Parents question man who legally brought gun into trampoline park

Any responsible gun owner knows you don't jump on a trampoline with you firearm; signage or no. PERIOD. END OF STORY. What a dip shit
He should not be OUT in public. He should be in a straitjacket, in a padded cell with the door welded closed, in a maximum-security nut house.
yea but unlike the guys you read....he was a real warrior....GIK'TAL!!!

... says the guy who named himself after another fictional character.
wait a minute....are you saying there is a harry dresden in the make believe world?....

Seriously? Yes-the title character in Jim Butcher's Dresden Files books.
the dresden files you say?.....interesting.....what else can you tell me about this cheap imposter?...
You are quite paranoid and should not be carrying a gun in public.

Not Paranoid.... Prepared.

Hopefully none of the defensive tools I carry are ever needed, but they'll be worth the hassle of concealing them every time I go out, if I ever need one of them.

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