Newt has a 60% unfavorability rate

I don't know if Newt can beat Obama... I have not even made a choice of what REP candidate I support yer (but I better get my scorecard done soon)... but I do believe that Newt would be slightly better than Obama, even in a worst case scenario...

As for an unfavorable rating... in the long run, I don't see where his unfavorable rating would end up any worse than Obama and they would probably be on a level playing field on that aspect of the race.... many simply will never vote for Newt, just as many of us will never vote for Obama.... I guess it comes to how many would abstain, how many would vote for the other just out of spite, how many would vote 3rd party, how many would bite the bullet and vote for what they believe to be the lesser of two evils, and how many would vote just to try and change the crap we have now... only time will tell, I guess


Newt's personality is that of an egomaniac of the first order. He would be a disaster as president, regardless of his political beliefs.

At SOME point, I would hope that most partisans, regardless from which end of the political spectrum they hail, would reject candidates from their own party who are mentally unfit for the office of president. Newt is one of those people. (So is Ron Paul, by the way)

And Obama is not an ego maniacal douche :rolleyes:

No. There's a difference between a person who's successful in their field who has a health (even an inflated) ego, and an egomaniacal person.

For example? Bush 43 is person with a healthy ego based on life accomplishments. Keep in mind that while I never supported Bush for president, I didn't turn on his presidency until he invaded Iraq. His Constitutional and legal violations when it came to FISA and torture only sealed my negative impressions of him. But I don't believe that the self-described 'decider' is an egomaniac.

Donald Trump is an example of an egomaniacal person.
None of that is going to make any difference.

Newt has tapped into something far more basic.

Newt's personality is that of an egomaniac of the first order. He would be a disaster as president, regardless of his political beliefs.

At SOME point, I would hope that most partisans, regardless from which end of the political spectrum they hail, would reject candidates from their own party who are mentally unfit for the office of president. Newt is one of those people. (So is Ron Paul, by the way)

And Obama is not an ego maniacal douche :rolleyes:

No. There's a difference between a person who's successful in their field who has a health (even an inflated) ego, and an egomaniacal person.

For example? Bush 43 is person with a healthy ego based on life accomplishments. Keep in mind that while I never supported Bush for president, I didn't turn on his presidency until he invaded Iraq. His Constitutional and legal violations when it came to FISA and torture only sealed my negative impressions of him. But I don't believe that the self-described 'decider' is an egomaniac.

Donald Trump is an example of an egomaniacal person.

And I WOULD put Obama in the same category with Trump on that
And yet he beat Romney in South Carolina and is leading in Florida.

Guess the "Unavailability rate" is another BS poll statistic.

In South Carolina, Newt was running in a the Republican Primary in a very, very conservative state. It's not how the GOP votes or even the Dems, it's how the independent voter votes and they tend to be much more picky that folks who are affiliated with the GOP or Dems.

conservative state? The last two elections they gave us McCain and Newt. Hardly conservative candidates.

But then there is Romney and the vote for anyone BUT Romney! :eusa_whistle:
Ooopsie, looks like Mittens is just as unpopular as Newt.

Public sours on Romney in January - Behind the Numbers - The Washington Post

Among independents, Romney’s unfavorable rating now tops 50 percent — albeit by a single point — a first in Post-ABC polling back to 2006. Just two weeks ago, more independents had favorable than unfavorable views of Romney; now, it’s 2 to 1 negative.
From the National Review

Gingrich has been a nationally known figure for a long time: when the economy was booming and when it has been in a slump; when Republicans were on top and when the public disliked them; when the national mood was sunny and when it was sour. Amid all the tumult of the last 18 years there has been this constant: Gingrich has never been popular. Polls have never shown more than 43 percent of the public viewing him favorably at any point in his career. Gingrich backers say that he is inspiring. What he mostly seems to inspire is opposition.

It should go without saying that Gingrich also offers more material than the other candidates for Democrats to drive his numbers in the wrong direction. Any Republican nominee will draw criticism for being too biased toward the rich. Not every Republican nominee will be attacked for cruelty in his personal life.

Hour of Newt - The Editors - National Review Online
Ooopsie, looks like Mittens is just as unpopular as Newt.

Public sours on Romney in January - Behind the Numbers - The Washington Post

Among independents, Romney’s unfavorable rating now tops 50 percent — albeit by a single point — a first in Post-ABC polling back to 2006. Just two weeks ago, more independents had favorable than unfavorable views of Romney; now, it’s 2 to 1 negative.

Yeah, that's what happens when even the people who are supposed to be championing conservative values sell their souls to try to put down the guy who has the kind of experience our nation most desperately needs.

When Obama wins in November we can thank Newt in two ways. We can thank him for trying to convince Americans that Mitt's strength is a weakness, and we can thank him for being an immoral clown.
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Ooopsie, looks like Mittens is just as unpopular as Newt.

Public sours on Romney in January - Behind the Numbers - The Washington Post

Among independents, Romney’s unfavorable rating now tops 50 percent — albeit by a single point — a first in Post-ABC polling back to 2006. Just two weeks ago, more independents had favorable than unfavorable views of Romney; now, it’s 2 to 1 negative.

Yeah, that's what happens when even the people who are supposed to be championing conservative values sell their souls to try to put down the guy who has the kind of experience our nation most desperately needs.

When Obama wins in November we can thank Newt in two ways. We can thank him for trying to convince Americans that Mitt's strength is a weakness, and we can thank him for being an immoral clown.

I'm sorry, I think the last thing we need right now is more downsizing, more replacing good paying jobs with McJobs, and more sending good jobs overseas, because that's pretty much what Mittens did.

Mitt's problem isn't Gingrich. Any more than it was Cain, Perry, or anyone else he ran behind at various points.

Mitt's problem is Mitt. Republicans don't trust him, don't like him and don't think he shares their values.

But I think it's a larger problem. The GOP has always been this coalition between the wealthy and powerful and a section of the middle class.

That section, which the GOP simply can't win an election without- consists of religious, social, security and small government conservatives.

They do not go to bed thinking, "I would just hate it if Rush Limbaugh couldn't buy another mansion".

But that's the section of the GOP Mitt Represents. Oh, he'll mouth the concerns of security Republicans or Social Conservatives, but we don't think he really means it.
Approval ratings cut across party lines. Newt winning by 12 points in a primary is no indication of how he would do in the general election. The OP is right.
Obama laughing"

Nor is it only Democrats who disapprove. Over a political career of nearly 40 years, Gingrich has convinced almost everybody who has ever worked closely with him that he cannot and should not be trusted with executive power.

The reaction to Gingrich's poll surge in December was panic among senior Republicans, and the panic is only intensifying now. It's striking that almost none of Gingrich's former colleagues in the House has endorsed him for president. Striking that nobody associated with a past Republican presidential association has done so.

He is a candidate of talk-show hosts and local activists -- and of course of Rick Perry and Sarah Palin -- but not of those who know him best and have worked with him most closely. Gingrich may raise more money after his South Carolina win. But prediction: Romney will raise even more, among the great national network of Republicans who recognize that to nominate Gingrich is to commit party suicide.

Why GOP leaders don't trust Gingrich -
If Daniels gets into the race, he is going to have to make a strong case as to why he got to just sit back and do absolutely nothing for months and States and explain why he should just waltz in and expect a place at the front. NOT!
BTW, Nancy Pelosi supposedly has some damaging INside info about Newt, blah, blah, blah. So, Nancy Beeotch, come forth. If you have something on Newt that is so terrible and bad for the nation, then she has a duty to come forth NOW and report.

If Romney is the only candidate who can beat Obama, then :clap2:.



Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Florida GOP Primary: Gingrich 41%, Romney 32%

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

After his game-changing win in South Carolina, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich continues to ride his surge to the front of the pack among likely Republican primary voters nationwide. He now leads Mitt Romney by seven points.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely GOP Primary Voters shows Gingrich with 35% of the vote, representing an eight-point increase in support from last week. Former Massachusetts Governor Romney now draws 28%. Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum’s support is little changed at 16%, while Texas Congressman Ron Paul picks up 10%.

Just two percent (2%) prefer some other candidate in the race, while nine percent (9%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

A week ago, it was Romney 30%, Gingrich 27%, Santorum 15% and Paul 13%. Texas Governor Rick Perry who has since dropped out of the race and endorsed Gingrich earned four percent (4%) in that survey.

Support for Gingrich has jumped a total of 19 points in two surveys since early January, while Romney's support has held steady in that same period.
Newt is going to win Florida.

The Republican establishment only bolsters his lead by attempting to tear him down.

Pelosi and the liberal don't want to run against Newt.

Pelosi has claimed twice that she has damning evidence that will destroy Newt's chances of election in order to frighten Republican primary voters.

Making the claim once is a mistake...doing it twice reveals the charade.

If Pelosi actually had this toxic information on Newt, it would be the most closely guarded secret in America.

If she had something that would guarantee a win for Obama...her hero...she would want nothing more than for Newt to win the primary.

By twice attempting to sway votes away from Gingrich with her "secret knowledge" she reveals that Liberals would much rather Obama run against Romney than Gingrich.

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