North Korea has the Hydrogen bomb~thanks Bill Clinton

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Does this sound familiar??????

The Clinton Nuclear Deal with Pyongyang: Road Map to Progress or Dead End Street?

November 4,1994
"This U.S.-North Korean agreement will help to achieve a long-standing and vital American objective: an end to the threat of nuclear proliferation on the Korean peninsula." -President Bill Clinton

"Ten years from now, we'll know whether we did the right thing." -Anonymous U.S. government official

Kim Jong Un claims North Korea has a hydrogen bomb

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un claimed his scientists have developed a hydrogen bomb, state media reported Thursday, in a boast immediately met with skepticism by experts.
Kim said his family "turned the DPRK into a powerful nuclear weapons state ready to detonate a self-reliant A-bomb and H-bomb to reliably defend its sovereignty and the dignity of the nation", the official KCNA news agency reported, according to Sky News.
The claim was made while Kim was visiting the Phyongchon Revolutionary Site, a museum dedicated to his grandfather Kim Il Sung.
It came hours before the U.N. Security Council was scheduled to meet to address the dire situation in North Korea.
Hydrogen bombs, also known as thermonuclear bombs, can unleash a far more powerful blast than an atomic bomb, but South Korea’s intelligence agency said there is no evidence that North Korea has the technology to make one.
"I think it's unlikely that they have an H-bomb at the moment, but I don't expect them to keep testing basic devices indefinitely either," Jeffrey Lewis, from the California-based Middlebury Institute of International Studies, told Sky News.
North Korea claimed five years ago that it had successfully developed fusion technology needed to make a hydrogen bomb. The reclusive country claims it has already tested three atomic bombs and has successfully miniaturized a nuclear warhead to mount on a ballistic missile
It was the best from a set of bad options. Sometimes there aren't better alternatives. What precisely would you have done?
Does this sound familiar??????

The Clinton Nuclear Deal with Pyongyang: Road Map to Progress or Dead End Street?

November 4,1994
"This U.S.-North Korean agreement will help to achieve a long-standing and vital American objective: an end to the threat of nuclear proliferation on the Korean peninsula." -President Bill Clinton

"Ten years from now, we'll know whether we did the right thing." -Anonymous U.S. government official

Kim Jong Un claims North Korea has a hydrogen bomb

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un claimed his scientists have developed a hydrogen bomb, state media reported Thursday, in a boast immediately met with skepticism by experts.
Kim said his family "turned the DPRK into a powerful nuclear weapons state ready to detonate a self-reliant A-bomb and H-bomb to reliably defend its sovereignty and the dignity of the nation", the official KCNA news agency reported, according to Sky News.
The claim was made while Kim was visiting the Phyongchon Revolutionary Site, a museum dedicated to his grandfather Kim Il Sung.
It came hours before the U.N. Security Council was scheduled to meet to address the dire situation in North Korea.
Hydrogen bombs, also known as thermonuclear bombs, can unleash a far more powerful blast than an atomic bomb, but South Korea’s intelligence agency said there is no evidence that North Korea has the technology to make one.
"I think it's unlikely that they have an H-bomb at the moment, but I don't expect them to keep testing basic devices indefinitely either," Jeffrey Lewis, from the California-based Middlebury Institute of International Studies, told Sky News.
North Korea claimed five years ago that it had successfully developed fusion technology needed to make a hydrogen bomb. The reclusive country claims it has already tested three atomic bombs and has successfully miniaturized a nuclear warhead to mount on a ballistic missile

And you believe the North Koreans?
Does this sound familiar??????

The Clinton Nuclear Deal with Pyongyang: Road Map to Progress or Dead End Street?

November 4,1994
"This U.S.-North Korean agreement will help to achieve a long-standing and vital American objective: an end to the threat of nuclear proliferation on the Korean peninsula." -President Bill Clinton

"Ten years from now, we'll know whether we did the right thing." -Anonymous U.S. government official

Kim Jong Un claims North Korea has a hydrogen bomb

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un claimed his scientists have developed a hydrogen bomb, state media reported Thursday, in a boast immediately met with skepticism by experts.
Kim said his family "turned the DPRK into a powerful nuclear weapons state ready to detonate a self-reliant A-bomb and H-bomb to reliably defend its sovereignty and the dignity of the nation", the official KCNA news agency reported, according to Sky News.
The claim was made while Kim was visiting the Phyongchon Revolutionary Site, a museum dedicated to his grandfather Kim Il Sung.
It came hours before the U.N. Security Council was scheduled to meet to address the dire situation in North Korea.
Hydrogen bombs, also known as thermonuclear bombs, can unleash a far more powerful blast than an atomic bomb, but South Korea’s intelligence agency said there is no evidence that North Korea has the technology to make one.
"I think it's unlikely that they have an H-bomb at the moment, but I don't expect them to keep testing basic devices indefinitely either," Jeffrey Lewis, from the California-based Middlebury Institute of International Studies, told Sky News.
North Korea claimed five years ago that it had successfully developed fusion technology needed to make a hydrogen bomb. The reclusive country claims it has already tested three atomic bombs and has successfully miniaturized a nuclear warhead to mount on a ballistic missile

And you believe the North Koreans?

That's not the point, history will repeat itself with Obama's deal with Iran
Probably could add it to the list of failed progressive ideas..
Does this sound familiar??????

The Clinton Nuclear Deal with Pyongyang: Road Map to Progress or Dead End Street?

November 4,1994
"This U.S.-North Korean agreement will help to achieve a long-standing and vital American objective: an end to the threat of nuclear proliferation on the Korean peninsula." -President Bill Clinton

"Ten years from now, we'll know whether we did the right thing." -Anonymous U.S. government official

Kim Jong Un claims North Korea has a hydrogen bomb

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un claimed his scientists have developed a hydrogen bomb, state media reported Thursday, in a boast immediately met with skepticism by experts.
Kim said his family "turned the DPRK into a powerful nuclear weapons state ready to detonate a self-reliant A-bomb and H-bomb to reliably defend its sovereignty and the dignity of the nation", the official KCNA news agency reported, according to Sky News.
The claim was made while Kim was visiting the Phyongchon Revolutionary Site, a museum dedicated to his grandfather Kim Il Sung.
It came hours before the U.N. Security Council was scheduled to meet to address the dire situation in North Korea.
Hydrogen bombs, also known as thermonuclear bombs, can unleash a far more powerful blast than an atomic bomb, but South Korea’s intelligence agency said there is no evidence that North Korea has the technology to make one.
"I think it's unlikely that they have an H-bomb at the moment, but I don't expect them to keep testing basic devices indefinitely either," Jeffrey Lewis, from the California-based Middlebury Institute of International Studies, told Sky News.
North Korea claimed five years ago that it had successfully developed fusion technology needed to make a hydrogen bomb. The reclusive country claims it has already tested three atomic bombs and has successfully miniaturized a nuclear warhead to mount on a ballistic missile

And you believe the North Koreans?

That's not the point, history will repeat itself with Obama's deal with Iran

Well, then. I guess perpetual war is the only answer. It has worked so well for us in the last 15 years.
North Korea didn't have a nuclear bomb until Bush became president.

Iran didn't have a single working centrifuge when Bush became president but had many thousands when he left office.

So that means it's Clinton's and Obama's fault.
yeah, well they also claimed that the last dear leader didn't piss or shit and could control the weather, among other weird-ass shit, and the latest kook at the wheel there claimed to have developed a drug to cure AIDS so I have some doubts about their bomb claim.

Clinton got duped, just as Obama has by the Iranians. Those nations got breathing space and economic lifts that they badly needed in both cases, the west got empty promises to not develop nukes.

DPRK has claimed to have tested nukes, and I have little doubt that the Iranians are still running down that path as well.

more on similarities between the deals here:

Iran nuke deal parallels Bill Clinton’s failed N. Korea strategy
Is So. Korea really skeptical?...

South Korea skeptical of North's hydrogen bomb claims
Jan. 6, 2016 -- The probability North Korea conducted a hydrogen bomb test is low, South Korea military and intelligence officials said Wednesday, after Pyongyang announced it had successfully tested a hydrogen bomb.
The magnitude of the seismic activity is too weak, South Korean television network MBC reported. According to Seoul's National Intelligence Service, "There is a possibility a hydrogen bomb test was not conducted, judging by the size of the quake," after seismic monitors detected a 5.1 tremor near the Punggye-ri test site near the China border. Hydrogen bombs are hundred times more powerful than other nuclear weapons, and even if the test fails, any experiment would emit several dozens of kilotons of energy into the atmosphere. But according to Seoul, North Korea's most recent test emitted about 6.0 kilotons of nuclear power, an amount well below the estimated 7.9 kilotons of power that was emitted during North Korea's third test in 2013.


South Korea military and intelligence officials said the probability North Korea conducted a hydrogen bomb test is low after Pyongyang announced it had successfully tested a hydrogen bomb.​

In Washington, White House officials condemned the North Korea test. National Security spokesman Ned Price told Yonhap that while the North's claims of a test could not be verified, the United States condemns any test that is a violation of United Nations Security Council resolutions. The North's provocative announcement was equally condemned in China, where Beijing Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said China was not warned in advance of the test – unlike previous cases when Pyongyang conducted nuclear experiments, South Korean newspaper Hankyoreh reported. There is a growing possibility more sanctions could be imposed on North Korea, as was the case in March 2013, when the Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 2094.

A U.N. official who spoke to South Korea press on the condition of anonymity said it is difficult to conclude what actions could be taken, but most likely any new sanctions would target North Korea's weapons and financial transactions. The Security Council called an emergency meeting for Wednesday. North Korea also has been testing a submarine-launched ballistic missile, Yonhap reported. Pyongyang was able to test-launch a SLBM in December, off the eastern coast of the Korean peninsula, an unidentified South Korean government official said, adding the North continues to test SLBMs. The official did not say whether a submarine was used in the most recent SLBM test.

South Korea skeptical of North's hydrogen bomb claims -

See also:

South Korea seeks U.S. strategic weapons after North's nuclear test
Thu Jan 7, 2016 - South Korea is in talks with the United States to deploy U.S. strategic weapons on the Korean peninsula, a South Korean military official said on Thursday, a day after North Korea said it successfully tested a hydrogen nuclear device.
South Korea also said it would resume propaganda broadcasts by loudspeaker into North Korea from Friday, which is likely to infuriate its isolated rival, in response to its fourth nuclear test. The United States and weapons experts voiced doubts the device North Korea tested on Wednesday was a hydrogen bomb, but calls mounted for more sanctions against it for its rogue nuclear program. The underground explosion angered China, which was not given prior notice although it is North Korea's main ally, pointing to a strain in their ties.


Ko Yun-hwa (L), Administrator of Korea Meteorological Administration, points at where seismic waves observed in South Korea came from, during a media briefing at Korea Meteorological Administration in Seoul, South Korea​

The test also alarmed Japan. Its prime minister, Shinzo Abe, agreed with U.S. President Barack Obama in a telephone call that a firm global response was needed, the White House said. Obama also spoke to President Park Geun-hye of South Korea to discuss options. A South Korean military official told Reuters the two countries had discussed the deployment of U.S. strategic assets on the divided Korean peninsula, but declined to give further details.

After North Korea last tested a nuclear device, in 2013, Washington sent a pair of nuclear-capable B-2 stealth bombers on a sortie over South Korea in a show of force. At the time, North Korea responded by threatening a nuclear strike on the United States. South Korea, technically in a state of war against the North, said it was not considering a nuclear deterrent of its own, despite calls from ruling party leaders. The United States is highly unlikely to restore the tactical nuclear missiles it removed from South Korea in 1991, experts said. The test was a "grave violation" of an August agreement by the two Koreas to ease tension and improve ties, a South Korean national security official, Cho Tae-yong, said in a statement.

Does this sound familiar??????

The Clinton Nuclear Deal with Pyongyang: Road Map to Progress or Dead End Street?

November 4,1994
"This U.S.-North Korean agreement will help to achieve a long-standing and vital American objective: an end to the threat of nuclear proliferation on the Korean peninsula." -President Bill Clinton

"Ten years from now, we'll know whether we did the right thing." -Anonymous U.S. government official

Kim Jong Un claims North Korea has a hydrogen bomb

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un claimed his scientists have developed a hydrogen bomb, state media reported Thursday, in a boast immediately met with skepticism by experts.
Kim said his family "turned the DPRK into a powerful nuclear weapons state ready to detonate a self-reliant A-bomb and H-bomb to reliably defend its sovereignty and the dignity of the nation", the official KCNA news agency reported, according to Sky News.
The claim was made while Kim was visiting the Phyongchon Revolutionary Site, a museum dedicated to his grandfather Kim Il Sung.
It came hours before the U.N. Security Council was scheduled to meet to address the dire situation in North Korea.
Hydrogen bombs, also known as thermonuclear bombs, can unleash a far more powerful blast than an atomic bomb, but South Korea’s intelligence agency said there is no evidence that North Korea has the technology to make one.
"I think it's unlikely that they have an H-bomb at the moment, but I don't expect them to keep testing basic devices indefinitely either," Jeffrey Lewis, from the California-based Middlebury Institute of International Studies, told Sky News.
North Korea claimed five years ago that it had successfully developed fusion technology needed to make a hydrogen bomb. The reclusive country claims it has already tested three atomic bombs and has successfully miniaturized a nuclear warhead to mount on a ballistic missile

Just like Obama's 'tight man deal' with his terrorist army in Iran

AND, NK has conducted more nuke test under Obama than any other Prez, You know why, because they know Obama is to busy getting mad at Americans than those abroad who wish to exterminate us

It was the best from a set of bad options. Sometimes there aren't better alternatives. What precisely would you have done?

What eventually will have to be done. Kicking the can down the road to our kids isn't right

Does this sound familiar??????

The Clinton Nuclear Deal with Pyongyang: Road Map to Progress or Dead End Street?

November 4,1994
"This U.S.-North Korean agreement will help to achieve a long-standing and vital American objective: an end to the threat of nuclear proliferation on the Korean peninsula." -President Bill Clinton

"Ten years from now, we'll know whether we did the right thing." -Anonymous U.S. government official

Kim Jong Un claims North Korea has a hydrogen bomb

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un claimed his scientists have developed a hydrogen bomb, state media reported Thursday, in a boast immediately met with skepticism by experts.
Kim said his family "turned the DPRK into a powerful nuclear weapons state ready to detonate a self-reliant A-bomb and H-bomb to reliably defend its sovereignty and the dignity of the nation", the official KCNA news agency reported, according to Sky News.
The claim was made while Kim was visiting the Phyongchon Revolutionary Site, a museum dedicated to his grandfather Kim Il Sung.
It came hours before the U.N. Security Council was scheduled to meet to address the dire situation in North Korea.
Hydrogen bombs, also known as thermonuclear bombs, can unleash a far more powerful blast than an atomic bomb, but South Korea’s intelligence agency said there is no evidence that North Korea has the technology to make one.
"I think it's unlikely that they have an H-bomb at the moment, but I don't expect them to keep testing basic devices indefinitely either," Jeffrey Lewis, from the California-based Middlebury Institute of International Studies, told Sky News.
North Korea claimed five years ago that it had successfully developed fusion technology needed to make a hydrogen bomb. The reclusive country claims it has already tested three atomic bombs and has successfully miniaturized a nuclear warhead to mount on a ballistic missile

And you believe the North Koreans?

Should we believe the Iranians? Obama does,, just like Clinton did

While I believe that NK might have or are very close to having a nuclear weapon AND I believe that it was completely stupid for Clinton to have given the NKs a nuclear power plant / uranium, (and I can't believe I am saying this) I don't think Slick Willey is altogether to blame for NK having a nuke. NK has been working with both China and Iran in the past to obtain uranium and nuclear technology.

IF NK does indeed possess such a bomb we CAN effect quite a bit of influence in the right place to see that such a weapon is taken out of their hands. Case in point, should we impress upon China that thanks to NK having such a weapon we will now be putting nuclear missiles on the southern tip of South Korea, a 5 minute flight time from China, I believe China would quickly intervene into NK's business.
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un claimed his scientists..."

and exactly where did those "scientists" get their education to do that?? i will bet they attended Americas universities/colleges. just like all our enemies have done for a hundred years or more. i saw a movie several years ago where a Jap officer told an American soldier, "i was educated at UCLA" :up:

what say you all??
Where do you think we got the knowledge to build out nuclear weapon....we brought in German scientists, as a start. Shite happens...

Nuclear war is inevitable, especially since dumbasses like Obama act as enablers for terrorists and insane regimes like Iran to acquire nukes.
Does this sound familiar??????

The Clinton Nuclear Deal with Pyongyang: Road Map to Progress or Dead End Street?

November 4,1994
"This U.S.-North Korean agreement will help to achieve a long-standing and vital American objective: an end to the threat of nuclear proliferation on the Korean peninsula." -President Bill Clinton

"Ten years from now, we'll know whether we did the right thing." -Anonymous U.S. government official

Kim Jong Un claims North Korea has a hydrogen bomb

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un claimed his scientists have developed a hydrogen bomb, state media reported Thursday, in a boast immediately met with skepticism by experts.
Kim said his family "turned the DPRK into a powerful nuclear weapons state ready to detonate a self-reliant A-bomb and H-bomb to reliably defend its sovereignty and the dignity of the nation", the official KCNA news agency reported, according to Sky News.
The claim was made while Kim was visiting the Phyongchon Revolutionary Site, a museum dedicated to his grandfather Kim Il Sung.
It came hours before the U.N. Security Council was scheduled to meet to address the dire situation in North Korea.
Hydrogen bombs, also known as thermonuclear bombs, can unleash a far more powerful blast than an atomic bomb, but South Korea’s intelligence agency said there is no evidence that North Korea has the technology to make one.
"I think it's unlikely that they have an H-bomb at the moment, but I don't expect them to keep testing basic devices indefinitely either," Jeffrey Lewis, from the California-based Middlebury Institute of International Studies, told Sky News.
North Korea claimed five years ago that it had successfully developed fusion technology needed to make a hydrogen bomb. The reclusive country claims it has already tested three atomic bombs and has successfully miniaturized a nuclear warhead to mount on a ballistic missile
Typical progressives, appeasement is in their blood...
North Korea didn't have a nuclear bomb until Bush became president.

Iran didn't have a single working centrifuge when Bush became president but had many thousands when he left office.

So that means it's Clinton's and Obama's fault.

Well, yeah but...but....

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