Obama and Biden very anti Gun owner, and Gun Rights .

Hello Americans,
your government will take your guns, and then, when you are defenseless, you'll get shafted bigtime. Isn't it interesting that Mr. Obama belongs to a think tank called the CFR aka Council on Foreign Relations whose goal is the end of the United States as an independent nation.
Already plans are afoot to roll up the US, Canada and Mexico into one big North American Union under a single currency "the Amero". That's after they've completely screwed you with the depression they've got planned.
So there'll be no middle class, and no guns for your defense. Just droves of mindless brainwashed idiots who still think that they are under threat from foreign "terrorists". These same clowns will be the ones who enforce the tyranny your masters have planned for you.
Then, if you disagree with any of this, it's off to the FEMA Concentration Camps where you'll have time to re-adjust.
Godbless America and God Bless Democracy.

Better wake up before it's too late.
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Hello Americans,
your government will take your guns, and then, when you are defenseless, you'll get shafted bigtime. Isn't it interesting that Mr. Obama belongs to a think tank called the CFR aka Council on Foreign Relations whose goal is the end of the United States as an independent nation.
Already plans are afoot to roll up the US, Canada and Mexico into one big North American Union under a single currency "the Amero". That's after they've completely screwed you with the depression they've got planned.
So there'll be no middle class, and no guns for your defense. Just droves of mindless brainwashed idiots who still think that they are under threat from foreign "terrorists". These same clowns will be the ones who enforce the tyranny your masters have planned for you.
Then, if you disagree with any of this, it's off to the FEMA Concentration Camps where you'll have time to re-adjust.
Godbless America and God Bless Democracy.

Better wake up before it's too late.

Uh---McCain is CFR too.
kirk's right on this, hjmick. a car isnt made to kill people. neither is a bat, nor most (kitchen) knives. but a gun? the primary use of a gun is to kill a person or an animal. youre trying to paint a gun as being a typical household item, which it isnt. it is made to inflict damage. not to get around town, hit a ball, or cut vegetables and meat.

A gun is an inert piece of metal. It is neither good nor bad. There are places in the country, far far away from the Starbucks where milquetoast urban liberals like you and Kirk drink your lattes every morning, where guns ARE household items. And these places by and large have a far lower crime rate than the shitholes where the gun snatchers reside. There is nothing you and your pathetic appeal to emotion argument can do to change this.

And if guns are made to kill:

Assault Weapons

Why does that one just sit in the corner?
An even more interesting fact that the VPC doesn't mention:

DC's murder rate skyrocketed after the handgun ban went into effect.


More lies....

D.C.'s murder rate has shrunk to half what it was.

Don't bullsh*t here. I know the facts.
A gun is an inert piece of metal. It is neither good nor bad. There are places in the country, far far away from the Starbucks where milquetoast urban liberals like you and Kirk drink your lattes every morning, where guns ARE household items. And these places by and large have a far lower crime rate than the shitholes where the gun snatchers reside. There is nothing you and your pathetic appeal to emotion argument can do to change this.

And if guns are made to kill:

Assault Weapons

Why does that one just sit in the corner?

No one said anything about the crime rate. Gun deaths come in two main forms, suicide and people killing people they know. Usually these suicides and killings are acts of passion. Having a gun around makes it easy for an angry spouse or a depressed teenager to kill themselves or others.
More lies....

D.C.'s murder rate has shrunk to half what it was.

Don't bullsh*t here. I know the facts.


The ban went into effect in 1975.

Murders exceeded 1975 numbers as recently as 2003.

Check out the early 1990's numbers if you really wanna get a feel for the ban's ineffectiveness.

District of Columbia Crime Rates 1960 - 2006

Give it up, Kirk. I'm embarrassed for you.

The ban went into effect in 1975.

Murders exceeded 1975 numbers as recently as 2003.

Check out the early 1990's numbers if you really wanna get a feel for the ban's ineffectiveness.

District of Columbia Crime Rates 1960 - 2006

Give it up, Kirk. I'm embarrassed for you.

On the link you provided murders went from 482 in 1990 to 169 in 2006, so murders dropped by more than half. One of the reasons for this is that Virginia, which used to have the loosest gun laws in the nation, tightened up their gun laws because criminals were buying their guns here and shipping them to the Northeast and D.C.

Your own link proved you wrong. So sorry....
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On the link you provided murders went from 482 in 1990 to 169 in 2006, so murders dropped by more than half. One of the reasons for this is that Virginia, which used to have the loosest gun laws in the nation, tightened up their gun laws because criminals were buying their guns here and shipping them to the Northeast and D.C.

Your own link proved you wrong. So sorry....

Well golly gee willikers, Korky, using that brilliant logic:

In 1975 there were 235 murders.

In 1990 there were 482 murders.

Your own logic (or lack thereof) proved you wrong. So sorry...
Well golly gee willikers, Korky, using that brilliant logic:

In 1975 there were 235 murders.

In 1990 there were 482 murders.

Your own logic (or lack thereof) proved you wrong. So sorry...

I explained it to you, but you lack reading comprehension.

How far is it from Virginia to D.C.?
I explained it to you, but you lack reading comprehension... And 1st grade-level math skills as well.

Is 482 greater than or less than 235?

They bought their guns in Virginia.

How many gun deaths are there in Japan each year?

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