OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

because they have not reopened it as you well know

"First of all, I would like to APOLOGIZE for the misleading headline folks. After all, it is not every day that you read that the Feds and Comey admitted they were wrong about Hillary and that there is a case against her after all." US Newsflash lie
Sorry, Jake. I have breaking news alerts from Hornnews, CNN, MSNBC and FOX.

2016 US elections
FBI director says agency is investigating newly discovered Hillary Clinton emails - NBC News

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The FBI has discovered new emails from Hillary Clinton’s private email server and has reopened its investigation, according to Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah.

For more news, please go to and watch Fox News Channel.

[Breaking] FBI reopens Clinton email investigation Hillary Clinton's controversial email server investigation isn't over yet! FBI director James Comey has JUST announced the discovery of new emails -- and it could lead to Hillary's indictment soon. Read More
Hey libtards, it's October! Surprise! Smile big now!
Hillary should take the high road by doing the right thing: drop out of the race and jump of the Empire State Building.
So do the Ttumpsters still think that Comey and the FBI are in the tank for Clinton?
They're a part of the entire corrupt system. Clinton is just one piece in the MUCH bigger pie. If Clinton goes down (which she won't) the entire House of Cards falls, thats how deep the corruption goes. This investigation goes no where because it involves way too many high ranking officials as well as the POTUS.
Nothing about wikileaks. These emails come from an unrelated case. Sorry, guys, there it is. They may be damaging, who knows? But this is no Oct surprise.
She is toast one way or the other. Now or in the near future.

It won't be now because the media will not give the issue the attention it deserves. Sadly, most people do not worry about her influence peddling, or anything else about her to begin with. They only know that she has been pandering to them.

As far as the "later", I suppose that will all depend on how the senate and house turn out. If Trump's negatives influence the voting down the ticket, then the Dems could easily regain both.
The FBI found proof in the wikileaks email dump that Hillary lied to the FBI and Congress so they are reopening the case. This could mean disaster for her election and if she wins my money will be on impeachment before the State of the Union speech.
It has nothing to do with wikileaks. Where did you get that information?

Pas de CNN/not from CNN, you understand ?

Anyone listening to Rush? He is saying the "cynic point of view" is that this is actually to distract attention away from Wikileaks revelations. If this is just in regards to classified vs unclassified, the FBI already confirmed she violated that. The only thing new in that regard is that we know Obama was in on it.
None of that says anything about wikileaks. Your own link doesn't even state that. So where'd ya get that from?
Jason Chaffetz tweet the FBI contacted his office this morning to confirm the case is open again.
Nothing about wikileaks. Sorry, ram.
Lying again jakey? I do agree however that you are sorry. Your whore is toast!
Nothing about wikileaks. Let me know when that happens.

This reopening is based on emails from an unrelated case.
None of that says anything about wikileaks. Your own link doesn't even state that. So where'd ya get that from?
Jason Chaffetz tweet the FBI contacted his office this morning to confirm the case is open again.
Nothing about wikileaks. Sorry, ram.
Lying again jakey? I do agree however that you are sorry. Your whore is toast!
Nothing about wikileaks. Let me know when that happens.

This reopening is based on emails from an unrelated case.

Let the lying continue! Go jake, you are the biggest loser shill on here.

G'bye jake, I've got to post this and your lies on ten other forums so others can see the demoscum desperation burn down! LOL!

If Hillary is elected President, can she pardon herself?

Well, even if she can't, expect Obama to pardon her on his way out if the FBI really does have (open) a case against her.

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