Obama Administration created more jobs in one year than Republicans created in eight


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
CBO finds 3.7M jobs created by stimulus - The Hill's On The Money

Imagine that!

Republicans took over a strong economy with a budget surplus and only managed to create 1 million jobs while they were in power.

Obama took over in the worst recession in 70 years and created 3 million jobs

A report by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office shows the Recovery Act has increased the number of workers by between 1.2 million and 2.8 million. The CBO also projects that 3.7 million jobs could be attributed to the stimulus by the end of September.
If the Owe Bama administration is so great, how come our economy is in the tubes and my friends are all still unemployed?
I'd love to see the particulars , a job "created" by public funds on a road in my area for example may have taken one from elsewhere such as the dirt contractor who DIDN'T get a road construction project.

Public jobs are temporary and although some things can be looked upon as needed such as a new bridge being built, they rarely create lasting wealth, of course there are exceptions such as a road or damn that produces electricity.
Creating jobs without injecting a trillion dollars into the economy when there is no real unemployment to speak of is not easy to do....so I million jobs is pretty impressive.

Creating jobs by taking a trillion dollars and paying companies to hire people when there is a 10% unemployemnt rate is not too difficult to do.

Heck, you are bragging that he crated jobs at the cost of 167,000 per job with the average salary at less than 50K....and 6 million people vying for....no....BEGGING for those jobs.

My dead pet canary can do that.
I'd love to see the particulars , a job "created" by public funds on a road in my area for example may have taken one from elsewhere such as the dirt contractor who DIDN'T get a road construction project.

Public jobs are temporary and although some things can be looked upon as needed such as a new bridge being built, they rarely create lasting wealth, of course there are exceptions such as a road or damn that produces electricity.

All construction jobs are temporary. You complete a project and technically have no job until you start your next project. Public works projects have long term economic impacts by improving the infrastructure. Roads, bridges and maintenance are all vital.

The bigger question is where were all those Republican jobs we were promised? What happened to the "trickle down" from the Bush tax cuts? Republicans are supposed to be business friendly and create more jobs.

What happened? Why was 2000-2010 a lost decade for economic growth?
I'd love to see the particulars , a job "created" by public funds on a road in my area for example may have taken one from elsewhere such as the dirt contractor who DIDN'T get a road construction project.

Public jobs are temporary and although some things can be looked upon as needed such as a new bridge being built, they rarely create lasting wealth, of course there are exceptions such as a road or damn that produces electricity.

All construction jobs are temporary. You complete a project and technically have no job until you start your next project. Public works projects have long term economic impacts by improving the infrastructure. Roads, bridges and maintenance are all vital.

The bigger question is where were all those Republican jobs we were promised? What happened to the "trickle down" from the Bush tax cuts? Republicans are supposed to be business friendly and create more jobs.

What happened? Why was 2000-2010 a lost decade for economic growth?

Remind me....was there a 10% unemployment rate?
Was job creation part of the agenda?
PolitiFact Ohio | Sherrod Brown touts job growth during Clinton presidency vs. Bush?s jobs record

Number of jobs as of January, 1993, a week before Clinton took office: 109.725 million.
Number of jobs as of Jan. 2001, a week before Clinton left office: 132.469 million
Net Gain under Clinton: 22.7 million jobs.

Now for Bush, who succeeded Clinton in the White House. As already noted, the nation had 132.469 million jobs as he was taking office.

Number of jobs on Jan. 12, 2009, a week before Bush left office: 133.549 million.
Net gain under Bush: 1.08 million jobs.

1.08 million jobs in EIGHT YEARS !

And the Republicans claim they can do a better job than the Democrats???
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CBO finds 3.7M jobs created by stimulus - The Hill's On The Money

Imagine that!

Republicans took over a strong economy with a budget surplus and only managed to create 1 million jobs while they were in power.

Obama took over in the worst recession in 70 years and created 3 million jobs

A report by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office shows the Recovery Act has increased the number of workers by between 1.2 million and 2.8 million. The CBO also projects that 3.7 million jobs could be attributed to the stimulus by the end of September.

Reality is a bitch huh? Its okay things will ACTUALLY get better soon.
I'd love to see the particulars , a job "created" by public funds on a road in my area for example may have taken one from elsewhere such as the dirt contractor who DIDN'T get a road construction project.

Public jobs are temporary and although some things can be looked upon as needed such as a new bridge being built, they rarely create lasting wealth, of course there are exceptions such as a road or damn that produces electricity.

All construction jobs are temporary. You complete a project and technically have no job until you start your next project. Public works projects have long term economic impacts by improving the infrastructure. Roads, bridges and maintenance are all vital.

The bigger question is where were all those Republican jobs we were promised? What happened to the "trickle down" from the Bush tax cuts? Republicans are supposed to be business friendly and create more jobs.

What happened? Why was 2000-2010 a lost decade for economic growth?

But in private sectors in a growing economy, they move from one project to another, I agree that roads, bridges, maintenance etc. are vital RW.

The monetary policies created bubbles, few were complaining when housing starts were at a feverish pitch and we had full employment but then the bubbles burst;just like the "roaring 20's"; the good times crashed and it was due to people living beyond their means and a reckless monetary policy.

We didn't have those bubbles in my area; people didn't care to move to Louisiana, they were going to exciting places like Las Vegas or on the Florida coast and now look at those areas compared to us, look at Michigan, California and Florida compared to some of the areas that did not expand at such a feverish pitch.

Government giveth and government taketh away.
And yet...if Obama ran for President again today, the OP shows the type of Kool-aid drinkers who would still vote for him.
I don't know how the far left loons can tell such ridiculous lies with a straight face.

Do you think they really believe them?
Republicans took over a strong economy with a budget surplus and only managed to create 1 million jobs while they were in power.
Obama took over in the worst recession in 70 years and created 3 million jobs

A report by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office shows the Recovery Act has increased the number of workers by between 1.2 million and 2.8 million. The CBO also projects that 3.7 million jobs could be attributed to the stimulus by the end of September.
So tell us rightwinger, why are Democrats that are up for reelection staying away from Obama?

Why are the democrats up for reelection not talking about ObamaCare?

Why are the Republicans poised to take back the House and maybe the Senate as well if Democrats and their policies so popular and effective?

Possible rightwinger answer: "Americans are stupid". Oh the arrogance of the Democrat Party! :lol:
PolitiFact Ohio | Sherrod Brown touts job growth during Clinton presidency vs. Bush?s jobs record

Number of jobs as of January, 1993, a week before Clinton took office: 109.725 million.
Number of jobs as of Jan. 2001, a week before Clinton left office: 132.469 million
Net Gain under Clinton: 22.7 million jobs.

Now for Bush, who succeeded Clinton in the White House. As already noted, the nation had 132.469 million jobs as he was taking office.

Number of jobs on Jan. 12, 2009, a week before Bush left office: 133.549 million.
Net gain under Bush: 1.08 million jobs.

1.08 million jobs in EIGHT YEARS !

And the Republicans claim they can do a better job than the Democrats???

You seem to be ignoring my question.
Was there a need for job creation during that span?

Furthermore and to ensure you do not fall for the spin of the numbers..

When Bush took over, many dot com jobs were lost...not becuase of Bush policies but because of the reality of the dot com bubble.

And not only were those jobs replaced during the ensuing 8 years, but another million were added.

And finally, and what you seemed to have left out, the recession hbegan in ewarly 2007....and that is from normal market cycles and not to be confused with the credit collapse....

So there was a net gain of 1 million jobs despoite all of the dot com jobs lost, the jobs lost in the 2007 recession...and, of course, not to mention that there was no agenda to create jobs.

When we analyze the numbers THAT way....the proper way.....sounds like Bush did a dam good job.
So you're trying to tell us that despite double digit unemployment, more jobs have been created than ever before?

And you wonder why no one thinks much of your credibility.
PolitiFact Ohio | Sherrod Brown touts job growth during Clinton presidency vs. Bush?s jobs record

Number of jobs as of January, 1993, a week before Clinton took office: 109.725 million.
Number of jobs as of Jan. 2001, a week before Clinton left office: 132.469 million
Net Gain under Clinton: 22.7 million jobs.

Now for Bush, who succeeded Clinton in the White House. As already noted, the nation had 132.469 million jobs as he was taking office.

Number of jobs on Jan. 12, 2009, a week before Bush left office: 133.549 million.
Net gain under Bush: 1.08 million jobs.

1.08 million jobs in EIGHT YEARS !

And the Republicans claim they can do a better job than the Democrats???

I don't get why you are equating job creation with the Clinton Adminstration. The internet boom had everything to do with it. Monica Lewinsky had as much to do with job creation during that period as Bill Clinton did.
PolitiFact Ohio | Sherrod Brown touts job growth during Clinton presidency vs. Bush?s jobs record

Number of jobs as of January, 1993, a week before Clinton took office: 109.725 million.
Number of jobs as of Jan. 2001, a week before Clinton left office: 132.469 million
Net Gain under Clinton: 22.7 million jobs.

Now for Bush, who succeeded Clinton in the White House. As already noted, the nation had 132.469 million jobs as he was taking office.

Number of jobs on Jan. 12, 2009, a week before Bush left office: 133.549 million.
Net gain under Bush: 1.08 million jobs.

1.08 million jobs in EIGHT YEARS !

And the Republicans claim they can do a better job than the Democrats???

See how easily you are fooled by spin?

You must be quite embarrased right now.
PolitiFact Ohio | Sherrod Brown touts job growth during Clinton presidency vs. Bush?s jobs record

Number of jobs as of January, 1993, a week before Clinton took office: 109.725 million.
Number of jobs as of Jan. 2001, a week before Clinton left office: 132.469 million
Net Gain under Clinton: 22.7 million jobs.

Now for Bush, who succeeded Clinton in the White House. As already noted, the nation had 132.469 million jobs as he was taking office.

Number of jobs on Jan. 12, 2009, a week before Bush left office: 133.549 million.
Net gain under Bush: 1.08 million jobs.

1.08 million jobs in EIGHT YEARS !

And the Republicans claim they can do a better job than the Democrats???

I don't get why you are equating job creation with the Clinton Adminstration. The internet boom had everything to do with it. Monica Lewinsky had as much to do with job creation during that period as Bill Clinton did.

:lol: True.
PolitiFact Ohio | Sherrod Brown touts job growth during Clinton presidency vs. Bush?s jobs record

Number of jobs as of January, 1993, a week before Clinton took office: 109.725 million.
Number of jobs as of Jan. 2001, a week before Clinton left office: 132.469 million
Net Gain under Clinton: 22.7 million jobs.

Now for Bush, who succeeded Clinton in the White House. As already noted, the nation had 132.469 million jobs as he was taking office.

Number of jobs on Jan. 12, 2009, a week before Bush left office: 133.549 million.
Net gain under Bush: 1.08 million jobs.

1.08 million jobs in EIGHT YEARS !

And the Republicans claim they can do a better job than the Democrats???

See how easily you are fooled by spin?

You must be quite embarrased right now.

What is the spin?

Republicans are claiming they would do better in creating jobs than Obama is doing. The record shows they managed to create a measly 1.08 million jobs over eight years.

They are proposing the same policies they used before....why should we expect better results?

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