Nolte: Impeachment Proves Nancy Pelosi Is an Idiot


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Mar 19, 2018

Nolte: Impeachment Proves Nancy Pelosi Is an Idiot

John Nolte1 Feb 2020


For more than a decade the media have told us House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is some kind of master strategist. Oh, yes, President Trump has met his match in Madam Pelosiā€¦

Me? Well, Iā€™ve always found her to be something closer to an idiot. But even with my low opinion of her, never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined she would botch this impeachment as badly as she did.

Seriouslyā€¦ wow.


Pelosiā€™s impeachment ā€œstrategyā€ baffles me beyond words, because I see no strategy. In fact, when I close my eyes and attempt to picture Pelosiā€™s impeachment strategy, I see Brian Stelter giggling as he tries to snatch a pork chop away from a ravenous Rosie Oā€™Donnell. In other words, no strategy, just impulse and appetite that cannot end well.

Forget your biases, your own beliefs, your likes or dislike of those involved, and ask yourself what in the world Pelosi was thinking as I tick through theseā€¦

  1. Impeaching the President with No Crime
The questions surrounding Joe Bidenā€™s corruption in Ukraine are not only legitimate, Trump has a responsibility to look into it. Pelosi impeached him for something that was not only not a crime, it wasnā€™t even unethical.

  1. Impeaching the President for Asking for a Judicial Ruling
Every defendant in the country has the right to go to court to challenge every aspect of the prosecutionā€™s case, from witnesses to search warrants to document requests, and so onā€¦ This is the backbone of our legal system. Trump was perfectly within his rights ā€” legally and with regard to historical impeachment precedent ā€” to go to court for a judicial ruling on the issue of subpoenas and documents ā€¦ and this dizzy broad impeached him for it.

Thatā€™s not a strategy. Thatā€™s insanity.



She is an idiot, she did never show any actual laws being broken, not mentioned at all in the charges. She ran an evidence free impeachment show, that is truly idiotic.

How can any miserable lefticrats follow that stupid idea that Trump committed impeachable offences, when Ukraine stated a number of times, there were no pressure, didn't know that aid was paused for a time and that there were no actual Quid pro quo.

Ukraine got their aid in the allotted time frame, with ADDITIONAL military hardware on top of it for free....., that doesn't sound like sour grapes to me.....
More evidence that Nancy is an idiot.


Nancy Pelosi Attacks Trumpā€™s Lawyers, Suggests They Should Be Disbarred

Nate Church 30 Jan 2020


Speaker Nancy Pelosi railed against President Donald Trumpā€™s legal team on Thursday, asking ā€œhow they can retain their lawyer status.ā€

ā€œI donā€™t know how they can retain their lawyer status, in the comments that theyā€™re making,ā€ Pelosi told reporters on Thursday afternoon.

ā€œSome of them are even lawyers,ā€ Pelosi said, castigating the idea in a statement to D.C. journalists:



The miserable woman doesn't claim any laws are broken, just a substance less rant is what she offered, nothing more.
Yet more evidence that she is an idiot!


Pelosi: Trump Wonā€™t ā€˜Be Acquittedā€™ Without Witnesses

Pam Key 30 Jan 2020


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) told reporters on Thursday that President Donald Trump would not be acquitted if the impeachment trial does not include witnesses and documents.

Pelosi said, ā€œHe will not be acquitted. He cannot be acquitted if you donā€™t have a trial. If you donā€™t have a trial, if you donā€™t have witnesses and documentation and that.



She is pure trash at this point, the idiot seems to forget there was a trial after all, based on the "witnesses and documents" gathered up from the House Investigation committee.
You know when she totally lost it? When he stopped their trip to Brussels a year ago.
Here is another one showing that Pelosi is a proven IDIOT!


Dershowitz: Pelosi Is Wrong, ā€˜Impeachment Disappearsā€™ If President Is Acquitted

Ian Hanchett 21 Jan 2020


On Tuesdayā€™s broadcast of the Fox News Channelā€™s ā€œHannity,ā€ Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, who will be part of President Trumpā€™s impeachment legal defense team, pushed back against Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosiā€™s (D-CA) statements that impeachment is forever by stating that impeachment ā€œis only a grand jury presentmentā€ and ā€œdisappearsā€ upon acquittal, just like an indictment does if someone is acquitted at trial. Dershowitz also argued that if you believe that impeachment is permanent, that means that House impeachment proceedings then require ā€œfull due process. You need an adversarial system.ā€

Dershowitz said, ā€œNancy Pelosi doesnā€™t understand what impeachment is. What she has said is even if the presidentā€™s acquitted, the impeachment stands. No. Thatā€™s like saying that if a person is indicted and the jury acquits 12-0 in five minutes, heā€™s still indicted. No. The impeachment disappears. The impeachment is only a grand jury presentment.ā€



She is a partisan hack, spouting numerous insane babbling crap, the woman needs to retire and go home,
The proof that pelosi mis-played the impeachment is quite vivid.

The completely crazy thing is that when she was standing for Speaker, one of the big reasons her supporters voted for her was the supposed master strategist she was.

Here is what I said after the DEMs won the House...
Well, there's that and the pick ups in both Houses. Still, I think the Democrats need another clinton figure. Basically triangulate the best ideas from both sides; wind up in the middle and sell it.

As I've said 3 or 4 times in the past, the Pelosi brand of liberalism is the last thing the Democrats should be highlighting.
How do we know the impeachment gambit was a bad move? No sane person, or an idiot (Nancy) expected Trump to be removed thru impeachment. The goal was always to win politically, and we wonā€™t see those results until November.
You know when she totally lost it? When he stopped their trip to Brussels a year ago.
Is there really any value in determining exactly the moment these bitter, petulant twits and twats lose their minds? I mean, isn't it good enough just to recognize it?

James Carville rips elitist media, says Dems are 'losing our damn minds'

The problem is that the dems don't have any Carvilles left in leadership.
Guys like him have been replaced by "the squad".

Nolte: Impeachment Proves Nancy Pelosi Is an Idiot

John Nolte1 Feb 2020


For more than a decade the media have told us House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is some kind of master strategist. Oh, yes, President Trump has met his match in Madam Pelosiā€¦

Me? Well, Iā€™ve always found her to be something closer to an idiot. But even with my low opinion of her, never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined she would botch this impeachment as badly as she did.

Seriouslyā€¦ wow.


Pelosiā€™s impeachment ā€œstrategyā€ baffles me beyond words, because I see no strategy. In fact, when I close my eyes and attempt to picture Pelosiā€™s impeachment strategy, I see Brian Stelter giggling as he tries to snatch a pork chop away from a ravenous Rosie Oā€™Donnell. In other words, no strategy, just impulse and appetite that cannot end well.

Forget your biases, your own beliefs, your likes or dislike of those involved, and ask yourself what in the world Pelosi was thinking as I tick through theseā€¦

  1. Impeaching the President with No Crime
The questions surrounding Joe Bidenā€™s corruption in Ukraine are not only legitimate, Trump has a responsibility to look into it. Pelosi impeached him for something that was not only not a crime, it wasnā€™t even unethical.

  1. Impeaching the President for Asking for a Judicial Ruling
Every defendant in the country has the right to go to court to challenge every aspect of the prosecutionā€™s case, from witnesses to search warrants to document requests, and so onā€¦ This is the backbone of our legal system. Trump was perfectly within his rights ā€” legally and with regard to historical impeachment precedent ā€” to go to court for a judicial ruling on the issue of subpoenas and documents ā€¦ and this dizzy broad impeached him for it.

Thatā€™s not a strategy. Thatā€™s insanity.



She is an idiot, she did never show any actual laws being broken, not mentioned at all in the charges. She ran an evidence free impeachment show, that is truly idiotic.

How can any miserable lefticrats follow that stupid idea that Trump committed impeachable offences, when Ukraine stated a number of times, there were no pressure, didn't know that aid was paused for a time and that there were no actual Quid pro quo.

Ukraine got their aid in the allotted time frame, with ADDITIONAL military hardware on top of it for free....., that doesn't sound like sour grapes to me.....
Some idiot. She's been head of the House Dems for decades and is 3rd in line for the Presidency. One of only 3 women and the only one not appointed. Where are you in the succession? Just because she doesn't share your values doesn't make her an idiot.
How do we know the impeachment gambit was a bad move? No sane person, or an idiot (Nancy) expected Trump to be removed thru impeachment. The goal was always to win politically, and we wonā€™t see those results until November.
Is this what the founding fathers envisioned?
Since they instituted the electoral college to protect smaller states one can safely say that yes
This is exactly what they envisioned

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
How do we know the impeachment gambit was a bad move? No sane person, or an idiot (Nancy) expected Trump to be removed thru impeachment. The goal was always to win politically, and we wonā€™t see those results until November.
Is this what the founding fathers envisioned?
Since they instituted the electoral college to protect smaller states one can safely say that yes
This is exactly what they envisioned

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

So the next time that there is a dem president, and a GOP House, you can expect that ANY excuse would be used to impeach the president just for payback.
I do NOT believe that the (lovely) lady is an "idiot."

She is simply an exemplary case of what Secretary Clinton decried during the 2016 campaign: white privilege.

She is a mediocre legislator who was elected Speaker in order to prove that Dems respect women.

She loves the perks of the job so much (e.g., her own jet to fly home for facial retouching) that she caved to the Squad's demand for impeachment.

She is just a pathetic old woman.

Nolte: Impeachment Proves Nancy Pelosi Is an Idiot

John Nolte1 Feb 2020


For more than a decade the media have told us House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is some kind of master strategist. Oh, yes, President Trump has met his match in Madam Pelosiā€¦

Me? Well, Iā€™ve always found her to be something closer to an idiot. But even with my low opinion of her, never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined she would botch this impeachment as badly as she did.

Seriouslyā€¦ wow.


Pelosiā€™s impeachment ā€œstrategyā€ baffles me beyond words, because I see no strategy. In fact, when I close my eyes and attempt to picture Pelosiā€™s impeachment strategy, I see Brian Stelter giggling as he tries to snatch a pork chop away from a ravenous Rosie Oā€™Donnell. In other words, no strategy, just impulse and appetite that cannot end well.

Forget your biases, your own beliefs, your likes or dislike of those involved, and ask yourself what in the world Pelosi was thinking as I tick through theseā€¦

  1. Impeaching the President with No Crime
The questions surrounding Joe Bidenā€™s corruption in Ukraine are not only legitimate, Trump has a responsibility to look into it. Pelosi impeached him for something that was not only not a crime, it wasnā€™t even unethical.

  1. Impeaching the President for Asking for a Judicial Ruling
Every defendant in the country has the right to go to court to challenge every aspect of the prosecutionā€™s case, from witnesses to search warrants to document requests, and so onā€¦ This is the backbone of our legal system. Trump was perfectly within his rights ā€” legally and with regard to historical impeachment precedent ā€” to go to court for a judicial ruling on the issue of subpoenas and documents ā€¦ and this dizzy broad impeached him for it.

Thatā€™s not a strategy. Thatā€™s insanity.



She is an idiot, she did never show any actual laws being broken, not mentioned at all in the charges. She ran an evidence free impeachment show, that is truly idiotic.

How can any miserable lefticrats follow that stupid idea that Trump committed impeachable offences, when Ukraine stated a number of times, there were no pressure, didn't know that aid was paused for a time and that there were no actual Quid pro quo.

Ukraine got their aid in the allotted time frame, with ADDITIONAL military hardware on top of it for free....., that doesn't sound like sour grapes to me.....
Some idiot. She's been head of the House Dems for decades and is 3rd in line for the Presidency. One of only 3 women and the only one not appointed. Where are you in the succession? Just because she doesn't share your values doesn't make her an idiot.

I take it you ignored the sterling examples of her idiocy in the thread, it appears you are not interested in the truth about her.

Quick examples of her stupidity:

She claims impeachment is forever, it is not since he has been aquitted, thus the impeachment charges are now dropped, ALL in public.

She demands Trump lawyers be disbarred, yet doesn't make a case for it, ALL in public.

She states he can't be aquitted, because there were no witnesses in the Senate trial, yet forgets that was the province of the House pursuing the Impeachment investigation, ALL in public.

Just a few of the many stupid statements she has made before the public.

Do I need to go on....?

I don't give a dam about her being Speaker of the House, it doesn't prove she is smart or successful, it only proves she is popular with enough lefticrats who voted for her. Right now she is hurting the party with her displays of stupidity surrounding her hate of President Trump.

Nolte: Impeachment Proves Nancy Pelosi Is an Idiot

John Nolte1 Feb 2020


For more than a decade the media have told us House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is some kind of master strategist. Oh, yes, President Trump has met his match in Madam Pelosiā€¦

Me? Well, Iā€™ve always found her to be something closer to an idiot. But even with my low opinion of her, never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined she would botch this impeachment as badly as she did.

Seriouslyā€¦ wow.


Pelosiā€™s impeachment ā€œstrategyā€ baffles me beyond words, because I see no strategy. In fact, when I close my eyes and attempt to picture Pelosiā€™s impeachment strategy, I see Brian Stelter giggling as he tries to snatch a pork chop away from a ravenous Rosie Oā€™Donnell. In other words, no strategy, just impulse and appetite that cannot end well.

Forget your biases, your own beliefs, your likes or dislike of those involved, and ask yourself what in the world Pelosi was thinking as I tick through theseā€¦

  1. Impeaching the President with No Crime
The questions surrounding Joe Bidenā€™s corruption in Ukraine are not only legitimate, Trump has a responsibility to look into it. Pelosi impeached him for something that was not only not a crime, it wasnā€™t even unethical.

  1. Impeaching the President for Asking for a Judicial Ruling
Every defendant in the country has the right to go to court to challenge every aspect of the prosecutionā€™s case, from witnesses to search warrants to document requests, and so onā€¦ This is the backbone of our legal system. Trump was perfectly within his rights ā€” legally and with regard to historical impeachment precedent ā€” to go to court for a judicial ruling on the issue of subpoenas and documents ā€¦ and this dizzy broad impeached him for it.

Thatā€™s not a strategy. Thatā€™s insanity.



She is an idiot, she did never show any actual laws being broken, not mentioned at all in the charges. She ran an evidence free impeachment show, that is truly idiotic.

How can any miserable lefticrats follow that stupid idea that Trump committed impeachable offences, when Ukraine stated a number of times, there were no pressure, didn't know that aid was paused for a time and that there were no actual Quid pro quo.

Ukraine got their aid in the allotted time frame, with ADDITIONAL military hardware on top of it for free....., that doesn't sound like sour grapes to me.....
Some idiot. She's been head of the House Dems for decades and is 3rd in line for the Presidency. One of only 3 women and the only one not appointed. Where are you in the succession? Just because she doesn't share your values doesn't make her an idiot.

I take it you ignored the sterling examples of her idiocy in the thread, it appears you are not interested in the truth about her.

Quick examples of her stupidity:

She claims impeachment is forever, it is not since he has been aquitted, thus the impeachment charges are now dropped, ALL in public.

She demands Trump lawyers be disbarred, yet doesn't make a case for it, ALL in public.

She states he can't be aquitted, because there were no witnesses in the Senate trial, yet forgets that was the province of the House pursuing the Impeachment investigation, ALL in public.

Just a few of the many stupid statements she has made before the public.

Do I need to go on....?

I don't give a dam about her being Speaker of the House, it doesn't prove she is smart or successful, it only proves she is popular with enough lefticrats who voted for her. Right now she is hurting the party with her displays of stupidity surrounding her hate of President Trump.
Sorry but she is no idiot. What your examples prove is that she is a very clever politician. I wonder if you judge Trump but the same standards?

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