Obamacare in complete disarray


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
The Obama team is woefully behind its own schedule for implementing features of the legislation. The critical regulations outlining what the Obamacare insurance benefit will look like was supposed to be out more than six months ago. Now it looks like this regulation won't be dropped until after the election. This is just one key aspect of the program that is way behind the administration's own timeline.

These facts alone should give proponents of the law pause. But the early experience with the elements of Obamacare that have already kicked in is downright dismal.
The core of Obamacare doesn't get started until 2014, when state-based exchanges are supposed to be formed as places for consumers to buy the legislation's tightly regulated, subsidized coverage. But early features of Obamacare are already failing."
RealClearMarkets - The Emerging Obamacare Truth Is Disarray
"We're in a terrible economic climate, where medical utilization trends are way down. The cost of healthcare coverage should be falling as well. But premiums have risen far faster than overall inflation or GDP growth since Obamacare's passage. The regulations kicked in with no offsetting incentives to get people into the insurance pool to help absorb the costs. If the President wants to take credit for these costly insurance market reforms, he also has to accept blame for the rising costs.
So what's left for the President to tout?
Not much. Obamacare isn't even in full swing, and at every turn, the program is crumbling. The President's team is banking on a second term to try and right all of its fiascos but there's an emerging truth that the scheme is simply unworkable."

RealClearMarkets - The Emerging Obamacare Truth Is Disarray
I don't know I don't think Romneycare will be so bad... Oh I mean Obamacare. Sorry I'm confusing it with Romneycare which has been around for a while and has been working very well. Doesn't Romney love mandates? Oops I mean Obama? Oh I'm so confused. Can some teapartiers clear it up for me? And explain why the idea of Universal Healthcare is divisive even though both candidates are defined by it?
I don't know I don't think Romneycare will be so bad... Oh I mean Obamacare. Sorry I'm confusing it with Romneycare which has been around for a while and has been working very well. Doesn't Romney love mandates? Oops I mean Obama? Oh I'm so confused. Can some teapartiers clear it up for me? And explain why the idea of Universal Healthcare is divisive even though both candidates are defined by it?

It's really pretty simple --- Do you understand the difference between state and federal government?

It's just like those radical leftist states allowing gay marriage. If people of a state want to revamp their states health care -- more power to them!

The federal gov't should stick to it's prime functions...
The Obama team is woefully behind its own schedule for implementing features of the legislation. The critical regulations outlining what the Obamacare insurance benefit will look like was supposed to be out more than six months ago. Now it looks like this regulation won't be dropped until after the election. This is just one key aspect of the program that is way behind the administration's own timeline.

These facts alone should give proponents of the law pause. But the early experience with the elements of Obamacare that have already kicked in is downright dismal.
The core of Obamacare doesn't get started until 2014, when state-based exchanges are supposed to be formed as places for consumers to buy the legislation's tightly regulated, subsidized coverage. But early features of Obamacare are already failing."
RealClearMarkets - The Emerging Obamacare Truth Is Disarray

I think they are deliberately stalling because people won't be happy when this plan is implemented. It was a mess from the start and should never have been shoved through the way it was. I remember the Dems saying they'd pass it, then fix some things later. As if the government has ever fixed anything.
It's really pretty simple --- Do you understand the difference between state and federal government?

Even the OP noted that the exchanges are state-based, just like the Commonwealth Connector in Massachusetts. The feds will only step in to run one for a state as a last resort. Here's former GOP Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist writing a few months ago on the wisdom of that design:

Why both parties should embrace ObamaCare's state exchanges - The Week
State exchanges are the solution. They represent the federalist ideal of states as "laboratories for democracy." We are seeing 50 states each designing a model that is right for them, empowered to take into account their individual cultures, politics, economies, and demographics. While much planning has yet to be done, we are already seeing a huge range in state models. I love the diversity and the innovation.

Want a more conservative, small-business focused exchange that bans abortion coverage in all its plans? Try Utah and its state exchange, originally founded under Gov. Jon Huntsman. Think that President Obama missed a huge opportunity to steer the nation towards a single payer system? Try Vermont, which plans to ultimately transform its state exchange into a single payer system, Green Mountain Care, that will offer coverage to all state residents. With soaring health care costs one of, if not the most, dangerous threats to America's greatness, a new round of national health care experimentation is exactly what we need.
The Obama team is woefully behind its own schedule for implementing features of the legislation. The critical regulations outlining what the Obamacare insurance benefit will look like was supposed to be out more than six months ago. Now it looks like this regulation won't be dropped until after the election. This is just one key aspect of the program that is way behind the administration's own timeline.

These facts alone should give proponents of the law pause. But the early experience with the elements of Obamacare that have already kicked in is downright dismal.
The core of Obamacare doesn't get started until 2014, when state-based exchanges are supposed to be formed as places for consumers to buy the legislation's tightly regulated, subsidized coverage. But early features of Obamacare are already failing."
RealClearMarkets - The Emerging Obamacare Truth Is Disarray

I think they are deliberately stalling because people won't be happy when this plan is implemented. It was a mess from the start and should never have been shoved through the way it was. I remember the Dems saying they'd pass it, then fix some things later. As if the government has ever fixed anything.

Since the entire bill was cobbled together by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid behind closed doors...that's 1/6 of our economy being shaped by a woman who may be as dumb as Joe Biden...should any of us really be surprised that it's not going to work?
Flip the tables; if Mitt thought federal universal healthcare would win him the Presidency he would've endorsed it long ago. Regardless of who wins this one come 2016 you're going to want a new President, regardless of which guy is in the White House.

It's all good to "want" something, OldSchool but if you can't figure out a way to pay for it then what's the use of passing anything? Right now we're like a person who's got an eviction notice nailed to our front door but we just ordered ourselves a brand new Porsche and the first car payment is coming due next month. How the heck are we paying for ObamaCare? The only way I see that happening is tax increases on most Americans like we've NEVER seen before.
Flip the tables; if Mitt thought federal universal healthcare would win him the Presidency he would've endorsed it long ago. Regardless of who wins this one come 2016 you're going to want a new President, regardless of which guy is in the White House.

It's all good to "want" something, OldSchool but if you can't figure out a way to pay for it then what's the use of passing anything? Right now we're like a person who's got an eviction notice nailed to our front door but we just ordered ourselves a brand new Porsche and the first car payment is coming due next month. How the heck are we paying for ObamaCare? The only way I see that happening is tax increases on most Americans like we've NEVER seen before.

The American people have been struggling for so long and this will be the wrecking ball that finally takes us down.

Come 2016 I hope the thing's you fear end up working themselves out somehow. B/c neither of us really knows what's going on, and both current presidential candidates have enough power and money to not have to care if things end up working themselves out. Good luck to all of us haha.
It's really pretty simple --- Do you understand the difference between state and federal government?

Even the OP noted that the exchanges are state-based, just like the Commonwealth Connector in Massachusetts. The feds will only step in to run one for a state as a last resort. Here's former GOP Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist writing a few months ago on the wisdom of that design:

Why both parties should embrace ObamaCare's state exchanges - The Week
State exchanges are the solution. They represent the federalist ideal of states as "laboratories for democracy." We are seeing 50 states each designing a model that is right for them, empowered to take into account their individual cultures, politics, economies, and demographics. While much planning has yet to be done, we are already seeing a huge range in state models. I love the diversity and the innovation.

Want a more conservative, small-business focused exchange that bans abortion coverage in all its plans? Try Utah and its state exchange, originally founded under Gov. Jon Huntsman. Think that President Obama missed a huge opportunity to steer the nation towards a single payer system? Try Vermont, which plans to ultimately transform its state exchange into a single payer system, Green Mountain Care, that will offer coverage to all state residents. With soaring health care costs one of, if not the most, dangerous threats to America's greatness, a new round of national health care experimentation is exactly what we need.

That is insanity! You still have the fed gov't ordering people what to do!!! If the states want health-care reform of this nature - they should decide on it as a state and there should be NO FEDERAL FUNDING involved. The federal gov't should not increase their power in our lives in any way, shape, or form!
Flip the tables; if Mitt thought federal universal healthcare would win him the Presidency he would've endorsed it long ago. Regardless of who wins this one come 2016 you're going to want a new President, regardless of which guy is in the White House.

That just isn;t true. conservatives are against gov't intrusion. No GOP nominee would ever make it to this point being liberal...

...and whether a candidate has money or not has nothing to do with their political ideology -- You either believe that you should give your money to the federal gov't and let them make decisions for you --- or you believe that you are capable of making your own decisions and don't need Obama to run your life...

fiscal conservate vs. fiscal liberal...

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