Nugent calls Obama subhuman mongel

Nothing like Clinton Foamer Wulf Blitzer criticizing someone in sunny Texas from his New York High Rise ivory tower. A mongrel is a dog that has sex with all breeds, and subhuman only means he doesn't measure up. Comparing Nugent to Hitler is so ridiculous, since Hitler was the leader of the popular socialist movement known as the NAZI Party.


Ted Nugent just isn't politically correct. According to Wulf Blitzer, it's okay if Clinton harassed women his spin room proclaimed to God and everybody as being bad girls and liars, when the facts forced Clinton to pay people whose civil rights he completely disregarded, plus he admitted to lying about Jennifer Flowers, who his Spin Room called every name in the book, orchestrated by Hillary Clinton, chief mudslinger and character assassin.

If President Obama had wanted a successful administration, he would have listened to both sides and quit being such a divider of this nation.

Some people are ready to go to war over the immorality Obama's administration has congealed against American integrity in order to gain popular support in his base of dubious means.

He has listened to both sides, Ms. Becki.

ObamaCare is an old Republican idea.
TARP was initiated by Republicans.
Cap and trade? Yeah, Republican.
He kept the Bush Tax cuts in place for quite some time.
The Grand Bargain? That was mostly Republican figures on cuts. And they walked away from it. And Obama agreed to Sequestration.
Obama kept many people from the Bush administration in his cabinet.
That's in addition to reaching out to them by having all sorts of social functions which many just didn't attend as an insult.
And that's after McConnell's unprecedented "mission statement" to make him a one term President.

Listening to both sides is what he did.

But one side didn't want anything to do with him.
Nugent's my favorite shit in your pants to avoid the draft, 13 year old throat fuckin, canned hunt rootin' tootin' shootin' Conservative.

He's the gift that keeps on giving.

He's everything Conservatives hold dear.

Some people may seem coarse who tell the truth, though.

"America the Beautiful" has a verse in it for Mr. Nugent, "May God thy gold refine."

Nobody's perfect. ;)

Not being perfect is one thing. Me? I am as far from perfect as you can get.

But being mean and nasty all the another thing entirely.

That..I don't do.
The Nazis used this term for the Jews. Even maybe RWers will walk away.


They'll suck it up.

Many on the right make a really damn good case for secession.

Let's give them Russia.

President Obama calls African-Americans a ‘mongrel people’

By Sam Youngman - 07/29/10 03:00 PM EDT

NEW YORK — President Obama waded into the national race debate in an unlikely setting and with an unusual choice of words: telling daytime talk show hosts that African-Americans are “sort of a mongrel people.”

The president appeared on ABC’s morning talk show “The View” Thursday, where he talked about the forced resignation of Agriculture Department official Shirley Sherrod, his experience with race and his roots.

President Obama calls African-Americans a ?mongrel people? | TheHill

The definition of mongrel as an adjective is defined as "of mixed breed, nature, or origin," according to

And this is why context is so important.

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WOW, that's breaking news from the Commie news network, (CNN)

Now our media isn't trying to STIR UP SHIT alright

Stay focused on the real things people..not this petty shit

Obama isn't a mongrel, he's a snake in the grass who lures you in with lies then he comes in for the bite

but mongrel fits too he's constantly nipping at our heels with his idiocy....if it weren't so dangerous it would be funny and we could kick it off our feet
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the poor Obots are going to have another cow (meltdown)

man they've had a couple herds already, must hurt:eek:

anyone know what a MONGEL IS?

Nugent calls Obama subhuman mongel

It can't be that bad


from google:
Did you mean: mongrel

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Some conservative is gonna complain that poopy pants draft dodger is the victim here in 5....4.....3.....

Regards from Rosie
Some conservative is gonna complain that poopy pants draft dodger is the victim here in 5....4.....3.....

Regards from Rosie

Most conservative could care less what Nugent has to say
that's reserved for liberals
WOW, that's breaking news from the Commie news network, (CNN)

Now our media isn't trying to STIR UP SHIT alright

Stay focused on the real things people..not this petty shit

Obama isn't a mongrel, he's a snake in the grass who lures you in with lies then he comes in for the bite

but mongrel fits too
Another despicable practitioner of dehumanism.

Dehumanization | Beyond Intractability
Michelle Maiese 

July 2003
What it Means to Dehumanize

Dehumanization is a psychological process whereby opponents view each other as less than human and thus not deserving of moral consideration. Jews in the eyes of Nazis and Tutsis in the eyes of Hutus (in the Rwandan genocide) are but two examples. Protracted conflict strains relationships and makes it difficult for parties to recognize that they are part of a shared human community. Such conditions often lead to feelings of intense hatred and alienation among conflicting parties. The more severe the conflict, the more the psychological distance between groups will widen. Eventually, this can result in moral exclusion. Those excluded are typically viewed as inferior, evil, or criminal.[1]

We typically think that all people have some basic human rights that should not be violated. Innocent people should not be murdered, raped, or tortured. Rather, international law suggests that they should be treated justly and fairly, with dignity and respect. They deserve to have their basic needs met, and to have some freedom to make autonomous decisions. In times of war, parties must take care to protect the lives of innocent civilians on the opposing side. Even those guilty of breaking the law should receive a fair trial, and should not be subject to any sort of cruel or unusual punishment.

However, for individuals viewed as outside the scope of morality and justice, "the concepts of deserving basic needs and fair treatment do not apply and can seem irrelevant."[2] Any harm that befalls such individuals seems warranted, and perhaps even morally justified. Those excluded from the scope of morality are typically perceived as psychologically distant, expendable, and deserving of treatment that would not be acceptable for those included in one's moral community. Common criteria for exclusion include ideology, skin color, and cognitive capacity. We typically dehumanize those whom we perceive as a threat to our well-being or values.[3]

Psychologically, it is necessary to categorize one's enemy as sub-human in order to legitimize increased violence or justify the violation of basic human rights. Moral exclusion reduces restraints against harming or exploiting certain groups of people. In severe cases, dehumanization makes the violation of generally accepted norms of behavior regarding one's fellow man seem reasonable, or even necessary.
WOW, that's breaking news from the Commie news network, (CNN)

Now our media isn't trying to STIR UP SHIT alright

Stay focused on the real things people..not this petty shit

Obama isn't a mongrel, he's a snake in the grass who lures you in with lies then he comes in for the bite

but mongrel fits too
Another despicable practitioner of dehumanism.

Dehumanization | Beyond Intractability
Michelle Maiese 

July 2003
What it Means to Dehumanize

Dehumanization is a psychological process whereby opponents view each other as less than human and thus not deserving of moral consideration. Jews in the eyes of Nazis and Tutsis in the eyes of Hutus (in the Rwandan genocide) are but two examples. Protracted conflict strains relationships and makes it difficult for parties to recognize that they are part of a shared human community. Such conditions often lead to feelings of intense hatred and alienation among conflicting parties. The more severe the conflict, the more the psychological distance between groups will widen. Eventually, this can result in moral exclusion. Those excluded are typically viewed as inferior, evil, or criminal.[1]

We typically think that all people have some basic human rights that should not be violated. Innocent people should not be murdered, raped, or tortured. Rather, international law suggests that they should be treated justly and fairly, with dignity and respect. They deserve to have their basic needs met, and to have some freedom to make autonomous decisions. In times of war, parties must take care to protect the lives of innocent civilians on the opposing side. Even those guilty of breaking the law should receive a fair trial, and should not be subject to any sort of cruel or unusual punishment.

However, for individuals viewed as outside the scope of morality and justice, "the concepts of deserving basic needs and fair treatment do not apply and can seem irrelevant."[2] Any harm that befalls such individuals seems warranted, and perhaps even morally justified. Those excluded from the scope of morality are typically perceived as psychologically distant, expendable, and deserving of treatment that would not be acceptable for those included in one's moral community. Common criteria for exclusion include ideology, skin color, and cognitive capacity. We typically dehumanize those whom we perceive as a threat to our well-being or values.[3]

Psychologically, it is necessary to categorize one's enemy as sub-human in order to legitimize increased violence or justify the violation of basic human rights. Moral exclusion reduces restraints against harming or exploiting certain groups of people. In severe cases, dehumanization makes the violation of generally accepted norms of behavior regarding one's fellow man seem reasonable, or even necessary.

Feel honored, they learned it all from you liberals and the Democrat party...You all wrote the BOOK on it...what party call's black conservatives, uncle toms, oreos, etc?
now go get some cheese
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the poor Obots are going to have another cow (meltdown)

man they've had a couple herds already, must hurt:eek:


Actually Step, it is wonderful that Teddy is one of yours. It just tells middle America whose side the nuckle draggers are on. Congrats! :clap2:
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All the millions of Americans including the military members that have been screwed over by Obama's policies, his hate for the Constitution and pathetic Presidency deserve to say and should have the right to say far far worse, such is free speech..
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Some conservative is gonna complain that poopy pants draft dodger is the victim here in 5....4.....3.....

Regards from Rosie

He is the victim in the sense that the FBI, Secret Service, and CIA have his name circled on every list that they have. Frigin Idiot!

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