Parent: Kids watched pornography, masturbated in class

This is why you don't buy your 13 year old a smart phone. The children were also suspended.

The teacher was probably worried he would get sued, or accused of something else. Parents are morons these days.
Why are cell phones allowed in classes in the first place?

There is no reason for a kid to have a cell phone in class... NONE AT ALL!
This is why you don't buy your 13 year old a smart phone. The children were also suspended.

The teacher was probably worried he would get sued, or accused of something else. Parents are morons these days.

Theacher knew that it wasnt in his Union contract to do anything about it.
I think the teacher was scared of stupid parents....
I think the parent's of these children should be the ones in trouble. First off, for raising messed up children who would want to masturbate in class. Second, because they gave their child a smart phone when they were 13.
F'ing idiots. But yes, lets blame the teacher and the school.
Parents shouldn't allow their kids to take them to school...
Of course they will site safety issues. I made it out of high school without a phone.
This is what happens when yuou allow parents to force the school to allow children to have toys in class. Sorry, but there should not be cell phones in class. When you reprimand teachers for taking away kids cell phones while teaching, or for punishing kids who talk during class this is what happens. Of course teachers are not going to risk their job taking away little johny's cell phone.

The fact is that most schools today allow cell phones and talking during class and teachers are reprimanded because parents complain they cannot contact their child at all times. Is their kid that important that they need to be contacted during the middle of class? Until you remove devices like cell phones from the class and talking during class this is what you will have.
I've never heard of a school that allowed students to bring cell phones to class.

Back when i was a kid you would have been punished for having anything ion class. Today teachers are told to allow kids to have cell phones in class and even to allow them to use them. Don't fool yourself, this is what happens in most classes today. The parents do not care. Teachers cannot even rely on the parents to back them. If a teacher decides to take away a kids cell phone or keep them from talking on it then the parents complain and the teacher gets reprimanded.

I too could not believe this was the case until I started talking tio some teachers in different areas about this sort of thing. Back in my day if I had the nerve to back talk a teacher the school would have punished me, and then my parents would have punished me. Today the school might try to punish the student, but the parents argue and threaten lawsuits against the school.

The schools have their own problems now that they have pissed away money on a high paid shrinks for each child, but the parents also have a huge responsibility in the crap fest our educational system has become. I cannot even imagine how any kid can learn in modern classes anymore.
This is why you don't buy your 13 year old a smart phone. The children were also suspended.

The teacher was probably worried he would get sued, or accused of something else. Parents are morons these days.
That may be, but schools should do no further damage to children than has already been done.

I think cell phones are a menace to society. People on them hold up traffic, run off the road and hit pedestrians, hit people in wheelchairs in marked pedestrian lanes, and in general their driving is equivalent to driving behind someone with a BAL of 2.5.

Kids see this and think that's how life is. Just one big blissful, blabbering conversation after another, and the world goes away momentarily.

For the person their vehicle hits, it goes away forever.

For the child who looks onto porn in a classroom where kids are passing around a cellphone, the teacher may not know he is being used as a confederate in the sexual brainwashing of children.

The children are secretive about their phones, also. They keep them tucked away, hand them over when the teacher's attention is diverted or has his back turned while writing on the chalkboard.

The schools probably should consider putting phoneblock in classrooms where children have iphone devices and telephones.

We survived with no phones when I was growing up, and our ancestors survived with a slateboard and chalk, erased when the lesson was done.

Phones actually remove the child's attention from the teacher to pornography, if that's what the child chooses to do. An 8-year-old can pretend to be a parent and find information on how to open and close services from other children (namely himself, to open stuff he knows he is forbidden to see).

Block 'em.
Parents shouldn't allow their kids to take them to school...
Of course they will site safety issues. I made it out of high school without a phone.

But that was when every school had dozens of pay phones and just about every gas station had a couple as well... or were you in school pre telephones? ;) Hehe, just kidding on that last statement.

Think about it. Can you tell me where the nearest pay phone is to your home right now?

That is not to excuse the behavior of the students, but I can see the value of kids having a phone in easy reach these days. It is, however, a privilege to be earned. I say these kids blew it, and should loose the digital package on their phones until they show they are capable of maintaining a certain amount of dignity.


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