Okay, I don't expect republicans to like "Morning Joe" and its hosts, but damn...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...ANYONE should be able to admit how unhinged Trump seems in his comments about the female host. He is completely UNFIT for office. The evidence is overwhelming.

Now, if the comment stood on its own - as in Trump never before made such inflammatory, personal remarks - i could say that it would be reasonable to shake it off. But that isn't the case, is it? Trump has a long history of making pathetic, immature remarks on political opponents.

I just don't understand why republicans are so dumb to give Trump a pass on his petty bullshit. Can you imagine the political shitstorm that would occur if Obama, during his presidency, had lobbed a low-brow, personal insult at Sean Hannity in response to his political criticism? Republicans would never let the left forget it. USMB republicans on this board would be making countless threads on it. Their bitching on such a single comment would be a constant reminder.

You conservatives can say whatever you want about Obama's policy decisions. You can at least admit he brought a sense of dignity and professional demeanor to the Oval Office. And for the record, I thought GW Bush was a moron, but even I can admit that he always tried to be professional, mature, and dignified. Trump, in comparison, is an unprecedented embarrassment. He has the emotional maturity of a 13 year old and the vocabulary of a 9 year old.
...ANYONE should be able to admit how unhinged Trump seems in his comments about the female host. He is completely UNFIT for office. The evidence is overwhelming.

Now, if the comment stood on its own - as in Trump never before made such inflammatory, personal remarks - i could say that it would be reasonable to shake it off. But that isn't the case, is it?
Actually it is the case. Mika really does have a low I.Q., she really is crazy and she recently had plastic surgery and went to Trump's place in Florida while she was still recovering.

Those are the facts.
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...ANYONE should be able to admit how unhinged Trump seems in his comments about the female host. He is completely UNFIT for office. The evidence is overwhelming.

Now, if the comment stood on its own - as in Trump never before made such inflammatory, personal remarks - i could say that it would be reasonable to shake it off. But that isn't the case, is it? Trump has a long history of making pathetic, immature remarks on political opponents.

I just don't understand why republicans are so dumb to give Trump a pass on his petty bullshit. Can you imagine the political shitstorm that would occur if Obama, during his presidency, had lobbed a low-brow, personal insult at Sean Hannity in response to his political criticism? Republicans would never let the left forget it. USMB republicans on this board would be making countless threads on it. Their bitching on such a single comment would be a constant reminder.

You conservatives can say whatever you want about Obama's policy decisions. You can at least admit he brought a sense of dignity and professional demeanor to the Oval Office. And for the record, I thought GW Bush was a moron, but even I can admit that he always tried to be professional, mature, and dignified. Trump, in comparison, is an unprecedented embarrassment. He has the emotional maturity of a 13 year old and the vocabulary of a 9 year old.
He doesn't seem "unhinged" at all. He seems just like some guys I play golf with when referring to a **** who hit them with a golf ball because she couldn't wait until they got off the green.
...ANYONE should be able to admit how unhinged Trump seems in his comments about the female host. He is completely UNFIT for office. The evidence is overwhelming.

Now, if the comment stood on its own - as in Trump never before made such inflammatory, personal remarks - i could say that it would be reasonable to shake it off. But that isn't the case, is it?
Actually it is the case. Mika really does have a low I.Q., she really is crazy and she recently had plastic surgery and went Trumps place in Florida while she was still recovering.

Those are the facts.

She probably didn't have any obvious bleeding, but I don't hold embellishing the story against Trump. Mika lies 1000 times worse than that every morning on her show.
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...ANYONE should be able to admit how unhinged Trump seems in his comments about the female host. He is completely UNFIT for office. The evidence is overwhelming.

Now, if the comment stood on its own - as in Trump never before made such inflammatory, personal remarks - i could say that it would be reasonable to shake it off. But that isn't the case, is it? Trump has a long history of making pathetic, immature remarks on political opponents.

I just don't understand why republicans are so dumb to give Trump a pass on his petty bullshit. Can you imagine the political shitstorm that would occur if Obama, during his presidency, had lobbed a low-brow, personal insult at Sean Hannity in response to his political criticism? Republicans would never let the left forget it. USMB republicans on this board would be making countless threads on it. Their bitching on such a single comment would be a constant reminder.

You conservatives can say whatever you want about Obama's policy decisions. You can at least admit he brought a sense of dignity and professional demeanor to the Oval Office. And for the record, I thought GW Bush was a moron, but even I can admit that he always tried to be professional, mature, and dignified. Trump, in comparison, is an unprecedented embarrassment. He has the emotional maturity of a 13 year old and the vocabulary of a 9 year old.
He doesn't seem "unhinged" at all. He seems just like some guys I play golf with when referring to a **** who hit them with a golf ball because she couldn't wait until they got off the green.

Yer a weird little shit, ain't ya. You went so far for that one and it fell so flat. I'm embarrassed for you.
Well you've not been paying attention have you to the couple from fucking hell have you?
Well you've not been paying attention have you to the couple from fucking hell have you?
I actually feel sorry for Joe having her for a girlfriend. I've had relationships with political shrews like her before, and I'm glad they are over.
Donald Trump has brought the office of U.S. President into disrepute as many of us predicted.
The man is demented. He is such a narcissist that he cannot tolerate any criticism. He is so thin skinned that news programs on TV which do not act as his mouthpiece like Fox News bother him to no end. He is supposed to be the greatest world leader in living memory if not ever. The media seem so ungrateful that he is running the USA that they are a disgrace in his mind. The man has a sickness and his deplorable following enable him to entertain such grandiose notions about his own skill and ability.
If I wasn't so intent on this mega garden this year I vowed to take Mika the lying bitch from hell on early on this season.You should see the insane shit she has said about Kelly Anne.

Many have chalked up her insane routine because her father was passing away. Hell's bells I understand her distress having been thru it but I never set out to just try to destroy all around me like she has.

Monday I'm going full throttle on the evil bitch.
Donald Trump has brought the office of U.S. President into disrepute as many of us predicted.
The man is demented. He is such a narcissist that he cannot tolerate any criticism. He is so thin skinned that news programs on TV which do not act as his mouthpiece like Fox News bother him to no end. He is supposed to be the greatest world leader in living memory if not ever. The media seem so ungrateful that he is running the USA that they are a disgrace in his mind. The man has a sickness and his deplorable following enable him to entertain such grandiose notions about his own skill and ability.

I'm thrilled to death he is Trump and taking on all comers. Mika and Joe are a special kind of loons. Could I have wished he could have given me a couple of more days of revelling into taking out CNN?

Yeah.on the other hand he put those two bitches on full notice and have opened the door now to the Atlantic Council. YAY!
Well you've not been paying attention have you to the couple from fucking hell have you?
I actually feel sorry for Joe having her for a girlfriend. I've had relationships with political shrews like her before, and I'm glad they are over.

With all due respect no pity for Joe. No pity for the woman he left for dead in his office either. Mika at least is alive. Lori alas is not. On the bright side maybe Mika is about to meet Lori.


I still think her death he got behind hushing it.
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Well you've not been paying attention have you to the couple from fucking hell have you?
I actually feel sorry for Joe having her for a girlfriend. I've had relationships with political shrews like her before, and I'm glad they are over.

With all due respect no pity for Joe. No pity for the woman he left for dead in his office either. Mika at least is alive. Lori alas is not. On the bright side maybe Mika is about to meet Lori.

I still thin her death he got behind hushing it.
I don't know who you are talking about.
If I wasn't so intent on this mega garden this year I vowed to take Mika the lying bitch from hell on early on this season.You should see the insane shit she has said about Kelly Anne.

Many have chalked up her insane routine because her father was passing away. Hell's bells I understand her distress having been thru it but I never set out to just try to destroy all around me like she has.

Monday I'm going full throttle on the evil bitch.
She has a lot of mental issues stemming from childhood. For instance she has an inferiority complex because she was the dumb one in her family and she has some serious body image issues. So much so that she suffers from bulimia, had breast implants and had a face lift at least once.

Bulimia is the mental illness that Trump was likely referring to when he called her "Low I.Q. Crazy Mika".
...ANYONE should be able to admit how unhinged Trump seems in his comments about the female host. He is completely UNFIT for office. The evidence is overwhelming.

Now, if the comment stood on its own - as in Trump never before made such inflammatory, personal remarks - i could say that it would be reasonable to shake it off. But that isn't the case, is it? Trump has a long history of making pathetic, immature remarks on political opponents.

I just don't understand why republicans are so dumb to give Trump a pass on his petty bullshit. Can you imagine the political shitstorm that would occur if Obama, during his presidency, had lobbed a low-brow, personal insult at Sean Hannity in response to his political criticism? Republicans would never let the left forget it. USMB republicans on this board would be making countless threads on it. Their bitching on such a single comment would be a constant reminder.

You conservatives can say whatever you want about Obama's policy decisions. You can at least admit he brought a sense of dignity and professional demeanor to the Oval Office. And for the record, I thought GW Bush was a moron, but even I can admit that he always tried to be professional, mature, and dignified. Trump, in comparison, is an unprecedented embarrassment. He has the emotional maturity of a 13 year old and the vocabulary of a 9 year old.

Sorry, Billyboy, but the leftard clown posse created the atmosphere for all of this. You sacks of shit really believe that you and your ilk have carte blanche to throw as many shit bricks as possible at people while acting totally taken aback when you get it thrown back in your faces. Don't want to run with the big dogs? Keep your puppy dog ass on the porch. Trump is simply fighting the lamestream Operation Mockingbird press by using the same weapons that they use against him. I stand and applaud and say "It's about fuckin' time". So you can go fuck yourself and go blind for all I care. I don't want to make nice with those of your ilk nor do I want to meet in the middle. The chasm is too deep and too wide for the "twain" to meet. Your ilk wanted this war...so you get it. Your bellyaching about the tactics used against you like they ones that are used is pretty fucking hilarious.
...ANYONE should be able to admit how unhinged Trump seems in his comments about the female host. He is completely UNFIT for office. The evidence is overwhelming.

Now, if the comment stood on its own - as in Trump never before made such inflammatory, personal remarks - i could say that it would be reasonable to shake it off. But that isn't the case, is it? Trump has a long history of making pathetic, immature remarks on political opponents.

I just don't understand why republicans are so dumb to give Trump a pass on his petty bullshit. Can you imagine the political shitstorm that would occur if Obama, during his presidency, had lobbed a low-brow, personal insult at Sean Hannity in response to his political criticism? Republicans would never let the left forget it. USMB republicans on this board would be making countless threads on it. Their bitching on such a single comment would be a constant reminder.

You conservatives can say whatever you want about Obama's policy decisions. You can at least admit he brought a sense of dignity and professional demeanor to the Oval Office. And for the record, I thought GW Bush was a moron, but even I can admit that he always tried to be professional, mature, and dignified. Trump, in comparison, is an unprecedented embarrassment. He has the emotional maturity of a 13 year old and the vocabulary of a 9 year old.

Sorry, Billyboy, but the leftard clown posse created the atmosphere for all of this. You sacks of shit really believe that you and your ilk have carte blanche to throw as many shit bricks as possible at people while acting totally taken aback when you get it thrown back in your faces. Don't want to run with the big dogs? Keep your puppy dog ass on the porch. Trump is simply fighting the lamestream Operation Mockingbird press by using the same weapons that they use against him. I stand and applaud and say "It's about fuckin' time". So you can go fuck yourself and go blind for all I care. I don't want to make nice with those of your ilk nor do I want to meet in the middle. The chasm is too deep and too wide for the "twain" to meet. Your ilk wanted this war...so you get it. Your bellyaching about the tactics used against you like they ones that are used is pretty fucking hilarious.
Oh Christ you're just rambling a bunch of nonsense like always.
Donald Trump has brought the office of U.S. President into disrepute as many of us predicted.
The man is demented. He is such a narcissist that he cannot tolerate any criticism. He is so thin skinned that news programs on TV which do not act as his mouthpiece like Fox News bother him to no end. He is supposed to be the greatest world leader in living memory if not ever. The media seem so ungrateful that he is running the USA that they are a disgrace in his mind. The man has a sickness and his deplorable following enable him to entertain such grandiose notions about his own skill and ability.

The fact that you don't like him on makes me like Trump more and I don't even participate in elections of this banana republic.
...ANYONE should be able to admit how unhinged Trump seems in his comments about the female host. He is completely UNFIT for office. The evidence is overwhelming.

Now, if the comment stood on its own - as in Trump never before made such inflammatory, personal remarks - i could say that it would be reasonable to shake it off. But that isn't the case, is it? Trump has a long history of making pathetic, immature remarks on political opponents.

I just don't understand why republicans are so dumb to give Trump a pass on his petty bullshit. Can you imagine the political shitstorm that would occur if Obama, during his presidency, had lobbed a low-brow, personal insult at Sean Hannity in response to his political criticism? Republicans would never let the left forget it. USMB republicans on this board would be making countless threads on it. Their bitching on such a single comment would be a constant reminder.

You conservatives can say whatever you want about Obama's policy decisions. You can at least admit he brought a sense of dignity and professional demeanor to the Oval Office. And for the record, I thought GW Bush was a moron, but even I can admit that he always tried to be professional, mature, and dignified. Trump, in comparison, is an unprecedented embarrassment. He has the emotional maturity of a 13 year old and the vocabulary of a 9 year old.
He doesn't seem "unhinged" at all. He seems just like some guys I play golf with when referring to a **** who hit them with a golf ball because she couldn't wait until they got off the green.
You are such a moron.
...ANYONE should be able to admit how unhinged Trump seems in his comments about the female host. He is completely UNFIT for office. The evidence is overwhelming.

Now, if the comment stood on its own - as in Trump never before made such inflammatory, personal remarks - i could say that it would be reasonable to shake it off. But that isn't the case, is it? Trump has a long history of making pathetic, immature remarks on political opponents.

I just don't understand why republicans are so dumb to give Trump a pass on his petty bullshit. Can you imagine the political shitstorm that would occur if Obama, during his presidency, had lobbed a low-brow, personal insult at Sean Hannity in response to his political criticism? Republicans would never let the left forget it. USMB republicans on this board would be making countless threads on it. Their bitching on such a single comment would be a constant reminder.

You conservatives can say whatever you want about Obama's policy decisions. You can at least admit he brought a sense of dignity and professional demeanor to the Oval Office. And for the record, I thought GW Bush was a moron, but even I can admit that he always tried to be professional, mature, and dignified. Trump, in comparison, is an unprecedented embarrassment. He has the emotional maturity of a 13 year old and the vocabulary of a 9 year old.

Sorry, Billyboy, but the leftard clown posse created the atmosphere for all of this. You sacks of shit really believe that you and your ilk have carte blanche to throw as many shit bricks as possible at people while acting totally taken aback when you get it thrown back in your faces. Don't want to run with the big dogs? Keep your puppy dog ass on the porch. Trump is simply fighting the lamestream Operation Mockingbird press by using the same weapons that they use against him. I stand and applaud and say "It's about fuckin' time". So you can go fuck yourself and go blind for all I care. I don't want to make nice with those of your ilk nor do I want to meet in the middle. The chasm is too deep and too wide for the "twain" to meet. Your ilk wanted this war...so you get it. Your bellyaching about the tactics used against you like they ones that are used is pretty fucking hilarious.
Oh Christ you're just rambling a bunch of nonsense like always.

Yeah, you lack the intellect to understand my post which is typical of leftards such as yourself. You are the kind of gutless coward that would hit someone that was being held down and then call the cops because the guy was able to break free and slug you....because that's assault! Go pound sand, you disgusting sack of shit. You can't out debate me and you can't out "insult" me either. Your cyber-pelt was hung over my mantle shortly after my arrival anyway.
...ANYONE should be able to admit how unhinged Trump seems in his comments about the female host. He is completely UNFIT for office. The evidence is overwhelming.

Now, if the comment stood on its own - as in Trump never before made such inflammatory, personal remarks - i could say that it would be reasonable to shake it off. But that isn't the case, is it? Trump has a long history of making pathetic, immature remarks on political opponents.

I just don't understand why republicans are so dumb to give Trump a pass on his petty bullshit. Can you imagine the political shitstorm that would occur if Obama, during his presidency, had lobbed a low-brow, personal insult at Sean Hannity in response to his political criticism? Republicans would never let the left forget it. USMB republicans on this board would be making countless threads on it. Their bitching on such a single comment would be a constant reminder.

You conservatives can say whatever you want about Obama's policy decisions. You can at least admit he brought a sense of dignity and professional demeanor to the Oval Office. And for the record, I thought GW Bush was a moron, but even I can admit that he always tried to be professional, mature, and dignified. Trump, in comparison, is an unprecedented embarrassment. He has the emotional maturity of a 13 year old and the vocabulary of a 9 year old.
He doesn't seem "unhinged" at all. He seems just like some guys I play golf with when referring to a **** who hit them with a golf ball because she couldn't wait until they got off the green.

Yer a weird little shit, ain't ya. You went so far for that one and it fell so flat. I'm embarrassed for you.

Why is that? No need at all......I liked the comment and it's apropos. The time has come for Trump to kick some commie ass so deal with it. You and those of your ilk don't play by the The Marquess of Queensberry Rules for brawling rules because the ends justifies the means. Leftards have no line in the sand drawn that they won't cross when it comes to gutter fighting. The time to take out the leftist garbage has come.
...ANYONE should be able to admit how unhinged Trump seems in his comments about the female host. He is completely UNFIT for office. The evidence is overwhelming.

Now, if the comment stood on its own - as in Trump never before made such inflammatory, personal remarks - i could say that it would be reasonable to shake it off. But that isn't the case, is it? Trump has a long history of making pathetic, immature remarks on political opponents.

I just don't understand why republicans are so dumb to give Trump a pass on his petty bullshit. Can you imagine the political shitstorm that would occur if Obama, during his presidency, had lobbed a low-brow, personal insult at Sean Hannity in response to his political criticism? Republicans would never let the left forget it. USMB republicans on this board would be making countless threads on it. Their bitching on such a single comment would be a constant reminder.

You conservatives can say whatever you want about Obama's policy decisions. You can at least admit he brought a sense of dignity and professional demeanor to the Oval Office. And for the record, I thought GW Bush was a moron, but even I can admit that he always tried to be professional, mature, and dignified. Trump, in comparison, is an unprecedented embarrassment. He has the emotional maturity of a 13 year old and the vocabulary of a 9 year old.
He doesn't seem "unhinged" at all. He seems just like some guys I play golf with when referring to a **** who hit them with a golf ball because she couldn't wait until
they got off the green.
You are such a moron.

Wow! It's debating skills like that which has made you such an esteemed poster on this forum! (insert eye-roll here)

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