One in every Five Americans think Obama is a Muslim

I just csnnot beve that you all are erguing over duch dtupid Obama's a muslim who cares..doesn'y have don't. He doesn't havr the balls to admit it what.

Him being a muslim isn't the issue that I have with it, it's the fact that if he is a muslim he lied and continues to lie to the American people about it.
I just csnnot beve that you all are erguing over duch dtupid Obama's a muslim who cares..doesn'y have don't. He doesn't havr the balls to admit it what.

Having sticky keyboard problems again, PP? You really should find another hobby....
Hey Dumbass, It was the CON$ervative poster CaféAuLait who called it a "smear." And obviously the GOP thought it was a smear since they started the rumor, not Clinton.

They started a rumor that a man with a muslim name and born to a muslim father was a muslim? Really? Hmmm...I thought Islamic law was the authority on the subject.

It's an interesting concept though...maybe the GOP isn't so off base afterall...

Just sayin

because he was raised by his father? right?

oh wait... he wasn't.

but please post about how he belonged to rev wright's church for 20 years....

man, that took a lot of planning for him to 'pretend' to be a christian.

buncha loona. who cares?

I don't think that Islamic law requires that he must be raised by his father in order for birthright to be upheld. However, I could be wrong...but I doubt it.

As for the "church" he belonged to...that doesn't make him or ANYONE a Christian. I can belong to the First United Bank of the World for my entire life but it doesn't make me a banker. I can be a member of a 24 hour workout facility, but it doesn't make me a personal trainer.

I've known people to "pretend" to be christians their entire life...

I'm not saying the man is a practicing Muslim...I AM saying, however, that his heritage and history would suggest that he may be more lenient toward the Muslim faith than the average American would like.
They started a rumor that a man with a muslim name and born to a muslim father was a muslim? Really? Hmmm...I thought Islamic law was the authority on the subject.

It's an interesting concept though...maybe the GOP isn't so off base afterall...

Just sayin

because he was raised by his father? right?

oh wait... he wasn't.

but please post about how he belonged to rev wright's church for 20 years....

man, that took a lot of planning for him to 'pretend' to be a christian.

buncha loona. who cares?

I don't think that Islamic law requires that he must be raised by his father in order for birthright to be upheld. However, I could be wrong...but I doubt it.

As for the "church" he belonged to...that doesn't make him or ANYONE a Christian. I can belong to the First United Bank of the World for my entire life but it doesn't make me a banker. I can be a member of a 24 hour workout facility, but it doesn't make me a personal trainer.

I've known people to "pretend" to be christians their entire life...

I'm not saying the man is a practicing Muslim...I AM saying, however, that his heritage and history would suggest that he may be more lenient toward the Muslim faith than the average American would like.

This is another one of those "I have the right to say whether someone else is a Christian or not" kind of posts.....those are fun. I like playing.
because he was raised by his father? right?

oh wait... he wasn't.

but please post about how he belonged to rev wright's church for 20 years....

man, that took a lot of planning for him to 'pretend' to be a christian.

buncha loona. who cares?

I don't think that Islamic law requires that he must be raised by his father in order for birthright to be upheld. However, I could be wrong...but I doubt it.

As for the "church" he belonged to...that doesn't make him or ANYONE a Christian. I can belong to the First United Bank of the World for my entire life but it doesn't make me a banker. I can be a member of a 24 hour workout facility, but it doesn't make me a personal trainer.

I've known people to "pretend" to be christians their entire life...

I'm not saying the man is a practicing Muslim...I AM saying, however, that his heritage and history would suggest that he may be more lenient toward the Muslim faith than the average American would like.

This is another one of those "I have the right to say whether someone else is a Christian or not" kind of posts.....those are fun. I like playing.

Play on! What does it matter if he is a Moslem or not? Do we really care if a President is Christian, Moslem, Atheist or Hindu? I thought we got over this religion thing back when JFK became President. For me I just want someone in that office who can lead this country back to prosperity and does not pander to special interests.
because he was raised by his father? right?

oh wait... he wasn't.

but please post about how he belonged to rev wright's church for 20 years....

man, that took a lot of planning for him to 'pretend' to be a christian.

buncha loona. who cares?

I don't think that Islamic law requires that he must be raised by his father in order for birthright to be upheld. However, I could be wrong...but I doubt it.

As for the "church" he belonged to...that doesn't make him or ANYONE a Christian. I can belong to the First United Bank of the World for my entire life but it doesn't make me a banker. I can be a member of a 24 hour workout facility, but it doesn't make me a personal trainer.

I've known people to "pretend" to be christians their entire life...

I'm not saying the man is a practicing Muslim...I AM saying, however, that his heritage and history would suggest that he may be more lenient toward the Muslim faith than the average American would like.

This is another one of those "I have the right to say whether someone else is a Christian or not" kind of posts.....those are fun. I like playing.

The Rev Wright's church is Christian in name only. Black liberation Marxist theoology is not Christian. Jesus told us about "wolves in sheep's clothing" and that is exactly what Wright and Obama both are.
For the record, I don't have any doubts that Obama meets all of the qualifications to be President of the United States. These are fundamental issues that are quickly addressed whenever anyone announces his or her candidacy.

I don't know if he's really Christian or not. I mean, yeah, he attends church, well, sometimes. But he does seem to spend a lot of time sympathizing with the Muslims. This perception comes from Obama's own actions. When he made his controversial statements initially supporting the building of that Ground Zero mosque, he did it at a dinner at the White House that was specifically put together to celebrate the beginning of Ramadan. This is an undeniable fact. Ramadan celebration dinner inside the White House State Dining Room.

On the National Day of Prayer, President Obama made the customary proclamation, as previous presidents have done, but that's all he did. He did not participate in any prayer as other presidents have done, and he did not have an interfaith service, as other presidents have done. He remained basically neutral, other than declaring May 6th as the National Day of Prayer. But he openly celebrates Ramadan inside the same White House. Tries to remain "neutral" when it comes to a traditional religious celebration, but openly sponsors an event that isn't usually held inside the White House.

Obama did not attend the traditional Christmas Eve services in 2009. Supposedly, he didn't want to burden any cities with the extra security required whenever the President visits a place like a church. Instead, he and his family vacationed in Hawaii, and didn't attend any Christmas Eve services there neither. These are facts. It doesn't mean that he's Muslim or that he isn't Christian. However, it pretty much establishes a pattern of him avoiding things that are traditionally Christian, but doesn't dodge anything that is traditionally Muslim. By the way, he did the same thing in 2008 when he was President-elect.

I'm not basing anything on his name, his family heritage or any other stereotype. I'm basing it on his actions. His actions speak louder than words.

He's met with the Dalai Lama after snubbing him previously. He's met with a delegation of approximately 20 Black religious leaders to talk about needs of the Black community. To be fair, he's invited other religious leaders, but again, actions speak louder than words. He did meet with the Pope and promised him he'd work on reducing the number of abortions in the US. Of course, he hasn't done anything along those lines, but we're not surprised. He also promised to bring unity, reduce the tax burden on the working class, and a host of other "changes" we can believe in. And while Obama didn't hesitate to bow to the Chinese President, the King of Saudi Arabia, and the Japanese Emperor, he did not kiss the Pope's ring, which is a matter of protocol and respect to the position. Not that he should; just pointing out some inconsistencies in Obama's behavior.

My point is simple: if Obama wants to remain neutral when it comes to religion, then he should remain neutral across the entire board. That's the best way for him to avoid these controversies. I don't think he wants to do that; I think he thrives on stirring up as much controversy as possible, especially when it comes to religion.

Your mileage may differ.

Obama says he's a Christian. Aren't we whatever religion we say we are, here in America?

You say he didn't meet the Pope and then you blame him for not kissing the Pope's ring.

Please explain how he can kiss the Pope's ring if he never met him.

I don't have the patience to debunk the rest of your silliness here.....that part just popped out above the rest.

Try reading for retention. Highlight above where I said he did NOT meet with the Pope. I said the opposite. I said that he DID meet with the Pope but did not perform any of the ritual protocols that most national leaders perform when meeting the pontiff. Not saying that he was obligated to, just pointing out how he conveniently submits himself to others as a matter of protocol on one hand but not others. Is this a preference? Or is he just inconsistent that way? Who knows? Just pointing out that his actions tend to show a favoritism towards the Muslim faith.

And so what if he is Muslim? Shouldn't make a difference. But he goes out of his way to convince us that he isn't. He needs to grow a set of balls and stick to his convictions. Otherwise, he's setting himself up for future Freudian slips as he did when he first supported the building of that mosque at Ground Zero and then back peddled by saying that he meant that as a general statement even though he quite clearly was referring specifically to that NY mosque.....and all of this was said at a Ramadan celebration held at the White House.

You do the math. Use a calculator if you have to.
I don't think that Islamic law requires that he must be raised by his father in order for birthright to be upheld. However, I could be wrong...but I doubt it.

As for the "church" he belonged to...that doesn't make him or ANYONE a Christian. I can belong to the First United Bank of the World for my entire life but it doesn't make me a banker. I can be a member of a 24 hour workout facility, but it doesn't make me a personal trainer.

I've known people to "pretend" to be christians their entire life...

I'm not saying the man is a practicing Muslim...I AM saying, however, that his heritage and history would suggest that he may be more lenient toward the Muslim faith than the average American would like.

This is another one of those "I have the right to say whether someone else is a Christian or not" kind of posts.....those are fun. I like playing.

The Rev Wright's church is Christian in name only. Black liberation Marxist theoology is not Christian. Jesus told us about "wolves in sheep's clothing" and that is exactly what Wright and Obama both are.
CON$ervative wolves are ChINOs, Christian In Name Only, for political purposes only.
This is another one of those "I have the right to say whether someone else is a Christian or not" kind of posts.....those are fun. I like playing.

The Rev Wright's church is Christian in name only. Black liberation Marxist theoology is not Christian. Jesus told us about "wolves in sheep's clothing" and that is exactly what Wright and Obama both are.
CON$ervative wolves are ChINOs, Christian In Name Only, for political purposes only.

LIE-berals don't pay Christianity anything more than lip-service as it suits their always dishonest LIE-beral agenda.

Sometimes they make a public spectacle of themselves trying to one-up the Christians who have the audacity to be outspoken in the Conservative community. But nobody with a functioning brain buys their crap.

LIE-berals are HOSTILE to all religion (except, oddly enough, Islam).
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For those of you who are ardently defending Obama, hang onto your passion! Your blind loyalty is admirable.

As for me, I don't know whether or not he's Muslim. So he's attended some fringe Christian Church whose teachings aren't consistent with traditional Christian values. Great for him. Hell, I used to go to church, too. That doesn't make me a religious faithful (far from it; I'm on the fast-track to Hell for the sins I've committed).

Actions. It's all about actions. I'm curious what the Obama defenders have to say about Obama's actions. Like it or not, he says one thing but his actions go in a different direction. The issue isn't one of whether or not he's a Muslim. I think your average American really doesn't care how he worships God.

It's all about whether or not he's going to allow his religious sympathies influence his presidential decisions. That was the huge issue with John F. Kennedy and George W. Bush. To some extent, it was an issue with Jimmy Carter but he was clearly more of a liberal ideologue than a religious zealot. When President Bush announced his faith-based initiative, he got crucified by the press and portrayed as allowing his religious beliefs to influence his presidential policies. All the initiative did was include faith-based organizations in the pool when it came to federally funded social programs. When President Obama makes decidedly pro-Muslim statements (and he's made a bunch of them), he's portrayed as being a man of religious tolerance. And anyone who dares criticize his comments is portrayed as either being racist or trying to demonize Obama because of a handful of radical extremists who slaughter innocents in the name of Allah.

With no offense to the OP, I think the better topic is that one in five Americans perceive Obama as pro-Muslim. I think that's a fair perception. Can you Obama defenders explain why that perception is wrong?
This is another one of those "I have the right to say whether someone else is a Christian or not" kind of posts.....those are fun. I like playing.

The Rev Wright's church is Christian in name only. Black liberation Marxist theoology is not Christian. Jesus told us about "wolves in sheep's clothing" and that is exactly what Wright and Obama both are.
CON$ervative wolves are ChINOs, Christian In Name Only, for political purposes only.

You're an idiot, and not in name only.
WHO CARES IF HE IS MUSLIM!? Its such a non-issue that people continue to harp on, it's ridiculous. How about spending energy on issues that actually mean something.
The Rev Wright's church is Christian in name only. Black liberation Marxist theoology is not Christian. Jesus told us about "wolves in sheep's clothing" and that is exactly what Wright and Obama both are.

And you have a direct line to Jesus right?



WHO CARES IF HE IS MUSLIM!? Its such a non-issue that people continue to harp on, it's ridiculous. How about spending energy on issues that actually mean something.


Nevermind the fact that he says he's Christian and in America you can be any religion you choose. And our President chose Christianity.

I chose no religion.

You can choose any religion you want to.

But apparently the right wingers in America would like to take this freedom of choice away from Americans and make them be whatever religion they feel they should be.

THAT'S unAmerican.
For those of you who are ardently defending Obama, hang onto your passion! Your blind loyalty is admirable.

As for me, I don't know whether or not he's Muslim. So he's attended some fringe Christian Church whose teachings aren't consistent with traditional Christian values.

Actually he's attending the same Church George W Bush attended while he was President. It's at Camp David.

You righties really have some WACKO ideas.


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