Obama $ Baby Murders..

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
I'm just posting this because I'm offended by the lies promoted in the, " Romney and Rape Babies" thread


On the eve of the most critical presidential election in our nation's history, it is worth revisiting the despicable words of the wife of the criminal occupier of our White House. On Tuesday, Life News posted an image of a 2004 fundraising letter Michelle Obama wrote in support of Barack Obama (or whatever his name is), as he ran for the U.S. Senate in Illinois.

In the letter, Michelle Obama laments the "rise of conservatism in this country..." Oh, the horror! That awful conservative ideology is rising, pushed by those scary people who love God and our nation as founded, who cherish our Constitution, our freedom, our national sovereignty and American heritage!

She is specifically "concerned" with the rise of conservatism as it "relates to women," or more correctly, as it relates to a woman's ability to kill her pre-born baby. It is not early-term abortion she is talking about (although that is bad enough), but barbaric, partial-birth abortion.

From the American Family Association Journal, here is a basic description of it:

In a nutshell, a partial birth abortion typically involves an abortionist reaching into the uterus, grabbing the unborn baby's leg with forceps, and pulling the still-living baby into the birth canal, except for the head, which is deliberately kept just inside the womb. The abortionist then sticks scissors into the back of the baby's skull and spreads the tips of the scissors apart to enlarge the wound. He then removes the scissors, inserts a suction catheter, and sucks the baby's brains out. The collapsed head is then removed from the uterus.

Michelle Obama: partial-birth abortion is "legitimate medical procedure"
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I'm just posting this because I'm offended by the lies promoted in the, " Romney and Rape Babies" thread

Where is this thread, I need to thank the OP.

On the eve of the most critical presidential election in our nation's history, it is worth revisiting the despicable words of the wife of the criminal occupier of our White House.

You fuckers need to get back on your meds or something. This board reads like the rantings at a state hospital.
I'm just posting this because I'm offended by the lies promoted in the, " Romney and Rape Babies" thread

Where is this thread, I need to thank the OP.

On the eve of the most critical presidential election in our nation's history, it is worth revisiting the despicable words of the wife of the criminal occupier of our White House.

You fuckers need to get back on your meds or something. This board reads like the rantings at a state hospital.

When did you escape.?

... and you need to return...
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In a partial birth abortion, the fetus is DEAD already. For fucks sake, why do lifers assume its alive just because some pro life website says so? It is DEAD.
In a partial birth abortion, the fetus is DEAD already. For fucks sake, why do lifers assume its alive just because some pro life website says so? It is DEAD.

You are going to need to cite that and show how they are killed.

You really think, logically, that they leave the mother awake and able to feel it kicking and wriggling around as it is killed?

Of course you must. Lifers always think the worst.

Besides, PBA's are banned in the US, yet lifers love to talk about them.
From Wiki:

The U.S. Supreme Court has stated that intact D&X remains legal as long as there is first an "injection that kills the fetus."[1]

You couldn't have it still alive, it would too difficult for the doctor to do the procedure without making a mistake, and possibly causing harm to the mother.
Republicans: Any type of pregnancy was intended to happen by god. Even rape pregnancies.

Democrats: Even though our beliefs are everywhere on the matter, We respect your right to make your self decisions.

Me: Why the hell are you bitching? I don't give a fuck.
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Republicans: Any type of pregnancy was intended to happen by god. Even rape pregnancies.

Democrats: Even though our beliefs are everywhere on the matter, We respect your right to make your self decisions.

Are you familiar with free will, making responsible decisions and holding yourself accountable for your choices?
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Republicans: Any type of pregnancy was intended to happen by god. Even rape pregnancies.

Democrats: Even though our beliefs are everywhere on the matter, We respect your right to make your self decisions.

Are you familiar with free will, making responsible decisions and holding yourself accountable for your decisions.

Indeed I am.

There are many many reasons for Abortion and contraception other than because you don't want to get pregnant or you don't want the baby.
Republicans: Any type of pregnancy was intended to happen by god. Even rape pregnancies.

Democrats: Even though our beliefs are everywhere on the matter, We respect your right to make your self decisions.

Are you familiar with free will, making responsible decisions and holding yourself accountable for your decisions.

Indeed I am.

There are many many reasons for Abortion and contraception other than because you don't want to get pregnant or you don't want the baby.

really... do tell..
Just remember when that urban dweller rapist knocks up you sister.

Its GOD's will!
In a partial birth abortion, the fetus is DEAD already. For fucks sake, why do lifers assume its alive just because some pro life website says so? It is DEAD.

You are going to need to cite that and show how they are killed.

You really think, logically, that they leave the mother awake and able to feel it kicking and wriggling around as it is killed?

Of course you must. Lifers always think the worst.

Besides, PBA's are banned in the US, yet lifers love to talk about them.

Do you even know the definition of abortion? Do you know the difference between a baby being born alive and what is called still born? What in the hell is wrong with people that argue along such lines as you do? I really would like to know.
In a partial birth abortion, the fetus is DEAD already. For fucks sake, why do lifers assume its alive just because some pro life website says so? It is DEAD.

You are going to need to cite that and show how they are killed.

You really think, logically, that they leave the mother awake and able to feel it kicking and wriggling around as it is killed?

Of course you must. Lifers always think the worst.

Besides, PBA's are banned in the US, yet lifers love to talk about them.

I normally avoid the abortion threads but have to ask:

If the mother is there to abort the child at that late date in pregnancy, why do you think it would bother her to be awake and able to feel it kicking and wriggling around as it is killed? If she cared, would she be there?

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