Palin's Katie Couric moment, agin.

Glen Beck...GLEN BECK asked her a "gotcha" question I guess.

He asked her who her favorite fouding father was...her response, AGAIN....

"All of them."

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Palin’s favorite founding father « - Blogs from

Wow. Get the feeling she didnt prepare for that book report?

Oh yeah, we fear her


sarah palin likes all the founding fathers

holy fucking shit batman


It is quite absurd this is being attempted as some failing by Palin - but it's amusing to watch the sophomoric declarations nonetheless...
The only people that ever mention her here are Democrats and liberals. Every thread about her is about how stupid she is. The really stupid ones are the people starting these Palin threads. :lol:

Uhm no, she really is stupid.

Stupid ?? Let's see.... she is world famous, has a exceptionally high paying job, a great family, and an exciting and interesting life. Meanwhile you, ostensibly the "smart one", are an anonymous person on the internet who nobody has ever heard of. Yeah, she's real stupid....:cuckoo:

She quit her job as Gov to sell books to sycophant idiots. She is not someone to look up to.
Glen Beck...GLEN BECK asked her a "gotcha" question I guess.

He asked her who her favorite fouding father was...her response, AGAIN....

"All of them."

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Palin’s favorite founding father « - Blogs from

Wow. Get the feeling she didnt prepare for that book report?

Oh yeah, we fear her


sarah palin likes all the founding fathers

holy fucking shit batman


It is quite absurd this is being attempted as some failing by Palin - but it's amusing to watch the sophomoric declarations nonetheless...

She said "all of them"...same thing she said to Couric. That is just too damn funny.
Uhm no, she really is stupid.

Stupid ?? Let's see.... she is world famous, has a exceptionally high paying job, a great family, and an exciting and interesting life. Meanwhile you, ostensibly the "smart one", are an anonymous person on the internet who nobody has ever heard of. Yeah, she's real stupid....:cuckoo:

She quit her job as Gov to sell books to sycophant idiots. She is not someone to look up to.

Yet, you feel compelled to start a thread about her almost daily....:cuckoo:
Stupid ?? Let's see.... she is world famous, has a exceptionally high paying job, a great family, and an exciting and interesting life. Meanwhile you, ostensibly the "smart one", are an anonymous person on the internet who nobody has ever heard of. Yeah, she's real stupid....:cuckoo:

She quit her job as Gov to sell books to sycophant idiots. She is not someone to look up to.

Yet, you feel compelled to start a thread about her almost daily....:cuckoo:

Links to me starting threads about her daily. Even "almost" daily. Seriously, links please. if not, shut the fuck up with your lies.

now back to that other dolt, Palin. Oh the threads will keep on coming in the future though, this great ..fair and balanced station hired her dumb ass.
I like Jefferson myself, but that's a bit biased because we are related.

But Palin had a good answer, I don't see what is wrong with her showing that she knew something that many Americans do not know. That Washington was asked to be our first King and turned it down.

"Washington was the consummate statesman. He served, he returned power to the people," she continued. "He didn't want to be a king - he returned power to the people, then he went back to Mount Vernon, he went back to his farm."

Bravo Sarah :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Remind me again, what political office does Sarah Palin hold?

None thank goodness. Doesn't stop her from being a huge attention whore though. It doesn't matter to her what people are saying as long as her name continues to be mentioned.

The only people that ever mention her here are Democrats and liberals. Every thread about her is about how stupid she is. The really stupid ones are the people starting these Palin threads. :lol:

By a fair margin the majority of Sarah Palin threads here are created by the right.
yeah if after an hour interview the WORST you could come up with was she didn't give a definitive answer (when she did) obviously Sarah is doing really well.

Really well.

The perfect people would never ever start a Sarah Palin thread.. no no no it's always the evil right people who start Sarah Palin threads..

now for a commercial break until the next evil right person starts a Sarah Palin thread.. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
yeah if after an hour interview the WORST you could come up with was she didn't give a definitive answer (when she did) obviously Sarah is doing really well.

Really well.


All of them Catie.....still dont get it?
I like Jefferson myself, but that's a bit biased because we are related.

But Palin had a good answer, I don't see what is wrong with her showing that she knew something that many Americans do not know. That Washington was asked to be our first King and turned it down.

"Washington was the consummate statesman. He served, he returned power to the people," she continued. "He didn't want to be a king - he returned power to the people, then he went back to Mount Vernon, he went back to his farm."

Bravo Sarah :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Agreed - her answer was fine.
and beck made her answer and then she gave a decent answer... move along this is nit picking
"So much diverse opinion and so much diversity in terms of belief"..."collectively they came together"..."He returned power to the people...he returned power to the people, then he went back to Mount Vernon, he went back to his farm."

The woman knows three things about the first President of the US and nothing about the rest of the founding fathers except that they were "diverse." She repeats four redundancies in the span of two sentences.

She couldn't pass a seventh grade U.S. history test.

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