North Korea state TV airs footage of Trump saluting North Korean military officer

I was in the military, but we don't salute our adversaries military men...they salute us and we nod our heads and pass them by!
If a Russian officer passes you in uniform and you do not salute you can be brought up on charges just as if you didn't salute an American officer....

Cadet bone spurs is NOT in the military.

And he is NOT returning a salute.
I am not a Trump fan but this partisan politics has to stop. Any body remember mannors? Here we are at a meeting that is trying to strike a peace accord and the stupid american public thinks they can go into such a thing with out showing some mutual respect. On what fucking planet did you grow up on. Are you going to start a peace accord by telling the other party they are worthless peices of shit garnering no respect. Good luck with that strategy!

Remember though that progressives reject virtually anything traditional. To them, anything traditional is holding up progress no matter what subject you are talking about. To them all of the ways of the world should be changed.... we see it all the time with their obsession with social engineering. And when you look closely at a typical progressive, many tend to be social oddballs.... missed a lot of memos, particularly the men, in their formative years. It matters in diplomatic situations at high levels. Most progressive men, for example, cannot comprehend the social dynamics of what a "man's man" means. Men who understand the concept have no respect for men who don't..... I know that this type of man will do anything to avoid confrontation. A "man's man" just knows when he is in the presence of what is commonly referred to as a limpwrister. Subtle intimidation is a highly effective tactic used by men comfortable with confrontation when in the presence of a limpwrister.... has if the limp wrist or has APPEASER printed right across his forehead. Most conservative men know exactly what I'm talking about. Unlike Obama, President Trump clearly understands the dynamic.
Be carefull making those kinds of judgements, I am not the type to let my disatisfaction to be know in the presence of witnesses. Piss me off enough and you will see me when unexpected. Not all people tip their hand as to who they are! Both sides of the isle are all of a sudden against the other side no matter the situation. It is this kind of speak that enables it to continue. Right is right and wrong is wrong regardless of whether or not there is a D or an R in fron t of their name. Remember the silent guy may be silent because he has to much scrutiny on them, this does not mean they do noit take care of buisness.

Yep..... whatever you say s0n!

Frankly, the division between sides needs to get far nastier. It is imminent and cant happen fast enough for my liking. Those on the right have finally taken two poking people on the left in the eye.... the aggression needs to increase tenfold.:up:
well since the left hates guns what are they going to do? block traffic in protest?
That's a little awkward. haha

Typical military protocol.
It is not typical protocol. That's a lie you literally just made up, in order to be a human shield for your special little orange man

What to Know About the US Military Salute
That's a little awkward. haha

Typical military protocol.
It is not typical protocol. That's a lie you literally just made up, in order to be a human shield for your special little orange man

What to Know About the US Military Salute

From your link...

Persons Entitled to a Salute
  • The President of the United States (Commander-in-Chief)
  • Commissioned Officers and Warrant Officers
  • Any Medal of Honor Recipient
  • Officers of Friendly Foreign Countries

I suppose it's alright if we're calling North Korea our friends now, though I still think it's weird for the POTUS to salute foreign officers.
Everyone knew that NK's media was going to pour over every frame of video to use for propaganda.
So what?
Who cares?

Nope but I just noticed Trump touched Kim 5 times just this video alone.

What is that even supposed to mean?
The left is underplaying everything that is good and possible here and overplaying the hell out of anything they can find no matter how absurdly unimportant.
Not one of you understood the submissive gesture Kim made when he was the first to cross the line to meet SK's President. It was unbelievable. You are talking about a regime whose leaders demand their population to see them as a God. Kim sees himself as a sublime being. For him to make a submissive gesture to their greatest enemy is historic in and of itself.
Throughout this entire thing, Kim has consistently placed himself in a secondary role. Unheard of.
If at any time there is a possibility for this regime to change it's behavior - it is now. We have never seen this kind of uncharacteristic cooperation and submissive gestures for 60 years.
And you people just can't accept it isn't Obama making it happen.
That's a little awkward. haha

Typical military protocol.
It is not typical protocol. That's a lie you literally just made up, in order to be a human shield for your special little orange man

What to Know About the US Military Salute

From your link...

Persons Entitled to a Salute
  • The President of the United States (Commander-in-Chief)
  • Commissioned Officers and Warrant Officers
  • Any Medal of Honor Recipient
  • Officers of Friendly Foreign Countries

I suppose it's alright if we're calling North Korea our friends now, though I still think it's weird for the POTUS to salute foreign officers.

Also -

Any military person recognizing a need to salute or a need to return one may do so anywhere at any time.

While Trump is of course a civilian, he as CinC has the option. In that circumstance, it was a combo of politeness and additional buttering-up.
What I read into the video is that it had to be a nerve racking moment for the North Korean officer with Kim being there. You know, one false move and its the firing squad within the next few days. I was glad to see Trump put the situation at ease. Even more glad that upon his arrival back to the states he isn't demanding those silly 10 gallon military peaked caps the Koreans wear.
The soldier saluted him. Its decency to salute him back. If you have ever served in the army, the inferior ranked soldier salutes first and that's what the Korean soldier did. People making big deal out of this are grasping at straws that its almost pathetic at this point.
I don't think it's that big of a deal, but that general obviously wanted to shake hands with him from what I see in the photo. Which is why I find it funny.

Although I watched the video, you're right, the general does salute first.
So I watched the video....I am underwhelmed.
As one would expect, NK's government media is going to do what they always do....propagandize everything.
Which means nothing.
However, what is more telling, is that OUR media is going to do what they always do...politicize everything.
Which means everything.
Now you are going to have to look it up and post it because the USMJ specifically refers to officers of a friendly nation.

No it does not...Its any uniformed officer...don't you have a grandfather or someone that can set you straight? lmao "friendly nation" LMFAO
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Now you are going to have to look it up and post it because the USMJ specifically refers to officers of a friendly nation.

No it does not...Its any uniformed officer...don't you have a grandfather or someone that can set you straight? lmao "friendly nation" LMFAO
I notice you have not posted any of the USMJ claims you have made. If you did your research you would discover my comment about "friendly nation" is correct.

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