OBAMA Does anyone really believe a word he says anymore?

This is one reason I try to stay away from posters that seem to have a deliberate "suspension of reality" You are the perfect example.

Irony has nothing to do with it. You made a statement about there being NO WMD present in Iraq, and even NBC News stated that there were 550 tons of yellow cake there throughout the war!

Bush didn't equate Al Qaeda with Saddam, he went to war over Saddam shooting at our planes over the NO FLY zone, and the 16 U.N. resolutions against the regime by the U.N. (NOT to mention the $10 BILLION that Saddam paid off Russia, France, Germant and that corruptible Sec. Gen of the U.N. Kofi Anan to DELAY and block anything that was against Saddam with the OIL FOR FOOD Program)

And he TALKED to Chavez, and Iran.... neither accomplished a damn thing!

You know little, and it shows with your rants. I do look at them from time to time, just to tell myself, people like you are out there by the millions, and you vote and breed.

Bush didn't equate Saddam with al Qaeda?

Bush Defends Assertions of Iraq-Al Qaeda Relationship (washingtonpost.com)
"Bush Defends Assertions of Iraq-Al Qaeda Relationship" Friday, June 18, 2004

CNN.com - Bush stands by al Qaeda, Saddam link - Jun 15, 2004
"Bush stands by al Qaeda, Saddam link" Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Bush: Iraq Linked With Al Qaeda | Fox News
"Bush: Iraq Linked With Al Qaeda" June 17, 2004

Well, that's Fox, Washington Post and CNN who all seem to say the same thing.

Bush actually went to war because of oil, and also to help gain support for his anti-Islam stance.

President's Remarks at the United Nations General Assembly

The official claim however, was WMD.

"We've accomplished much in the last year -- in Afghanistan and beyond" What has been accomplished in Afghanistan you ask. I'm wondering too.

"The conduct of the Iraqi regime is a threat to the authority of the United Nations, and a threat to peace. Iraq has answered a decade of U.N. demands with a decade of defiance. All the world now faces a test, and the United Nations a difficult and defining moment. Are Security Council resolutions to be honored and enforced, or cast aside without consequence? Will the United Nations serve the purpose of its founding, or will it be irrelevant?"

"If the Iraqi regime wishes peace, it will immediately and unconditionally forswear, disclose, and remove or destroy all weapons of mass destruction, long-range missiles, and all related material."

"If the Iraqi regime wishes peace, it will immediately end all support for terrorism and act to suppress it, as all states are required to do by U.N. Security Council resolutions."

Hmm, seems Bush is saying not only that Iraq is aiding terrorists but that it needs to get rid of WMDs. Now, what they did find doesn't exactly match what Bush was complaining about. Yes, Iraq had WMDs, but what evidence did they have when they invaded? Nothing.

Why did Bush want Iraq to be invaded?

You know there was a coup in 2002 in Venezuela, OPEC member, anti-USA, the coup had the help of the US govt.
2003 OPEC anti-America Iraq invaded.
2011 OPEC anti-America Libya bombed, leader deposed.
Iran, sanctions against them and the right really want to invade.

Coincidence? Not at all. The US only acts when it has a reason to do so, controlling OPEC is a very good reason. Why not go into Syria? Not much oil. Why not go into Ukraine? Not much oil.

See the difference?

So if Bush went to war over Iraq's oil, where is it?
Iraq's oil is owned by - Iraq. In fact if you had been paying attention to the news you would have noticed that Iraq has signed contracts with several countries (the US is not one of them) to buy their oil.
Most of it goes to Europe.
I mean seriously the guy has lied to the American people so many times I have lost count.
He has more scandals under his belt than all the presidents combined and has put us in more debt than all of the previous presidents.

You really have to be brain dead at this point to think anything he does is going to benefit the American People.

"Anymore" is superfluous to your excellent question.

his question is pathetic.... as are the other Obama deranged loons.
I mean seriously the guy has lied to the American people so many times I have lost count.
He has more scandals under his belt than all the presidents combined and has put us in more debt than all of the previous presidents.

You really have to be brain dead at this point to think anything he does is going to benefit the American People.

"Anymore" is superfluous to your excellent question.

his question is pathetic.... as are the other Obama deranged loons.

Did you get to keep your doctor, Gertrude?
I mean seriously the guy has lied to the American people so many times I have lost count.
He has more scandals under his belt than all the presidents combined and has put us in more debt than all of the previous presidents.

You really have to be brain dead at this point to think anything he does is going to benefit the American People.

"Anymore" is superfluous to your excellent question.

his question is pathetic.... as are the other Obama deranged loons.

give us a break
we know you love Obama and believes everything out of his lying mouth
you postings are what's pathetic and show who the Obama loon is
Even the people who say they believe him probably don't believe him anymore. They have certainly stopped defending him. All they can do now is meow about Bush. The word Bush is now a magical incantation that makes obama's lies not matter so much.

Liberals think of Bush as Obama's "Get Out Of Jail Free Card". Obama could have sex with his dog on the front lawn of The White House and the liberals would say at least he didn't lie us into a war with Iraq. Apparently the buck stops with Bush not Obama.
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President Obama was and remains a superior choice to either Senator McCain or Governor Romney.

I'm sure Vladimir Putin agrees with you.

Not sure about Vlady...I'm happy that our President didn't spill American blood over a useless parcel of land in the Black Sea however.

What would you or Governor Romney have done differently to prevent the Russian takeover of Crimea?
Go to first new post OBAMA Does anyone really believe a word he says anymore?
Con propagandists trying to influence the ignorant. The only chumps, are moron cons that buy this. There's really only about ten or twelve on this board that like stupid statements like this. They really don't believe it themselves, it's just a con circle jerk, getting themselves off in public. It's like going to a gay bar to watch a gay circle jerk.
I find that gross to say about a man who is President


this is why this country is lost...they worship a man who works for US over their country
President Obama was and remains a superior choice to either Senator McCain or Governor Romney.

I'm sure Vladimir Putin agrees with you.

Not sure about Vlady...I'm happy that our President didn't spill American blood over a useless parcel of land in the Black Sea however.

What would you or Governor Romney have done differently to prevent the Russian takeover of Crimea?

Sure as hell not this!

[ame=http://youtu.be/XsFR8DbSRQE]Obama open mic slip: 'After my election I have more flexibility' - YouTube[/ame]
Actually...this prez tends to be more honest than most... And Calling him a liar and each troubling event a "scandal" don't make it so...what IS SCANDALOUS is the degree to which rightwingnuts make shit up about this prez....obstructing at every turn, calling him "weak" as he's handling global crisis, and endlessly blow every difficulty out of proportion...
Yet ...Obama continues to overcome the obstacles thrown in his path and succeeds in most of his endeavors...
U GO Sir...

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Wow...talk about a "true believer"! You actually think Barry knows what he's doing despite almost six years of his proving that he doesn't have a CLUE! Obama has blamed the opposition his entire Presidency even when he had Super Majorities that allowed him to pass legislation without a single Republican vote. The truth is that if it weren't for the 2010 midterms taking that away from them Barry, Harry and Nancy were looking to pass Cap & Trade and Card Check legislation as the next things on their agenda...two things that would have killed even more jobs then the Affordable Care Act. Those Republicans in the House prevented Barack Obama from REALLY screwing up this country's economy.

All you have to do is take a closer look at the "successes" of this Administration to see that if it weren't for the opposition, Barack Obama first term would have been a total disaster.

His supporters tout a reduction in the deficit? That only took place because of the sequester which only took place because the GOP wouldn't let Barry spend what he wanted to.

He claims increased energy production under his Administration? Everywhere that the Federal Government had control over production of energy went down. Where it went up were in States run by Republicans and on private land.

He touts job creation? The majority of new jobs were in States run by Republicans pushing policies that Barack Obama opposes. His record of job creation with nearly a trillion dollars of stimulus money was so abysmal that his people had to create a new statistic "jobs created or saved" to hide how bad it was.

ObamaCare? All we know about it from this group that lies as a matter of course is how many people have visited the website to sign up. We don't know how many people have paid their premiums and we have ZERO idea whether they are the young and healthy people needed to make the program even remotely feasible or if they are those that need huge subsidies or are elderly and sick, requiring expensive treatments. You probably think it's a "coincidence" that the Obama Administration can't give us those numbers...don't you, Doctor D...which shows just how naive you really are!
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I mean seriously the guy has lied to the American people so many times I have lost count.
He has more scandals under his belt than all the presidents combined and has put us in more debt than all of the previous presidents.

You really have to be brain dead at this point to think anything he does is going to benefit the American People.

Are you an adult? Have you forgotten - or never learned - about Iran-Contra and the number of those in the Reagan Administration indicted and convicted of crimes?

List of Reagan administration convictions.

How about the Nixon Administration?

On March 1, 1974, a grand jury in Washington, D.C., indicted several former aides of President Nixon, who became known as the "Watergate Seven": Haldeman, Ehrlichman, Mitchell, Charles Colson, Gordon C. Strachan, Robert Mardian and Kenneth Parkinson, for conspiring to hinder the Watergate investigation. The grand jury secretly named President Nixon as an unindicted co-conspirator. The special prosecutor dissuaded them from an indictment of Nixon, arguing that a President can only be indicted after he leaves office.[31] John Dean, Jeb Stuart Magruder, and other figures already had pleaded guilty. On April 5, 1974, Dwight Chapin, the former Nixon appointments secretary, was convicted of lying to the grand jury. Two days later, the same grand jury indicted Ed Reinecke, the Republican lieutenant governor of California, on three charges of perjury before the Senate committee.

You and those who thanked you for your ridiculous thread ought to be ashamed.
So if Bush went to war over Iraq's oil, where is it?
Iraq's oil is owned by - Iraq. In fact if you had been paying attention to the news you would have noticed that Iraq has signed contracts with several countries (the US is not one of them) to buy their oil.
Most of it goes to Europe.

Bush went to get the oil, you're assuming that he was successful. In a way he was.

Iraqi oil production has increased massively, "Oil production in the country has been slowly but steadily climbing since the end of the war as the Iraqi government and partners such as Exxon Mobil (XOM, Fortune 500), BP (BP), Chevron (CVX, Fortune 500) and Total (TOT) work to repair existing fields and hunt for new sources."

"Iraq has lofty plans to one day produce 11 million barrels a day -- nearly equal to Russia's current output and a million barrels a day more than Saudi Arabia's production."

Iraq oil production surpasses Iran - Aug. 10, 2012

Doubling of Iraqi oil production by 2020?

"Doubling of Iraqi oil production by 2020?"


This is where the oil is. The war helped push prices up, and demand from China has seen oil prices rise significantly. To simply say oil prices are not what they were in 1999 without taking into account the effects of the real world is crazy. Venezuela under Chavez, who gained power in 1999, decided to push oil prices up using OPEC

Chavez Oil. Prices, CITGO, Exxon Mobil, OPEC, Hugo Chavez, Venezuela

"During his presidency, Hugo Chavez has giving special importance also to OPEC cartel. He has been promoting meetings between OPEC members to regulate oil production. This caused some controversies in 2000 when he decided to have some encounters with Saddam Hussein as Iraq is a member of OPEC. He also keep having meetings with other controversial leaders, like Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Libya's Muammar al-Gaddafi and Algeria's Abdelaziz Bouteflika (all OPEC members)."

See the trend? Saddam gone, Iran sanctions, Gaddafi gone and Algeria is still there.

But Chavez tried to get OPEC to work together to push up prices, the US didn't like it, did they?

It doesn't matter that the US doesn't buy the oil. Oil prices go up and down depending on supply and demand. Reduce demand in countries like Iran, Iraq, Venezuela, Libya and so on, and oil prices rise, which means the amount the US pays for oil goes up, even if this isn't US oil.

Two of the companies extracting oil from Iraq are American owned or partly American owned, others have plenty of US shareholders, like BP.

The US stands to profit from increased oil production in the US on several fronts.

You have to ask yourself why US interests since the end of the Cold War have been Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Venezuela, Afghanistan (oil pipelines), Kosovo (oil pipelines), and only a few other places.

Certainly Rwanda, Ivory Coast and Syria the US has kept away from, why do you think that is?
I mean seriously the guy has lied to the American people so many times I have lost count.
He has more scandals under his belt than all the presidents combined and has put us in more debt than all of the previous presidents.

You really have to be brain dead at this point to think anything he does is going to benefit the American People.

let us know when he lies us into a war.


Let us know when 5-6 million people get the plans they liked back.

Who says they liked it? Who says what they got isnt better?
So if Bush went to war over Iraq's oil, where is it?
Iraq's oil is owned by - Iraq. In fact if you had been paying attention to the news you would have noticed that Iraq has signed contracts with several countries (the US is not one of them) to buy their oil.
Most of it goes to Europe.

Bush went to get the oil, you're assuming that he was successful. In a way he was.

Iraqi oil production has increased massively, "Oil production in the country has been slowly but steadily climbing since the end of the war as the Iraqi government and partners such as Exxon Mobil (XOM, Fortune 500), BP (BP), Chevron (CVX, Fortune 500) and Total (TOT) work to repair existing fields and hunt for new sources."

"Iraq has lofty plans to one day produce 11 million barrels a day -- nearly equal to Russia's current output and a million barrels a day more than Saudi Arabia's production."

Iraq oil production surpasses Iran - Aug. 10, 2012

Doubling of Iraqi oil production by 2020?

"Doubling of Iraqi oil production by 2020?"


This is where the oil is. The war helped push prices up, and demand from China has seen oil prices rise significantly. To simply say oil prices are not what they were in 1999 without taking into account the effects of the real world is crazy. Venezuela under Chavez, who gained power in 1999, decided to push oil prices up using OPEC

Chavez Oil. Prices, CITGO, Exxon Mobil, OPEC, Hugo Chavez, Venezuela

"During his presidency, Hugo Chavez has giving special importance also to OPEC cartel. He has been promoting meetings between OPEC members to regulate oil production. This caused some controversies in 2000 when he decided to have some encounters with Saddam Hussein as Iraq is a member of OPEC. He also keep having meetings with other controversial leaders, like Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Libya's Muammar al-Gaddafi and Algeria's Abdelaziz Bouteflika (all OPEC members)."

See the trend? Saddam gone, Iran sanctions, Gaddafi gone and Algeria is still there.

But Chavez tried to get OPEC to work together to push up prices, the US didn't like it, did they?

It doesn't matter that the US doesn't buy the oil. Oil prices go up and down depending on supply and demand. Reduce demand in countries like Iran, Iraq, Venezuela, Libya and so on, and oil prices rise, which means the amount the US pays for oil goes up, even if this isn't US oil.

Two of the companies extracting oil from Iraq are American owned or partly American owned, others have plenty of US shareholders, like BP.

The US stands to profit from increased oil production in the US on several fronts.

You have to ask yourself why US interests since the end of the Cold War have been Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Venezuela, Afghanistan (oil pipelines), Kosovo (oil pipelines), and only a few other places.

Certainly Rwanda, Ivory Coast and Syria the US has kept away from, why do you think that is?

The progressive rant back then was that we were only going into Iraq because we wanted their oil...then when it became obvious that WASN'T the case you didn't hear that anymore. Do you guys ever get tired of being so completely wrong?
let us know when he lies us into a war.


Let us know when 5-6 million people get the plans they liked back.

Who says they liked it? Who says what they got isnt better?

Let's cut through all the bullshit, Closed! If the ACA really WAS better then you wouldn't have to fine people who don't sign up for it because they'd be RUSHING to sign up on their own!

You "mandate" things and "fine" for non-compliance when what you're pushing isn't what people want.
Go to first new post OBAMA Does anyone really believe a word he says anymore?
Con propagandists trying to influence the ignorant. The only chumps, are moron cons that buy this. There's really only about ten or twelve on this board that like stupid statements like this. They really don't believe it themselves, it's just a con circle jerk, getting themselves off in public. It's like going to a gay bar to watch a gay circle jerk.

If a person wanted to talk to Obama, going to a gay bar would increase your chances!

I don't hang out in those queer joints, so I'll leave that to you and Obama! :badgrin:

Seriously, if you believe the lies of Obama, you are the true chump!

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