OBAMA Does anyone really believe a word he says anymore?

Low information posters, and liberal hacks have no idea what went on...or are perhaps in denial?

Ah, so when Bush does something liberals don't know what's going on, but when Obama does something clearly conservatives do know what's going on.

Don't you see the irony?

Or perhaps it was that Bush went to war in Iraq on the back on 9/11, he spent his whole time trying to equate al Qaeda and Saddam when clearly there was no connection, they attempted to use WMDs but didn't ever find any, but that's good enough for you, right?

But when Obama says he'd talk to those in Venezuela and Iran, this is clearly a lie, even when...

Obama on Chavez: US supports Venezuelan people


Obama open to Iran nuclear talks - Americas - Al Jazeera English

"Obama open to Iran nuclear talks"

BBC News - Iran nuclear: Obama and Rouhani speak by phone

"Iran nuclear: Obama and Rouhani speak by phone"
Low information posters, and liberal hacks have no idea what went on...or are perhaps in denial?

Ah, so when Bush does something liberals don't know what's going on, but when Obama does something clearly conservatives do know what's going on.

Don't you see the irony?

Or perhaps it was that Bush went to war in Iraq on the back on 9/11, he spent his whole time trying to equate al Qaeda and Saddam when clearly there was no connection, they attempted to use WMDs but didn't ever find any, but that's good enough for you, right?

But when Obama says he'd talk to those in Venezuela and Iran, this is clearly a lie, even when...

Obama on Chavez: US supports Venezuelan people


Obama open to Iran nuclear talks - Americas - Al Jazeera English

"Obama open to Iran nuclear talks"

BBC News - Iran nuclear: Obama and Rouhani speak by phone

"Iran nuclear: Obama and Rouhani speak by phone"

This is one reason I try to stay away from posters that seem to have a deliberate "suspension of reality" You are the perfect example.

Irony has nothing to do with it. You made a statement about there being NO WMD present in Iraq, and even NBC News stated that there were 550 tons of yellow cake there throughout the war!

Bush didn't equate Al Qaeda with Saddam, he went to war over Saddam shooting at our planes over the NO FLY zone, and the 16 U.N. resolutions against the regime by the U.N. (NOT to mention the $10 BILLION that Saddam paid off Russia, France, Germant and that corruptible Sec. Gen of the U.N. Kofi Anan to DELAY and block anything that was against Saddam with the OIL FOR FOOD Program)

And he TALKED to Chavez, and Iran.... neither accomplished a damn thing!

You know little, and it shows with your rants. I do look at them from time to time, just to tell myself, people like you are out there by the millions, and you vote and breed.
I never believed a word he has ever said. The man is a fake, a phony. He's in love with himself and that couldn't be more obvious.
I mean seriously the guy has lied to the American people so many times I have lost count.
He has more scandals under his belt than all the presidents combined and has put us in more debt than all of the previous presidents.

You really have to be brain dead at this point to think anything he does is going to benefit the American People.

Obama was paid big money to lie. "You really have to be brain dead" to not see all presidents after Citizens United do the same.
Bush knew about WMD's. Obama knew that Gadhaffi was killing his people.

Look up proof for either and you won't have any proof for war.

I think Americans need proof for war. Not this...........This is military industrial complex selling reasons for war. Do we still think Iran has a nuke like last election or has that lie passed?
Actually...this prez tends to be more honest than most... And Calling him a liar and each troubling event a "scandal" don't make it so...what IS SCANDALOUS is the degree to which rightwingnuts make shit up about this prez....obstructing at every turn, calling him "weak" as he's handling global crisis, and endlessly blow every difficulty out of proportion...
Yet ...Obama continues to overcome the obstacles thrown in his path and succeeds in most of his endeavors...
U GO Sir...

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Actually...this prez tends to be more honest than most... And Calling him a liar and each troubling event a "scandal" don't make it so...what IS SCANDALOUS is the degree to which rightwingnuts make shit up about this prez....obstructing at every turn, calling him "weak" as he's handling global crisis, and endlessly blow every difficulty out of proportion...
Yet ...Obama continues to overcome the obstacles thrown in his path and succeeds in most of his endeavors...
U GO Sir...

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

How many times did you have to swallow after sucking that dick so hard?

I knew he was a liar and a narsasistic piece of shit when he claimed he would stop the oceans from rising and fundamentally change America. It's only been down hill since then. You're the one still cheering for this crap.

How stupid does a person have to be to keep following this turd down the drain after it's been flushed?
Actually...this prez tends to be more honest than most... And Calling him a liar and each troubling event a "scandal" don't make it so...what IS SCANDALOUS is the degree to which rightwingnuts make shit up about this prez....obstructing at every turn, calling him "weak" as he's handling global crisis, and endlessly blow every difficulty out of proportion...
Yet ...Obama continues to overcome the obstacles thrown in his path and succeeds in most of his endeavors...
U GO Sir...

Why, yes he continues.... to fulfill Gov. Lamm's 7 step plan...

Even the people who say they believe him probably don't believe him anymore. They have certainly stopped defending him. All they can do now is meow about Bush. The word Bush is now a magical incantation that makes obama's lies not matter so much.
Even the people who say they believe him probably don't believe him anymore. They have certainly stopped defending him. All they can do now is meow about Bush. The word Bush is now a magical incantation that makes obama's lies not matter so much.

Because this seems to be normal. Bush's popularity went down massively, so too did Obama's, why? Because people expect something from a president that hardly any president could ever offer.
I mean seriously the guy has lied to the American people so many times I have lost count.
He has more scandals under his belt than all the presidents combined and has put us in more debt than all of the previous presidents.

You really have to be brain dead at this point to think anything he does is going to benefit the American People.

What you have stated is absolutely correct, Obama has proven himself to be a congenital liar as well as a complete fraud. But this fact is really only the tip of the iceberg. The Congress in this country is suppose to pass the laws, the president takes an oath to uphold these laws, not modify, change them or selectively choose which laws should be enforced. His Justice Department is so corrupt his own attorney general was charged with lying to Congress, not once but several times. Obama stated himself that it is good to be the president, that he can do whatever he wants to do. In other words he somehow believes himself to be above the law of the land. It is also true that Obama has spent more taxpayer dollars than all presidents combined, what is even worse is that he has wasted nearly two trillion dollars on green energy pipe dreams that have failed or gone bankrupt. My question to Mr. Obama is this, why is our government engaged in the development of the private sector? That is not the job of government. We all already know that Obama is a progressive socialist, but the fact actually is that socialism has been tried many many times in the past, it has always failed. On paper Socialism looks very inviting, but in the real world when you run out of other people's money, you must now print the money to sustain your socialist agendas. This is what is happening now in this country. Obama believes that you can somehow spend your way into prosperity, think about that for a moment. It is impossible to do this and we all know this already as we all have our own little budgets, our own bills and financial responsibilities. If you ran your personal finances the way the government runs it's finances you would find yourself in very hot water in a heart beat. I did not vote for Mr. Obama but I have listened to him many times, you do not need a degree in political science to realize that the man is living in a delusional world of make believe. Take Obama Care as an example, nearly everything Obama told us all about Obama Care has turned out to be not only miss leading but in most cases complete lies. The really good news about Obama Care is that the Democrats completely own this gigantic train wreck and they will pay dearly at the polling booth for a very very long time. Obama has modified this law no less than thirty one times without as much as even consulting with our Congress, this is clearly in direct violation of our Constitution. Obama seems to believe that our Constitution is an outdated document that can be ignored. I have reason to believe that if Obama were not a black man he would in all likelihood have already been impeached. But who will move to impeach our first black president, almost no one is the answer. The fact of the matter is this, we , the American people have gotten exactly what we had asked for in Obama when we elected this man as our leader. I do not expect very much from president Obama and I quit believing him a very long time ago. He has disappointed me far to many times. He is very good at a couple of things, like spending money and taking credit for things he actually played a very minor roll in. He is also an expert at the blame game and accusing others of being racist. When I see Mr. Obama my heart sinks, as I pray that he does not do further damage to our great nation. Mr. Obama to me seems completely out of touch with everyday Americans, and it is beyond me the motive for all of his lies other than his political agendas. What this country really needs right now is a real leader, someone who tells the truth and understands how to lead from the front, not the back. Someone who's heart and mind really care more about the welfare of our nation rather than that of politics and socialist agendas.
This is one reason I try to stay away from posters that seem to have a deliberate "suspension of reality" You are the perfect example.

Irony has nothing to do with it. You made a statement about there being NO WMD present in Iraq, and even NBC News stated that there were 550 tons of yellow cake there throughout the war!

Bush didn't equate Al Qaeda with Saddam, he went to war over Saddam shooting at our planes over the NO FLY zone, and the 16 U.N. resolutions against the regime by the U.N. (NOT to mention the $10 BILLION that Saddam paid off Russia, France, Germant and that corruptible Sec. Gen of the U.N. Kofi Anan to DELAY and block anything that was against Saddam with the OIL FOR FOOD Program)

And he TALKED to Chavez, and Iran.... neither accomplished a damn thing!

You know little, and it shows with your rants. I do look at them from time to time, just to tell myself, people like you are out there by the millions, and you vote and breed.

Bush didn't equate Saddam with al Qaeda?

Bush Defends Assertions of Iraq-Al Qaeda Relationship (washingtonpost.com)
"Bush Defends Assertions of Iraq-Al Qaeda Relationship" Friday, June 18, 2004

CNN.com - Bush stands by al Qaeda, Saddam link - Jun 15, 2004
"Bush stands by al Qaeda, Saddam link" Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Bush: Iraq Linked With Al Qaeda | Fox News
"Bush: Iraq Linked With Al Qaeda" June 17, 2004

Well, that's Fox, Washington Post and CNN who all seem to say the same thing.

Bush actually went to war because of oil, and also to help gain support for his anti-Islam stance.

President's Remarks at the United Nations General Assembly

The official claim however, was WMD.

"We've accomplished much in the last year -- in Afghanistan and beyond" What has been accomplished in Afghanistan you ask. I'm wondering too.

"The conduct of the Iraqi regime is a threat to the authority of the United Nations, and a threat to peace. Iraq has answered a decade of U.N. demands with a decade of defiance. All the world now faces a test, and the United Nations a difficult and defining moment. Are Security Council resolutions to be honored and enforced, or cast aside without consequence? Will the United Nations serve the purpose of its founding, or will it be irrelevant?"

"If the Iraqi regime wishes peace, it will immediately and unconditionally forswear, disclose, and remove or destroy all weapons of mass destruction, long-range missiles, and all related material."

"If the Iraqi regime wishes peace, it will immediately end all support for terrorism and act to suppress it, as all states are required to do by U.N. Security Council resolutions."

Hmm, seems Bush is saying not only that Iraq is aiding terrorists but that it needs to get rid of WMDs. Now, what they did find doesn't exactly match what Bush was complaining about. Yes, Iraq had WMDs, but what evidence did they have when they invaded? Nothing.

Why did Bush want Iraq to be invaded?

You know there was a coup in 2002 in Venezuela, OPEC member, anti-USA, the coup had the help of the US govt.
2003 OPEC anti-America Iraq invaded.
2011 OPEC anti-America Libya bombed, leader deposed.
Iran, sanctions against them and the right really want to invade.

Coincidence? Not at all. The US only acts when it has a reason to do so, controlling OPEC is a very good reason. Why not go into Syria? Not much oil. Why not go into Ukraine? Not much oil.

See the difference?
Low information posters, and liberal hacks have no idea what went on...or are perhaps in denial?

Ah, so when Bush does something liberals don't know what's going on, but when Obama does something clearly conservatives do know what's going on.

Don't you see the irony?

Or perhaps it was that Bush went to war in Iraq on the back on 9/11, he spent his whole time trying to equate al Qaeda and Saddam when clearly there was no connection, they attempted to use WMDs but didn't ever find any, but that's good enough for you, right?

But when Obama says he'd talk to those in Venezuela and Iran, this is clearly a lie, even when...

Obama on Chavez: US supports Venezuelan people


Obama open to Iran nuclear talks - Americas - Al Jazeera English

"Obama open to Iran nuclear talks"

BBC News - Iran nuclear: Obama and Rouhani speak by phone

"Iran nuclear: Obama and Rouhani speak by phone"

This is one reason I try to stay away from posters that seem to have a deliberate "suspension of reality" You are the perfect example.

Irony has nothing to do with it. You made a statement about there being NO WMD present in Iraq, and even NBC News stated that there were 550 tons of yellow cake there throughout the war!

Bush didn't equate Al Qaeda with Saddam, he went to war over Saddam shooting at our planes over the NO FLY zone, and the 16 U.N. resolutions against the regime by the U.N. (NOT to mention the $10 BILLION that Saddam paid off Russia, France, Germant and that corruptible Sec. Gen of the U.N. Kofi Anan to DELAY and block anything that was against Saddam with the OIL FOR FOOD Program)

And he TALKED to Chavez, and Iran.... neither accomplished a damn thing!

You know little, and it shows with your rants. I do look at them from time to time, just to tell myself, people like you are out there by the millions, and you vote and breed.
Don't you just hate that we have to remind liberals of historical facts in just about every thread lately? The MSM is trying to rewrite history and it's working for half the population.
I mean seriously the guy has lied to the American people so many times I have lost count.
He has more scandals under his belt than all the presidents combined and has put us in more debt than all of the previous presidents.

You really have to be brain dead at this point to think anything he does is going to benefit the American People.

What you have stated is absolutely correct, Obama has proven himself to be a congenital liar as well as a complete fraud. But this fact is really only the tip of the iceberg. The Congress in this country is suppose to pass the laws, the president takes an oath to uphold these laws, not modify, change them or selectively choose which laws should be enforced. His Justice Department is so corrupt his own attorney general was charged with lying to Congress, not once but several times. Obama stated himself that it is good to be the president, that he can do whatever he wants to do. In other words he somehow believes himself to be above the law of the land. It is also true that Obama has spent more taxpayer dollars than all presidents combined, what is even worse is that he has wasted nearly two trillion dollars on green energy pipe dreams that have failed or gone bankrupt. My question to Mr. Obama is this, why is our government engaged in the development of the private sector? That is not the job of government. We all already know that Obama is a progressive socialist, but the fact actually is that socialism has been tried many many times in the past, it has always failed. On paper Socialism looks very inviting, but in the real world when you run out of other people's money, you must now print the money to sustain your socialist agendas. This is what is happening now in this country. Obama believes that you can somehow spend your way into prosperity, think about that for a moment. It is impossible to do this and we all know this already as we all have our own little budgets, our own bills and financial responsibilities. If you ran your personal finances the way the government runs it's finances you would find yourself in very hot water in a heart beat. I did not vote for Mr. Obama but I have listened to him many times, you do not need a degree in political science to realize that the man is living in a delusional world of make believe. Take Obama Care as an example, nearly everything Obama told us all about Obama Care has turned out to be not only miss leading but in most cases complete lies. The really good news about Obama Care is that the Democrats completely own this gigantic train wreck and they will pay dearly at the polling booth for a very very long time. Obama has modified this law no less than thirty one times without as much as even consulting with our Congress, this is clearly in direct violation of our Constitution. Obama seems to believe that our Constitution is an outdated document that can be ignored. I have reason to believe that if Obama were not a black man he would in all likelihood have already been impeached. But who will move to impeach our first black president, almost no one is the answer. The fact of the matter is this, we , the American people have gotten exactly what we had asked for in Obama when we elected this man as our leader. I do not expect very much from president Obama and I quit believing him a very long than socialism ever will ago. He has disappointed me far to many times. He is very good at a couple of things, like spending money and taking credit for things he actually played a very minor roll in. He is also an expert at the blame game and accusing others of being racist. When I see Mr. Obama my heart sinks, as I pray that he does not do further damage to our great nation. Mr. Obama to me seems completely out of touch with everyday Americans, and it is beyond me the motive for all of his lies other than his political agendas. What this country really needs right now is a real leader, someone who tells the truth and understands how to lead from the front, not the back. Someone who's heart and mind really care more about the welfare of our nation rather than that of politics and socialist agendas.

Blacks are going to vote democrat 95% of the time anyway, so I say we impeach Obama and get his ass in Leavenworth. This has been long overdue.
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Don't you just hate that we have to remind liberals of historical facts in just about every thread lately? The MSM is trying to rewrite history and it's working for half the population.

Are you actually making an argument, or just using isolated facts randomly to prove a point without actually looking at the reality?

Also, what you call facts, i've debunked half of them.
Blacks are going to vote democrat 95% of the time anyway, so I say we impeach Obama and get his ass in Leavenworth. This has been long overdue.

And what are you going to impeach him for? Not being Republican? It's absurd.
I mean seriously the guy has lied to the American people so many times I have lost count.
He has more scandals under his belt than all the presidents combined and has put us in more debt than all of the previous presidents.

You really have to be brain dead at this point to think anything he does is going to benefit the American People.

"Anymore" is superfluous to your excellent question.

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