R. Wooters struck similar chords.

For Romney, he said, “when you’re running against a sitting president, you have to take him on personally a lot, and once he engages you, then you’re on the same level.” Wooters continued, “People’s opinions about Obama are pretty solidified,” meaning Team Romney’s messaging “has more to do with Romney sitting at the big kids’ table.”


I'm a conservative, with current day called, 'libertarian leanings.' Maybe stronger leanings than Romney would be comfortable with, nevertheless...

Here's some advice:

Hit Obama hard as executive:

1. Healthcare-keep bringing it up and the resulting debt. FOCUS on how it wasted time and illustrated his inexperience. Wasted goodwill.

2. The Economy-By every measure the American people are in worse shape than when he was inaugurated. His policies and focus of new ones have exacerbated the problems. That's on him, not Congress.

3. Foreign Policy-IS the US in better shape with ME, Africa than before 2009? How? In every measure the US has lost standing, faced a loss of face, and made the world less safe.

Then for the Democrats, Congressional and Executive:

1. How dare you not get a budget passed, while ratcheting a debt unimaginable 5 years ago? Projections are so much worse for the next President and Congress. How dare you!

2. What about the DOJ? Ashcroft may have been stupidly thrown cloths over statues, but not statutes, as Holder has done. Fast and Furious anyone? The Democrats in Congress stand mute in front of the blatant racism in the DOJ.
How bad is Obama? Even the Dems are having problems with him, not just the independents. That is different than what Romney is facing, just the far right splintering, which some don't view as bad. Lots of links:

» “Julia”: Obama marketing machine fail - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

“Julia”: Obama marketing machine fail
Posted by Anne Sorock Saturday, May 5, 2012 at 9:15am

In the days since the unveiling of the Obama campaign’s cartoon Julia, critics on both the left and the right have laughed off the cradle-to-grave depiction of life with Big Brother handling everything for “its women”:

MSNBC’s Willie Geist: “They did lob this up as a softball for Republicans, one conservative saying, ‘Who the hell is Julia and why am i paying for her whole life?’”

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough: “Who brushes her teeth?”
How did the slick Obama campaign of 2008, the team that brought modernity, intellectualism, and cool back to D.C., end up making so many missteps this time around? (Remember how much fun #AttackWatch was?)

The marketing team at Obama HQ might as well be focus-grouping Rachel Maddow and Debbie Wasserman-Schulz.

In contrast, research I worked on at The Frontier Lab deciphered how Republican women view their GOP choices for the presidential nomination. The results show that moderate and conservative women certainly won’t respond to the paternalistic message of Obama’s Julia campaign.

If anything, rather than seeking a president to stand-in as a father figure, they’re asking their president to bear up to the same scrutiny that they’d ask a potential mate to withstand. Will our president have solid principles? Will the candidate be a partner in keeping our finances safe? Will they stand up for our values and fight when necessary?

Given Obama’s seemingly off-base characterization of what American females seek in a president, can the Republicans convert this into a win? It starts with leaving the Obama gender stereotypes behind; the ball’s in Romney’s court.
O'romneyOBushma are all the same puppet. lmao... with the same core policies. Of course all of the people too dumb to realize this (libz and conz) will be the first douches out there voting for them.. hahaha

Worst posters ever, those that claim all are alike. Truth is they are looking for relative culpability, instead of loyalty or loyal dissent. Romney and Obama aren't close on domestic or foreign issues. Then again Obama does resemble Bush in many ways, for the simple reason he was clueless at the beginning and still is from the way he's running his 'new campaign, 'the we're meaner now, cause the Republicans have been nasty.'
At least from here in Europe, The GOP increasingly seem to have more in common with the extreme far right parties of UKIP or Marine Le Pen than they do genuine conservatives.

It just amazes me that in 2012 we can see major parties putting forward candidates who still seem to be stuck in 1976, if not 1956. (There is no such thing as climate change? Seriously?)

The GOP seem to have learned nothing from the economic meltdown, and are still championing the same policies which brought down your banks and auto industry. From that point of view alone, Obama should win the election by a distance.
O'romneyOBushma are all the same puppet. lmao... with the same core policies. Of course all of the people too dumb to realize this (libz and conz) will be the first douches out there voting for them.. hahaha

Worst posters ever, those that claim all are alike. Truth is they are looking for relative culpability, instead of loyalty or loyal dissent. Romney and Obama aren't close on domestic or foreign issues. Then again Obama does resemble Bush in many ways, for the simple reason he was clueless at the beginning and still is from the way he's running his 'new campaign, 'the we're meaner now, cause the Republicans have been nasty.'

Has O'Bummer found a Bush policy he didn't lovingly continue yet? I didn't like Bush and don't like the Black Bush either. What I don't get is how libz who didn't like Bush can now support Bush policies since Obummer is running them and why conz are so against Bush policies now when Obummer is running them... :lol:

You are really a keen political analyst. You make such a compelling argument for how Romney should run his campaign.......if we were not living in reality.

The idea that Obama has fucked up the economy and screwed up our foreign policy is a fantasy that only those in the bubble will vote on.

You are really a keen political analyst. You make such a compelling argument for how Romney should run his campaign.......if we were not living in reality.

The idea that Obama has fucked up the economy and screwed up our foreign policy is a fantasy that only those in the bubble will vote on.


Take the new SALT talks. Conservatives want to continue the arms race..no matter what the cost. It makes absolutely no sense. Missile Defense, doesn't work. And giving missiles to former Warsaw pact countries is antagonistic. And continued hostilities with China and Russia is a fool's errand. Yet this is the path Romney wants to walk. It's the same path initially walked by Bush..when he dropped the ball on Terrorism and gave us 9/11.

Having lived through that in NYC..I don't want to go back.

You are really a keen political analyst. You make such a compelling argument for how Romney should run his campaign.......if we were not living in reality.

The idea that Obama has fucked up the economy and screwed up our foreign policy is a fantasy that only those in the bubble will vote on.


Afica and the ME are now under the thumb of the Muslim Brotherhood.

You take credit for the Spring you take the blame for the Fall. ooh, that's catchy

and the economy? the fact that I need to explain it means you're a lemming

You are really a keen political analyst. You make such a compelling argument for how Romney should run his campaign.......if we were not living in reality.

The idea that Obama has fucked up the economy and screwed up our foreign policy is a fantasy that only those in the bubble will vote on.


Take the new SALT talks. Conservatives want to continue the arms race..no matter what the cost. It makes absolutely no sense. Missile Defense, doesn't work. And giving missiles to former Warsaw pact countries is antagonistic. And continued hostilities with China and Russia is a fool's errand. Yet this is the path Romney wants to walk. It's the same path initially walked by Bush..when he dropped the ball on Terrorism and gave us 9/11.

Having lived through that in NYC..I don't want to go back.

you do know there's been 3 more attempts right?

none since 9/11 til Bush is out, 3 since obama got in. How many "almost" are you cool with?

You are really a keen political analyst. You make such a compelling argument for how Romney should run his campaign.......if we were not living in reality.

The idea that Obama has fucked up the economy and screwed up our foreign policy is a fantasy that only those in the bubble will vote on.


Take the new SALT talks. Conservatives want to continue the arms race..no matter what the cost. It makes absolutely no sense. Missile Defense, doesn't work. And giving missiles to former Warsaw pact countries is antagonistic. And continued hostilities with China and Russia is a fool's errand. Yet this is the path Romney wants to walk. It's the same path initially walked by Bush..when he dropped the ball on Terrorism and gave us 9/11.

Having lived through that in NYC..I don't want to go back.

you do know there's been 3 more attempts right?

none since 9/11 til Bush is out, 3 since obama got in. How many "almost" are you cool with?

All of them.
O'romneyOBushma are all the same puppet. lmao... with the same core policies. Of course all of the people too dumb to realize this (libz and conz) will be the first douches out there voting for them.. hahaha

yep. give me Dr. Ron Paul then i have a reason to go out and VOTE!!!! :cool:
Afica and the ME are now under the thumb of the Muslim Brotherhood.

So do Libya, Tunisia and Egypt have better or worse governments now than 2 years back?

In Libya and Tunisia, clearly better. In Egypt, probably better.

btw, There are 51 countries in Africa. Of those, around 40 are not Islamic. Of the remaining 11, the MB are active in 5 countries. The only country they have any major control in is Egypt.
O'romneyOBushma are all the same puppet. lmao... with the same core policies. Of course all of the people too dumb to realize this (libz and conz) will be the first douches out there voting for them.. hahaha

yep. give me Dr. Ron Paul then i have a reason to go out and VOTE!!!! :cool:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bz3PZSLjhmA]Ron Paul talks about secession... in front of the Confederate Flag - YouTube[/ame]

You can have him..

Maybe this racist seccessionist asshole can form a new country. Call it Paultopia.

Islands for Sale, Private Islands, Luxury Real Estate
An interesting read:

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Print Article

Obama Targets a Party as Romney Zeroes In on a President

By Erin McPike - May 4, 2012
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President Obama and Mitt Romney are talking around each other these days, and it's easy to see why: The former's message is rooted in party ideology while the latter's is based on his opponent's leadership style.

The difference demonstrates how crystallized opinions have become as the election season begins in earnest. What's more, it shows how badly the Romney campaign wants the election to be a referendum on the president, thus making the incumbent’s management style a focal point of the race. Team Obama, however, wants the sharpest contrast before voters to be the wide gulf between the parties’ core beliefs, in part to stoke fears that a Republican-run White House would roll back the clock on ingrained social reforms.

And so the president targets congressional Republicans to underscore how extreme he believes the GOP has become, while Romney drills down on Obama’s relative lack of executive experience and leaves the rest of the Democratic Party alone. In part, the strategies make sense for both sides, as one is trying to oust an embattled incumbent, but it also is a reminder of the Democratic Party’s broader reach right now compared to the GOP’s smaller tent.

“The sourcing for some of [the Obama campaign’s] biggest hits on Romney is the Paul Ryan budget, not necessarily policies that Romney himself has put forward,” veteran Republican strategist Todd Harris said. “And let’s not forget that Congress itself has a 9 percent approval rating.” (Actually, 14 percent in the RCP Average.)

Harris added, “It’s much harder [for Romney] to saddle the White House with every crazy thing some congressional Democrat might do because the president obviously has his own unique standing and identity.”

Longtime Democratic strategist C.R. Wooters struck similar chords.

For Romney, he said, “when you’re running against a sitting president, you have to take him on personally a lot, and once he engages you, then you’re on the same level.” Wooters continued, “People’s opinions about Obama are pretty solidified,” meaning Team Romney’s messaging “has more to do with Romney sitting at the big kids’ table.”


I'm a conservative, with current day called, 'libertarian leanings.' Maybe stronger leanings than Romney would be comfortable with, nevertheless...

Here's some advice:

Hit Obama hard as executive:

1. Healthcare-keep bringing it up and the resulting debt. FOCUS on how it wasted time and illustrated his inexperience. Wasted goodwill.

2. The Economy-By every measure the American people are in worse shape than when he was inaugurated. His policies and focus of new ones have exacerbated the problems. That's on him, not Congress.

3. Foreign Policy-IS the US in better shape with ME, Africa than before 2009? How? In every measure the US has lost standing, faced a loss of face, and made the world less safe.

Then for the Democrats, Congressional and Executive:

1. How dare you not get a budget passed, while ratcheting a debt unimaginable 5 years ago? Projections are so much worse for the next President and Congress. How dare you!

2. What about the DOJ? Ashcroft may have been stupidly thrown cloths over statues, but not statutes, as Holder has done. Fast and Furious anyone? The Democrats in Congress stand mute in front of the blatant racism in the DOJ.

here's why your post is worthless right at the front of your post ... first of all you call yourself a conservative with libertarian leanings ... here's what this says to me... less government ... meaning that libertarians believe that a government should only tax for fire department, police department, and the defense of the country that's it .... name any country that has used a libertarian government at all ... that answer would be none ... Why because that country would fail....

now the conservative side of the government... if they could do this without losing their house and senate members, they would kill social security, medicade, medcare ... they would remove every regulation for banking, health insurance, insurance... because they feel regulations of any kind are wrong ... they thing if a company cheats its customers the custormer will go some where else ...

this I can't support ... as long as republicans and libertarian believe this I cant support them in any manner ... right at the front of your post you lost every bit of my attention... I'm Against it with every fiber of my being
An interesting read:

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Print Article

Obama Targets a Party as Romney Zeroes In on a President

By Erin McPike - May 4, 2012
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President Obama and Mitt Romney are talking around each other these days, and it's easy to see why: The former's message is rooted in party ideology while the latter's is based on his opponent's leadership style.

The difference demonstrates how crystallized opinions have become as the election season begins in earnest. What's more, it shows how badly the Romney campaign wants the election to be a referendum on the president, thus making the incumbent’s management style a focal point of the race. Team Obama, however, wants the sharpest contrast before voters to be the wide gulf between the parties’ core beliefs, in part to stoke fears that a Republican-run White House would roll back the clock on ingrained social reforms.

And so the president targets congressional Republicans to underscore how extreme he believes the GOP has become, while Romney drills down on Obama’s relative lack of executive experience and leaves the rest of the Democratic Party alone. In part, the strategies make sense for both sides, as one is trying to oust an embattled incumbent, but it also is a reminder of the Democratic Party’s broader reach right now compared to the GOP’s smaller tent.

“The sourcing for some of [the Obama campaign’s] biggest hits on Romney is the Paul Ryan budget, not necessarily policies that Romney himself has put forward,” veteran Republican strategist Todd Harris said. “And let’s not forget that Congress itself has a 9 percent approval rating.” (Actually, 14 percent in the RCP Average.)

Harris added, “It’s much harder [for Romney] to saddle the White House with every crazy thing some congressional Democrat might do because the president obviously has his own unique standing and identity.”

Longtime Democratic strategist C.R. Wooters struck similar chords.

For Romney, he said, “when you’re running against a sitting president, you have to take him on personally a lot, and once he engages you, then you’re on the same level.” Wooters continued, “People’s opinions about Obama are pretty solidified,” meaning Team Romney’s messaging “has more to do with Romney sitting at the big kids’ table.”


I'm a conservative, with current day called, 'libertarian leanings.' Maybe stronger leanings than Romney would be comfortable with, nevertheless...

Here's some advice:

Hit Obama hard as executive:

1. Healthcare-keep bringing it up and the resulting debt. FOCUS on how it wasted time and illustrated his inexperience. Wasted goodwill.

2. The Economy-By every measure the American people are in worse shape than when he was inaugurated. His policies and focus of new ones have exacerbated the problems. That's on him, not Congress.

3. Foreign Policy-IS the US in better shape with ME, Africa than before 2009? How? In every measure the US has lost standing, faced a loss of face, and made the world less safe.

Then for the Democrats, Congressional and Executive:

1. How dare you not get a budget passed, while ratcheting a debt unimaginable 5 years ago? Projections are so much worse for the next President and Congress. How dare you!

2. What about the DOJ? Ashcroft may have been stupidly thrown cloths over statues, but not statutes, as Holder has done. Fast and Furious anyone? The Democrats in Congress stand mute in front of the blatant racism in the DOJ.

here's why your post is worthless right at the front of your post ... first of all you call yourself a conservative with libertarian leanings ... here's what this says to me... less government ... meaning that libertarians believe that a government should only tax for fire department, police department, and the defense of the country that's it .... name any country that has used a libertarian government at all ... that answer would be none ... Why because that country would fail....

now the conservative side of the government... if they could do this without losing their house and senate members, they would kill social security, medicade, medcare ... they would remove every regulation for banking, health insurance, insurance... because they feel regulations of any kind are wrong ... they thing if a company cheats its customers the custormer will go some where else ...

this I can't support ... as long as republicans and libertarian believe this I cant support them in any manner ... right at the front of your post you lost every bit of my attention... I'm Against it with every fiber of my being

Well you're wrong.

Somalia is trying it.
How bad is Obama? Even the Dems are having problems with him, not just the independents. That is different than what Romney is facing, just the far right splintering, which some don't view as bad. Lots of links:

here where you failed in your opinion on why Dems/liberals, dont' like obama ...
1) he didn't pass single payer
2) he didn't pass public option
3) he pander too much to the right when he did have the power because he want to be Bipartisan... he should have said to hell with you republicans and force the house an senate to pass the bills that were presented... if he had done that he wouldn't have lost all of the support of the independents liberals and dems ... in 2010 and you can' bet your bottom dollar a lot of those teabaggers that got elected they will be gone you can count on that... we are also eliminating Blue dog dems out of our party with liberal dems in their place... as for the republicans ... they are going to get hit with the biggest lost this time around that will be historical...
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