New Hampshire Primary - Midnight Vote

Mrs. M.

Man Feed Guest Writer
Nov 2, 2015

According to a long tradition, Dixville Notch, a small community with a population of 12 people, cast the first votes at midnight. Nine people turned out. It was announced early this morning that John Kasich won most of their vote with Donald Trump coming in 2nd.. It was a strong confirmation for John Kasich, who scored big at last Saturday night's debate.

Millsville, with a population of 29 people, revived their tradition of a midnight vote. Last night 18 people showed up to cast their votes. Ted Cruz received 9, Trump 3 and the rest went to 6 different candidates including one vote for Rand Paul.

Harts is the 3rd location where early voting took place. Vote results: Kaisich received 5 votes, Donald Trump 4, Chris Christie 2, Dr. Carson, Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush each received 1 vote. Sanders beat Hillary Clinton 12-7.

Is this an early prediction of something?

Breitbart news reported inner polling results the day after the debate. It was a major shuffle for some candidates. Internal Polling Shows Marco Rubio Crashes, Burns After Horrendous Debate Performance - Breitbart

Trump 30%

Kasich 14%

Bush 13%

Carson 12%

Rubio 9%

Christie 6%

It looks like Sanders has a strong chance of defeating Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire. Expect John Kaisich to do very well in New Hampshire today. I believe he's earned 2nd place in New Hampshire. Donald Trump should continue to hold 1st place while Rubio falls further behind - to 4th or 5th place.

If John Kasich is able to take 2nd place in today's Primary, he will gain huge momentum and early funding. I believe Bush may be able to take 3rd and push Cruz back to 4th place. Christie did very well in the debate and I expect him to do better in New Hampshire than he did in Iowa.

After Iowa, the thought has crossed my mind that someone may try to fix the New Hampshire primary. If that happens, I would expect to hear news of a “huge surge” for Marco Rubio – putting him in 3rd place. Inner poll results have consistently predicted Rubio is finishing 4th or 5th place now. After Saturday night's debate, I'd find it impossible to believe he would place in the top three.

Some people scoff at the idea of fixed polls and elections. They don't believe it is possible. In this day and age of technology, I find it hard to believe it isn't. Microsoft's Bill Gates volunteering his own technology to tally Iowa votes was alarming news. He's been the 2nd largest contributor to Marco Rubio since 2011.

If there is any vote fraud in New Hampshire we can expect it to produce big numbers for Marco Rubio declaring him 2nd or 3rd in the primary. While we expect that the New Hampshire Primary will be run fairly, there's no guarantee. There is a lot at stake in this primary.

There are 319 polling places in New Hampshire with polling times varying – from 8 a.m. - 7 p.m and 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. We'll know more later this evening as to how much Saturday night's debate effected the New Hampshire Primary.

Until then!

news sources
How Hard Would It Be To Steal The New Hampshire Primary?
Internal Polling Shows Marco Rubio Crashes, Burns After Horrendous Debate Performance - Breitbart
3 Tiny New Hampshire Towns Voted At Midnight. Do They Predict Anything?
Careening to the Finish in New Hampshire
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Pleased to meet You Mrs. M. , welcome to the USMB .. :smile:

I'm thinking the goofy media trends and hype means nothing and the actual vote is all that matters. I'm hoping Trump and Bernie have a great showing as well as Kasich.

fixed polls and elections .. I suppose anythings possible, I trust the media the least.

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