Only 47% Of Working Age Americans Have Full Time Jobs


VIP Member
Dec 27, 2010
Only 47% Of Working Age Americans Have Full Time Jobs

Recession my ass. Recovery my ass.

This is a depression that is progressively getting worse and will eventually topple The Great Depression. The American Dream and the middle class is in a persistent vegetative state. How much longer until the doctor pulls the plug?
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Tariffs on all Chinese products would put a quick stop to most of the damage. Then go after the Federal Reserve for printing money.

End NAFTA, GATT, end plans for the North American Union. Re-instate The Glass Steagall act.

There would be plenty of economic trauma but we can handle it.
Only 47% Of Working Age Americans Have Full Time Jobs

Recession my ass. Recovery my ass.

This is a depression that is progressively getting worse and will eventually topple The Great Depression. The American Dream and the middle class is in a persistent vegetative state. How much longer until the doctor pulls the plug?

The people that comprise the middle class are the one's in the vegetative state. A bunch of people like you who have duped into believing what someone else told about how you're supposed to live your life. Working 40 hours a week or more for 40 years is the american dream now? Not if I can help it buddy.
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The article writer knows very little about these statistics. He's calling the Adult Civilian Non-Institutional Population "the labor force" when "the labor force" as used by economists, refers to Employed + Unemployed. And he's wrong about "working age." There is no upper limit in the Current Population Survey, and so he's including people far past "working age."

Let's look again:
When looking for Labor Market Information, we first need to exclude all those who face LEGAL or ohterwise objective barriers to entry/exit of the labor market. So no prisoners. No military. No children under 16. And no one in a mental institute, or other long term health care (including assisted living facilities). Excluded for collection reasons are the homeless, because it's a household survey. Homeless shelters are also excluded because sampling error is way too high.

So the author is fine when he's talking about population and employed, unemployed, full time and part time (though he's saying Labor Force when he means Population). And Part time for economic reasons is not just people who can't find full time work, but those who worked part time during the reference week due to slack work or business conditions. In other words, a temporary cut in hours, and that's the larger part.

So let's look at these 85,199,000 people not in the Labor Force. They're asked if they want a job. For 6,471,000 the answer is "Yes" (though keep in mind they're not actually trying to find one, and they might not be able to take one if offered). So that's 78,728,000 people who DON'T want a job: 33% of the population. Funny how he didn't mention that.

And let's look closer at these people not in the labor force. In Table A-6 of the Employment Situation, we see that 21,305,000 of the people not in the labor force have a disability, and 20,881,000 are over 65 (and no disability). So of the 85,199,000 people not in the labor force, 49.5% are disabled or over 65. And 11,202,000 are age 16-19 (this includes children with a disability). And then throw in that women are a much higher percentage of NILF than men (around 50% more women than men) and consider how many of them are stay at home spouses.

And let's go back to those who say they do want a job even though they're doing nothing to get one. That's 6,212,000 (not seasonally adjusted). They're asked why they're not looking,if they've looked in the last 12 months, and if they were offered a job last week, could they have taken it. Only 2,609,000 had both looked for work in the last year and could have taken a job if offered. So the others either couldn't take a job anyway, or have not shown any kind of real interest in employment (If you haven't even looked in over a year, how serious are you about working?).

Now, of those 2,609,000 Marginally Attached, about half said that the reason they weren't looking is because they didn't think they'd find work. Now, this is significant in that it's a much higher percentage than in the past, so it does point to some real problems with the economy, but you can't blame the job market for people who didn't look because they were sick, or had transportation or child care issues.

In short, while yes, the labor market sucks and Labor Force participation is at its lowest since the early 80's, the author is completely misinterpreting the significance of the NILF figures.
Tariffs on all Chinese products would put a quick stop to most of the damage. Then go after the Federal Reserve for printing money.

End NAFTA, GATT, end plans for the North American Union. Re-instate The Glass Steagall act.

There would be plenty of economic trauma but we can handle it.

For the ten millionth time on this forum, the Federal Reserve does not print money.
The article writer knows very little about these statistics. He's calling the Adult Civilian Non-Institutional Population "the labor force" when "the labor force" as used by economists, refers to Employed + Unemployed. And he's wrong about "working age." There is no upper limit in the Current Population Survey, and so he's including peo......

You have consistently spouted the Government "company line" about unemployment. Nobody in their right mind buys the Government lies and obfuscation about the labor force and unemployment. All we have to do is look with our own eyes to see how horrific this massive depression is. We know the government lies all of the time. Your espousing of the government lies over and over again ad infinitum does not add any credence to the government bullshit.

So let's look at these 85,199,000 people not in the Labor Force. They're asked if they want a job. For 6,471,000 the answer is "Yes" (though keep in mind they're not actually trying to find one, and they might not be able to take one if offered). So that's 78,728,000 people who DON'T want a job: 33% of the population. Funny how he didn't mention that.

And let's look closer at these people not in the labor force. In Table A-6 of the Employment Situation, we see that 21,305,000 of the people not in the labor force have a disability, and 20,881,000 are over 65 (and no disability). So of the 85,199,000 people not in the labor force, 49.5% are disabled or over 65. And 11,202,000 are age 16-19 (this includes children with a disability). And then throw in that women are a much higher percentage of NILF than men (around 50% more women than men) and consider how many of them are stay at home spouses.

"They're asked if they want a job." Bullshit. Nobody asked those 85 million people. I have been trying for Decades now to find one single person who has been interviewed in the government survey. I have not found one yet. When I make public speaking engagements I always ask, and the answer is always no. Nobody has ever been surveyed. You discount people with disabilities and pretend that they do not want to work. I have had a serious disability for years but have continued working. Millions of disabled people want to work, but simply are not hired. The reason why so many women are not in the so called workforce is largely because of discrimination. Most of the women know that even if you don't. I could go on and on and on, but it does no good. You are a morally corrupt government shill who feels compelled to spout the government lies. I suspect that you are paid to post all of those outrageous lies on the Internet. Shame!
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"They're asked if they want a job." Bullshit. Nobody asked those 85 million people. I have been trying for Decades now to find one single person who has been interviewed in the government survey. I have not found one yet. When I make public speaking engagements I always ask, and the answer is always no. Nobody has ever been surveyed.
I love the conspiracy you espouse. For your claim to be true, that means that for the last 70 years, through 13 Presidents, 22 Secretaries of Labor, 29 Secretaries of Labor, 17 Directors of the Census Bureau, 11 Commissioners of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, hundreds of academic researchers and thousands of Census and BLS employees, there has been no survey, and all the changes, commissions, and Congressional investigations and iquires have all been a giant fraud and people just make up all the detailed micro-data and published data. Wow. Just Wow.

Or is it more likely that just none of the people you've met have been surveyed? Or they have but just didn't respond to your query, or didn't know it was the same survey? Only about 202,000 households from the entire country are sampled every year. It's not that great a chance you'd meet someone.

But please, explain how your conspiracy theory makes more sense.

You discount people with disabilities and pretend that they do not want to work. I have had a serious disability for years but have continued working. Millions of disabled people want to work, but simply are not hired. The reason why so many women are not in the so called workforce is largely because of discrimination. Most of the women know that even if you don't.
I have done no such thing. For the Adult Civilian non-Institutional Population, there are approximately 26,984,000 people with a disability. 4,869,000 are Employed, 810,000 are looking for work, and 21,305,000 are not looking for work. The Unemployment rate for disabled is 14.3% and that's definitely a problem. But for those Not in the Labor Force, well, only 6,471,000 of all NILF say they want a job. I would suspect that most of them are not disabled.

And no it is not true that the reason so many women are not in the labor force is because of discrimination. Women's employment has steadily risen over the years and Women have a lower Unemployement rate then men. Of course discrimination exists, especially on an industry basis (you'll still lie and say I said there's no discrimination), but looking at the numbers, especially married versus single, there are still a lot of women who choose to stay at home with children.

And you've still never managed to point out any single lie I've ever said. You always say I lie, but it's always in the general sense, you can never point to any particular statement and demonstrate that it's untrue.
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There's be jobs galore if only American workers would accept the wages and working conditions of their Chinese and Indian counterparts.
"They're asked if they want a job." Bullshit. Nobody asked those 85 million people. I have been trying for Decades now to find one single person who has been interviewed in the government survey. I have not found one yet. When I make public speaking engagements I always ask, and the answer is always no. Nobody has ever been surveyed.
I love the conspiracy you espouse. For your claim to be true, that means that for the last 70 years, through 13 Presidents, 22 Secretaries of Labor, 29 Secretaries of Labor, 17 Directors of the Census Bureau, 11 Commissioners of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, hundreds of academic researchers and thousands of Census and BLS employees, there has been no survey, and all the changes, commissions, and Congressional investigations and iquires have all been a giant fraud and people just make up all the detailed micro-data and published data. Wow. Just Wow.

Or is it more likely that just none of the people you've met have been surveyed? Or they have but just didn't respond to your query, or didn't know it was the same survey? Only about 202,000 households from the entire country are sampled every year. It's not that great a chance you'd meet someone.

But please, explain how your conspiracy theory makes more sense.

You discount people with disabilities and pretend that they do not want to work. I have had a serious disability for years but have continued working. Millions of disabled people want to work, but simply are not hired. The reason why so many women are not in the so called workforce is largely because of discrimination. Most of the women know that even if you don't.
I have done no such thing. For the Adult Civilian non-Institutional Population, there are approximately 26,984,000 people with a disability. 4,869,000 are Employed, 810,000 are looking for work, and 21,305,000 are not looking for work. The Unemployment rate for disabled is 14.3% and that's definitely a problem. But for those Not in the Labor Force, well, only 6,471,000 of all NILF say they want a job. I would suspect that most of them are not disabled.

And no it is not true that the reason so many women are not in the labor force is because of discrimination. Women's employment has steadily risen over the years and Women have a lower Unemployement rate then men. Of course discrimination exists, especially on an industry basis (you'll still lie and say I said there's no discrimination), but looking at the numbers, especially married versus single, there are still a lot of women who choose to stay at home with children.

And you've still never managed to point out any single lie I've ever said. You always say I lie, but it's always in the general sense, you can never point to any particular statement and demonstrate that it's untrue.

You really are annoying with all of your insane lies. The lies you post, as I have told you numerous times are the lies of the government. You can post your insane lies over and over and over again. All that proves is that you are an insane liar. Nearly 31 Million people are unemployed in this country, and they all would work if they could find a job.

You can lie all you want about there being no discrimination in the work place, but millions and millions of women with fantastic credentials never get calls for interviews. I've got 14 years of college credit, I am a qualified nuclear reactor plant operator, an electrical distribution engineer, a statewide cata communications manager for AT&T with 17 years experience working with data networks and even managing a massive call in center for company data communications problems. I have 40 years of consistently OUTSTANDING evaluations, yet, I can put in ten thousand job applications and never be called back for an interview. Not once. I know, as I have tried (luckily, I was employed at the time). I have documented it all and over a five year period I applied for 37,000 jobs and did not receive one interview request. My problem was that I was over fifty. Now, I am over sixty. I could apply for an additional 37,000 jobs, and I am willing to bet I would never get a call. Age discrimination, just like sex discrimination and race discrimination in this country is totally oppressive. An estimated ten million people who are over fifty would work if only they could get an interview. Yet, there are no interviews for older people.

That information about 31 Million being unemployed is arrived at with valid surveying of the populace. Those surveys are conducted by several of our major universities as I have told you in the past. Did you ever make any effort to access the information? Of course not, because you are a blatant pathological lying shill for the corrupt government. You just repeat your mantra over and over and over but it does not make it true.

How can you live with your conscience? I can clearly see the depression. You pretend that it is not happening. Why don't you go kill your false and evil persona and come back as an honest person? Go ahead and commit logon ID suicide. Do it now.
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pinqy said:
Of course discrimination exists, especially on an industry basis (you'll still lie and say I said there's no discrimination), but looking at the numbers, especially married versus single, there are still a lot of women who choose to stay at home with children..
You can lie all you want about there being no discrimination in the work place, .

I win.
I've never been surveyed either. Never been contaced by Nielson for TV ratings. Matter a fact I've never been contacted for any survey unless it was on a web site wanting me to answer some questions. And how are these people being contacted? By land lines? How many unemployed can afford a land line anymore.
I've never been surveyed either. Never been contaced by Nielson for TV ratings. Matter a fact I've never been contacted for any survey unless it was on a web site wanting me to answer some questions. And how are these people being contacted? By land lines? How many unemployed can afford a land line anymore.

Households are in the survey for 4 months, out for 8 months, and back in for 4. Initial interviews and the re-entering the survey interview are personal visits. After that, the interview can be by phone if the respondant desires. If they don't have a phone, it'll be a personal visit.
That NILF figure is crazy. :eusa_eh:

"Not In Labor Force": 85.2 Million people.

"Not in the labor force (NILF). A person who did not work last week, was not temporarily absent from a job, did not actively look for work in the previous 4 weeks, or looked but was unavailable for work during the reference week; in other words, a person who was neither employed nor unemployed." (Clearly, this does include lot of unemployed people).

So basically if an unemployed person hasn't looked for a job in the past month, they're out of the labor force--even if the WOULD take a job?

How does the BLS know whether or not someone has looked for work? :confused:

But this makes me wonder just how many people are working for straight cash.
Nuebarth, did you really apply for 37,00 jobs in 5 years? My father held roughly 5 or 6 jobs between the age of 45 and 60. Not bagging on him, but he was fired from a few of them. Always had another job withing a month or so. He didn't make 6 figures, but a livable wage. Never had an issue getting another job. He just retired last year, so he had new jobs during up and down economies. Did you ask for 10 hours a week and a starting salary of 500,000 a year? How in the world did you not get a job? I smell a liar..........or someone with a horribly pessimistic attitude of life in general. I'm sorry.
Nuebarth, did you really apply for 37,00 jobs in 5 years? My father held roughly 5 or 6 jobs between the age of 45 and 60. Not bagging on him, but he was fired from a few of them. Always had another job withing a month or so. He didn't make 6 figures, but a livable wage. Never had an issue getting another job. He just retired last year, so he had new jobs during up and down economies. Did you ask for 10 hours a week and a starting salary of 500,000 a year? How in the world did you not get a job? I smell a liar..........or someone with a horribly pessimistic attitude of life in general. I'm sorry.
What field was your father in?
Tariffs on all Chinese products would put a quick stop to most of the damage. Then go after the Federal Reserve for printing money.

End NAFTA, GATT, end plans for the North American Union. Re-instate The Glass Steagall act.

There would be plenty of economic trauma but we can handle it.

Warren Buffett’s concept to significantly reduce USA’s trade deficit.

Mad Scientist, I’m a proponent of a proposal to reduce USA’s trade deficit of goods that was first introduced to the Senate in 2006. Trade deficits are always detrimental to a nation’s GDP. Trade deficit’s detriment to GDP exceeds the amount of the deficit itself and the GDP bolsters the median wage.

I believe this simple concept is not simplistic and is worthy of consideration.

The basic concept is for exporters who choose to pay the federal fees acquire transferable IMPORT Certificates for the assessed value of their goods leaving the USA. Importers would be required to surrender IMPORT Certificates for the assessed value of their goods entering the USA. Surrendered certificates are cancelled.

This trade policy would significantly decrease USA’s trade deficit of goods and increase the aggregate sum of USA’s imports plus exports. It can be drafted to be completely self funding. It would not require any additional federal spending, taxes or debt.
The version of this trade policy I advocate excludes scarce or rare minerals integral to the goods from their total assessed values.

USA’s global net trade balance of goods leveraged affect upon our GDP exceeds a factor of two.

Refer to: and
Import Certificates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Respectfully, Supposn
Tariffs on all Chinese products would put a quick stop to most of the damage. Then go after the Federal Reserve for printing money.

End NAFTA, GATT, end plans for the North American Union. Re-instate The Glass Steagall act.

There would be plenty of economic trauma but we can handle it.

Warren Buffett’s concept to significantly reduce USA’s trade deficit.

Mad Scientist, I’m a proponent of a proposal to reduce USA’s trade deficit of goods that was first introduced to the Senate in 2006. Trade deficits are always detrimental to a nation’s GDP. Trade deficit’s detriment to GDP exceeds the amount of the deficit itself and the GDP bolsters the median wage.

I believe this simple concept is not simplistic and is worthy of consideration.

The basic concept is for exporters who choose to pay the federal fees acquire transferable IMPORT Certificates for the assessed value of their goods leaving the USA. Importers would be required to surrender IMPORT Certificates for the assessed value of their goods entering the USA. Surrendered certificates are cancelled.

This trade policy would significantly decrease USA’s trade deficit of goods and increase the aggregate sum of USA’s imports plus exports. It can be drafted to be completely self funding. It would not require any additional federal spending, taxes or debt.
The version of this trade policy I advocate excludes scarce or rare minerals integral to the goods from their total assessed values.

USA’s global net trade balance of goods leveraged affect upon our GDP exceeds a factor of two.

Refer to: and
Import Certificates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Respectfully, Supposn
Unfortunately, the end result is massive inflation as the price of all those foreign products skyrocket. Eventually manufacturers would be able to produce those goods in the US because the price would be high enough to pay American Workers $11 an hour to produce them. As the prices go up, the wages will have to go up and an inflationary spiral will ensue. One benefit from that is that house prices will finally start going up again.

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