New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot


Confederate Flag Designer Said It Is A Symbol Of White Supremacy - Not Southern Heritage
The Confederate flag largely disappeared after the Civil War. The fight against civil rights brought it back.
By Logan Strother, Thomas Ogorzalek and Spencer PistonJune 12 at 6:00 AM


It wasn’t until 1948 that the Confederate flag re-emerged as a potent political symbol. The reason was the Dixiecrat revolt — when Strom Thurmond led a walkout of white Southerners from the Democratic National Convention to protest President Harry S. Truman’s push for civil rights. The Dixiecrats began to use the Confederate flag, which sparked further public interest in it.

Consequently, the flag became strongly linked to white supremacy and opposition to civil rights for African Americans. In 1951, Rep. John Rankin (D-Miss.), a very outspoken segregationist, proudly announced that he had “never seen as many Confederate flags in all my life as I have observed floating here in Washington during the last few months.” Rankin himself wore a Confederate flag necktie to serve as a constant reminder of his opposition to “beastly” integration policies.

In 1954, the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education, which ordered the desegregation of public primary schools, focused the energies and ire of hardcore segregationists throughout the South. Efforts to resist school integration and other civil rights protections for African Americans included the display of Confederate symbols and especially the Confederate battle flag.



Analysis | The Confederate flag largely disappeared after the Civil War. The fight against civil rights brought it back.

3 2 1 ...

1. That is not the Confederate flag. That is the Second Confederate Naval Jack. Here is an illustration that shows the various flags of the Confederacy.

2. The Naval Jack and the battle flag (square shaped cross flag) were used only in battle to defend the homes and communities of the South from the Total War of the Union states who were not going to allow the South to have a free trade zone that would make northern tariffs impossible to collect. These flags were NEVER used in any kind of slave activity. It did not hang in slave markets, in courts that returned escape slaves, etc.

3. The history of your article is bullshit. Sons of Confederate Veterans have been using the old Confederate battle flags in ceremonies honoring the Confederate fallen ever since the end of the civil war. Many Southern states also built the battle flag into their own state flags. Missippi has the full battle flag incorporated in its flag since like 1890. There was never a lull in the honor and use of the Confederate Battle Flag, though the flag of the Confederacy has long been forgotten itself and most people dont even recognise it. For example Georgias state flag now does look very similar to the old Confederacies first national flag, lol.

4. The Confederate Battle flag will never be forgotten nor its meaning besmerched by ideological hide bound leftist or shallow minded media talking heads. The millions of casualties in the Civil War have defined the meaning of that flag far more than these ass holes can ever squeeze out of their cranial sphincters.
Republican kkk = Fake and from your own link he's a dumbocrate. You realy need to read your own B/S

After the Civil War ended, Thompson, who was a fervent supporter of the Democrats, opposed the Republican Party's efforts for over taxation of the southern states.[1][2] He died on March 24, 1882 in Savannah, Georgia.[1]

Political party Democratic[1][2]


Ummm..... in 1863 the Democratic Party was the only one that existed in the South, Jizzhat. The Whigs and Know Nothings were gone, the Constitutional Unionists folded after 1860, and the Republicans didn't even organize there until after the War. Lincoln's name never appeared on a ballot in the South.

What other political party could this guy -- or anybody -- have possibly been with? The Greens?

Fun fact -- on the same date exactly 81 years later the Ku Klux Klan officially dissolved after being handed an IRS liability for two-thirds of a million bucks.
Republican kkk = Fake and from your own link he's a dumbocrate. You realy need to read your own B/S

After the Civil War ended, Thompson, who was a fervent supporter of the Democrats, opposed the Republican Party's efforts for over taxation of the southern states.[1][2] He died on March 24, 1882 in Savannah, Georgia.[1]

Political party Democratic[1][2]

Why is it that Republican Alt-Right declare they're White Supremacists?
Alt-right - Wikipedia
Richard Spencer appropriated the term in 2010 to define a movement centered on white nationalism, and has been accused by some media publications of doing so to whitewash overt racism, white supremacism, and neo-Nazism.[11][12][13][14][15] The term drew considerable media attention and controversy during and after the 2016 US presidential election.[16]
Why is it that Republican Alt-Right declare they're White Supremacists?
Alt-right - Wikipedia
Richard Spencer appropriated the term in 2010 to define a movement centered on white nationalism, and has been accused by some media publications of doing so to whitewash overt racism, white supremacism, and neo-Nazism.[11][12][13][14][15] The term drew considerable media attention and controversy during and after the 2016 US presidential election.[16]
There is no one spokesman for alt-right folks and it encompasses a wide variety of people.

But since you dont seem to grasp the difference between a White Supremacist and a White Nationalist, I am not going to bother explaining it.
Why is it that Republican Alt-Right declare they're White Supremacists?
Alt-right - Wikipedia
Richard Spencer appropriated the term in 2010 to define a movement centered on white nationalism, and has been accused by some media publications of doing so to whitewash overt racism, white supremacism, and neo-Nazism.[11][12][13][14][15] The term drew considerable media attention and controversy during and after the 2016 US presidential election.[16]
There is no one spokesman for alt-right folks and it encompasses a wide variety of people.

But since you dont seem to grasp the difference between a White Supremacist and a White Nationalist, I am not going to bother explaining it.

Political Junky has about as much credibility as a needle in a condom dispenser.
The Alt Right is white supremacist, yes.

They are neo-Nazis, yes.

And they support Russia over America, yes.

"We think that symbols matter here, and we want the symbols in the city to reflect really who New Orleans is."

Many cities would erect a statue in honor of their 300th anniversary. New Orleans, set to celebrate its 300th birthday in 2018, will be tearing several down.

The City Council voted 6-1 Thursday in favor of removing four Confederate monuments, a proposal that has generated much controversy since Mayor Mitch Landrieu called for their relocation this summer, following a fatal shooting at a historic black church in South Carolina.

The statues include a large monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee located near the city center, one of Jefferson Davis (the first -- and only -- president of the Confederate States of America), and one of Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard. A fourth, which acknowledges the Battle of Liberty Place, will also be moved.

More: New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot

It's good to see racist symbols of the old south being removed. Gone with the wind...
Mitch Landrieu is a piece of fucking shit.
Used to go to Frenchman St. (Rue Frenchman) during my visits to N.O. I will never spend another dime there again.

"We think that symbols matter here, and we want the symbols in the city to reflect really who New Orleans is."

Many cities would erect a statue in honor of their 300th anniversary. New Orleans, set to celebrate its 300th birthday in 2018, will be tearing several down.

The City Council voted 6-1 Thursday in favor of removing four Confederate monuments, a proposal that has generated much controversy since Mayor Mitch Landrieu called for their relocation this summer, following a fatal shooting at a historic black church in South Carolina.

The statues include a large monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee located near the city center, one of Jefferson Davis (the first -- and only -- president of the Confederate States of America), and one of Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard. A fourth, which acknowledges the Battle of Liberty Place, will also be moved.

More: New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot

It's good to see racist symbols of the old south being removed. Gone with the wind...
Mitch Landrieu is a piece of fucking shit.

Aren't you the same asshat who just tried to tell a high school in Indiana how it should ignore its own rules?
Now you wanna pontificate on how New Orleans runs itself too?

Any reason you can't just MYOFB?
I hope the fucking Saints lose every game and God curses that puke fucking city with another Katrina.

"We think that symbols matter here, and we want the symbols in the city to reflect really who New Orleans is."

Many cities would erect a statue in honor of their 300th anniversary. New Orleans, set to celebrate its 300th birthday in 2018, will be tearing several down.

The City Council voted 6-1 Thursday in favor of removing four Confederate monuments, a proposal that has generated much controversy since Mayor Mitch Landrieu called for their relocation this summer, following a fatal shooting at a historic black church in South Carolina.

The statues include a large monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee located near the city center, one of Jefferson Davis (the first -- and only -- president of the Confederate States of America), and one of Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard. A fourth, which acknowledges the Battle of Liberty Place, will also be moved.

More: New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot

It's good to see racist symbols of the old south being removed. Gone with the wind...
Mitch Landrieu is a piece of fucking shit.

Aren't you the same asshat who just tried to tell a high school in Indiana how it should ignore its own rules?
Now you wanna pontificate on how New Orleans runs itself too?

Any reason you can't just MYOFB?
Those are symbols that belong to the whole state. If put to a vote...they would stay up.
Jake, what have you been smoking? You know that's not true.
I doubt Jake knows much of anything other than what his DNC Talking Points memo says he is to repeat.
See, you can't do any better than that, Jim, because you don't have anything to confront the truth. The Alt Right is trying to hijack the GOP behind the Trump phenomena, but now the truth about the collusion is coming to fore and Trump stumbles from mistake to mistake, and America is waking up.
Used to go to Frenchman St. (Rue Frenchman) during my visits to N.O. I will never spend another dime there again.

Yeah I'm sure that will bring Frenchmen St. to its knees since you've spent so much time there you can't even spell it (EN not AN).

Most popular nightlife in town, but you staying home to make six more whine posts on a message board spells the end of that. Jeepers what will they do.

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