Our elected leaders are WASTING our tax dollars with this pointless hearing.

Russia tried to influence our election. Trump benefitted from it
Trump campaign had interaction with Russia at the time
It needs to be investigated
Illegal aliens voted for Hillary. Hillary is pro amnesty. it needs to be investigated.
Russians gave Hillary money, investigate that.
Hillary sold favors as Secretary of State.
Stop being a hypocrite.
:link: With actual and verified facts, please. Thank you.
The reason I ask is I have seen the claims but nothing to back them up. So, no one takes that claim seriously, other than Trump and his very easily manipulated worshippers.:2up:
What besides innuendo, unsubstantiated allegations, do you have to prove that Trump and Putin rigged the election?
The fact that Trump built a hotel in Russia?
They ask the same damn questions over & over & over.
They're like a gaggle of annoying kids asking "Are we there yet?" Non-stop

Why do you hate America? Why do you hate justice? Why do you hate the Constitution? Sounds like Felonious is seeking attention once again. Maybe you'd be happier in Russia...

When did we support Hillary?
Russia tried to influence our election. Trump benefitted from it
Trump campaign had interaction with Russia at the time
It needs to be investigated
Illegal aliens voted for Hillary. Hillary is pro amnesty. it needs to be investigated.
Russians gave Hillary money, investigate that.
Hillary sold favors as Secretary of State.
Stop being a hypocrite.

Up to five million Russians voted for Trump
Russia tried to influence our election. Trump benefitted from it
Trump campaign had interaction with Russia at the time
It needs to be investigated
Illegal aliens voted for Hillary. Hillary is pro amnesty. it needs to be investigated.
Russians gave Hillary money, investigate that.
Hillary sold favors as Secretary of State.
Stop being a hypocrite.
:link: With actual and verified facts, please. Thank you.
The reason I ask is I have seen the claims but nothing to back them up. So, no one takes that claim seriously, other than Trump and his very easily manipulated worshippers.:2up:
What besides innuendo, unsubstantiated allegations, do you have to prove that Trump and Putin rigged the election?
The fact that Trump built a hotel in Russia?

Connect the dots:

  • Russia hacked the DNC server
  • Trump used the leaks on a weekly basis in his "crooked Hillary" campaign
  • Trump aides held secret meetings with the Russians
  • Trump offered policy concessions to the Russians
  • Trump encouraged Comey to drop the investigation
  • Trump fired Comey
Russia tried to influence our election. Trump benefitted from it
Trump campaign had interaction with Russia at the time
It needs to be investigated
Illegal aliens voted for Hillary. Hillary is pro amnesty. it needs to be investigated.
Russians gave Hillary money, investigate that.
Hillary sold favors as Secretary of State.
Stop being a hypocrite.
:link: With actual and verified facts, please. Thank you.
The reason I ask is I have seen the claims but nothing to back them up. So, no one takes that claim seriously, other than Trump and his very easily manipulated worshippers.:2up:
An ironic DEMAND in a thread about the Russia Trump conspiricy
Russia tried to influence our election. Trump benefitted from it
Trump campaign had interaction with Russia at the time
It needs to be investigated
Illegal aliens voted for Hillary. Hillary is pro amnesty. it needs to be investigated.
Russians gave Hillary money, investigate that.
Hillary sold favors as Secretary of State.
Stop being a hypocrite.
:link: With actual and verified facts, please. Thank you.
The reason I ask is I have seen the claims but nothing to back them up. So, no one takes that claim seriously, other than Trump and his very easily manipulated worshippers.:2up:
What besides innuendo, unsubstantiated allegations, do you have to prove that Trump and Putin rigged the election?
The fact that Trump built a hotel in Russia?

Connect the dots:

  • Russia hacked the DNC server
  • Trump used the leaks on a weekly basis in his "crooked Hillary" campaign
  • Trump aides held secret meetings with the Russians
  • Trump offered policy concessions to the Russians
  • Trump encouraged Comey to drop the investigation
  • Trump fired Comey
Not sure who hacked the DNC server.
Hillary left her server open for anyone to hack, bust her ass.
I used the leaks on a daily basis in my Facebook campaign to get Trump elected, maybe I colluded with the Russians. NOT!
Trump offered policy concessions to the Mexicans, maybe he colluded with them too?
I encouraged Comey to drop the investigation, Everyone with sense demanded Comey stopped wasting tax payer money and go back to investigating Hillary's email fiasco.
Comey deserved to be fired.
How many thousands of dollars did that pointless circus of Badgers cost us?

When it surpassed the Great Benghazi Fishing Expedition...please let us know. Until then, shut the fuck up.

I'm sure it already has,

And for what?

{I explained the demands from the leadership of both parties in Congress for more information, and that Senator Grassley had even held up the confirmation of the Deputy Attorney General until we briefed him in detail on the investigation. I explained that we had briefed the leadership of Congress on exactly which individuals we were investigating and that we had told those Congressional leaders that we were not personally investigating President Trump. I reminded him I had previously told him that.}

Your witch hunt has fizzled. Sure, the vile scum at CNN will fling shit mindlessly, but that line in bold puts an end to your witch hunt once and for all.

Nah, we got 6 more years of hearings and innuendo to get the full Ben-Gotcha treatment. Sit back, relax, and enjoy it!
They've tried everything. The Russian thing didn't pan out so now they are trying obstruction. Anything to overthrow the people.

The investigation into Russia continues....Two separate scandals Donald is trying to manage.
It isn't a scandal, .

No, it's 2 separate scandals.

Thanks Rev, John Hathorne,,,

You already admitted that you view this as payback for the investigations into Mafia Don Hillary, you know the Witch Trials are bullshit, but demand political theater.
Russia tried to influence our election. Trump benefitted from it
Trump campaign had interaction with Russia at the time
It needs to be investigated
Illegal aliens voted for Hillary. Hillary is pro amnesty. it needs to be investigated.
Russians gave Hillary money, investigate that.
Hillary sold favors as Secretary of State.
Stop being a hypocrite.

Really...name one illegal alien that voted for Hillary.

We don't attach names to ballots.

But California not only legalized voting by illegals, the corrupt state automatically registers them to vote and provides state sanction to those votes.

Millions of illegals voted in the 2016 election. I doubt there were voting in favor of a wall to protect the border.
Connect the dots:

  • Russia hacked the DNC server

No evidence supports your allegation.

(CNN)WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has repeated his claim that the Russian government was not the source of hacked Democratic campaign emails his organization released before the US presidential election.

The Obama administration, citing US intelligence sources, has accused Russia of orchestrating the hacking of emails from the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta in an attempt to influence the election's outcome.}

Julian Assange: Russia didn't give emails to WikiLeaks - CNNPolitics.com

  • Trump used the leaks on a weekly basis in his "crooked Hillary" campaign

That is a flat out lie, but then you are a pathological liar so it fits with you.

Trump had the same access to WikiLeaks releases that any other person has, Including your Grupenfuhrers.

  • Trump aides held secret meetings with the Russians
  • Trump offered policy concessions to the Russians
  • Trump encouraged Comey to drop the investigation

More direct lies

  • Trump fired Comey

Which you Nazis had been demanding since January.

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