Oakland is forming lawsuit against Davis and corrupt NFL.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
Go get em baby.:thup::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: I guarantee you all they will win.This anti trust NFL lawyer has had five different lawsuits against the NFL and won them ALL..He is kryptonite against the NFL.
Lawyer suggests lawsuit could be filed over Raiders move

I made a thread a long time ago everybody ignored how the Raiders and Chargers have both violated NFL relocation rules that you are suppose to follow. You cant just make rules that are set in stone that have been in place ever since the mid 90's and just break them.:rolleyes:

I am very dissapointed in San Diego because they have just as much of a strong case against the NFL.their city just does not have the passion to fight it though. they are cowards.

I said way back then that if Davis and the NFL was stupid enough to vote for this move this would not be the end of it,that Oakland would not take this lying down as San Diego has and their to their credit,they have NOT.:thup:

I have been saying for months now just because the NFL owners voted in favor of this,its not a done deal.Oakland has the LAW on their side.

Hopefully when this is over,the city of SD will learn something from them and join in on the lawsuit.

oh and guess what? the city of st louis is on Oakland side in this lawsuit,they are also suing them.Theirs is different though,its not to get the team back,it is for a billion dollars in damages for the city because the Rams and Kroneke lied to them saying that they wanted to stay and were going to try and stay when they never tried.

here is a short one minute video on it.

here is a longer ten minute version of it.

wanted to post this MONTHS ago but i notice that very few sports people post here when it is not football season,that it is a very slow section when there is no football going on,
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Hmmm,7 views and no reply yet? Looks like i have shocked those 7 people since they were not aware of this that I have known for MONTHS. I guess the cat gots the tongue.:biggrin:
I could never fault anyone for wanting to leave two shit holes like Oakland and St. Louis.
I could never fault anyone for wanting to leave two shit holes like Oakland and St. Louis.

Except contrary to your logic,vegas is FAR WORSE a shit hole than Oakland is.

You never been to oakland obviously other than the slum neighborhood that EVERY city has.:rolleyes:
oh and thats like real smart to leave a city where they got the most loyal fans in the country that pack them in every sunday even when they are horrible like 4 years ago when they started off the season going 0-11 and yet STILL on a cold wet thursday night game against the chiefs and in a driving pouring rainstorm, they STILL sold out that night.

Yeah move from oakland,the most loyal fans in the country, to a dump city,a city thats an even worse dump than oakland wheree the fans in that city dont even support their LOCAL college football team,has the lowest income in the country,they are so poor many familys work two jobs just to support themselves so they obviously will not be able to afford the astronomical seat prices out there. move from a city with the greatest fans in the country that support them even when they are horrible,to a city where they will get empty seats just as they do at their local college team they dont support.yeah thats the ticket.:rolleyes::uhoh3::cuckoo:

this is a very common thing you hear from people in vegas all the time below.

Mondo Gonzo1 year ago
I used to leave there. It is the worst place I've ever lived and I have lived all over the country from Los Angeles (where I am from and grew up) to South Carolina.

#2 Aug 14, 2012
Avoid North Las Vegas, city is bankrupt, just pass Cheyenne, US 15, cross the bridge and watch your back.:biggrin:

at least Oakland is NOT bankrupt.:cuckoo:

People like you only see what the lamestream media report always trying to make Vegas look like a great place to visit but they leave out the little details on these videos here that expose what a ghetto it REALLY is. :lmao::haha: as you can see in this first video,RENO would at least not be near as bad a place as vegas,the worst possible spot for a sports team.:lmao::haha:

and here is one from a vegas resident himself who exposes how it is so overhyped and overrated.:biggrin:

and of course you NEVER see Hollywood in their movies post what most the houses in vegas looks like as you see in these two videos video below because it tears down the my myth that vegas is all glitz and glamour. hollywood likes to sugarcoat it all and never talk about the REAL vegas

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oh and this person nailed it.dozens of people talk about the facts all the time how vegas has the worst education in the entire country.people drop out of high school at alarming rates there.

Do NOT move to Vegas bro. I've been here 7 years now and I'm leaving. The jobs are absolutely horrible and these companies will pay you the lowest they possibly can for salary. That's why our cost of living is so cheap here. I'm convinced they keep it that way for people to be able to work for the casinos for a garbage salary and still be able to live in an apartment or house. I'm a network engineer and the longest I've been able to hold a job here consistently is 12 months before getting laid off. The medical here is absolutely horrible. The first year I moved here a doctor in the health district infected hundreds of people with hepatitis because he just decided to reuse syringes for anesthesia before surgery. Don't move here if you have kids. Our schools are literally the worst in the entire country. These kids don't have a chance at a proper education of any kind unless they go to private school and college out of state. The homeless. There's a lot of them. The crime. I lived in L.A. for 28 years never dealt with much. Been here 7 years had my apartment broken into which was in a nice part of Vegas. Bought a house in Henderson and had my car broken into 2 weeks ago. Incredible. The only good thing about Vegas is it's real easy to hook up with girls out here. Don't expect any intellectual conversation at any time though, lol. This town is transient because people come here for a few years, and then once the smoke and mirrors wear off, they realize they're better off elsewhere.

you are thinking of what oakland USED to be like.I know people that live there and they prefer it over san francisco.

this hardly looks like a dump to me.:cuckoo:

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I could never fault anyone for wanting to leave two shit holes like Oakland and St. Louis.

Except contrary to your logic,vegas is FAR WORSE a shit hole than Oakland is.

You never been toOakland obviously other than the slum neighborhood that EVERY city has.:rolleyes:
Shiiiit, I grew up in California and have also lived in the Bay Area. Oakland, and it's lil curzin, Richmond are some pretty epic shit holes IMO. Statistically it is a perennial top 10 most violent city. Although O-Town is currently sitting at number 3 (1683/100K violent crime rate)...represent!..St. Louis (1780/100K) an equal shit hole, sits at #2. Las Vegas...not even in the top 25. Yeah..you can take the Oaky Doke bub.
The Most Dangerous Cities in America (2016)
Oakland - pg.3 (2017)
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I'm convinced they keep it that way for people to be able to work for the casinos for a garbage salary and still be able to live in an apartment or house. I'm a network engineer and the longest I've been able to hold a job here consistently is 12 months before getting laid off. The medical here is absolutely horrible.

"They" keep it that way because there is a huge local service economy. Service workers are generally low skilled and therefore paid a lower salary. Add the large influx of undocumented workers in the city driving down wages even further and...and...there you go.
Look dude...I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you decided to settle in adult Disneyland. You dont settle in Disneyland unless you're Mickey Mouse...or Penn and Teller.
As for going through jobs like potato chips. I have a theory on that too. People who are unsuccessful at employment are like those unsuccessful at relationships...after the third time, it might be you.
Good luck!
I could never fault anyone for wanting to leave two shit holes like Oakland and St. Louis.

Except contrary to your logic,vegas is FAR WORSE a shit hole than Oakland is.

You never been toOakland obviously other than the slum neighborhood that EVERY city has.:rolleyes:
Shiiiit, I grew up in California and have also lived in the Bay Area. Oakland, and it's lil curzin, Richmond are some pretty epic shit holes IMO. Statistically it is a perennial top 10 most violent city. Although O-Town is currently sitting at number 3 (1683/100K violent crime rate)...represent!..St. Louis (1780/100K) an equal shit hole, sits at #2. Las Vegas...not even in the top 25. Yeah..you can take the Oaky Doke bub.
The Most Dangerous Cities in America (2016)
Oakland - pg.3 (2017)

Except I have friends that live there and I visit once in a while and have been to vegas as well. Oakland has NOTHING on Vegas as a dump.

that link is not accurate,this one is.and the pics i posted dont lie either.lol.
oakland doesnt even crack the top ten.

10 Worst Places to Live in America

The report cited higher poverty and lower education can contribute to increased crime rates. Nevada's poverty rate is more than 16 percent. The Silver State has one of the lowest high school graduation rates in the country.
Nevada ranked 2nd in nation for violent crimes
a major part of that reason is VEGAS.:lmao:they dont call it SIN CITY for nothing.:rofl:

Like the article says so well,high poverty and low education contribute to increased crime rates.:biggrin: any person who has done serious research on vegas knows just what i said at the very beginning to be true,that they got the worst education in the country,bar none which leads to lots of crime that Oakland cant even hold a candle to them on.:lmao:

You are thinking of the past of the 80's and 90's,it is a thriving community that is much better since then.In fact one poster i know lives there in oakland as well and she prefers it over san francisco.that is because it is a thriving community now unlike in the past and growing all the time. :D Its not bankrupt with the worst school education in the country either.:D so you have them going from a place that has dirt on the floor and some maybe some trash into a dumpster.gotcha.:rofl:

so again,your logic is they should move from a dump to a worse dump.:haha:

you obviously had a hard time in oakland while you were there and things did not work out for you so you are bitter against oakland want to forget those hard time,i get that,but get your facts right. deal with it,vegas is a far bigger shithole.
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You are thinking of the past of the 80's and 90's,it is a thriving community that is much better since then.

:D Its not bankrupt with the worst school education in the country either.

Borenstein: Oakland city finances deteriorate in strong economy
you keep playing dodgebal on everything i post i see.:biggrin:sporry charlie my contacts in oakland no differently than that propaganda link there,for people like me who know better,that article is full of shit. sorry about your bad experience in oakland that you obviously cant let go.

you wont read the links of facts i post yet you expect me to look at that BS of yours?:cuckoo:
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one thing that IS factual about oakland is the police are just as much a piece of shit sorry ass human beings as mark davis is,now THAT is something that IS bad about oakland.

the biggest lie that has ever been forced down our throuts in our corrupt school system is that this is a free country that believe in free speech. free speech my ass. that is one reason WHY i wont support the corrupt NFL anymore is this below that is going on when patriotic raider fans take a stance against that asshole mark davis.

funny how the asshole police in oakland never cared when fans in oakland wore fuck the niners t shirts.:rolleyes: america sadly has become a banana republic and a facist dictatership.
Oakland sucks and deserves what they get

They lost the Raiders once because they refused to provide a modern stadium and are now shocked because the Raiders are leaving their 50 year old dump of a stadium
I wonder if this has really been agent wrongwinger i have been talking to all this time who just came on my thread and farted in it ,the biggest troll at USMB who has to LIE when he cant refute facts.hee hee.
I wonder if this has really been agent wrongwinger i have been talking to all this time who just came on my thread and farted in it ,the biggest troll at USMB who has to LIE when he cant refute facts.hee hee.
Damn.....is this guy my bitch or what?
still ANOTHER fart from you agent wrong winger after i took you to school here in all your posts before on this thread.:biggrin:

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