Official Records From International Red Cross Prove "holocaust" Was A Fraud

How can the truth be hateful?

Hey sunni boy, if this is the truth like you claim, why wasn't it on the news? You would think this would be a big story, but hmmmmmmmmm....the only place that is claiming this is your propaganda/hate website......:eusa_whistle:
Hey sunni boy, if this is the truth like you claim, why wasn't it on the news? You would think this would be a big story, but hmmmmmmmmm....the only place that is claiming this is your propaganda/hate website......:eusa_whistle:
Our Western media won't allow the truth of the Holohoax be known.

Many world leaders and hundreds of millions of people around the world know that the so called holocaust is a huge hoax.
Our Western media won't allow the truth of the Holohoax be known.

Many world leaders and hundreds of millions of people around the world know that the so called holocaust is a huge hoax.

Funny, I knew you were going to say a matter of fact, you walked right into it.............:eusa_whistle:
Walked into what?

The truth will eventually be known about the worlds greatest fraud and blackmail by the Zionists.

Whatever you say sunni boy, I'm sure you're reaching so many people here with your propaganda and hate filled lies...................maybe I'll parody a song for you again!
When lies are perported as the truth. You are a liar, that is proud of being a liar.
Why do you want to call me that Kathianne?

All I wanted to do was debate the issue in a civilized mannor.

If you notice, I don't cuss at people or sling names at them.

I just feel a healthy debate helps sort out the truth of historical events.
Germany was having trouble
What a sad, sad story
Needed a new leader to restore
Its former glory
Where, oh, where was he?
Where could that man be?
We looked around and then we found
The man for you and me
Sunni Boy, that who it be!
And now it's...
Springtime for Hitler and Germany
Deutschland is happy and gay!
We're marching to a faster pace
Look out, here comes the master race!
Springtime for Hitler and Germany
Rhineland's a fine land once more!
Springtime for Hitler and Germany
Watch out, Europe
We're going on tour!
Springtime for Hitler and Germany...
Look, it's springtime

Winter for Poland and France
Springtime for Hitler and Germany!

Springtime! Springtime!
Springtime! Springtime!
Springtime! Springtime!
Springtime! Springtime!

Come on, Germans
Go into your dance!

I was born in Dusseldorf und that is why they call me Sunni Boy!

Don't be stupid, be a smarty, come and join the Nazi party!

Sunni Boys Sings:

The Fuhrer is coming, the Fuhrer is coming, the Fuhrer is coming!

Heil Hitler!

Heil Hitler!

Heil Hitler!
Springtime for Hitler and Germany

Sunni Says:
Heil myself
Heil to me
I'm the muslim
Who's out to change history

Heil myself
Raise your hand
There's no greater
Dictator in the land!
Everything I do, I do for you!

For years, Jews have told people around the world that six million of them were systematically murdered in German "Concentration Camps" during World War 2. Anyone disputing this claim has been viciously smeared as a hateful anti-Semite. Countries around the world have even jailed people for disputing the claim that 6 Million were killed.

Here now, for all the world to see, is a scanned image of an Official International Red Cross document proving the so-called "Holocaust" never happened. Jews around the world intentionally lied for the purpose of gaining emotional and business advantages for themselves. They committed willful, criminal FRAUD upon millions around the world!

"The Holocaust" is the greatest lie ever told. Millions of dollars have been paid out to "holocaust survivors" and their descendants for something that DID NOT HAPPEN. THis is intentional, criminal fraud on a scale so massive as to almost incomprehensible.

"The Holocaust" is the greatest lie ever told. Millions of dollars have been paid out to "holocaust survivors" and their descendants for something that DID NOT HAPPEN. The claim of a "Holocaust" was intentional, criminal fraud on a scale so massive as to be almost incomprehensible.

I call for criminal prosecution of individuals and groups who filed false lawsuits to obtain holocaust reparations and financial damage awards, for perpetrating deliberate fraud upon Courts. I call for the removal of Holocaust references in History books and educational materials. I call for the removal of Holocaust Memorials worldwide.

It is long overdue this intentional fraud be halted and those who perpetrated it be brought to justice for 60 years of vicious lies and financial fraud.


Keep up the good work Sunni-Man. Excellent article!!!!
All I believe is that the Jews were rounded up and put in work camps.

But I don't believe there was a systematic genocide of the Jewish workers.

Dude... look at the photos... what do you think they where doing to them? Forcing them to work until they died. That's if they where strong enough to work. If not... they died there. There's documentation of this. LOTS of documentation.

Here's some more for ya:

Holocaust Cybrary remembering the Stories of the Survivors -

Holocaust Denial on Trial

It's up to you to open your eyes.

You're choosing to be blind because of your animosity toward Jews IMO.

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