Obama plays politics with immigration

What would you have him do? Lay it out for us. Tell us what you would like to take place regarding immigration reform.

1) Obama should____________________.

2) If he does, the GOP led house will ____________________.

3) The end result will be _______________________.


I thought Obama was going to use his pen and his phone to do what he thought was right. It's what he wants to do, but he also knows that it spells disaster for Dems in the upcoming election. If he believes it's the right thing to do then why he is putting it off?

Right is right and yet he is playing politics. Just like the way he delayed parts of Obamacare for political reasons.
The Emperor does not wish to issue another Imperial Decree on the subject until after the Ides of November?

Doubtless, he believes that the Plebs will not notice, nor remember, or guess what happens afterwards.
was just reading from an article, get this crap.

Obama's comments come after the White House announced that the president decided against taking action "soon" on immigration, citing the "political season" and "Republican's extreme politicization of the issue." "I want to spend some time, even as we're getting all our ducks in a row for the executive action, I also want to make sure that the public understands why we're doing this, why it's the right thing for the American people, why it's the right thing for the American economy," Obama said in the interview. yeah that new poll where 73% of the people want you to keep your dictator hands off it

When pressed on the politics behind his move, Obama said it wasn't because he wants Democrats to maintain control of the Senate.
"That's not the reason," Obama said.:eusa_liar:
He stressed that the move to postpone action is to make sure that once he does "it's sustainable.

all of the BS here: Obama Politics shifted on immigration TheHill

the comments with this article are not very happy happy happy..Here's a sample

Everything with this man is political. He doesn't have the intellectual ability to make tough decisions based on what's good for the country. He and his party's politics have all but destroyed this country. He's a small man with bitterness in his heart, who projects himself everyday onto the good people of this nation.
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What would you have him do? Lay it out for us. Tell us what you would like to take place regarding immigration reform.

1) Obama should____________________.

2) If he does, the GOP led house will ____________________.

3) The end result will be _______________________.


If I may:

1) Obama should_Stand for America just like all other leaders stand for THEIR country. Stop telling illegals that he is on THEIR side with implies he is not on the side of the American people. Stop the government's human trafficking. Quit giving the children the thought that if they just can make it through Mexico they have it made. PROTECT OUR BORDERS and help CONGRESS develop both a guess worker program and a road to citizenship that is applicable to ALL people not just CA or MA

2) If he does, the GOP led house will: Either get on board or look foolish.

3) The end result will be. No one can know for sure. But we know that the path we are on today is both inhumane and perhaps illegal. It is not that we want to discourage immigration but it must be done in a fair fashion and not just based on whether a person can pay enough to sneak them across the border or that they can swim the Rio Grande.

Your whole Premise is that undocumented workers are at cross purposes with average Americans. They aren't. IN fact, quite the contrary, the reason why there's a market for illegal labor is that there are some jobs an American just won't do, even for minimum wage.

The real adversary here is the 1%ers who want cheap illegal labor because they don't want to pay an American a fair wage for it.

Bullshit. If it were that simple, Dems would agree to fine companies who hire illegals. All employers would be required to use E-Verify. Instead, they are being fined for taking extra steps to ensure that potential employees are here legally.

While they allow illegals to come here and protect them, they seek to raise minimum wage. According to you, some Americans won't work for minimum wage. True, some would rather receive welfare and don't want to work at all. If the minimum wage is raised, then more Americans would work so they'll have to fight illegals for the jobs.

I think some don't want to work unless they get big money even though they don't qualify for more than a fast food job. People who have self-respect take jobs over welfare. That kind of discipline and responsibility are becoming things of the past. The entitlement mentality is more prevalent than ethics these days.

Illegals have paid taxes, even though way too many used other peoples' social security numbers and sometimes their identity. Many got huge refunds that were found to be fraudulent. Some collected benefits while working at jobs where they were paid under the table.

Where are the unions bitching about companies who pay peanuts to the illegal workers? Where are the Dems complaining about it or trying to do something? Instead, one of the arguments for allowing illegals to stay is that it keeps the cost of things down because employers don't have to pay them as much as citizens. One liberal said if it wasn't for the illegal workers, the price of vegetables and fruits would be too high. That was a reason given for not deporting them.

The 1%ers are on Wall Street. I don't believe that Goldman Sachs is hiring illegals. It's the farmers and factories who hire them. Many companies unknowingly hired them because they were using a stolen identity. And companies are being threatened with fines if they ask people to provide proof that they are in this country legally. Following laws, which were created for good reason, are now called racist by the left.

How will this work when Obama grants amnesty? I suspect that many illegals here have no intention of ever becoming a citizen and are here to take advantage of us, then go back home and enjoy a nice retirement. That means millions will continue to live under the radar or head to sanctuary cities. Nothing is being done to get a handle on the illegal immigration problem, in fact, a lot has been done to encourage it. Illegal aliens get treated better than our elderly and our veterans. Even criminals were released into our communities. These days, being here illegally gets you more favors from government than being a citizen.

The left's argument is that all Americans think they are too good for some jobs, so hiring illegals fills the void. I've heard liberals say it's the only way small farmers can survive since citizens are unwilling to do menial labor. There are so many uneducated people who have never had a job. There isn't a job in the world that they are over-qualified for, so where do some get the idea that any work is beneath them? Once Obama grants amnesty, I guess he plans on continuing to encourage more illegals to take those jobs since none of the people granted amnesty will want them anymore. Of course, the left knows that millions will continue to live here illegally and that between the welfare and minimum wage jobs they will still be able to build a nest egg to retire on in their home country and also continue to send remittances back to help other countries' economies. Many illegals have been getting tax refunds each year that average $10,000 each. The IRS doesn't bother to check if people have that many kids to qualify for the child tax credits. I don't think they care.

They get benefits, housing, healthcare and they are a protected group. Americans should have it so good.
What would you have him do? Lay it out for us. Tell us what you would like to take place regarding immigration reform.

1) Obama should____________________.

2) If he does, the GOP led house will ____________________.

3) The end result will be _______________________.


If I may:

1) Obama should_Stand for America just like all other leaders stand for THEIR country. Stop telling illegals that he is on THEIR side with implies he is not on the side of the American people. Stop the government's human trafficking. Quit giving the children the thought that if they just can make it through Mexico they have it made. PROTECT OUR BORDERS and help CONGRESS develop both a guess worker program and a road to citizenship that is applicable to ALL people not just CA or MA

2) If he does, the GOP led house will: Either get on board or look foolish.

3) The end result will be. No one can know for sure. But we know that the path we are on today is both inhumane and perhaps illegal. It is not that we want to discourage immigration but it must be done in a fair fashion and not just based on whether a person can pay enough to sneak them across the border or that they can swim the Rio Grande.

Your #1 answer is really vague in terms of policy. The first sentence ....the primary policy idea....is bullshit politics on your part. The next three sentences aren't much better. You do mention a "guess worker" program. Maybe you want me to guess what actual policy you want Congress to pass and Obama to sign.
What would you have him do? Lay it out for us. Tell us what you would like to take place regarding immigration reform.

1) Obama should____________________.

2) If he does, the GOP led house will ____________________.

3) The end result will be _______________________.


If I may:

1) Obama should_Stand for America just like all other leaders stand for THEIR country. Stop telling illegals that he is on THEIR side with implies he is not on the side of the American people. Stop the government's human trafficking. Quit giving the children the thought that if they just can make it through Mexico they have it made. PROTECT OUR BORDERS and help CONGRESS develop both a guess worker program and a road to citizenship that is applicable to ALL people not just CA or MA

2) If he does, the GOP led house will: Either get on board or look foolish.

3) The end result will be. No one can know for sure. But we know that the path we are on today is both inhumane and perhaps illegal. It is not that we want to discourage immigration but it must be done in a fair fashion and not just based on whether a person can pay enough to sneak them across the border or that they can swim the Rio Grande.

Your whole Premise is that undocumented workers are at cross purposes with average Americans. They aren't. IN fact, quite the contrary, the reason why there's a market for illegal labor is that there are some jobs an American just won't do, even for minimum wage.

The real adversary here is the 1%ers who want cheap illegal labor because they don't want to pay an American a fair wage for it.

First of all you are the one making assumptions. When I look around America I see people doing EXACTLY what you say they will not do. And as the ranks of the unemployed swell, which they are regardless of statistics that is further proof that illegals are taking jobs from Americans.

As for seasonal labor that is the purpose of the guest worker program.

Delays decision.

Obama Delays Immigration Action Until After Election

I guess we're not supposed to be insulted that he's playing blatant political games like this.

Did anyone really think he would do this before the midterms? He might have if the shit hadn't hit the fan at the Southern border but when that made the news any executive action on immigration was done.

I just wonder if anyone looks at this kind of thing and sees how people are being used, how games are being played for nothing more than political gain.

Some people expect so much from politicians, and I don't understand why.

What would you have him do? Lay it out for us. Tell us what you would like to take place regarding immigration reform.

1) Obama should____________________.

2) If he does, the GOP led house will ____________________.

3) The end result will be _______________________.


If I may:

1) Obama should_Stand for America just like all other leaders stand for THEIR country. Stop telling illegals that he is on THEIR side with implies he is not on the side of the American people. Stop the government's human trafficking. Quit giving the children the thought that if they just can make it through Mexico they have it made. PROTECT OUR BORDERS and help CONGRESS develop both a guess worker program and a road to citizenship that is applicable to ALL people not just CA or MA

2) If he does, the GOP led house will: Either get on board or look foolish.

3) The end result will be. No one can know for sure. But we know that the path we are on today is both inhumane and perhaps illegal. It is not that we want to discourage immigration but it must be done in a fair fashion and not just based on whether a person can pay enough to sneak them across the border or that they can swim the Rio Grande.

Your #1 answer is really vague in terms of policy. The first sentence ....the primary policy idea....is bullshit politics on your part. The next three sentences aren't much better. You do mention a "guess worker" program. Maybe you want me to guess what actual policy you want Congress to pass and Obama to sign.

What is vague about standing for America? THAT is the president's primary job in my opinion.

One way to know when a person made too much sense for a liberal to argue with is that they point out typing errors.

I challenge you and anyone else to answer this question. What is the benefit to America with what is going on at our southern border?

Delays decision.

Obama Delays Immigration Action Until After Election

I guess we're not supposed to be insulted that he's playing blatant political games like this.

Did anyone really think he would do this before the midterms? He might have if the shit hadn't hit the fan at the Southern border but when that made the news any executive action on immigration was done.

I just wonder if anyone looks at this kind of thing and sees how people are being used, how games are being played for nothing more than political gain.

Some people expect so much from politicians, and I don't understand why.


Nothing less then modern slavery in my opinion.

First of all you are the one making assumptions. When I look around America I see people doing EXACTLY what you say they will not do. And as the ranks of the unemployed swell, which they are regardless of statistics that is further proof that illegals are taking jobs from Americans.

As for seasonal labor that is the purpose of the guest worker program.

You are kind of making my point. Not good enough to be citizens, but good enough to do the Jobs Americans don't want to do.

First of all you are the one making assumptions. When I look around America I see people doing EXACTLY what you say they will not do. And as the ranks of the unemployed swell, which they are regardless of statistics that is further proof that illegals are taking jobs from Americans.

As for seasonal labor that is the purpose of the guest worker program.

You are kind of making my point. Not good enough to be citizens, but good enough to do the Jobs Americans don't want to do.

Did you miss the fair part?
What would you have him do? Lay it out for us. Tell us what you would like to take place regarding immigration reform.

1) Obama should____________________.

2) If he does, the GOP led house will ____________________.

3) The end result will be _______________________.


If I may:

1) Obama should_Stand for America just like all other leaders stand for THEIR country. Stop telling illegals that he is on THEIR side with implies he is not on the side of the American people. Stop the government's human trafficking. Quit giving the children the thought that if they just can make it through Mexico they have it made. PROTECT OUR BORDERS and help CONGRESS develop both a guess worker program and a road to citizenship that is applicable to ALL people not just CA or MA

2) If he does, the GOP led house will: Either get on board or look foolish.

3) The end result will be. No one can know for sure. But we know that the path we are on today is both inhumane and perhaps illegal. It is not that we want to discourage immigration but it must be done in a fair fashion and not just based on whether a person can pay enough to sneak them across the border or that they can swim the Rio Grande.

Your #1 answer is really vague in terms of policy. The first sentence ....the primary policy idea....is bullshit politics on your part. The next three sentences aren't much better. You do mention a "guess worker" program. Maybe you want me to guess what actual policy you want Congress to pass and Obama to sign.

What is vague about standing for America? THAT is the president's primary job in my opinion.

One way to know when a person made too much sense for a liberal to argue with is that they point out typing errors.

I challenge you and anyone else to answer this question. What is the benefit to America with what is going on at our southern border?

When you begin a policy statement with some bullshit about the POTUS not "standing for America"......you fucking lose.

Fuck off, loser.

Delays decision.

Obama Delays Immigration Action Until After Election

I guess we're not supposed to be insulted that he's playing blatant political games like this.

Did anyone really think he would do this before the midterms? He might have if the shit hadn't hit the fan at the Southern border but when that made the news any executive action on immigration was done.

I just wonder if anyone looks at this kind of thing and sees how people are being used, how games are being played for nothing more than political gain.

Some people expect so much from politicians, and I don't understand why.


Everyone knows that politicians make things political. You are not breaking news here.

The question that you never seem willing to answer is.....given that all politicians make all things political....and we have a system that charges them with governing....which politicians will wade through the politics and actually serve the people. They exist. If they didn't exist....we'd have ended this experiment ages ago.

It seems to me that you are unable to listen to a politician speak and determine his or her level of sincerity. Therefore, you assume that others can't either. Well....I can. I'm not confused in any way. I know the difference between a campaign promise and what a politician can actually control. I know that optics matter.......and that shit happens behind closed doors that we never get to know about ( I think you recently said something to that effect regarding ISIS ).

I think it is you who expects too much from politicians......and that expectation has caused you to be butthurt beyond repair. Now you are just a cynic. A really negative cynic.
What would you have him do? Lay it out for us. Tell us what you would like to take place regarding immigration reform.

1) Obama should____________________.

2) If he does, the GOP led house will ____________________.

3) The end result will be _______________________.


If I may:

1) Obama should_Stand for America just like all other leaders stand for THEIR country. Stop telling illegals that he is on THEIR side with implies he is not on the side of the American people. Stop the government's human trafficking. Quit giving the children the thought that if they just can make it through Mexico they have it made. PROTECT OUR BORDERS and help CONGRESS develop both a guess worker program and a road to citizenship that is applicable to ALL people not just CA or MA

2) If he does, the GOP led house will: Either get on board or look foolish.

3) The end result will be. No one can know for sure. But we know that the path we are on today is both inhumane and perhaps illegal. It is not that we want to discourage immigration but it must be done in a fair fashion and not just based on whether a person can pay enough to sneak them across the border or that they can swim the Rio Grande.

Your #1 answer is really vague in terms of policy. The first sentence ....the primary policy idea....is bullshit politics on your part. The next three sentences aren't much better. You do mention a "guess worker" program. Maybe you want me to guess what actual policy you want Congress to pass and Obama to sign.

What is vague about standing for America? THAT is the president's primary job in my opinion.

One way to know when a person made too much sense for a liberal to argue with is that they point out typing errors.

I challenge you and anyone else to answer this question. What is the benefit to America with what is going on at our southern border?

When you begin a policy statement with some bullshit about the POTUS not "standing for America"......you fucking lose.

Fuck off, loser.

Whow you must really have realized you are on the losing end. You ask for opinions and when you get one you go off the deep end. Typical left wing know it all BS.

Whose side is Obama on? Was there ever a doubt with Reagan? NEVER.
The fact that Obama delays many of his actions for elections shows he knows his actions are shit for this country.
Obama doesn't do anything because he gives a shit about what "we the people want or think"

everything he does there is ulterior motive for it and it's for him and his comrade Democrat party.

Now how is giving amnesty to 10 to 20 million people going to HELP US legal citizens in the country? people already can't find jobs.

Obama is either dumb, or he is evil and is trying to bring us to our knees.

He and the unions are looking at MONEY money money to support government , the Democrat party and the UNIONS.
who by the way have sold out you American citizens OUT. WAKE UP

CALL YOUR FRIKKEN Congresscritters and them to draw up Impeachment he goes through with this.

"The Slack-Jawed working class whites who vote Republican and against their own economic interests don't want that Mexican tapping their daughters. So the rich have to pretend they don't want them in the country anyway, when the really do."

Too funny.
The Left thinks taking MY money and giving to others is "in my economic interest"

You are an idiot.

I doubt you pay that much in taxes. Come on, guy, you are probably working some menial job somewhere and the government gives you a check back in April.

But we were talking about immigration here, guy. Not taxes. DO try to keep up.

You could end the illegal immigration problem in a heartbeat. INstead of building fences and such shit, you enforce the work places.

You fine the shit out of companies that hire illegals, and you let employees know that if they drop a dime on their employer they'll get a reward.

You'd be amazed how fast the illegal problem would dry up after that.

Poor Joe....

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