Obama's coalition is starting to crumble.

new boss same as the old boss......:lol:

attacks a country with no congressional approval and has soildiers killing civilians....
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OK---How much were the French involved in the Eastern Libyan rebellion ?

Looks like they were involved with an interim governing council.

We're fighting France's battles again. Why ? :banghead:
I think a more basic question is why are we even fighting? To rid the world of tyrants and dictators? If so, we've got a long road ahead, North Korea, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Burma (Myanmar) ,Iran, Eritrea, and Turkmenistan, and half dozen others. Then of course there are our buddies, China, and Saudi Arabia.

It's been said before, but worth repeating, we can't afford to invade every country whose government mistreats it's people. We are in two wars now with no end in sight that have cost us over 1.3 trillion dollars with 40,000 wounded or killed Americans, and tens of thousands of civilians.
Following multiple reports about China mistreating journalists covering the budding protest movement in the country, fearful Beijing has threatened the Hong Kong media.

According to Yonhap:

"Hong Kong media are free to cover the mainland as long as they are in compliance with the country's 'basic law,' but if their attitudes are inclined to overthrow the regime, no country will accept that," Hao Tiechuan, director general of publicity at the Liaison Office of the Chinese government in Hong Kong, said in an interview with Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK).

The Chinese Foreign Ministry claimed that journalists had not followed the necessary procedures for covering an incident at a major shopping mall at Wangfujing, Beijing, last Sunday.

"The Beijing police properly handled the incident at Wangfujing," Foreign ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said in the face of criticism voiced by foreign correspondents and envoys of United States and European Union over incidents of beating and detention of journalists. At least four journalists were pushed and kicked around at the Wang Fu Jiang shopping street on Sunday. They had gone there expecting protests by rebels who has been giving calls for demonstrations to create a Egyptian type 'Jasmine revolution' in China.

China Warns Hong Kong Media About "Jasmine Revolution" Coverage :: FOOYOH ENTERTAINMENT

China is now mistreating journalists who are covering Chinese protesters. When will Obama attack? It'll be interesting to see how the Obama administration handles this issue with the largest holder of US debt. :lol:
PM Erdogan (on TV right now):
"Neither NATO nor Paris-meeting has legitimacy to implement UN resolution.
Currently NATO is again coveying, we will inform everyone of our decision (VETO).
In the region, there is the impression, that this is an Oil operation.
The future of Libya and it's underground resources belong to the Libyan people.
We'll continue to question what the behind-reasons of Paris-meeting were.
We also express our concerns to the developments in Bahrain and Yemen."

Obama telephoned Berlin and Ankara, yesterday.
Turkey will block NATO from any involvement in Libya.
I hope, that Italy will now close it's airbases as it has indicated.
The legitimacy of implementing UN resolution lies with UN, not with Exxon Mobile, BP and Total-Oil (France).
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"We naturally question the Paris meeting,"
Turkey objects to NATO Libya role beyond UN limits | News by Country | Reuters

Now Obama can transfer his command to bomb the shit out of Libya, which he thinks, he has gotten by UN back to the UN. NATO won't get involved, it's after all a defense alliance.

Or Obama will transfer command to Brit-France coalition and a small Western-coalition.
Then international protests will get louder questioning the legitimacy of this whole dubious Libyan bombing, whilst US-puppets in the Gulf are beating the shit out of their own demonstrating citizens.
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Obama's coalition is starting to crumble.

This thread lauches off the pad with a erroneous presumption...that the NATO forces are "Obama's coalition".

All part of the American centristic POV that pervades this place, I guess.

Here's a clue, kids...it ain't ALL about America.
George Bush assembled coalitions of the willing, a euphemism for his failure to get the UN to back his invasion of Iraq in 2003. Barack Obama has UN cover for a no-fly zone in Libya, but he has paradoxically produced a coalition of the unwilling to enforce it. US commanders expected that Nato would announce yesterday that it was taking over. That was blocked by Turkey, whose prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan called for immediate talks. Neither Germany nor eastern European members are keen on Nato heading an operation that has nothing to do with the defence of Europe.
Libya: Moving targets | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

The scale of the bombing is a clear intervention in in the war as a party.
The so-called coalition provides Aircover for rebels driving tanks and jeep-mounted automatic guns of high claibre, that's not civilians.
It is another aggression by the 'West' against an Arab nation.
CNBC just reported that Obama's Libya Coalition has fewer countries than Bush's Iraq Coalition

AP reporting that a US military jet crashes in Libya, 2 eject

It looks like we are "going it alone" by democrats definition of Iraq. I thought we weren't that involved in this?

Again more smoke & mirrors from the peace prize winner.
CNBC just reported that Obama's Libya Coalition has fewer countries than Bush's Iraq Coalition

AP reporting that a US military jet crashes in Libya, 2 eject

It looks like we are "going it alone" by democrats definition of Iraq. I thought we weren't that involved in this?

Again more smoke & mirrors from the peace prize winner.

The arms-dealers have smelled petroleum, now they overstep the UN resolution and bomb the shit out of Libya so the rebels can advance.

No wonder, that the Arab nations supporting the UN resolution have backed-off from this so-called 'Humanitarian Intervention'.
Obama's coalition is starting to crumble.

This thread lauches off the pad with a erroneous presumption...that the NATO forces are "Obama's coalition".

All part of the American centristic POV that pervades this place, I guess.

Here's a clue, kids...it ain't ALL about America.

In this case it is all about America. Not one other country has the strategic, and operational resources to run an operation of this magnitude. One of two things will happen. NATO will stick it to the USA, and we'll be stuck holding the bag. We'll then be stuck in Libya for years.

Another option would be that after NATO sticks it the USA, Obama, tucks his tail between his legs, and leaves. Qaddafi, stays in power. He kills millions of his own people. US credibility would be irrevocably damaged. That seems to happen every time the libs are in control.

The results in either case would have disastrous consequences for this country. The moral of this story is that you can't send an ACORN operative to do a President's job. Obama, is in way over his head.

Lets look at the coalition. Obama, instructed Sec. State Clinton to push for the UN resolution, and put the coalition together after the international pressure for him to resolve this issue increased. At the moment all theater forces are under US command and control. The US is bringing the most assets, and resources to the issue. Neither the UN, or NATO have ever moved with out US support. This is Obama's coalition.

I will agree that what Obama put together is a giant Charlie Foxtrot. He has made just about every rookie mistake that he can make. We don't have a clear mission, we don't have an exit strategy. The troops don't even know if they're going to be under American command and control tomorrow. This tells me that Obama isn't listening to his professional war fighters. Hitler had that problem too. We kicked his ass.

The good news is that we only have 1 1/2 years of the Obama nightmare to go. Our exit strategy from the Obama debacle will be put into place in November 2012. Booyah! What say you.
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Wow.. this may ruin his vacation.

it hasn't yet. I don't expect it to.

Of course not.


Ah but it wasn't Obama who forgave G-daffy and lavished him with praise after he gave up his so-called WMD, which turned out to be nothing more than aging pieces of crap pawned off on him by Russia. Guess who that was?

Ironically, many (including myself) didn't trust Ghadaffi's "promises" to help ferret out AQ operatives any more than I would have trusted one of bin Laden's top lieutenants if he had turned.

How Gaddafi Friended Bush, Blair, and Berlusconi - Newsweek
Before Libyans rose up against him, Muammar Gaddafi used money, and well-timed diplomatic overtures, to worm his way into the West’s good graces. How Bush, Blair, and Berlusconi gave the brutal dictator a makeover.
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