Newt has a 60% unfavorability rate

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Yea... that was my take on it. Romney ain't a 'DC' boy.... he's not a congresscritter. He's a Governor. Governors - outsiders, congresscritters - insiders. Not rocket science.

That's BS though and everyone should know it. Governor, US senator, Congressmen, State Congressperson. Don't Matter they are all in the same party's and play the same games. Were Deluding ourselves if we think there is a difference.

That's why we need public financing of elections. We're not paying, so they're not listening.

So your solution to them not coming to us is to have themselves get checks from the government so they need to come to us less?
The fact that there is sooo much Dem and media hysteria over Newt tells me he is a real and credible threat to Obama and the liberal agenda.

I love it how people see this as hysteria by the Dems and media. It was the same with Palin. Every time I hear that Palin or Newt is winning, I hear Dems getting hysterical all right. Hysterical with glee. They WANT these guys to run. Don't you get it? If Newt wins the primary, Obama doesn't even need to turn up to win. It'll be a foregone conclusion....

Maybe or maybe not. I guess we will see on election day.
The fact that there is sooo much Dem and media hysteria over Newt tells me he is a real and credible threat to Obama and the liberal agenda.

You believe that - if it helps get you through the day. I just don't see how he can win independents over.... independents - unlike the rabid hounds on both sides - tend not to fall for the hype and hissy fittin'. :eusa_angel:

Who cares about the "In-de-pen-dents" ? I always think of Herbie the Elf saying that in "Santa Clause is Coming to Town". I want to be "In de pen dent". Uh huh. Obviously Newt appealed to plenty of people in SC.

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The fact that there is sooo much Dem and media hysteria over Newt tells me he is a real and credible threat to Obama and the liberal agenda.

I love it how people see this as hysteria by the Dems and media. It was the same with Palin. Every time I hear that Palin or Newt is winning, I hear Dems getting hysterical all right. Hysterical with glee. They WANT these guys to run. Don't you get it? If Newt wins the primary, Obama doesn't even need to turn up to win. It'll be a foregone conclusion....

Oh, no. We are scared. Really we are.
Whatever. I don't really care if you or Obama is one way or the other.

He doesn't have to be popular, just more popular than Obama.

Obama's unfavorability is about 50%... So I don't worry about it that much.

I know that Romney is simply an awful candidate that looks like a used car salesman. Most Republicans don't want him, and Newt is just the only guy who survived the barrage of slime the Establishment doled out.

If I had the option of voting for Mitch Daniels or John Thune or Sky Pixie Help Me- even Jeb Bush, I'd vote for him happily.

You guys gave me the option of Romney or whatever not-Romney is available,and right now, that happens to be Newt.
The more partisan Republicans clearly have themselves talked into the notion that Newt can beat Obama. Okay, sure, why not. I understand how partisan ideology tends to distort reality for folks on both ends of the spectrum, I see it all the time. Not going to argue, why bother.

Back to the real world now: Obama is an incredibly vulnerable President, and the GOP's best chance is if they can somehow warp the system and cram another candidate in there quickly. I don't think it can be done, but I sure as hell know they're trying. And why would they be trying if their "field" was so strong?

The more partisan Republicans clearly have themselves talked into the notion that Newt can beat Obama.

A blind, retarded chimp could beat Obama, asswipe.
You're just too fucking stupid/love-struck to see that. Take your mouth off Obama's ass for a moment and smell the coffee.
The more partisan Republicans clearly have themselves talked into the notion that Newt can beat Obama. Okay, sure, why not. I understand how partisan ideology tends to distort reality for folks on both ends of the spectrum, I see it all the time. Not going to argue, why bother.

Back to the real world now: Obama is an incredibly vulnerable President, and the GOP's best chance is if they can somehow warp the system and cram another candidate in there quickly. I don't think it can be done, but I sure as hell know they're trying. And why would they be trying if their "field" was so strong?


A couple of things.

First, this election will be first and foremost a referendum on Obama. People will ask the qeustion "Are you better off than you were four years ago". And the answer to that question doesn't change wheter it is Newt or Mittens.

Second, for me, anyway, winning isn't everything. Romney is a further step in the wrong direction, just like McCain was a step in the wrong direction in that he conceded too many of the points. I would even argue Mr. "Compassionate Conservativism" was a step in the wrong direction. The Government is not your mommy.

The Democrats have been moving further to the right (Obama not withstanding) and the Republicans further to the left, pretty soon, it really is going to be a choice between personalities and not policies.
The more partisan Republicans clearly have themselves talked into the notion that Newt can beat Obama.

A blind, retarded chimp could beat Obama, asswipe.
You're just too fucking stupid/love-struck to see that. Take your mouth off Obama's ass for a moment and smell the coffee.

I wouldn't be too sure about that. It is Obama's to lose. He is the incumbent, he has the advantage. People really don't like change as much as they claim to and often vote for the status quo. Assuming a sure bet on either side is the height of stupidity and will come back to bite ya.
The more partisan Republicans clearly have themselves talked into the notion that Newt can beat Obama.

A blind, retarded chimp could beat Obama, asswipe.
You're just too fucking stupid/love-struck to see that. Take your mouth off Obama's ass for a moment and smell the coffee.

And yet another impressive private message:

Hi, you have received -408 reputation points from Warrior102.
Reputation was given for this post.

Suck on this, ya assfucking little beaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatch


A few things here:

First of all, what is a "reputation point" and why do they matter? Mr Warrior obviously places a high priority on them, so they must be very important to his self esteem, such as it is. He's certainly a fascinating sociological study, isn't he?

Second, I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that Mr Warrior is a conservative but not a Christian conservative. Claiming to be a Christian while consistently spouting such vulgarity would be kind of a reach, wouldn't it?

Third, judging from his posts and his photo, I'd also think that Mr Warrior represents a symbol of everything that many find distasteful about hardcore conservatism. How many think he realizes he's essentially a helpful caricature of the hard right, or that he would even care if he DID know?

Finally, he provides a vivid illustration of my original point: Partisan ideology tends to distort reality for folks on both ends of the spectrum. All I have to do is introduce the theory and someone will jump right in to prove it.

Too funny.

The more partisan Republicans clearly have themselves talked into the notion that Newt can beat Obama.

A blind, retarded chimp could beat Obama, asswipe.
You're just too fucking stupid/love-struck to see that. Take your mouth off Obama's ass for a moment and smell the coffee.

You are nothing more than a crude, ignorant, little boy. Why don't you try to really contribute something for a change?? Your posts are really tiresome. Was, "asswipe" the first word you ever learned??
I don't know if Newt can beat Obama... I have not even made a choice of what REP candidate I support yer (but I better get my scorecard done soon)... but I do believe that Newt would be slightly better than Obama, even in a worst case scenario...

As for an unfavorable rating... in the long run, I don't see where his unfavorable rating would end up any worse than Obama and they would probably be on a level playing field on that aspect of the race.... many simply will never vote for Newt, just as many of us will never vote for Obama.... I guess it comes to how many would abstain, how many would vote for the other just out of spite, how many would vote 3rd party, how many would bite the bullet and vote for what they believe to be the lesser of two evils, and how many would vote just to try and change the crap we have now... only time will tell, I guess
I don't know if Newt can beat Obama... I have not even made a choice of what REP candidate I support yer (but I better get my scorecard done soon)... but I do believe that Newt would be slightly better than Obama, even in a worst case scenario...

As for an unfavorable rating... in the long run, I don't see where his unfavorable rating would end up any worse than Obama and they would probably be on a level playing field on that aspect of the race.... many simply will never vote for Newt, just as many of us will never vote for Obama.... I guess it comes to how many would abstain, how many would vote for the other just out of spite, how many would vote 3rd party, how many would bite the bullet and vote for what they believe to be the lesser of two evils, and how many would vote just to try and change the crap we have now... only time will tell, I guess


Newt's personality is that of an egomaniac of the first order. He would be a disaster as president, regardless of his political beliefs.

At SOME point, I would hope that most partisans, regardless from which end of the political spectrum they hail, would reject candidates from their own party who are mentally unfit for the office of president. Newt is one of those people. (So is Ron Paul, by the way)
I don't know if Newt can beat Obama... I have not even made a choice of what REP candidate I support yer (but I better get my scorecard done soon)... but I do believe that Newt would be slightly better than Obama, even in a worst case scenario...

As for an unfavorable rating... in the long run, I don't see where his unfavorable rating would end up any worse than Obama and they would probably be on a level playing field on that aspect of the race.... many simply will never vote for Newt, just as many of us will never vote for Obama.... I guess it comes to how many would abstain, how many would vote for the other just out of spite, how many would vote 3rd party, how many would bite the bullet and vote for what they believe to be the lesser of two evils, and how many would vote just to try and change the crap we have now... only time will tell, I guess


Newt's personality is that of an egomaniac of the first order. He would be a disaster as president, regardless of his political beliefs.

At SOME point, I would hope that most partisans, regardless from which end of the political spectrum they hail, would reject candidates from their own party who are mentally unfit for the office of president. Newt is one of those people. (So is Ron Paul, by the way)

And Obama is not an ego maniacal douche :rolleyes:

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