Obama to Lift Ban on Overseas Abortion Funding

Hitler and abortion:

"When the Nazis came to power in 1933 one of the first acts Hitler did was to legalize abortion. By 1935 Germany with 65 million people was the place where over 500,000 abortions were being performed each year. Although Hitler and his government encourged Aryan women to produce a lot of children, he left the matter of abortion and all its facets in the hands of a decidely pro- abortion medical establishment. Even in the midst of Nazi propaganda aimed at increasing the Aryan population, scores of Aryan women still chose to abort their unborn children. The medical publication Deutsches Aerzleblatt reported the abortions in Germany each year reached a half-million."
Hitler Pro-Abortion

I love it when kooks accuse others of the things they do, thereby pointing out their own idiocy.
It absolutely is....you just don't agree with that aspect of responsibility..as is your right. You ever get pregnant girl7, by all means, don't have an abortion.

Noooo Abortion is not facing your responsibility. I am not forcing my opinion on anyone but I am allowed to voice my opinion just like everyone else.

I like one poster who compared abortions to the holocaust because that is exactly what it is we as a nation are allowing the murder of the innocent the ones who cannot speak for themselves. If you ever watch the video on You tube the silent scream you will get to see a 12 week old baby sucking his thumb in the womb about to be aborted. You get to see how he reacts to being pulled apart limb from limb. It is very obvious he is in agony this is the ultimate child abuse this puts it in new catorgy.

I don't understand how anyone cannot say stop it we will not allow this. It is horrific and we sit back and let it happen just like people sat back and allowed the Jews to be slaughtered during Hitler's reign. We will draw God's judgement now you know one of the reasons.

Hitler was "god's right hand" according to his beliefs, which were christian and thus why he was able to trick the other christians into attacking the Jews. Comparing abortion to the holocaust is wrong because they are nothing alike.

Hitler was not the right hand of God. Anyone can CLAIM to be a Christian does not make you one. I think Hitler's walk proved beyond a doubt he was NOT a Christian. He merely used that title to do his dirty work.

Hitler killed innocent human beings because he was crazy. Abortionist kill innocent human beings because they are in denial about at what point one becomes human I personally think they know the difference but they are money hungry. That proves money can buy almost anything. Notice I said Almost. I see the connection you don't?
Um ... in Africa you do realize that most children there are results of rape, and usually have really nasty diseases for that reason. You would doom a human to live a life of suffering before allowing them to die? Odd, because then you are forcing someone to torture a child.

You grant me way to much power. I do not force anyone to do anything. I do not doom anyone to suffer. I do not posses that power. The one thing I know is certainly true is God is in control he is the creator of life. I also know he is more interested in building our character then us having a cushy life. If the Lord chooses for one of his creations to suffer that is his will not mine or yours. I know that sounds cold but we cannot see what God sees now can we? His ways are not our ways.

You are forcing them to live by not allowing them to die, and if they are suffering you are forcing the parent who was not allowed to get an abortion to torture their child.

Tell me how am I FORCING anyone to live or die? How am I FORCING anyone to torture a child? I am merely voicing my opinion. If a woman gives birth to a child she does not want she is allowed to give it up for adoption just because someone gives birth does not mean they are stuck raising it now are they?
I think you missed the point. [/COLOR]Her right to "choice" cannot logically or morally infringe on the baby's right to live. (and no, a foetus is not a person....yet) Yes it is. Page 17, post 244, the labels are explained.

No, I did not miss your point. It becomes a baby after it is delivered. That aside, I find this a bit of a strawman, because most abortions happen in the first trimester whne it has hardly developed. I looked at post 244 and there was no explanation. However, I have seen z-boing post a definition and it is a developing human, not human. Do you look at an egg and see a chicken, Phil?

And, back on topic, which enumerated power allows taxpayer dollars to be spent overseas on this or any other program?

You're thinking short term. If you spend money educating third-world countries about sex education, I'm pretty sure it's cheaper than sending aid to said countries when they become severely over populated due to lack of education on the matter...

What is a geriatric, what is a teenager, what is an infant, what is a newborn, what is a fetus? What do they all have in common. Each is a label that describes a stage of human developement.

As to the Chicken/Egg thing..... it's a chicken unless I make a scramble out of it.

Finally, short term, long term both are not relevant. There is no provision in the US Constitution which authorizes foreign aid of any sort. So unless someone can break out a properly authorized treaty in which we explicitly agree to donate cash money... the point is moot. No matter the perceived gain, this money is being spent illegally by your friends and neighbors in the Congress.
Hitler and abortion:


I love it when kooks accuse others of the things they do, thereby pointing out their own idiocy.

That does not make it a good comparison. Hitler liked German food I bet, are we to then compare the holocaust with german chefs?

Also it's guilt by association

"You know who liked abortions hitler."
"you know who liked costello style mustaches, Hitler"
"You know who else liked germany ..."

That's where the logic falls apart.
Getting pregnant indicates fault? Is having sex a crime? It would seem you think so and that having to bear an unwanted child is your idea of how to punish that crime. That shows how little you care about children when you designate them as methods of punishment.

You twist my words. I did not say sex is a crime. I guess I need to spell it out there are many forms of birth control the pill condoms shots IUD to name a few which can be obtained freely. I would dare say many of these women are not using any protection what so ever. As you can see in my prior post anytime you engage in a sexual encounter you realize it may result in a pregnancy if you are unwilling to deal with that aspect of the act then do not participate. A pregnancy ending in an abortion is not facing your responsibility.

I said I DO NOT see having a child as PUNISHMENT. I said facing the responsibility of one's actions. Those are your words sex is a crime bearing a child is punishment your words not mine.

But HOW do you know that mdj?

Others and i believe you might have acknowledged as well, have said they know women that have gone through abortions and have been scarred in various ways, for the rest of their lives....and stuff like that.... how do you know that this experience of their own abortion, isn't what eventually, through their subconscious or even visible pain, brings them to God?

Sometimes, they say one has to hit rock bottom, before they can start climbing up again.

I guess, I have more faith in God, than others....

I really do believe that He knows all...past, present and future...as silly as that may be, to any sane person! :D

And I also believe that He works in mysterious ways....I know that's considered a cop out to many atheists...complaining that us Christians can so easily use this term when we can't physically or logically explain our own beliefs but I honestly believe such, so they will just have to deal!!!

I guess, what I am trying to say is that as tragic as it is that these developing human beings are terminated, I am certain it is equally as tragic for most of the women faced with making this decision.....if not when they made it, somewhere down the road, where it is least expected, it could hit them like a ton of bricks...without them even recognizing at first, that their depression or their crappy circumstance that they are in or who knows what cloud is over them......comes from something that occurred 5-10 years previously...their choice to abort.

I realize there are some repeat termination of pregnancies by some of these women, but setting them aside, I seriously doubt that the girls making this decision to abort, are making it lightly....I do not think they are gleefully rubbing their hands together saying, goody goody gumdrops, I get to have an abortion today which will terminate my child....lets hope I get good enough sex the next few months so i can get pregnant again and have another abortion....yippee!!!

THIS IS WHAT YOU GUYS SOUND LIKE, in so many words, in your description of the women that have abortions....and i have known a handful of girls that have had abortions in my lifetime and not a one of them were anything like the nasty descriptions on this thread....and each one of them, were responsible girls as well....(they just were not a "one focus only" responsible.) Would Christ really speak of these women in this manner? I THINK NOT! There is something called compassion, and empathy, and sympathy, and forgiveness, and mercy that is SUPPOSE to come with being a Christian, ya know?

Well, in my humble opinion, NONE OF THAT shows when this topic of abortion comes up...and that's a bit sad, to me and perhaps why both sides always butts heads instead of working together on ways to reduce unwanted pregnancies so that women are not faced with this very hard decision to make....


Care you are assuming many things about me. One thing we agree on is yes I also believe God knows all this much is a truth if a woman comes to God after the fact or because of the fact of an abortion it is his place to forgive which as Christians we know the Lord will forgive anyone of anything thank goodness because we all fall short of the glory of God are in need of forgiveness and mercy.

I have never said I think women who seek abortions are doing it gleefully. I fully understand the agony of this decision for many women. They do have my up most sympathy and compassion. I think as a society we have failed them. We have put a option on the table that should not be there. We should have always taught everyone it is unacceptable to kill babies period. This is not totally pregnant women's fault we all have blood on our hands we all have taken a part in this atrocity.

Roe Vs Wade passed in 1973 a lot of new scientific advances have been made. Babies are becoming viable a whole lot sooner then ever before. The youngest premature baby to survive is 21 weeks.

Barbara Box the senator of California introduced the bill for right to choose which basically gives a woman the right to kill her baby and any point in her pregnancy. We need someone to step up to the plate and introduce a bill for the rights of the unborn.

The answer to your question would Christ speak of anyone as less then human most certainly not. Christ values all life we are created in the image of God and to destroy it is to spit in the Lords face. We are not even suppose to be disrespectful to one another in our speech. That being said if I have given you the impression I view women who get an abortion any less of a person that is incorrect I do not. My heart breaks for their loss. I am ashamed of us as a society for letting them down and not providing the support they need and deserve.

I don't think any woman really wants to kill her baby I think they think that is their only option in a dire circumstance. It is up to us as a society to change that for them to let them know they are loved no matter what they have done and their children are welcomed and loved as well. We need to step out of our comfort zone and be willing to help those in need and stop waiting on the government to do it all.
The first thing I'd like to ask is why we need, at a time of personal economic pain, to pay for any other nation's abortions to begin with? A little America First attention might be a good thing.

The second is, when we know it is such a toxic divide in our own nation, why must it be difficult to simply let it be a personally funded decision as well as a personal decision? Why do our tax dollars need to be spent on such things at all?
Following is a story that appeared in Christmas in My Heart by Joe Wheeler (Review & Herald Publishing Co., 1993). It is entitled "The Tiny Foot."

Several years ago a fragile woman came to my office, expecting her first baby. One month before she was due, the baby was in a breech position. The death rate of breech babies is high because of the difficulty in delivering the after-coming head and the imperative need of delivering it quickly after the body is born.

During the delivery, I waited as patiently as I could for the natural forces of expulsion to thoroughly dilate the firm maternal structures. At last the time had come, and I gently drew done one little foot. I grasped the other, but it would not come down beside the first one. To my consternation, I saw that the other little foot would never be beside the first one. The entire thigh from the hip to the knee was missing.

I knew what a dreadful effect this would have upon the unstable nervous system of the mother. The family would almost certainly impoverish itself in taking the child to every famous orthopedist in the world. I saw this little girl sitting sadly by herself, while the other girls danced and ran and played.

I could slow my hand; I could delay those few short moments. No one in this world would ever know. The mother, after the first shock of grief, would be glad she had lost a child so sadly handicapped.

The little pink foot on the good side bobbed out from its protecting towel and pressed firmly against my slowly moving hand, the hand into whose keeping the safety of the mother and the baby had been entrusted.

I couldn't do it. I delivered the baby with her pitiful little leg. Every foreboding came true. The mother was in the hospital for several months -- she looked like a wraith of her former self. As the years went on, I blamed myself bitterly for not having had the strength to yield to my temptation.

Our hospital stages an elaborate Christmas party each year for the staff. This past year, three lovely young musicians on the stage played softly in unison with the organ. I was especially fascinated by the young harpist. She played extraordinarily well, as if she loved it. Her slender fingers flicked across the strings, and her face was upturned as if the world that moment were a wonderful and holy place.

When the short program was over, there came running down the aisle a woman I did not know. "Oh, you saw her," she cried, "You must have recognized your baby. That was my daughter who played the harp -- the little girl who was born with only one good leg 17 years ago. We tried everything else first, but now she has a whole artificial leg on that side. Best of all, through all those years, she learned to use her hands so wonderfully. She is going to be one of the world's greatest harpists. She is my whole life and now she is so happy. . . And here she is!" The sweet young girl had quietly approached us, her eyes glowing.

Impulsively I took the child in my arms. Across her warm young, shoulder I saw the creeping clock of the delivery room 17 years before. I lived again those awful moments where her life was in my hand. As the last strains of "Silent Night" faded, I found the comfort I had waited for so long.


end story

How many great harpists, doctors, astronauts, scientist, nurses, teachers, pastors, authors, moms and dads have been aborted in the past 30 years? Pray that this terrible law will soon be overturned. In the meantime, we must take a strong stand for life -- because it is ALL precious in the sight of God.
I know some of you have not seen the connection between abortions and the Holocaust I presume it is because you do not see the unborn as humans and some of us do. Approximately 6 million people died during the Holocaust . Approximately 38 million baby's have been murdered in abortions and we are still counting the dead daily minute by minute.

If you still do not consider the unborn a human baby watch this video and tell me again what you think Just in case you missed the last time I posted this.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjNo_0cW-ek]YouTube - ABORTION: The Silent Scream Part 1 2 3 4 5 COMPLETE VERSION Pro-life Anti-Abortion Video[/ame]
Noooo Abortion is not facing your responsibility. I am not forcing my opinion on anyone but I am allowed to voice my opinion just like everyone else.

I like one poster who compared abortions to the holocaust because that is exactly what it is we as a nation are allowing the murder of the innocent the ones who cannot speak for themselves. If you ever watch the video on You tube the silent scream you will get to see a 12 week old baby sucking his thumb in the womb about to be aborted. You get to see how he reacts to being pulled apart limb from limb. It is very obvious he is in agony this is the ultimate child abuse this puts it in new catorgy.

I don't understand how anyone cannot say stop it we will not allow this. It is horrific and we sit back and let it happen just like people sat back and allowed the Jews to be slaughtered during Hitler's reign. We will draw God's judgement now you know one of the reasons.

Hitler was "god's right hand" according to his beliefs, which were christian and thus why he was able to trick the other christians into attacking the Jews. Comparing abortion to the holocaust is wrong because they are nothing alike.

Hitler was not the right hand of God. Anyone can CLAIM to be a Christian does not make you one. I think Hitler's walk proved beyond a doubt he was NOT a Christian. He merely used that title to do his dirty work.

Hitler killed innocent human beings because he was crazy. Abortionist kill innocent human beings because they are in denial about at what point one becomes human I personally think they know the difference but they are money hungry. That proves money can buy almost anything. Notice I said Almost. I see the connection you don't?

The connection exists only in your mind and in the minds of those who believe like you. It's about your inability to make distinctions. Thank goodness, you are in a minority. No one becomes human before birth.
Hitler was "god's right hand" according to his beliefs, which were christian and thus why he was able to trick the other christians into attacking the Jews. Comparing abortion to the holocaust is wrong because they are nothing alike.

Hitler was not the right hand of God. Anyone can CLAIM to be a Christian does not make you one. I think Hitler's walk proved beyond a doubt he was NOT a Christian. He merely used that title to do his dirty work.

Hitler killed innocent human beings because he was crazy. Abortionist kill innocent human beings because they are in denial about at what point one becomes human I personally think they know the difference but they are money hungry. That proves money can buy almost anything. Notice I said Almost. I see the connection you don't?

The connection exists only in your mind and in the minds of those who believe like you. It's about your inability to make distinctions. Thank goodness, you are in a minority. No one becomes human before birth.
What are you talking about? Science tells us that it is a unique human life at conception, and that they have an ability to think and even form some aspects of a personality long before they are born.

This is just hyperbole and opinion. The party who ignores science is the one that maintains that it isn't a human life that is ending during an abortion.

One can take on the philosophical argument that it isn't a "person" until brain function begins, I can understand that and can even see some legal authority maintaining it as the point of humanity as it is certainly the measure of death of the same. But it is philosophy and not science.

One can attempt to argue about when it is "infused with a soul" but that is a religious argument.

One cannot attempt to maintain that it isn't a human life in early development. That is simply impossible to prove as it is already shown to be exactly that. Simply a human in a different stage of development than "infant" or "toddler" or "child" or "pre-teen", et al.

Is it a "person"? Maybe not. But again, that is a question for philosophers, but the argument about whether it is a human life ended when we discovered DNA.
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My tax dollars have been turned into funding for baby killers!

And before my money was being used to drop bombs on Iraqis.
And now it is being used to drop them on Pakistanis and increasing funding to Israel to kill Palestinian children. It is also still being used in Iraq, although that one appears to have been successfully turned around before Bush left office, so the current Administration plans to move people from Iraq to Afghanistan to kill more babies there...

Yeah, good fixin' there... :rolleyes:
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mdj, if the law is overturned, abortions will not stop and more mothers will be killed along with their babies, if done back alley, as they were when it was illegal.

My mother in law, God rest her soul, who was 87 when she passed on last year.....she was the coolest old geezer that i have ever known, outside of her mother, who i met when she was 98....

Anyway, there is no one on this earth that I have met that was more Christian than she....

She Loved the Lord, with all her mind, body and soul and when she stayed with us, while my hubby went to work, i spent hours upon hours with her, just reading the Bible and going over scripture.....she had the GREATEST Bible....my brother in law, has it now....and i wish it was my husband that got it after she passed on....

It was a Bible like any other Bible, only it had 60 plus years of her Bible studies, and lessons and thoughts penciled in the sidelines of most every passage....(She was a late bloomer and was 27 when she said she became born again and had the same Bible she had back then)

Anyway, she told me what it was like when she was a young and how many girls she knew that died or were scarred for life from choosing to have a back alley abortion...Which really surprised me....i had thought that it was only girls of this day and age that were having sex outside of marriage and NOT the ladies of the past....no such thing.

And even she, saw the necessity to keep abortion as a legal option. I even argued with her on this.... but she was dead set firm, on it not becoming illegal again....this confounded me for the longest time but her compassion and her trust in God giving us free will, and forgiveness, was beyond my capabilities of understanding at the time, I suppose...

She was convinced that God lets us do what we do....free will.

She was equally convinced that God would be there for every woman that aborted, waiting in the sidelines, for when the time is right, to capture them and bring them to Him....

She witnessed this over the 87 years and time and time again she told me....people that she had thought were wretched, lost, and big time sinners... over time..... "found" the Lord....and that she had spent decades after witnessing all of this, asking God to please forgive her, for the awful things she had said about these people who she was certain were going to burn...and begged God to forgive her, for not having Faith in Him and allowing Him to work, in His mysterious ways, to bring those to Him that belong to Him...it could be the abortion that a girl has had that brings her to Him....is what Margie(MIL) learned over the decades of her life.

Also, only in this past century, did Christians start saying that the soul enters the body at conception.....for thousands of years this was not believed and for hundreds of years the universal Christian church believed that the soul entered the baby to be at 40 days for men and 90 days for women....*don't ask me how they came to these numbers, i never got a chance to read the full article on it!??? other religions have the soul entering the foetus at 120 days....and again, i don't know how they came to these terms, but THEY HAD THEM for some reason?

And Abortion has near always been present, they have records from 2500 years ago of potions that were taken to abort the embryo....of which were traced to today's potions that chemically abort....only, it wasn't single women having sex that aborted the most, it was married women with children....it was thought of as acceptable because nearly half of the women pregnant, died in delivery or their child died in delivery....so the woman had the option to abort with chemical potions....this continued until the mid 1800's....chemical potions were permitted to take by pregnant women that would abort their child to be, and up to the point of quickening, it was legal or permitted. (I realize that child birth is much safer today, and women only have a small chance of dying while delivering)

Anyway, as horrible a circumstance that it is....abortions are nothing new....

So, yes, i hate the sin, but still love the sinner and will be there for any girl or woman, that has gone through this.....

There is no such thing being done with abortion...our government is not forcing women to abort their children, as example, how the government of China does.

Each termination of pregnancy is an individual choice of the mother aborting...

Not yet. But little by little Obama is implementing his no-holds-barred-massive-government-control-on-every-aspect-of-your-life vision and ideals. Just remember, you (general you) wanted change; maybe next time you'll investigate who you're voting for before you pull the lever.

Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- Now that President Barack Obama has fulfilled his promise to overturn the Mexico City Policy and fund groups that promote and perform abortions in other countries, he is laying out additional pro-abortion plans. In his statement accompanying his executive order, Obama says UNFPA funding is next.

Funding United Nations Population Fund has long been a controversial topic and President Bush annually withheld the $40 million in taxpayer dollars the UN group had typically received.

He did so because a State Department investigation found the agency was working hand-in-hand with Chinese officials who instituted its one-child population control policy

The Chinese policy prohibits couples from having more than one child and violators are punished with forced abortions, sterilizations, and are subjected to numerous human rights abuses.

"I look forward to working with Congress to restore U.S. financial support for the U.N. Population Fund," Obama said Saturday.

"By resuming funding to UNFPA, the U.S. will be joining 180 other donor nations working collaboratively to reduce poverty, improve the health of women and children, prevent HIV/AIDS and provide family planning assistance to women in 154 countries," he added.

However, President Obama ignored the connection between the UNFPA and the Chinese forced-abortion program.

Following the governmental investigation, former Secretary of State Colin Powell said he had no doubt that the UNFPA was complicit in the population control program."I determined that UNFPA's support of, and involvement in, China's population-planning activities allowed the Chinese government to implement more effectively its program of coercive abortion," he wrote.

The State Department investigation came after a groundbreaking probe led by the Population Research Institute.

Colin Mason, PRI’s media director, confirmed to LifeNews.com last November that it stands by its probe showing the UNFPA involved in the program.

"Our investigation remains valid," Mason said. "We put boots on the ground, and made the results available to anyone who wanted them. Those who would disregard our findings show an appalling lack of respect for human rights."

Obama Pledges to Fund Pro-Abortion UNFPA After Killing Mexico City Policy

Catholic League: Obama to Fund U.N. Pro-Abortion Agency
Catholic Online (Catholic Online - Breaking News, World, U.S., Catholic, Diocese & Video News)

In the name of women’s rights, UNFPA undercuts women. In the name of eradicating poverty, it eradicates the poor.

NEW YORK, N.Y. (Catholic League) - On January 24, President Obama said, “I look forward to working with Congress to restore U.S. financial support for the U.N. Population Fund.”

He pledged to do this “in the coming weeks,” maintaining that “It is time that we end the politicization of this [abortion] issue.”

Bill Donohue explains the Catholic League’s response:

“The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) claims that it is not pro-abortion. It says that it merely supports ‘reproductive rights.’ Not quite.

"Starting in 1979, in the first five years of China’s draconian one-child policy, UNFPA gave the program $50 million. To accomplish this goal over the years, which is still ongoing,

"IUDs have been forced into the wombs of hundreds of millions of women against their will. Indeed, no coercive method is considered taboo, including forced abortion. It was for reasons like these that in 2002 the U.S. State Department blasted China for its affront to human rights. Indeed, Secretary Colin Powell backed the Bush administration’s denial of funds to UNFPA.

Catholic League: Obama to Fund U.N. Pro-Abortion Agency - Catholic Online

You're so busy advocating 'your rights' that you don't even realize Obama is stripping them from you. You're sheep that don't even realize you're being led to the slaughter. Baaaaaaa. Wake up.
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i realize what is going on in china...genocide imho.

but was the ENTIRE fund going to china?

NOT that it matters but you know who began this program, of child reduction with China, don't you? george h w bush, as US ambassador to china under Nixon....for security reasons SO THAT they would not continue this trend of ten folding our population, disguised as concern for poverty with planning parenthood as the answer, was a slippery slope then and continues to be one now....

i also realize that planned parenthood, (not abortion) was originally pushed to reduce the number of minority births to married black people....close to 80% of black parents married back then....in the guise of reducing poverty....

their plan failed. They might have succeeded in reducing the births of black people, but they drove their community in to having less than 40% married is what i have read....which keeps them in poverty even moreso...

mdj, if the law is overturned, abortions will not stop and more mothers will be killed along with their babies, if done back alley, as they were when it was illegal.

My mother in law, God rest her soul, who was 87 when she passed on last year.....she was the coolest old geezer that i have ever known, outside of her mother, who i met when she was 98....

Anyway, there is no one on this earth that I have met that was more Christian than she....

She Loved the Lord, with all her mind, body and soul and when she stayed with us, while my hubby went to work, i spent hours upon hours with her, just reading the Bible and going over scripture.....she had the GREATEST Bible....my brother in law, has it now....and i wish it was my husband that got it after she passed on....

It was a Bible like any other Bible, only it had 60 plus years of her Bible studies, and lessons and thoughts penciled in the sidelines of most every passage....(She was a late bloomer and was 27 when she said she became born again and had the same Bible she had back then)

Anyway, she told me what it was like when she was a young and how many girls she knew that died or were scarred for life from choosing to have a back alley abortion...Which really surprised me....i had thought that it was only girls of this day and age that were having sex outside of marriage and NOT the ladies of the past....no such thing.

And even she, saw the necessity to keep abortion as a legal option. I even argued with her on this.... but she was dead set firm, on it not becoming illegal again....this confounded me for the longest time but her compassion and her trust in God giving us free will, and forgiveness, was beyond my capabilities of understanding at the time, I suppose...

She was convinced that God lets us do what we do....free will.

She was equally convinced that God would be there for every woman that aborted, waiting in the sidelines, for when the time is right, to capture them and bring them to Him....

She witnessed this over the 87 years and time and time again she told me....people that she had thought were wretched, lost, and big time sinners... over time..... "found" the Lord....and that she had spent decades after witnessing all of this, asking God to please forgive her, for the awful things she had said about these people who she was certain were going to burn...and begged God to forgive her, for not having Faith in Him and allowing Him to work, in His mysterious ways, to bring those to Him that belong to Him...it could be the abortion that a girl has had that brings her to Him....is what Margie(MIL) learned over the decades of her life.

Also, only in this past century, did Christians start saying that the soul enters the body at conception.....for thousands of years this was not believed and for hundreds of years the universal Christian church believed that the soul entered the baby to be at 40 days for men and 90 days for women....*don't ask me how they came to these numbers, i never got a chance to read the full article on it!??? other religions have the soul entering the foetus at 120 days....and again, i don't know how they came to these terms, but THEY HAD THEM for some reason?

And Abortion has near always been present, they have records from 2500 years ago of potions that were taken to abort the embryo....of which were traced to today's potions that chemically abort....only, it wasn't single women having sex that aborted the most, it was married women with children....it was thought of as acceptable because nearly half of the women pregnant, died in delivery or their child died in delivery....so the woman had the option to abort with chemical potions....this continued until the mid 1800's....chemical potions were permitted to take by pregnant women that would abort their child to be, and up to the point of quickening, it was legal or permitted. (I realize that child birth is much safer today, and women only have a small chance of dying while delivering)

Anyway, as horrible a circumstance that it is....abortions are nothing new....

So, yes, i hate the sin, but still love the sinner and will be there for any girl or woman, that has gone through this.....


The government shouldn't be paying for abortions, here or abroad.

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