North Korea state TV airs footage of Trump saluting North Korean military officer

So thanks guys for proving my point. Trump supporters don't care.

Another pass for Don the con.
If this was fukin Obama, all of conservative world would have this shit run 2000000000 hours a day!!
Neither has Trump served in he military. He dodged the draft 5 times.
Trump is in the military now dummy...he is the commander and chief....and when you are in the US military and you are saluted by a uniformed soldier from any nation you are to return that salute...look it up...UCMJ....uniformed code of military justice..... than feel stupid for not looking it up before you posted your hate Trump nonsense....
If this was fukin Obama, all of conservative world would have this shit run 2000000000 hours a day!!

This is exactly my point. Fox News would be losing their shit. Alex Jones would be be in full conspiracy melt down mode with his hard breathing and sweating.
I was in the military, but we don't salute our adversaries military men...they salute us and we nod our heads and pass them by!
If a Russian officer passes you in uniform and you do not salute you can be brought up on charges just as if you didn't salute an American officer....
Protocol to salute a general of the regime that killed 40k Americans? You've lost your mind. Get off your knees and think.
Look it up UCMJ....a uninformed officer is to be saluted matter where he is from or what army he serves in...
This is what desperate looks like.
Keep it up are sewing the election up for Trump, adding a stitch everyday.

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