not all people are bad

I never said that all blacks are bad. There's alot of successful blacks. ;) On the other hand, most of them don't speak out for better against their massive criminal element. And yes, there is a massive criminal element that we must deal with.
These GOOD blacks should care about the
-93% of 50% of all murders being black on black
-twice as many black on white murders per year.

Their silence paints them badly.
I speak out about it all the time and get labeled as a self-hating negro, traitor to my race, not really black, not really American, and more.

And you should hear what the white people call me.

Keep up the good work Carib Gyal...Wake more of your brothers up to reality and work to rebuild the community. Fuck all those leftist white bastards and idiots that choose to live in their own waste.
I never said that all blacks are bad. There's alot of successful blacks. ;) On the other hand, most of them don't speak out for better against their massive criminal element. And yes, there is a massive criminal element that we must deal with.
These GOOD blacks should care about the
-93% of 50% of all murders being black on black
-twice as many black on white murders per year.

Their silence paints them badly.
I speak out about it all the time and get labeled as a self-hating negro, traitor to my race, not really black, not really American, and more.

And you should hear what the white people call me.

Keep up the good work Carib Gyal...Wake more of your brothers up to reality and work to rebuild the community. Fuck all those leftist white bastards and idiots that choose to live in their own waste.
Yeah I don't really worry about it, and it's not just me. All of my people feel the same. It's just so much not something we talk about because it's like a childhood knowledge.

You know who keeps me on the straight and level? The Northerners before the Civil War. If they could feel that way about their brothers and sisters, so can we. :)
So you cant lump a whole race for the bad things a few do.

You're wrong. You can lump an entire race in to one group, we see that shit around this board every day now. A better argument would be that you shouldn't an entire race in to one group for the actions of a few.
So you cant lump a whole race for the bad things a few do.

You're wrong. You can lump an entire race in to one group, we see that shit around this board every day now. A better argument would be that you shouldn't an entire race in to one group for the actions of a few.

The way I read it (and write it), "can't" means "can't validly".

Obviously you can ask someone to "hand me that piano". That doesn't mean they can do it.
I never said that all blacks are bad. There's alot of successful blacks. ;) On the other hand, most of them don't speak out for better against their massive criminal element. And yes, there is a massive criminal element that we must deal with.

These GOOD blacks should care about the
-93% of 50% of all murders being black on black
-twice as many black on white murders per year.

Their silence paints them badly.

My you must be a busy guy to be able to keep up with "what all blacks say" in order to make that assessment.

And then you still find the time to post here. Lucky us.

Blacks have successful people , are excellent parents.Own their own homes and are living the American dream.So do white people they have bad people too. So you cant lump a whole race for the bad things a few do.I remember when whites were robbing banks killing each other with impunity,selling drugs on a very large scale. Just doing stupid things as well as Blacks.

Can we be honest here? If not here, where can we be honest? I was talking to my parents the other day about my racist cousin who was saying n*#*rs this and that. We don't agree with her or associate with her anymore. And she's such white trash how dare she have this attitude!

But I asked my dad, does he agree with her if instead of lumping all black people together, if she would have said "black societies in the inner cities/ghettos" instead of the N word? And he and I would agree with her. I hate it that there is so much crime and blight in the hoods of America. We should be ashamed. As a liberal, I know how this country has not been fair or equal with black people. I know MLK's dream hasn't been achieved yet even though we have a black president. I know there is still all kinds of racism at the top and that means blacks don't get hired, a fair shake in the courts, etc. I get and know all that. And I will continue to petition and vote for change.

But what are blacks going to do? Yes whites have crime, but not such extreme crime. We have poverty, but not such extreme poverty. We have illiteracy, but not such extreme illiteracy. We're not asking you to be perfect or better than us. Just be as good and we'd see much improvement. And blacks have to stop pointing fingers. If they want better communities they're going to have to do it DESPITE us white people. Trust me, if black culture cleans itself up it'll be like how MLK didn't fight back or Jackie Robinson. Have you ever heard a black man has to be twice as good as a white does to get just as far ahead? Look at Obama. He has been PERFECT his entire presidency and still they trash him everyday. But he hasn't given them any ammo. Blacks need to take his example. What can blacks do?

Stop having kids you can't afford. And stop having kids before marriage. We have way too many baby mammas and baby daddies in the hood. Do you disagree? Start teaching your kids english so that they can get a job one day. I went to a Detroit public school. If I were a black living in Detroit, I wouldn't have kids until I got out of the hood. Teach your kids to respect the cops. I heard a black guy on the radio the other day crying that he gets nervous when he sees a cop car and he's out driving. So do I? Welcome to reality. Have insurance, no pot in the car, no warrants, don't be speeding and if you are put under arrest, don't resist. Every incident we've seen on tv are incidences where young black men are resisting arrest.

P.S. The reason I came here today is a black told me to stop being a pussy and afraid of black people. I just heard police Napolitano in Detroit, a black guy, say "trust your judgement". If you sense something is wrong, be cautious. Sorry we don't naively go into Detroit gas stations and leave our cars running so someone can steal it. Or lock our doors when we see a black guy or black guys. We hear every day how they are killing and robbing each other in Detroit. It is rare for this to happen in the white burbs but an every day occurance in the hood. This has to stop. What are blacks going to do about it?

Now I have seen Detroit making steps in the right direction. Now that we have a white major and not a corrupt Qwami that black people re elected after knowing he was shady. Business is coming back to Detroit. Are young black men ready to interview? Be honest.

If you can't afford a baby ladies, look into wearing an IUD. Way more effective than a rubber and pills put together.

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