Newsweek: Trump 'Merry Christmas' = Dog Whistle to White Nationalists, Nazis, Racists, etc


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
You know, libtards, sometimes a cigar is just a mother fucking cigar.

Todd Starnes: CNN is a race-baiting, anti-Trump network

"Trump has been using the so-called war on Christmas to wage a culture war that pits multicultural liberals against Christian conservatives. He began doing this long before Christmas. Meanwhile, some members of the religious right support Trump’s most nationalist, race-baiting form of political rhetoric, including his reclaiming of Christmas," Newsweek declared.

Newsweek moaned about how the president is "promoting a version of the holidays that excludes members of other religions, and that his crusade to bring back Christmas is part of a larger attempt by the president to define America as a country for white Christians alone."

Apparently Newsweek is unaware that many African-Americans and Asian-Americans and Hispanic-Americas celebrate the Christmas season, too.

"Wishing people merry Christmas' instead of 'happy holidays' is thus in line with Trump’s decision to ban citizens of Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States, critics say. It fits neatly with his refusal to condemn white supremacists when they march against diversity, and with his condemnation of athletes who protest police brutality against black men," the magazine noted.

Far be it from me to offer psychological advice, but it sounds to me like Newsweek is a few nuts shy of a fruitcake.

However, the mainstream media holds fast to its belief that Christmas is supposed to be some sort of all-inclusive, one-ornament-fits-all, religiously-neutral holiday.

And yet they don't seem to have a problem with the exclusivity of other religious holidays -- like Ramadan. Why don't we hear Don Lemon demanding that Muslim holidays be inclusive?

I believe I know the answer.

It’s because the attacks on President Trump and Christmas have nothing to do with inclusivity. It’s about marginalizing people of faith and silencing Christianity in the public square.

In fairness to CNN and Newsweek, President Trump is sending the nation a coded-message. He's telling us that it's OK to say "Merry Christmas." He's telling us that he understands and recognizes the reason for the season.
And Trump is making all that WHITE snow fall on America too
Black Friday Like Whoa:
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Didn't you know? Every quantum of matter in the universe is somehow WAAAAAYYYCIST, Nazi or Hitler. Even the eclipse last summer was racist, according to liberals, because it crossed over the whitest parts of the country.
I think that most people of all religions are mature enough to accept "Merry Christmas" for what it is: the traditional greeting in the United States at this time of the year.

As far as I know, the United States is still a primarily Christian nation.

So when an American says "Merry Christmas," s/he is simply carrying on a tradition.

I would like to think that a non-Christian living in the States would understand that.

If a non-Christian were to become upset, then maybe it would be a good idea to keep away from such an immature person.


Nevertheless, our country is changing.

It is becoming a very liberal country in which people are expected to be very sensitive and inclusive.

So I can understand why most people prefer to simply say "Happy Holidays."

(Personally, I am glad that President Trump said "Merry Christmas." I assume that as the nation changes, that greeting will be heard less and less in our country.)
For awhile now I've been disgusted how some have used religion to mock political opponents. Those maintaining Trumps is a phony on matters of Christianity sit in no better judgement than those who attack Obama's claim of being a Christian. A few weeks ago I heard a pastor speak the need to put "Christ" back into "Christian" and felt, ain't that the truth!
I think that most people of all religions are mature enough to accept "Merry Christmas" for what it is: the traditional greeting in the United States at this time of the year.

As far as I know, the United States is still a primarily Christian nation.

So when an American says "Merry Christmas," s/he is simply carrying on a tradition.

I would like to think that a non-Christian living in the States would understand that.

If a non-Christian were to become upset, then maybe it would be a good idea to keep away from such an immature person.


Nevertheless, our country is changing.

It is becoming a very liberal country in which people are expected to be very sensitive and inclusive.

So I can understand why most people prefer to simply say "Happy Holidays."

(Personally, I am glad that President Trump said "Merry Christmas." I assume that as the nation changes, that greeting will be heard less and less in our country.)
No, we are not a Christian nation, we are a secular nation in which Christianity is the primary religion. And this old lib still says 'Merry Christmas' to all. Like 'The war on Christmas', another fake campaign on the part of the far right wing nuts.

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