One Million Protesters To Converge on White House. What could go Wrong?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Mayor Bowser needs to be removed and a new election ASAP.

The nation's capital is bracing for its largest day of protests yet, with thousands gathering Saturday across Washington D.C., including near the White House, to march against police brutality and racism in response to the recent death of George Floyd in police custody,
Black Lives Matter organizers were hoping to draw a million protesters, with groups of demonstrators gathering at the Capitol, the National Mall, and with thousands planning to march toward the White House.
One crowd of about 2,000 people gathered at Malcolm X Park and, after giving speeches and singing, began marching down 16th Street toward the White House, according to Fox News' Kelly Phares.
Authorities have expanded the fenced security perimeter around the White House, which now reaches to the outskirts of a park complex known as the Ellipse, near the National Mall. It comes amid concerns that the mostly peaceful protests seen in recent days could be marred by the rioting and looting seen at the beginning of the week and last weekend.
“We have a lot of public, open-source information to suggest that the event on this upcoming Saturday may be one of the largest that we’ve had in the city,” D.C. Police Chief Peter Newsham told reporters Thursday....
It was not clear how many would show up for Saturday’s demonstrations, but #1MillionDCSaturday was trending on Twitter in a call for 1 million people to march on the capital.
Crowds applauded for D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser as she walked along the portion of 16th Street that she renamed Black Lives Matter Plaza. Bowser has feuded with President Trump over the city's handling of the protests, that devolved into riots earlier in the week.
Trump accused her of not doing enough to shut down the violence, while Bowser has pushed back on Trump's calls for the use of federal law enforcement to quell disturbances.
Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy said Friday that local officials were estimating a crowd of 100,000 to 200,000 protesters.
Newsham wouldn’t commit to a number but predicted it would be smaller than the Women's March in 2017, which drew roughly a million people.
Police announced Friday that large swaths of roads would be closed to make room for demonstrators Saturday.....
U.S. Park Police told McClatchy DC it was using “intelligence to monitor upcoming events” but would not divulge details that could “pose a hazard to the public and police.”
More than 4,500 National Guard troops are still deployed in Washington and various federal law enforcement officers are also patrolling the city,
But Bowser wants all non-D.C.troops out of the city. All 900 active-duty military police brought to bases around Washington following the civil unrest after Floyd’s death are heading home, the Department of Defense said Friday.
Bowser said she only requested 100 D.C. National Guard troops to line the perimeter of the White House, in a limited role and unarmed.

As many as a million protested in the 2017 demonstration in the name of reproductive rights and gender equality. Newsham believes that much of that number is due to the fact that it was a singular event, versus the nationwide protests spread across the country in the wake of George Floyd’s alleged murder by Officer Derek Chauvin of the Minneapolis Police Department.
The diffusion is “an indication to me that it may not be as large as the Women’s March,” he explained, “because that was a singular event here in the District.” Fortunately for D.C. law enforcement authorities, things have already seemed to quiet down. Newsham confirmed that on Thursday, like Wednesday, no arrests were made in connection to the protests.
More importantly then the mayor, or Trump's childish tweet attack upon her, is Mark Esper directly countermanding Trump's order to arm National Guard units in DC by ordering them specifically to be disarmed! I think Trump has shot his mouth off once to often, I think we have a new coup d' tat afoot, the real banana republic type of coup d' tat. I think we are right at the edge of the cliff, I think the military leadership is in open revolt against Mr Trump and I think the democratic party under Obama is already at war with the United States.
So far, 8:44 p.m., things are crowded but quiet. If you've found something different, let us know.
How long are they going to continue to protest, I wonder?
More importantly then the mayor, or Trump's childish tweet attack upon her, is Mark Esper directly countermanding Trump's order to arm National Guard units in DC by ordering them specifically to be disarmed! I think Trump has shot his mouth off once to often, I think we have a new coup d' tat afoot, the real banana republic type of coup d' tat. I think we are right at the edge of the cliff, I think the military leadership is in open revolt against Mr Trump and I think the democratic party under Obama is already at war with the United States.
I remember reading once about dictators, once they lose support from their army, they're toast. That's when they kick the bum out. But that is not what is happening here. It is just cooler heads are prevailing. The President is not seeing the protesters as concerned citizens. He is seeing them as an enemy to be beaten. The real military folks? Not so much. They are apparently remembering that these are unarmed US citizens exercising their 1st amendment rights. And don't throw me pictures of last week's riots. If the crowds stay peaceful, there is no need for live bullets and military personnel. They have expanded the perimeter around the WH and there are big security fences. No one is getting in there.
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More importantly then the mayor, or Trump's childish tweet attack upon her, is Mark Esper directly countermanding Trump's order to arm National Guard units in DC by ordering them specifically to be disarmed! I think Trump has shot his mouth off once to often,
The CIC does not 'shoot his mouth off', dude.

Everything he says is the Word of God to our military and if they dont follow his instructions they should resign.
As long as the protests are lawful I have zero problem with them if they go on forever. It's a guaranteed right.
I agree, in fact it is excellent advertising for Trumps re-election.

The Democrats are shooting themselves in the ass with this nonsense, as it is becoming fairly well known that BLM is a Marxist run organization that is likely financed by the Chicoms that Biden loves so dearly.
So BLM is getting mysterious financing from unknown people, intel says it is foreign in part, and Bidens people are bailing out looters, and Biden loves the Chicoms, after they have funnelled $4.5 billion to Bidens family.

Antifa has had military training now, from someone and are using sophisticated surveillance and guerilla tactics.

Folks, we are in a real live civil war and the Democrats once again are betraying the American Republic.
More importantly then the mayor, or Trump's childish tweet attack upon her, is Mark Esper directly countermanding Trump's order to arm National Guard units in DC by ordering them specifically to be disarmed! I think Trump has shot his mouth off once to often, I think we have a new coup d' tat afoot, the real banana republic type of coup d' tat. I think we are right at the edge of the cliff, I think the military leadership is in open revolt against Mr Trump and I think the democratic party under Obama is already at war with the United States.
I remember reading once about dictators, once they lose support from their army, they're toast. That's when they kick the bum out. But that is not what is happening here. It is just cooler heads are prevailing. The President is not seeing the protesters as concerned citizens. He is seeing them as an enemy to be beaten. The real military folks? Not so much. They are apparently remembering that these are unarmed US citizens exercising their 1st amendment rights. And don't throw me pictures of last week's riots. If the crowds stay peaceful, there is no need for live bullets and military personnel. They have expanded the perimeter around the WH and there are big security fences. No one is getting in there.
The protesters/looters are seeing the trump administration as an enemy to defeat. The protesters/looters are the aggressors, the attackers. Military force is now needed as defense and deterrent.
How long are they going to continue to protest, I wonder?

I’m guessing through July or so. This will go on for quite awhile, of course we will unfortunately lose some that will die from the virus, but I’m not sure that matters anymore.

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