Obama Bin Stalin threatens EO on gun grab

Obama stopped the sale of flavored cigs, gave illegals the right to vote, made gay-marriage an unwritten law, forced Catholic istitutions to provide BC, funded abortions with taxpayer cash.

He'll make it difficult for gun sellers to sell guns. The regulations were written last year. How he does it is going to remain uncertain till it is released. It does no good to speculate right now.
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The sky has no color, it is merely reflecting blue light. :D


The sky is in fact blue - due to the water vapor in the atmosphere, which refracts light in the blue spectrum, bouncing it all around. Water, having a blue hue, causes the sky to be blue.

Sounds like your saying water vapor is blue. Which would make clouds blue. Try again.

When transmitted light such as sunlight enters our atmosphere it collides with the oxygen and nitrogen atoms. The color with the shorter wavelength is scattered more by this collision. Because violet and blue are the shortest wavelengths the sky appears to be violet / blue. But because our eyes are more sensitive to blue light than they are violet light, we perceive the sky as blue.
Obama stopped the sale of flavored cigs, gave illegals the right to vote, made gay-marriage an unwritten law, forced Catholic istitutions to provide BC, funded abortions with taxpayer cash.

He'll make it difficult for gun sellers to sell guns. The regulations were written last year. How he does it is going to remain uncertain till it is released. It does no good to speculate right now.

Wait, the regulations were written LAST YEAR? :eek:

How could Dear Leader know Sandy Hook was going to happen? Is he a prophet?

How could he know a tragedy to further his agenda would occur at the exact moment he wanted it to?
Dems always do everything bass ackwards.

Instead of putting up a security fence at public schools and post armed guards like they do at private schools they want to remove every gun in existence.

Which is easier???
Obama stopped the sale of flavored cigs, gave illegals the right to vote, made gay-marriage an unwritten law, forced Catholic istitutions to provide BC, funded abortions with taxpayer cash.

He'll make it difficult for gun sellers to sell guns. The regulations were written last year. How he does it is going to remain uncertain till it is released. It does no good to speculate right now.

Wait, the regulations were written LAST YEAR? :eek:

How could Dear Leader know Sandy Hook was going to happen? Is he a prophet?

How could he know a tragedy to further his agenda would occur at the exact moment he wanted it to?

Osama just waits for an opportunity. He had one last Summer in Colorado but it was too close to the election. Fast & Furious was an attempt to generate a crisis but that blew up in their faces.
When transmitted light such as sunlight enters our atmosphere it collides with the oxygen and nitrogen atoms. The color with the shorter wavelength is scattered more by this collision. Because violet and blue are the shortest wavelengths the sky appears to be violet / blue. But because our eyes are more sensitive to blue light than they are violet light, we perceive the sky as blue.

We have a winner!
I would join with whatever group is filing lawsuits in federal court.

ok.....just trying to see who would roll over and pee if it really happened....

What do you put the odds of an Obama gun grab at, since this is something you think is possible or even likely?
the reason i am asking is because there are a lot of people here who act like taking away a right ....is no big deal..."its for our own good"...you let them basterds take away one right.....then which one is next?....you dont let the Govt take away anything called a right......if the PEOPLE vote to take it away,then thats the way it is......but you dont let those assholes in DC do it......
You would honestly be better off putting those on ignore. Nasiest posters with nothing but maniacal hatred oozing all over this forum. I honestly believe Catz is insane. No person can act in the manner it does and not have something wrong.

I SHOULD put del on ignore, I've never read anything from him that even approached worthwhile. del is without question the most useless troll on this site. Truthmatters is brilliant by comparison. But Catz can be okay - as long as she isn't performing for del's approval.

for an Emu Del is pretty dam intelligent......his Halloween Costume was great.....Count Emu.....that Bird is to much..... :lol:
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the reason i am asking is because there are a lot of people here who act like taking away a right ....is no big deal..."its for our own good"...you let them basterds take away one right.....then which one is next?....you dont let the Govt take away anything called a right......if the PEOPLE vote to take it away,then thats the way it is......but you dont let those assholes in DC do it......

You failed to answer my question. What are the odds that a gun grab will occur on Obama's watch? Odds usually involve a percentage or number ratio.
Not this time. obama is anti gun, he's an arrogant fuck he has went around congress several times and gave amnesty even though congress voted no.
I disagree with your position.

Correction: Obama is anti-constitution. The 2nd amendment is but one of many battles the regime wages against civil liberties.

Cereal killer has sent a precedent and Uncensored agrees. Just say any old crap and then refuse to back it up with fact.

Except, the precedent was set by the entire GObP when they said they would not be ruled by fact checkers. And, of course, who can forget their clown car candidate who racked up more than 35 lies and that was just during this run for office.

We really need to ignore the constant stream of lies from the right because really, more than 50% voted (again!) against those lies.

but we should pay attention to the constant stream from the Left?.....ok i get ya.....

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