obama just committed political suicide.

Uncensored2008 clearly is a homer for the far seriously lost right. He makes a claim without evidence or balance, as usual.
Zeit, you and your folks are seriously delusional. Just put the bong down, back away slowly, then turn and run. Run very quickly away from your delusions.

Here are more far-out facts for you to call names at...:eusa_hand:

Here is a good example of the effects of mass immigration, multiculturalism, and failure to assimulate into our culture, customs, and way of life:

Sanctioning Barbarity: American Academy of Pediatrics and the New York Times

» Sanctioning Barbarity: American Academy of Pediatrics and the New York Times - Big Government...

They already have teamed up...

La Raza rooted in Saul Alinsky & funded by Imperialist, George Soros


Infidel Bloggers Alliance: Obama And La Raza


British PM Decries Multiculturalism, Warns of Danger


Taquiyya... or the requirement, that Muslims lie when it is advantageous for the spread of Islam, makes it 'impossible' too know with any degree of certainty if one is a faithful tenant of Islam, a secular Arab or a so called moderated. Islam is very deceptive in nature, it is a religion that by design uses lying 'Taquiyya' to gain access to cultures where it would otherwise be denied access by law or popular mandate.

There are no true moderates in Islam... Islam REQUIRES TOTAL SUBMISSION to its law. The very word Islam means to submit. Those who are not submitted are by their own definition 'heretics', subject to execution. Therefore, to say there are 'moderates' or those who may ignore the call for a world Caliphate and the Global dominance of Islam are by their own admission 'heretics' and no longer considered to be members of Islam... by the faithful of Islam.

Hence, very few so-called 'moderates' exist in the Muslim world. Those that do do so, are practicing 'Taquiyya' or would quickly be labled for destruction as 'heretics. Any ranking member of Islam: Ayatollah, Mullah, Imam, or Cleric that calls for moderation of the Koran and Hadith is doing so under the protection of 'Taquiyya' or they would be quickly refuted by their piers and marked out as 'Heretic's' for correction or destruction.

How Taqiyya Alters Islam's Rules of War: Defeating Jihadist Terrorism :: Middle East Quarterly

As of 2000, there were approximately 1.25 billion Muslims, that is, 20% of the world’s population. A widespread reaction to modernization has come in the form of a Muslim Fundamentalist backlash, known as Islamism, which rejects secular governments. Islam is a mosaic of many movements and beliefs. Nevertheless, Muslims hold in common a reverence for Muhammad, devotion to Allah, and belief in the Qur’an.

Part 1: Muslim Backgrounds – Topic 3: The Mosaic of Islam Today

Part 1: Muslim Backgrounds

1.) What are the Nation of Gods and Earths (Five Percent?)

Five Percent

Must See Videos II « Creeping Sharia

Soros group: 'Normalize' Muslim Brotherhood

Soros group: 'Normalize' Muslim Brotherhood

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Uncensored2008 clearly is a homer for the far seriously lost right. He makes a claim without evidence or balance, as usual.

Balance would mean it has to be fair, being fair is not something those of us on the right agree to, either you are right in your stance or you are not, we don't give up our points "Of rightness" to compensate for your lack of being right. There is no redistribution of right with people like us.
Where was the balance when the left jumped at the idea that Jeremy Loughner was a right wing tea party member? Did they even consider the notion that he wasn't? No. "In the end they found out he in fact was not". The left don't believe in fairness or balance, unless it fits the ideology and the end justifies the means of what they want to accomplish.
If I misunderstood you, I apologize. It happens.
Then,since you guys don't believe in the American way of fairness and balance, we will continue to defeat you at the ballot box. We are not going back to the bad old days. So keep yelling and smelling, and we will tellin on you, and win at the ballot box every day. You guys will not be allowed to taker over either major party.
A well written opinion--IMO->

What we have here today is a battle between Traditionalism and Extremism, Liberty and Socialism, the Wards of Freedom and the Wards of the Nanny State, the conservative values that founded this great nation and the progressive values that want to fundamentally destroy our founding values. While the freedom camp believes Big Government is the problem here, the entitlement camp believes more Big Government is the solution. Both camps cannot be right, and they obviously cannot coexist in a peaceful manner when their goals and objectives are poles apart in focus and principle.

Most liberals, progressives, and socialists cannot perceive things outside of their little boxes or argue reason and logic without viciously attacking anyone that dares to disagree with them on anything. Most conservatives, patriots, and constitutionalists cannot see how the other camp can live inside their little boxes while ignoring all facts and reality that prove more Big Government and entitlements are not the answer to our serious national problems.

The U.S. Government is BROKE! If we don't reduce the size and spending of government, and restore constitutional sanity to ALL branches of government at EVERY level of society, WE WILL FACE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE. Do liberals, progressives, and socialists not understand this? Or is this forced government crisis part of their greater plans and objectives? Only time will tell, but mainstream America is tired of these folks squandering the American Dream, destroying our Constitution, and stealing our inalienable rights and freedoms.

We will not shut up, sit down, or move to the back of the bus while this bus is headed for the cliff in front of us. We are getting off this bus! We won the November elections, and we will win the 2012 elections as well. The Progressive Movement has infiltrated and corrupted both of our major political parties, and We the People are wise to it and fed up with it. The Tea Parties are not going away because they represent the core values, principles, and dreams of Americana; the Progressive Movement represents the failed values, principles, and dreams of European Socialism. Let Progressives wail and whine and mock us with their vicious smears, sneers, and jeers - WE THE PEOPLE DON'T CARE! And this sleeping giant has had enough of Big Government, the Progressive Movement, and Socialism. Restore the checks and balances of our Constitution now — before economic collapse destroys this nation. May God yet have mercy on us and not judge us for our sins and rebellion against Him!


©2011, Jim Robinson, Home
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zeitgast, you are the last person, other than folks like comrades mini14 and mdn2000 and bigreb, that we want deciding the future of America. So yell all you want, go troll on stormfront, etc, and we will keep reading you for entertainment purposes only.
zeitgast, you are the last person, other than folks like comrades mini14 and mdn2000 and bigreb, that we want deciding the future of America. So yell all you want, go troll on stormfront, etc, and we will keep reading you for entertainment purposes only.

You're a Funny kinda parrot...can't fly, swim, or think.... But, you sure can squawk a lot... Poly wannna CRACKER....:fu:
Then,since you guys don't believe in the American way of fairness and balance, we will continue to defeat you at the ballot box:cuckoo:. We are not going back to the bad old days. So keep yelling and smelling, and we will tellin on you, and win at the ballot box every day. You guys will not be allowed to taker over either major party.

Did you read up on the last congressional elections??? Who got their asses handed to them at the ballot box? :eusa_whistle:
For the amount of money spent on elections, it would seem both major parties would have their own media stations blarring 24/7.

Oh they do, Shintao, they do.

Follow the money.

The same class owns and controls the media, our governments, the banks, industry, and most of the nfp foundations, too.

Now no overarching secret conspiracy is needed for this class to act in collusion since all they need to do to insure the complete erosion of the middle class and any democratic features of this society is to do what works best for them individidually, which ends up working to support the continued domination of society by their class, too.
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zeitgast, you are the last person, other than folks like comrades mini14 and mdn2000 and bigreb, that we want deciding the future of America. So yell all you want, go troll on stormfront, etc, and we will keep reading you for entertainment purposes only.

You're a Funny kinda parrot...can't fly, swim, or think.... But, you sure can squawk a lot... Poly wannna CRACKER....:fu:

He's the kind of bird that you would see in a barn yard, back on the farm will callled them chickens, they have been known to eat their own shit. Thats why you find high levels of E. coli
Then,since you guys don't believe in the American way of fairness and balance, we will continue to defeat you at the ballot box:cuckoo:. We are not going back to the bad old days. So keep yelling and smelling, and we will tellin on you, and win at the ballot box every day. You guys will not be allowed to taker over either major party.

Did you read up on the last congressional elections??? Who got their asses handed to them at the ballot box? :eusa_whistle:
80% of the TP candidates who run are Republicans. They will not allow the party to move any further to the right. In fact, they, responsible cons, and con dems ar beginning to work together, moving the process toward the right of center from far right. What a great start.
Then,since you guys don't believe in the American way of fairness and balance, we will continue to defeat you at the ballot box:cuckoo:. We are not going back to the bad old days. So keep yelling and smelling, and we will tellin on you, and win at the ballot box every day. You guys will not be allowed to taker over either major party.

Did you read up on the last congressional elections??? Who got their asses handed to them at the ballot box? :eusa_whistle:
80% of the TP candidates who run are Republicans. They will not allow the party to move any further to the right. In fact, they, responsible cons, and con dems ar beginning to work together, moving the process toward the right of center from far right. What a great start.

I'm neither repub or dem, I just want to state an observation. The dems didn't give a shit about the republicans when they held the majority of the house. They didn't want to work with them. Now that the dems got their nuts kicked in last election, they all of a sudden what to find "common ground" and want to "work together." It's all political bullshit if you ask me. You watch, if the dems ever get majority back, they'll kick the republicans to the curb again. And this goes vice versa as well. I won't hold my breath for the day that these two partys begin to "work together"
Did you read up on the last congressional elections??? Who got their asses handed to them at the ballot box? :eusa_whistle:
80% of the TP candidates who run are Republicans. They will not allow the party to move any further to the right. In fact, they, responsible cons, and con dems ar beginning to work together, moving the process toward the right of center from far right. What a great start.

I'm neither repub or dem, I just want to state an observation. The dems didn't give a shit about the republicans when they held the majority of the house. They didn't want to work with them. Now that the dems got their nuts kicked in last election, they all of a sudden what to find "common ground" and want to "work together." It's all political bullshit if you ask me. You watch, if the dems ever get majority back, they'll kick the republicans to the curb again. And this goes vice versa as well. I won't hold my breath for the day that these two partys begin to "work together"

The truth will make the parrot go into robo mode
zeitgast, you are the last person, other than folks like comrades mini14 and mdn2000 and bigreb, that we want deciding the future of America. So yell all you want, go troll on stormfront, etc, and we will keep reading you for entertainment purposes only.

You're a Funny kinda parrot...can't fly, swim, or think.... But, you sure can squawk a lot... Poly wannna CRACKER....:fu:

He's the kind of bird that you would see in a barn yard, back on the farm will callled them chickens, they have been known to eat their own shit. Thats why you find high levels of E. coli

Oh...So, that's how ya lost all your tail feathers! So, now you expose the world to your enormous dingle berries and killer big beak with unending methanious loquaciousness....:blowup:
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You guys are funny, very laughable. The far far right are not going to control the GOP or the center. That won't happen. The next president will be Obama, Romney, or someone near the center. The numbers prevent a Bachman, Cannon, or Palin from being elected. America will turn its collective back on the far right. Or the far left for that matter. Very wise.
For those of you who were somehow having wet dreams about another 4 years of obama as president may just have that dream killed if obama does what he says he will do. Any new law or changes made to existing laws will kill his dreams of a second term. I will add remembr what happen with the democrats when they started playing with guns in 1996

Obama To Push Gun Control Soon
NRA-ILA :: Obama To Push Gun Control Soon

Gun control has never been about guns, it's always been about control. You can believe this when I say it, they won't touch our guns, they will however regulate ammunition and reloading supplies, it's the only effective way they can go about doing away with guns without breaking constitutional law.

The British Crown tried too to control arms. Didn't stop the patriots. They found ways...and Americans will.
For the amount of money spent on elections, it would seem both major parties would have their own media stations blarring 24/7.

Oh they do, Shintao, they do.

Follow the money.

The same class owns and controls the media, our governments, the banks, industry, and most of the nfp foundations, too.

Now no overarching secret conspiracy is needed for this class to act in collusion since all they need to do to insure the complete erosion of the middle class and any democratic features of this society is to do what works best for them individidually, which ends up working to support the continued domination of society by their class, too.

Well said....

The Rothchilds and Warburgs...NWO....

Exposing the Rothschild Banking Cartel & their New World Order Agenda | Facebook

The Rothschild Dynasty

The Rothschild Bloodline

The Rothschild Dynasty

Council on Foreign Relations

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and The New World Order


The US Federal Reserve System

Illegal Federal Reserve Bank Chairman - Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Control | Truth-It

The Bilderbergers

Bilderbergers | New World Order

List of Bilderberg participants - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bilderberg Agenda Revealed: Globalists In Crisis, Supportive Of Attack On Iran

Who Financed Adolf Hitler?

CHAPTER SEVEN: Who Financed Adolf Hitler?

savethemales.ca - Hitler Didn't Want World War


Jewry’s Creation Of ‘White Guilt’ - Interview With Kevin MacDonald PhD | Real Zionist News


Jew Watch - Jewish World Conspiracies - Illuminati

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