Obama incompetency on display


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
“If Senator McCain and Senator Graham and others want to go after somebody, they should go after me,” he said. “And I’m happy to have that discussion with them. But for them to go after the U.N. ambassador, who had nothing to do with Benghazi and was simply making a presentation based on intelligence that she had received and to besmirch her reputation, is outrageous.”

So why then if Rice had nothing to do with it was she on 5 network shows telling everyone Benghazi attack was due to a "hateful video"!

"based on the best information we have to date, what our assessment is as of the present is in fact what began spontaneously in Benghazi as a reaction to what had transpired some hours earlier in Cairo where, of course, as you know, there was a violent protest outside of our embassy –sparked by this hateful video.
Actually, yes, Susan Rice did say the Benghazi attacks were spontaneous | WashingtonExaminer.com

Either Obama BEFORE the election KNOWING a recognized Terrorist Attack on the embassy would negatively affect the campaign theme, "Osama is dead" and
the political arm ordered the "Hateful Video" factor as the cause and NOT an organized Terrorist attack OR

Obama and his administration was totally INCOMPETENT!

Either reason Political motivation or Incompetency are wrong to have Obama as President!
His political motivation could then be shown as use of Federal assets to promote re-election which is a criminal act OR
it shows incompetency which again has criminal implications...
Either reason is sufficient for impeachment!
obama displayed his incompetency when he became Susan Rice's papa. You leave my little girl alone! You got something to say, pick on someone your own size. Come after me.

It was just disgusting. Can you see someone saying that about John Bolton? It's laughable.
He was competent in making you obsurdly obsessed with him, thats a fact.....CAPS CAPS CAPS
To bad most Americans are too ignorant, and or too stupid to realize it - because the greater " media "
is in the tank for him, he doesn't feel that he has to verify anything. His sole focus is his fundamental change; undermining capitalism.
Hey you know what we needed? Another pointless Benghazi thread. Real original and relevant information in this motherfucker.

Hey BallsforBrains....

Benghazi is a location... the title is about Obama's incompetency in either putting Rice who as Obama said in his own words..
Rice "who had nothing to do with Benghazi and was simply making a presentation"
THEN why was she the choice to go on 5 networks and blame the video if she had nothing to do with it???

Proves Obama's incompetency either in
A) Selection of an ignorant person.. "nothing to do with it"
B) Obama CHOOSING someone to go out on 5 networks and using FALSE information.
C) Incompetent selection of intelligence people (who raises the oxymoron "intelligence community" to a new level!)

All are examples of Obama's INCOMPETENCY that people who voted for him the first time was not their fault because HE fooled them..
BUT NOW you that re-elected him YOU ARE THE FOOLS.. "Fool you once shame on Obama, fool you twice SHAME ON YOU"
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Hey you know what we needed? Another pointless Benghazi thread. Real original and relevant information in this motherfucker.

Hey BallsforBrains....

Benghazi is a location... the title is about Obama's incompetency in either putting Rice who as Obama said in his own words..
Rice "who had nothing to do with Benghazi and was simply making a presentation"
THEN why was she the choice to go on 5 networks and blame the video if she had nothing to do with it???

Proves Obama's incompetency either in
A) Selection of an ignorant person.. "nothing to do with it"
B) Obama CHOOSING someone to go out on 5 networks and using FALSE information.
C) Incompetent selection of intelligence people (who raises the oxymoron "intelligence community" to a new level!)

All are examples of Obama's INCOMPETENCY that people who voted for him the first time was not their fault because HE fooled them..
BUT NOW you that re-elected him YOU ARE THE FOOLS.. "Fool you once shame on Obama, fool you twice SHAME ON YOU"
Hey, she's not going to give up her obama phone...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ax-2i71bqGw]GOT OBAMA PHONE - Remix - #ObamaPhone - YouTube[/ame]
Obama believes he can bully or threaten people into getting his way or to shut them up..

That is the thuggish community organizer that was elected..

If we survive this four years without his tearing the people in this country apart, we will have got off lucky
Rice is an Obamabot - she pushed the vidio because the known facts conflicted with the presidential campaign's rhetoric.
Benghazi is about American personnel being Killed - fault Obama, not who was responsible for the killings - Rice's mistake.

Obama is correct in having the blame put on his shoulders and not Rice - the Republicans are barking up the wrong tree.

the mistake was forgiven by the election outcome - the Republicans need to find another topic or find themselves as laughingstalks when Rice is confirmed as Secretary of State.

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