No Indictment in Eric Garner Case


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
Another White Police officer has got off scot free for killing a Black Man who was just trying to sell some untaxed cigarettes. (Collecting taxes is the most important thing Government least the Government thinks so.)

And here in this case we have video of the White cop killing the Black man........using a tactic which I understand to have been disapproved by police procedure...And it is reasonable to assume that it was disapproved because it was considered to be too dangerous.

But, just like in Missouri, the Grand Jury let the White Cop off. I agreed the White cop in Missouri.

I assume, the Sharpton/Obama/Holder....the Red State ProgressiveLiberal/Socialist.....the Yale Pinhead...those Hollywood assholes ......all are apoplectic-----as they ought to be....This case in New York is far more offensive in my opinion.

But will they let them burn New York down? In the same way they turned a blind eye to the mayhem perpetrated on the Good Citizens in Ferguson....where, Police and National Guard were paralyzed by a fear of roughing up a Black Arsonist.

Is the White Cop in the South to be presumed to have acted out of racial animus; but the one in New York not be thus presumed. Will Eric Holder investigate the New York police force like they are the one in Ferguson?

Your turn New York.

Lets see how you do.

Here's a hint from deep down South. That Conversation on Race they are going to want to have.....well, its a Listening Process. The only time you get to say anything is when they ask:

"What have you done for me lately?"
The guy was just selling cigarettes,, seems to me there is a problem with their police proceedure if that guy died. This is a really tough one to take, I really would have figured it to go to trial.
The Garner case is completely different than the Ferguson make believe case.
Garner repeatedly said "I can't breath...I can't breath...please I can't breath"...but the power monger police would not let up.
I do not believe the cop attempted to kill Garner, yet I do believe he and the others on top of them are responsible for his death. It is beyond unreasonable to not let up enough to see if Garner was in trouble.
That's so fucking wrong!

The cop acted like a fucking Nazi scumbag

I actually agree to an extent. When thinking of a Nazi, one thinks of brutality without recourse. And that is exactly what happened here. The police involved were overly brutal and Mr. Garner had zero chance to change his outcome. And with a non-indictment, neither does his family who are also victims.
Even if I disagree, I would encourage supporters not to react in the same manner that the people in Ferguson did. They should redeem themselves, show the world they aren't crazed, angry and violent when a ruling goes against them.
I will go on to say that in hindsight, both men were resisting arrest. Garner outwieghed the officer by 150 pounds. Micheal Brown similarly so, since it took more than 5 bullets to bring him down. Had both men simply surrendered they would be alive.
The officer who used the chokehold will be fired. It's clearly against department policy.
Didnt he die of a heart attack hours later??? Pretty sure he was stood up and walked on his own while cuffed.
Haven't read much about this case. The cop using the choke hold should be fired and charged with battery.

But, can the heart attack that occurred later to be tied to the choke hold? Not sure.

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