Obama has done a good job as president

Lead paint exposure huh.... :lol:

Libs today displace liberty, with dysfunctional parent and control freak syndrome, so that is a big fail. You can't handle Liberty, at least in others. Obama is in India right now, apologizing about how much we eat. That's one sick puppy.

Not only that but he's apologizing that we eat beef, and use cows for advertising

I think he's campaigning for World Leader, Emperor. I heard He's real moderate though, so there is nothing to worry about.

He's been doing that since 2007
Watching that video again I heard somthing new or something I didn't pay much attention to the first time.
5:49 berlin kept the flame of liberty going people need to look to berlin?

For some strange reason I thought America was the country that kept the flame of liberty burning and the world was to look at America.
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It would have been better he did nothing.

Really? America would be better off without GM? Without the millions of jobs that GM represents?

The country would be better off with hundreds of thousands of teachers, police and fire fighters laid off?

The country would be better off without the infrastructure that was built?

The country would be better off with a couple of hundred thousand combat troops in Iraq?

The country would be better off if we were still toturing people?

You did exactly what i expected. You offered a bit of tripe and instead of offering what you would have done differently, you offered to go on vacation. As suspected, you got nuthin'. Unless that's really you up front with the blonde hair and the, well, umm, shapely upper half. if that's the case, you got all you need.

Marry well.

1) Prove to me that GM would have failed....you can't. Let me ask you, did you know that large portions of GM went banckrupt anyway..even after receiving gov't cash? Did you know that GM moved large assets to sudo companies, then those companies immediately filed bankruptcy? Did you know in 2007 Ford did the same About half of their manufacturing arm went bankrupt. To this day both Ford and GM are still in bankruptcy with all chances that debtors will only get pennies on the dollar - GM received $billions in government cash while their partners went out of business.
This is reality.

I got lot's more.
Obama has done a good job as president.





Just sayin...

that's your idea of spam when teapartyijit and usarmyretard and the anti-semite contingent are posting thread after thread?




Just sayin...

Tea-party-sand-for-brains isn't worth honorable mention. So what IS your point? Other than you're still looking at your boy through rose-colored (and obviously dirty) glasses?
Oh bullshit.

Obama is the most process focused president in recent memory.

This guy is color in the lines..by the book..

In other words..he's no Clinton..who was seat of his pants..get it done..brother..kind of guy..

I thought you were a bit more savvy..but maybe not.

Oh well.

I will say one thing
Horse shit
to add
If obamna is to do it by the book he will have to change his agenda.
I would ask What Book? "Lord of the Rings"?

More like "Rules for Radicals."
So, if what you're saying is true, and Obama and the Democrats have been so successful, please explain why over 60 Democrats got shit caned in the House due to the elections this week? Apparently, there are a lot of Americans that don't believe the same way as you do.
'Cause, in Politics....EVERYTHING is perception....and, with Teabaggers, the only thing they perceive is the-lemming-before-them.


So, if what you're saying is true, and Obama and the Democrats have been so successful, please explain why over 60 Democrats got shit caned in the House due to the elections this week? Apparently, there are a lot of Americans that don't believe the same way as you do.
'Cause, in Politics....EVERYTHING is perception....and, with Teabaggers, the only thing they perceive is the-lemming-before-them.



Commentary from a big government suck up.
So, if what you're saying is true, and Obama and the Democrats have been so successful, please explain why over 60 Democrats got shit caned in the House due to the elections this week? Apparently, there are a lot of Americans that don't believe the same way as you do. Stand by for 2012 and watch another load of worthless Democrats hit the road, Jack.

Parties in power almost always lose the off year elections.

Plus the economy was almost destroyed by Bush the Lesser.....
....And, the Dems ended-up CLEANING-up THAT Bush-economic-debacle.

How can "conservatives" expect all o' the (typical) accolades....for moving-in and scraping-the-cream off-the-top of ANOTHER Booming-Economy....without the Dems setting-them-UP with one????? :eusa_eh:
Oh bullshit.

Obama is the most process focused president in recent memory.

This guy is color in the lines..by the book..

In other words..he's no Clinton..who was seat of his pants..get it done..brother..kind of guy..

I thought you were a bit more savvy..but maybe not.

Oh well.

I will say one thing
Horse shit
to add
If obamna is to do it by the book he will have to change his agenda.
I would ask What Book? "Lord of the Rings"?

I don't know this comment was made
This guy is color in the lines..by the book..
Clinton knew when to hold em, and when to fold em. Obama is out of his league. I can't watch anymore. It's too painful.

Clinton and Obama are cut from the same cloth.

It's hilarious to watch you guys make ridiculous distinctions between them..

If anything Obama is the MORE conservative of the two...


Not at all. After Clinton had his ass handed to him, he learned to ignore Hillary and Govern towards the center. Obama is a Progressive Marxist who's only concern is his Utopian Fantasy.

Where do you guys get this shit? He's got the record of a very moderate Democrat. A radical he is anything but. He's at least as moderate as Clinton; In fact this plays a huge role in his sagging approval ratings. It often manifests itself as "He has no balls."
So, if what you're saying is true, and Obama and the Democrats have been so successful, please explain why over 60 Democrats got shit caned in the House due to the elections this week? Apparently, there are a lot of Americans that don't believe the same way as you do. Stand by for 2012 and watch another load of worthless Democrats hit the road, Jack.

Parties in power almost always lose the off year elections.

Plus the economy was almost destroyed by Bush the Lesser, and until it comes back completely, the populace will always blame whoever is in power. The public has a very short memory.

The people have a very short memory, when Bush tried to fix Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac...We had Chris Dodd,Barnie Frank,Maxine Waters and the rest say there was nothing wrong.Well that turned out not to be true.The housing disaster where people were given mortgages that had no business getting one.They had no money and no collateral and the system was rigged to get these people loans,they are the biggest reason for the problem we face today.:eusa_hand:
If by "Good Job", the OP means furthering the Progressive Destruction of America, then yes indeed, Obama has done a "good job".
Clinton and Obama are cut from the same cloth.

It's hilarious to watch you guys make ridiculous distinctions between them..

If anything Obama is the MORE conservative of the two...


Not at all. After Clinton had his ass handed to him, he learned to ignore Hillary and Govern towards the center. Obama is a Progressive Marxist who's only concern is his Utopian Fantasy.

Where do you guys get this shit? He's got the record of a very moderate Democrat. A radical he is anything but. He's at least as moderate as Clinton; In fact this plays a huge role in his sagging approval ratings. It often manifests itself as "He has no balls."
When Obama co-ops the GOP program of spending cuts and less regulation I will believe he is a moderate like Clinton.
Ummmm, Bush did TARP. Paulson and Bush.

The CEO Obama had control of, he got shit canned. Now GM is making money and about to go public again. Damn I hope I can get in on that IPO.

Oh so he DID do tarp and deserves credit . because thats not what I hear from the left, they tout tarp and the saving of the banking system as an obama achievement.........thx for clearing that up...:lol:

the GM IPO?...ye go ahead dump as much as you can into that sink hole....my god. We'll see how high the gov. can ratchet up the price so they can claim another 'success'...:lol:

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