Obama orders probe into election hacking

What a non partisan Congress would do is to have a full and open investigation on the security of the voting method in every state, making as sure as possible that every eligible to vote citizen is allowed to vote, and that no hacking or any other means of tampering the results can be accomplished.

What a non partisan Attorney General in every state, and the new AG in the cabinet in an independent investigation, ought to do is to have a full and open investigation on the voting means and security in all states and in the District.

What a non partisan Supreme Court must do is repeal both CU decisions, first thing on the first week of Oct. 2017.

Sadly, non partisans no longer exist, and the new Executive, the New Congress and (presumably) the new Supreme Court will be more partisan than an government in our nation's history.

it's not the partisanship you are complaining about, it's the other sides partisans being in control, you cheap, dime-store hack.

You defined yourself! Simply because I disdain callous conservatives, the NRA and fools (like you) does not make me a partisan hack. Hearing the comments post election from The Speaker should make every patriot nauseous. Ryan is to me the devil in blue jeans, that is, someone who shows interest or kindness that is insincere to the hoi polloi, as has Trump.

And, Trump has surrounded himself with the power elite, former Governors and elected officials, Generals, and multi millionaires and billionaires, i.e. cronies in direct opposition to the promises he made to the masses. That is not all he has back away from, and time will tell if the POTUS - elect is a Plutocrat, an Autocrat or grows into the job. For now he is known as a liar, and that forebodes he will make no sincere effort to make governance transparent.

Actually, it does. All your complaints are about conservatives and republicans. Haaaaaaaaacccccccckkkkkk.

He's picking people you don't like, so that's +1 right there.

Now go back to bitching about the peasants being able to get firearms, you retired statist asshole.

Name calling is the best you've got? You're a punk Marty, and it's no wonder NY has strict gun control rules, they want to keep a gun out of the hands of people like you.
Marty is right, and YOU are the punk, you pussy libtarded commie.

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