Obama Bin Stalin threatens EO on gun grab

the reason i am asking is because there are a lot of people here who act like taking away a right ....is no big deal..."its for our own good"...you let them basterds take away one right.....then which one is next?....you dont let the Govt take away anything called a right......if the PEOPLE vote to take it away,then thats the way it is......but you dont let those assholes in DC do it......

while i see your point. minority rights should never be up for a vote. the majority will ALWAYS vote against the rights of the minority. luckily, we are protected from tyranny of the majority.

courts are there to protect any 'rights' that exist.

at least theoretically.
Obama is not Hitler. Hitler was a leader. A terrifying leader. Obama is a puppet.

You're gonna fit right in here.

All the wacko rw's just yammer on and on in unending whines and, just like this ASSSSinine post of yours, not one of them has a nodding acquaintance with FACTS.

Save us......meet Dudley.....he is one of the Far Left whiners here ......always crying about something......
while i see your point. minority rights should never be up for a vote. the majority will ALWAYS vote against the rights of the minority. luckily, we are protected from tyranny of the majority.

courts are there to protect any 'rights' that exist.

at least theoretically.

Yep, pretty much theory without guns to protect your rights.
the reason i am asking is because there are a lot of people here who act like taking away a right ....is no big deal..."its for our own good"...you let them basterds take away one right.....then which one is next?....you dont let the Govt take away anything called a right......if the PEOPLE vote to take it away,then thats the way it is......but you dont let those assholes in DC do it......

You failed to answer my question. What are the odds that a gun grab will occur on Obama's watch? Odds usually involve a percentage or number ratio.

the way the atmosphere is right now and some people calling for bans......and you need to ask?.....Obama is feeling the pressure from the Gun banners to do something.....any chipping away at any one of our rights......is chipping away a right......and you keep on chipping till it is gone.......here in California i have heard people talking about either banning or at least making Ammo so expensive no one can afford it.....that would be infringing on peoples right to bear arms..... Chip...Chip ...Chip.....until its gone.....
the reason i am asking is because there are a lot of people here who act like taking away a right ....is no big deal..."its for our own good"...you let them basterds take away one right.....then which one is next?....you dont let the Govt take away anything called a right......if the PEOPLE vote to take it away,then thats the way it is......but you dont let those assholes in DC do it......

while i see your point. minority rights should never be up for a vote. the majority will ALWAYS vote against the rights of the minority. luckily, we are protected from tyranny of the majority.

courts are there to protect any 'rights' that exist.

at least theoretically.
minority rights should never be up for a vote

i agree with ya Jill....but for right now i am not talking about those kinda rights .....im talking about Rights granted in the Constitution that affect EVERYONE.....no matter your race or creed.....you don't let the Govt take away a Constitutional Right or even part of it..... unless the PEOPLE agree to it......you don't let those basterds touch anything in the Constitution that affects all of us without our oking it.....and that includes this Gun thing.....
ok.....just trying to see who would roll over and pee if it really happened....

What do you put the odds of an Obama gun grab at, since this is something you think is possible or even likely?
the reason i am asking is because there are a lot of people here who act like taking away a right ....is no big deal..."its for our own good"...you let them basterds take away one right.....then which one is next?....you dont let the Govt take away anything called a right......if the PEOPLE vote to take it away,then thats the way it is......but you dont let those assholes in DC do it......

What was it that the wise old founding Father said? "Those who would give up freedom for a little security deserve neither".....

Now you know why liberals hate the founders of this great nation.
the way the atmosphere is right now and some people calling for bans......and you need to ask?.....Obama is feeling the pressure from the Gun banners to do something.....any chipping away at any one of our rights......is chipping away a right......and you keep on chipping till it is gone.......here in California i have heard people talking about either banning or at least making Ammo so expensive no one can afford it.....that would be infringing on peoples right to bear arms..... Chip...Chip ...Chip.....until its gone.....

I asked you for odds, not a paragraph.
Here's a short article on some of the EOs created by Bush to circumvent the legislative process:
The top Bush executive orders that Obama should scrap immediately. - Slate Magazine

So the BOOOSSHHH ban on abortion was just bullshit your fabricated to distract from Obama's unconstitutional acts, then?

I didn't fabricate a Bush ban on abortion. I noted that Bush used EOs to circumvent the legislative process, and you and I both know I'm correct.

When he did it, I suspect you approved, because you're a hyperpartisan shill that thinks the Republicans can do no wrong. Now that Obama's doing it, you're pissed.

Well, welcome to my world.
i dont think you would win that if a poll was taken........

Hard to say. The flame zone crowd seems to think del pissing on the couch is just the epitome of erudite humor. Outside of FZ regulars, I don't see many who are impressed with his act.

In my view, Truthmatters is a far more intelligent poster than del. Opinions vary. When the corrupt fucker was a mod, I cared - now I ignore the troll.
i dont think you would win that if a poll was taken........

Hard to say. The flame zone crowd seems to think del pissing on the couch is just the epitome of erudite humor. Outside of FZ regulars, I don't see many who are impressed with his act.

In my view, Truthmatters is a far more intelligent poster than del. Opinions vary. When the corrupt fucker was a mod, I cared - now I ignore the troll.

yes, i can see that

I didn't fabricate a Bush ban on abortion.

Really? Because you did a pretty shitty job of citing it.

I noted that Bush used EOs to circumvent the legislative process, and you and I both know I'm correct.

Yeah, I noticed the straw man.

When he did it, I suspect you approved, because you're a hyperpartisan shill that thinks the Republicans can do no wrong. Now that Obama's doing it, you're pissed.

Well, welcome to my world.

You know, just because you're a leftist hack, it doesn't mean that those who oppose the mind-numbingly stupid positions you hold belong to the other party.

How many times do you think I voted for Dubya? Or anyone named Bush, for that matter?

I guarantee it's less than or equal to the number of times you've voted for Republicans.
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You really are clueless.....but please feel free to believe you have proven me wrong :)

I have. Conclusively.

Customs and Immigration Enforcement is part of the Executive branch's responsibilities. Presidents can, and do (as I showed Bush did), exercise latitude within the boundaries of the laws through Executive Orders.

You have not even cited the law Obama violated. You think all you have to do is cite the Constitution which just demonstrates you haven't a clue about the Constitution or the way our government works.

You need to cite the law which Congress wrote under their Constitutional powers to legislate immigration, and then prove Obama broke that law.

I bet you would not even know how to begin to do that.

You seem to believe saying something is unconstitutional is evidence it is. But that is actually the most basic of ipse dixit logical fallacies.

Let me get this straight. You haven't a clue about our immigration laws and how Obama has violated the Constitution and its somehow MY job to prove it? I don't do charity work and post links. Study our immigration laws, familiarize yourself with how Congress works in regards to these laws and then put it together.

I don't have the time nor the energy to post links because of your ignorance. A little word of advice, educate yourself before running around threads like a giant windbag. I've never seen someone post so many words without saying a thing hahahahaha my god......

Thank you for admitting you haven't any idea what law was violated. You don't have the time, and yet look how much time and energy you have spent in this topic!

You just regurgitate some piss someone poured for you. It is plain to see. You have no evidence for your claims. Any shitbird can make a claim.
Really? Because you did a pretty shitty job of citing it.

Your lack of reading comprehension is a personal problem.

Yeah, I noticed the straw man.

You are misusing the term. A strawman is when you create an argument for your opponent that is weaker, so that you can attack it. i.e., your post claiming that I had claimed that bush issued an EO on abortion.

You know, just because you're a leftist hack, it doesn't mean that those who oppose the mind-numbingly stupid positions your hold belong to the other party.

How many times do you think I voted for Dubya? Or anyone named Bush, for that matter?

I guarantee it's less than or equal to the number of times you've voted for Republicans.

Given that I voted for Bush twice, you're probably correct. Me pointing out the logical thinking errors of far right koolaid drinkers =/= support for the left.

Since you want to pretend to understand logical fallacies, here's a new one for you: False dichotomy. It's the logical error you make every time you assume that someone who criticizes republicans must be a democrat.
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Thank you for admitting you haven't any idea what law was violated. You don't have the time, and yet look how much time and energy you have spent in this topic!

You just regurgitate some piss someone poured for you. It is plain to see. You have no evidence for your claims. Any shitbird can make a claim.

I see you're still ducking my post yesterday where I gave you the actual code...

Hey, don't let fact interfere with a good rant...

Nothing is going to happen. It's nothing but a horse and pony show put on for Liberals and Conservatives. These clowns like putting on a big show for us.

BTW here's a great video that everyone should watch. Here's some cold hard facts on how violent we are as a nation...some will be surprised :)

In comparing the crime statistics between the U.S. and the U.K., the commentator fails to point out:

While there is a much greater incident of violent crime in the U.K., there is a much lower incident of deaths due to violent crime.

Which proves that gun control is very successful in the U.K.
I didn't fabricate a Bush ban on abortion.

Really? Because you did a pretty shitty job of citing it.

I noted that Bush used EOs to circumvent the legislative process, and you and I both know I'm correct.

Yeah, I noticed the straw man.

When he did it, I suspect you approved, because you're a hyperpartisan shill that thinks the Republicans can do no wrong. Now that Obama's doing it, you're pissed.

Well, welcome to my world.

You know, just because you're a leftist hack, it doesn't mean that those who oppose the mind-numbingly stupid positions you hold belong to the other party.

How many times do you think I voted for Dubya? Or anyone named Bush, for that matter?

I guarantee it's less than or equal to the number of times you've voted for Republicans.
I find this very entertaining as well. Because one opposes what the current administration is doing, that automatically moves them into the "right"/conservative column.

They don't get that we do not endorse either side. I called Bush a warmonger just as I call Obama one. I called out Bush for trampling on the Constitution I call out Obama for doing the same, right on down the line. The lemmings have fallen for the false left/right paradigm

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