Obama and Biden very anti Gun owner, and Gun Rights .


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I hear Barack Obama and Joe Biden are very anti Gun rights. This combination in the White house will be bad news for Gun and Rifle owners.Their Sen voting records indicate that they voted for many Gun control laws.
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They've always been anti-gun, and anti-gun rights. They're pretty much anti-anything American. Including the idea of a republic, individual freedom and the right to keep what you earn.
I hear Barack Obama and Joe Biden are very anti Gun rights. This combination in the White house will be bad news for Gun and Rifle owners.Their Sen voting records indicate that they voted for many Gun control laws.

the ussc has affirmed our 2nd right again and again. i owe 3....i live in the middle of nowhere it would take leo's at least 20 minutes to get here....i will take my guns over 20 minutes of waiting. So far, in 55 years, I have determined to kill a man, once. I was home alone with my 2 yr old son when a man tryed to break in. I hid my son, loaded my gun and waited for my bedroom door to open. I would have blown him to pieces with one shot. My father taught me well. all guns are loaded...never pull a gun on a man unless you are going to kill him, identify your target and empty your gun...no wounding shots allowed. I shook like a dog passing a peach pit while hiding my son, when i loaded the shotgun, my hands were steady and my nerves were calm. I have no use for people telling me I should not own guns. Let them be the one raped or worse watch their child hurt, it wont be me. I will hold my fathers words forever, cause he teaching me about guns, i truly believe is what saved me that day.
o, one more thing he taught me...determine when you are going to take a stand and hold to it. I took my stand in my bedroom the last house in the room he could reach. I was lucky he couldnt get in.
This is where some ignorant twerp tells us that more people are killed by their own guns than are saved by them every day.

It's untrue, but that won't keep them from spouting off.
Not anti gun or anti gun owner anti stupidity - there is a difference. Guns are a non issue in my mind. If you vote against yourself because of this single issue you are a fool and you deserve the likes of Cheney/Bush.

A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.
I've had guns trained a couple of times on people. Once was when we lived out in the middle of nowhere and a couple of complete strangers parked down at the highway, then started walking up the 1/8 mile driveway to the house, which looked deserted. I was up in my bedroom with our 30-06 trained on them...this isn't a country where people just walk up to your house unless you're expecting them...particularly after parking down on the highway. And these guys were scoping the place.

They got close to the house, one of them looked up at my window and I heard him say "Somebody's here, let's go". They trotted back to their car and took off.
the ussc has affirmed our 2nd right again and again. i owe 3....i live in the middle of nowhere it would take leo's at least 20 minutes to get here....i will take my guns over 20 minutes of waiting. So far, in 55 years, I have determined to kill a man, once. I was home alone with my 2 yr old son when a man tryed to break in. I hid my son, loaded my gun and waited for my bedroom door to open. I would have blown him to pieces with one shot. My father taught me well. all guns are loaded...never pull a gun on a man unless you are going to kill him, identify your target and empty your gun...no wounding shots allowed. I shook like a dog passing a peach pit while hiding my son, when i loaded the shotgun, my hands were steady and my nerves were calm. I have no use for people telling me I should not own guns. Let them be the one raped or worse watch their child hurt, it wont be me. I will hold my fathers words forever, cause he teaching me about guns, i truly believe is what saved me that day.

And Barack Obama , Joe Biden and other Democrats want to ban all our Hand Guns and Rifles.Read what happened to this poster all you anti gun nuts.!
Vote Republican for Gods Sake!!
And Barack Obama , Joe Biden and other Democrats want to ban all our Hand Guns and Rifles.Read what happened to this poster all you anti gun nuts.!
Vote Republican for Gods Sake!!

non issue... the Court already ruled. you guys really need to grow up and stop whining because you're afraid someone is going to take away your toys.
jillain had you bothered to read what was said instead of going for the typical chant of anti gunners you would see that i said the ussc has reaffirmed our rights time and time again.....did saying 2 adm confuse you?
jillain had you bothered to read what was said instead of going for the typical chant of anti gunners you would see that i said the ussc has reaffirmed our rights time and time again.....did saying 2 adm confuse you?

i'm not anti-gun. but thanks anyway. i'm anti-whining on the subject because i really think the attachment some of the loonies have to their guns is pathologic.

the ussc has done nothing of the sort, btw. The only case that addressed the issue with detail at all before Heller was the Miller case.... and that case pretty much said nothing.

my point, if you're having trouble following, was that the court has NOW ruled... in Heller... so what anyone may WANT to do on the issue is irrelevant.
I hear Barack Obama and Joe Biden are very anti Gun rights. This combination in the White house will be bad news for Gun and Rifle owners.Their Sen voting records indicate that they voted for many Gun control laws.

I hear they're planning on making us all carry guns wherever we go...even into the shower.

I also heard that McCain, not to be outgun-righted, is going to make us all carry flamethrowers.
Yeah, our founding fathers certainly considered it a non-issue, and the ownership of guns as nothing more than child's play.

"Clinging to their guns and religion". If you're going to dive into Obama's shit head first and mouth open, Jillian, at least go ahead and spout the rest. Elitist asshole.
One million Americans have been killed by guns since 1960.

Let's go for two million!
And if you knew anything about suicide you would know that eliminating one method of suicide will not keep a suicide from being committed.

Suicides are determined, and they will have their way.

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